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【Xbox One/Xbox 360/PC】Titanfall - March 11 2014 / Collector Edition

2014-3-27 06:48 PM

  《泰坦天降》已经于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,3月25日登陆XBOX360平台。此前本作的开发商重生工作室表示将推出本作的三个付费DLC包,每个DLC包均包含新地图和其他未确定的内容。虽然目前尚不清楚这些DLC将于何时发售,不过官方又公开了一些游戏的新情报,确认他们将免费提供一些新模式。

  日前重生工作室的联合创始人Vince Zampella透露了这一情报,他在推特上回答粉丝提问时表示新模式将和DLC分离,会单独放出。“DLC还在开发中,目前还没有全部完成。我们将放出新模式,对所有玩家免费,而且并不属于DLC的一部分。”
2014-3-29 03:42 PM
《泰坦天降》比赛匹配系统更新 更平衡更合理





  《泰坦天降》已经于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,3月25日登陆XBOX360平台。重生工作室计划推出三个付费DLC包,并且还打算免费提供一些新模式。
2014-4-2 08:34 AM
泰坦机甲VS擎天柱 《泰坦陨落》首个DLC预告片

  EA于近日公布了《泰坦陨落》的第一个DLC,在DLC中我们惊喜的发现了全新的机甲,竟然是擎天柱!同时还放出了一段DLC预告。从视频中我们可以看到擎天柱的攻击火力相当威猛。并且同其他机甲站在一起的时候也显得霸气外漏,同时擎天柱的语音也与其他的不同。会不会还有更多的机甲和模式没有泄露呢?《泰坦陨落》首个DLC将于本月正式发布,首先在Xbox One上提供下载。

2014-4-4 05:51 PM

  《泰坦天降》是首款应用微软云服务的XBOX One游戏,在应用方式等许多方面都有重要的意义,而现在微软更是放出了一段最新的技术演示视频,让大家看到未来XBOX One云游戏的威力和可能性。

  实际上该技术演示Demo来自此前举行的开发者大会,从中展现了《泰坦天降》运用云技术的实际表现,可以充分的让大家了解云游戏的威力。虽然该视频的效果以理想状况下的PC为基础,或许XBOX One平台上的实际效果与其不同,但至少让大家看到了可能性。接下来就请大家一起来欣赏这段视频。

2014-4-14 07:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-14 07:00 PM 编辑

Titanfall 'Expedition' DLC Announced, Hits With 3 Maps in May
《泰坦天降》首个DLC正式公布 将于5月发售

  《泰坦天降》已经于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,而XBOX 360版则于4月8日上市。而在不久前举行的PAX East展会中,官方正式公开了本作的首个DLC“远征(Expedition)”。该DLC将于2014年5月推出,将包含Runoff、Swamplands和Wargames这三张新地图。


Titanfall: Expedition DLC

Today during our panel at PAX East, we revealed details on Expedition, the first DLC map pack for Titanfall. Coming this May, Expedition will introduce three new maps to the Frontier including Runoff, Swamplands and Wargames.

In the wake of the Battle of Demeter, IMC Expeditionary Forces travel deep into Frontier space to recover from their recent defeat. On an uncharted world, the IMC begin construction of a new fleet operations base, using newly acquired water collection and filtration plants to support the new base. When drainage operations reveal ancient ruins and artifacts of an unknown origin in a nearby swamp, Spyglass activates an archaeological team to investigate the site. To maintain battle readiness at the new base, IMC Pilots use simulation pods to train for anticipated Militia raids, based on lessons learned in Angel City and IMC Airbase Sierra.

Titanfall Expedition is the first of three new content packs with each pack available for $9.99. For fans looking to get all three content packs while saving a few bucks, the Titanfall Season Pass is the way to go. Available for a one-time price of $24.99, the Titanfall Season Pass is available for Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC and delivers all three content packs as soon as they become available.

2014-4-16 09:54 PM

  日前《泰坦天降》的开发商重生工作室透露了他们的新计划,确认他们打算推出“Nose Art”功能,让玩家们能够自由定制他们的战斗机器人。

  目前重生工作室非常频繁的更新其官方博客,其中就提到了本次所说的定制功能。而本作的游戏总监Steve Fukuda表示他们的重点一直在于发售这款游戏,所以在本作发售后继续支持它就是工作室的一个转变。


  此外重生工作室在PAX East展会中还证实了《泰坦天降》的首个DLC包“远征(Expedition)”。该DLC将于2014年5月发售,将收录三张全新的地图。

  而本次提到的“Nose Art”功能将会免费更新,该功能允许玩家们来用各种图案来装饰自己的泰坦。此外,新的燃烧卡也会登场,不过Fukuda并没有透露这些新卡片会以怎样的方式加入。

2014-4-25 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-25 07:10 PM 编辑

First look at Titanfall ‘Expedition’ map pack’s War Games
《泰坦天降》远征DLC截图公开 展示全新地图

  重生工作室的新作《泰坦天降》已经于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,而XBOX 360版则于4月8日上市。此前官方曾公开本作的DLC计划,而现在EA和重生工作室也首次为大家展示了本作的第一个DLC包“远征”的实际游戏画面。本次所展示的截图均来自该DLC中的地图“战争游戏(War Games)”,下面就请玩家们欣赏一下。


Titanfall: Expedition - War Games

War Games is a new map for Titanfall, based in a virtual world where Pilots compete in simulated environments of Angel City, Rise and Airbase Sierra.

