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2017-5-6 07:04 AM
Rime Third Developer Diary

2017-5-11 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-11 07:33 AM 编辑

Rime will no longer cost $10 extra on Switch eShop
Switch 数字版《Rime》降价 10 美金

  再过几天独立游戏《Rime》就要在各大平台发售了,这款曾被玩家称作《ICO》精神续作的游戏因为 Switch 零售版售价高于其他平台 10 美元而收到了玩家的抱怨,不过好在最近开发商 Grey Box 决定 Switch 数字版《Rime》将降价 10 美元!

  因为早期任天堂方面的要求,Switch 平台数字版和卡带版售价必须保持一致。所以才导致 Switch 平台的数字版售价高于其他平台,现在 Grey Box 已经打通障碍,数字版价格维持与 PS4、PC 等各个版本一致 29.99 美元。

  另一方面 Switch 卡带版《Rime》依旧定价为 39.99 美元。对此开发商表示他们没有办法做赔本买卖,不过对于购买卡带版的用户,还将提供下载游戏 OST 的兑换码。

  《Rime》将于 5 月 26 日上市,对应 PC、PS4、XboxOne 平台,Switch 版将于今年夏季上市。

RiME Pricing on Nintendo Switch

Back in March, we announced that the Nintendo Switch version of RiME was going to be released at $39.99. The reason for the higher price was due to the additional development, manufacturing, and publishing costs involved with that port.While some were understanding of these go-to-market costs, there were still a number of folks who weren't happy. We totally understand: nobody wants to pay higher prices.

At Grey Box, we are determined to provide a fair deal for everyone around. And so we discussed how we could do that, without simply selling at a loss, all while also being fair to our retail partners. So, here's what we're doing.

First off, the digital version of RiME on Nintendo Switch will now cost $29.99, the same price as the game on other platforms. So, that’s straightforward enough.

On the physical side, we can’t lower the price without selling at a loss, but we can add more value to the package. And that’s what we’re doing. For the Nintendo Switch version of RiME, all physical copies will include a printed code for a download of the complete, beautiful soundtrack by David García (a sample of which you can find here). You will be able to download the music via Bandcamp in one of the multiple high-quality formats. The soundtrack is planned on being sold separately for $10 in the US (and equivalent prices elsewhere), and so the value you’re going to get out of this will be the same as somebody who purchased a different version of RiME, and then bought the soundtrack.

Like I said, Grey Box’s goals are to provide a great product at a great value. We hope you’ll find this new offering to be fair. Personally, we’re excited about it, because we want as many people as possible to hear David’s music! Regardless, we can assure you that no matter which version of RiME you play – and we hope to have a Switch version release date announced shortly – you’re going to have an amazing and touching experience. Thanks very much for your support!

2017-5-26 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-26 06:48 PM 编辑

RiME Launch Trailer, First 15 Minutes and 4K Screens
解谜冒险游戏《RiME》明日上市 宣传片放出

  由Tequila Works开发,Greay Box and Six Foot发行的解谜探险游戏《RiME》将在明天正式登陆XBOX ONE、PS4以及PC平台,官方也正式放出了本作的发售宣传片。需要提一点的是,《RiME》的NS版正在制作当中,并将在今年夏天之前正式发售。

  《RiME》最早于2013年公开,并经历了IP变更,从XBOX ONE平台独占到PS4平台独占再到后来工作室重新赎回IP所有权并决定全平台推出,这款游戏的推出可以说是一波三折,不过最后我们还是能玩到这款游戏了,也是个好事儿。



RiME Launch Trailer Released

The time has finally come to discover yourself in RiME! RiME is available to on PS4, Xbox One, and PC Friday, May 26! Get your copy at https://www.greybox.com/rime/en/

Experienced through the eyes of a young boy shipwrecked alone on a mysterious island, RiME delivers an emotional journey of exploration and discovery. The game takes inspiration from a variety of sources, including literature like The Little Prince, the films of Studio Ghibli and Ray Harryhausen, the art of Joaquín Sorolla, and the gorgeous terrain of the Mediterranean coast. Players will encounter wild creatures, ancient ruins, forgotten secrets and thoughtful puzzles that play with light, sound, perspective and even time itself.

