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【Xbox One/Xbox 360/PC】Titanfall - March 11 2014 / Collector Edition

2013-10-4 06:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-4 06:41 PM 编辑

Titanfall branded peripherals on the way
《泰坦天降》将与Mad Catz合作推出周边产品

  《泰坦天降(Titanfall)》虽然不是一款纯高达类的游戏,但是毕竟以机甲为买点,所以欧美玩家很吃这一套,相关的周边妥妥的会推出,而EA要合作推出周边,合作伙伴也一定要选择大牌的,EA和重生工作室选择的对象就是著名的周边厂商Mad Catz。

  Mad Catz日前正式宣布,他们已经和EA达成协议,将独家推出《泰坦天降》的系列周边产品。系列产品包括主题键盘、鼠标、游戏耳机和游戏主题的手表等等。“《泰坦天降》备受好评并且赢得了无数奖项,在E3上该作包揽了最佳展出、最佳原创游戏、最佳多人在线游戏等多个奖项。Mad Catz公司非常高兴可以为《泰坦天降》推出周边产品,它是近几年来家用机平台上最令人期待的游戏之一。”Mad Catz公司的SEO Darren Richardson说道:“我们和《泰坦天降》的合作会呼吁玩家们的热情,来在AAA级游戏的基础上推出产品组合。”

Mad Catz Teams with EA and Respawn Entertainment to Create Licensed Products for the Highly Anticipated Game Titanfall

Mad Catz Interactive announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Electronics Arts to create a range of Titanfall-branded gaming products.

Expected to be in stores for the launch of Titanfall, the Titanfall-branded product range includes TRITTON gaming headsets, R.A.T. mice, S.T.R.I.K.E. keyboards, F.R.E.Q. gaming headsets and G.L.I.D.E. gaming surfaces.

“Titanfall has earned critical acclaim and won numerous awards, including Best of Show, Best Original Game, and Best Online Multiplayer at this year’s E3 conference. Mad Catz is excited to bring a range of cutting-edge, innovative, Titanfall-branded products to gamers in connection with one of the most anticipated game launches in recent history,” said Darren Richardson, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Mad Catz Interactive, Inc. “The Titanfall license builds on Mad Catz’ strategy to align our product portfolio with AAA content that appeals to passionate gamers.”
2013-10-22 06:31 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-22 07:13 PM 编辑



  《泰坦天降》登陆XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC。

2013-10-23 06:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-23 07:01 PM 编辑


  Respawn Entertainment工作室今天宣布,他们正在制作的多人射击游戏《泰坦陨落》将分别于明年的3月11日和3月13日登陆北美和欧洲,发售的平台为Xbox One,X360和PC。

  Respawn在6月的E3展上曾经表示,游戏支持跨平台联机的可能性很小,但是也表示还没有最终做出决定。微软游戏工作室的副总裁Phil Spencer后来表示XboxOne同PC间的跨平台游戏还是有一定道理的。



  《泰坦陨落》是由许多前《使命召唤》的开发者制作的,其中包括了Infinity Ward的创始人之一Vince Zampella。


  EA公布《泰坦天降》限量收藏版时,还发布了游戏新的试玩演示视频。《泰坦天降》将于2014年3月11日在北美发售,3月13日在欧洲发售,游戏登陆XBOX360,XBOX ONE,PC。


Titanfall Launching March 11, 2014 ~ Collector's Edition Revealed

Titanfall Drops March 11, 2014!

We are happy to announce that Titanfall will be landing on store shelves for Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC beginning March 11, 2014 in North America and beginning March 13, 2014 in Europe.

Electronic Arts announced today that Titanfall, the debut game from acclaimed independent videogame developer Respawn Entertainment, will be landing on store shelves beginning March 11, 2014. Already the winner of more than 80 coveted awards from critics around the world, Titanfall is winning over fans with its thrilling, dynamic first-person action gameplay featuring elite assault pilots and agile, heavily-armored, 24-foot titans. Crafted by one of the co-creators of Call of Duty and other key designers behind the Call of Duty franchise, Titanfall delivers a brand-new online experience that combines fluid, fast-paced multiplayer action with heroic, set-piece moments found in traditional campaign modes.

“Since we revealed the game in June we’ve been absolutely blown away by the reaction to Titanfall,” said Vince Zampella, a Co-Creator of Call of Duty and Co-Founder of Respawn Entertainment. “The feedback we’re getting from fans around the world is fueling our team as we head towards March and motivating us to deliver an experience that lives up to the hype.”

In addition to the standard edition of the game, the Titanfall: Collector's Edition (SRP $249.99), will include an exclusive collectible 18” hand-crafted titan statue with diorama and battery-powered LED lighting, a full-size art book featuring more than 190 pages of rare concept art, and an exclusive full-size schematic poster of the Atlas titan.

Set in the near future on a distant frontier torn apart by war, Titanfall drops players in the middle of a conflict between the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation and the Militia. The action is rapid and varied – featuring parkour-style wall running, massive double jumps and the ability to hijack titans. The freedom to shift back and forth between pilot and titan allows players to change tactics on the fly, attacking or escaping depending on the situation and extending the action vertically to new heights.