When brainstorming ideas for the first Titanfall DLC map pack, the concept of a level in the training mission simulator got a lot of people excited. Designers imagined a level that was smooth, clean and abstract - a perfect place to design easy-to-read battle spaces and wallrun paths. Artists had images of differently themed areas mixed with digital artifacts and colorful lighting. The concept maintained throughout development was "parkour playground".

Here is the top down layout of War Games.

The concept of a simulator level allowed for themed areas to act as the hardpoints while the buildings between are in the smooth, featureless style of the training mission rooms. The IMC start in an Airbase-style structure, complete with working Marvins and a tank repair garage. Some areas throughout the map will be "glitching out", providing landmarks that let you that you’re fighting in a virtual simulator.

The middle tower is based off Rise, with small interior rooms connected by a very tight, high wallrun path through the center. Titans can capture this hardpoint, but they will need to enter a very narrow hallway with pilots at every angle and nowhere to run if an enemy Titan decides to attack. This is also a shortcut across the center of the map, but with a high risk factor of being rodeo’ed or trapped by other Titans.

The Militia side is based on Angel City, but with a night time twist. The multiple, spaced out buildings offer a different game play style than the singular, large structures found elsewhere. Rooftop and window¬-to-window fighting is the crux of combat here, with the hardpoint being on the bottom floor of a two-story shop that only Pilots and AI can access.

As a designer, I wanted to have the freedom to place wallrun paths wherever I needed them, to connect important areas together. After running around the training mission looking for inspiration, I realized the colored force fields could make a fun wallrunning panel. These are found throughout the map and sometimes stretch across long distances, above battling Titans below. These are meant to be obvious paths to help encourage players that haven't embraced this new way of traversing maps. Because of the environment, we even used arrows to help guide players where we wanted them to run.

We use heatmap technology to track what our players are doing during play tests. This heatmap shows where players are wallrunning the most in War Games. You can see when compared to one of our most wallrunning friendly maps, Rise, it offers a lot of fun traversal options.

But besides Pilots, we also have Titans to consider when building a map. I wanted to use the clean simulator style to give Titans a more competitive field for Last Titan Standing. On the outskirts of the level, paintball style fields are designed clutter-free to make enemies easy to spot and paths easy to discern. Titan spawn points push players into these areas, while also allowing flanking Titans to travel through the center of the map.

War Games is one of our most wallrunning friendly maps with a fun visual hook and plenty of space for Titans to engage in large scale battles. I hope you enjoy playing it and all the other levels in the Titanfall Expedition Pack!

Titanfall News:http://www.titanfall.com/news/expedition-war-games

2014-4-27 07:43 AM
Respawn称《泰坦天降 | Titanfall》将出新游戏模式DLC

  日前Respawn的联合创始人之一Vince Zampella在接受采访时说,游戏的首个DLC下个月就要问世了,增加了3张新地图,完全可以满足那些希望游戏更激烈的玩家。

  Vince Zampella还透漏,在未来游戏的更新中,他们还会加入更多新的元素。比如人除了可以在墙上行走还可以在树上行走。而且他们会在之后的DLC中加入新的游戏模式。
2014-5-1 07:50 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-2 06:45 PM 编辑



  Respawn工作室公布了一段视频,其中《泰坦陨落》设计师Geoff Smith向玩家提供了“天使城”(Angel City)地图的大量游戏小技巧和战术策略,介绍了许多战略要地的攻防技巧。《泰坦陨落》目前已登录PC,Xbox 360和Xbox One。
2014-5-5 07:02 PM
《泰坦天降 | Titanfall》DLC新图 官方解说地图设计理念

  重生工作室的新作《泰坦天降》已经于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,而XBOX 360版则于4月8日上市。游戏的首个DLC包“远征”预计将于2014年5月内发售,其售价为9.99美元。日前本作的设计师Geoff Smith放出了该DLC的新截图,下面就为大家介绍一下。

  近日Geoff Smith通过游戏的官方站点放出了远征DLC中的地图Runoff的一些截图以及艺术设定图,并谈论了该地图的一些设计理念。他表示Runoff可以说是他们的一种尝试,他们制作了一张小型地图,但仍然让泰坦们拥有足够的路径选择空间,所以不会让它们感到受限制。这张新地图的核心设计概念就是多层次的路径,关卡中拥有许多不同的场景和建筑物,玩家们需要冷静的思考如何在这张地图中获胜。此外Smith还表示,该地图拥有很强的适应性,在不同的模式下其玩法也不同。


Titanfall News - http://www.titanfall.com/news/ti ... runoff?sf25730747=1

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