Also available for the Nintendo Switch in Q3 2017!

Music: "Forgotten City", by Lindsey Stirling, created specially for RiME. Watch the full music video here.


Follow RiME online: facebook.com/rimegame - twitter.com/RiMEGame - rimegame.tumblr.com


2017-6-3 07:26 AM
RiME had its Denuvo protection cracked in five days, so it's ditching it entirely

RiME v1.01 update

Hi everybody,

We wanted to give you an update regarding the use of Denuvo anti-tamper software in RiME. Today, we got word that there was a crack which would bypass Denuvo. Upon receiving this news, we worked to test this and verify that it was, in fact, the case. We have now confirmed that it is. As such, we at Team Grey Box are following through on our promise from earlier this week that we will be replacing the current build of RiME with one that does not contain Denuvo. Please make sure your PC version of RiME has been updated, if it has not done so automatically.

Team Grey Box is also committed both to supporting the games we publish and to our player base, so this is definitely not the final update you will see with RiME. We are currently working on our first traditional patch, which we are aiming to release next week. This patch will provide a fix for the VR initialization bug, and will also provide a fix to some specific instances of hardware-related crashes, among other updates which will be detailed at the time. We sincerely thank players who have reported issues, and a special thanks to those who have worked with us to provide additional details, DxDiag files, and the like. We want to continue giving you the best product we possibly can.

Please feel free to reach out to us with any additional questions or concerns you may have. Thanks again for your continued support!

2017-8-4 04:45 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-4 06:41 PM 编辑

RiME for Switch Launches November 14 in North America, November 17 in Europe
《Deadlight》开发团队冒险解谜游戏《Rime》将于 11 月登陆 NS 平台

  《Rime》制作团队 Tequila Works 宣布,游戏将推出 Nintendo Switch(NS)版本,预定 11 月 14 日在北美上市,欧洲则是计划在 11 月 17 日推出。

《Rime》是由《Deadlight》制作团队 Tequila Works 研发的冒险解谜游戏,玩家在游戏中将化身为落难的少年,因为遭遇暴风雨,漂流到一个神秘的孤岛。 过程中,玩家要靠着机智解开重重难题。

  游戏已在 PC、PS4 和 Xbox One 平台上市,今日官方宣布《Rime》将登陆 NS 平台,预定 11 月 14、17 日陆续在北美、欧洲推出。

Frey box, Six foot and Tequila Work's RiMe Coming to Nintendo Switch in November

Grey Box, Six Foot and independent developer Tequila Works have announced that their captivating puzzle adventure game RiME will launch on Nintendo Switch on Nov. 14 in North America and Nov. 17 in European territories. It will be available digitally via the Nintendo eShop for $29.99.

A special physical edition of RiME, containing the full game and a digital download code for its sweeping, evocative original score by David García Díaz, will be available at retailers for $39.99.

"As big fans of Nintendo, we truly appreciate our fans’ patience as Tantalus and Tequila Works continue working on RiME on Nintendo Switch; we are all committed to making sure all players get the high-quality experience they deserve," said Raúl Rubio Munárriz, CEO and creative director of Tequila Works.

RiME is an emotional journey of discovery inspired by literature like The Little Prince, the films of Studio Ghibli and Ray Harryhausen, the art of Joaquín Sorolla, and the gorgeous terrain of the Mediterranean coast. As a young boy shipwrecked alone on a mysterious island, players will explore a world of natural beauty filled with wild creatures, ancient ruins and thoughtful puzzles that play with light, sound, perspective and time.

RiME is available now on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and Windows PC. Additional updates will be available at RiMEGame.com, as well as on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.
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