2013-10-30 06:45 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-31 07:32 AM 编辑


  EA首席财务总监及执行副总布莱克·约根森(CFO Blake Jorgensen)表示《泰坦天降》只会登陆XBOX平台和PC。

  特别去询问了重生工作室(Respawn Entertainment)的老总Vince Zampella,他在推特上给出了以下回应:



  《泰坦陨落》确定将于明年3月11日登陆北美,3月13日登陆欧洲,平台为Xbox One、Xbox360和PC。

EA indicates Titanfall will be exclusive to Xbox One, 360, and PC for its “lifetime”

Apparently, Titanfall won’t ever make its way to the PlayStation 4. EA CFO Blake Jorgensen, speaking during the publisher’s financial call just a short while ago, said Respawn’s shooter “is exclusive only for the lifetime of the title on Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.”

Elsewhere in the call, COO Peter Moore waved off any concerns that Titanfall is rushing out the door. “No, we’re not doing that at all,” he said. Moore believes Titanfall will review “very highly” when it launches in March 2014.

Titanfall’s exclusivity only applies to the first release

EA confirmed yesterday that Titanfall will remain exclusive to the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC for the game’s “lifetime”. Respawn co-founder Vince Zampella has since clarified the publisher’s words.

Titanfall’s first entry will indeed remain exclusive, but that only applies to the first title. Inevitable releases in the future could end up on other platforms – like the PlayStation 4, perhaps.

2013-10-31 07:18 AM
EA否认泰坦陨落赶工 表示该作将会不是一般的棒


在昨晚同分析师进行的问答环节中,来自Credit Suisse的Stephen Ju表示了这方面的忧虑,他认为《泰坦陨落》的开发可能被催促进行了,并且他还提问EA会如何保证该作品三月上市时的内涵质量。针对这个问题,EA的老总Patrick Söderlund表示,“考虑到产品质量问题,我们是不会赶工的,我们完全没有赶工。”



2013-11-8 07:55 PM

  EA和Respawn公开了一张正藏版《泰坦降临》才有的阿特拉斯级泰坦的蓝图。珍藏版《泰坦降临》中包括手工制作的泰坦像配合电池可发光。还有包括超过190页的设定集。零售价为249.99美元。《泰坦降临》登陆XBOX ONE,XBOX360,PC在2014年3月11日。

EA has shared a new image from the Titanfall Collector’s Edition showcasing the Atlas class titan schematic poster. It measures 27” x 36” and highlights specific mechanical details around the Atlas class.

2013-11-14 06:56 AM


  • 19英寸Atlas机器人模型
  • 190页艺术图集
  • Atlas海报

  《泰坦陨落》将同时登陆PC,Xbox One和Xbox 360平台。玩家可通过Origin,亚马逊和Gamestop进行预购。

  《泰坦陨落》是一款机甲主题FPS,剧情讲述的是星际制造集团和民兵团之间的对抗,玩家可以操纵背着喷气飞行包的驾驶员或者泰坦机甲进行战斗。该作使用了Source 引擎,而且Xbox One版本还会采用云计算服务,发挥游戏的最大实力。
2013-11-15 06:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-15 08:32 PM 编辑



2013-12-12 07:40 AM
《泰坦陨落》最新情报 机器人制造商正式介绍

  刚刚结束的VGX相关节目中,有关 《泰坦陨落》(Titanfall)中架空的机器人制造商“Hammond Robotics”公司被得到了正式的介绍。官网上,作为玩家可选势力之一的IMC有关具体细节都已判明,其详情如下:

1、Hammond Robotics公司是一家负责面向殖民地提供机器人的企业,这些机器人将被用来解决工业生产、运输和安保问题,其产品不但被广泛应用在未开拓的边境地区,在广大的“核心系统”(※泛指人类已进入了的势力范围)中也得到了大量的提供。


2、Hammond Robotics公司在《泰坦陨落》中作为玩家可选势力“IMC”公司(Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation)的子公司被营运着。


4、《泰坦陨落》多玩家竞赛中登场的AI驱动型机器人(自动化步兵部队)也是由Hammond Robotics公司一手制造的。







Hammond Robotics公司制造的“泰坦”


Hammond Robotics公司制造的AI驱动型机器人(自动化步兵部队)


Hammond Robotics公司生产的轨道防卫系统

2013-12-20 06:44 PM


  《泰坦天降》是一款由Respawn Entertainment工作室制作并将由美商艺电发行的涵盖机甲驾驶要素的第一人称射击多人在线游戏。这是史上16年来的全球E3游戏大奖"GameCritics Awards: Best of E3"大突破夺走6大奖项(包括最佳展览游戏大奖)。本作是由创造了《COD》系列的几位元老组建的Respawn Entertainment工作室的处女之作。在2013年的微软E3展前发布会上,《泰坦天降》作为最后一个压轴游戏正式公布并发布了第一个游戏视频。游戏没有独立的单人模式不过会有单人的游戏元素,在本作中,玩家不仅可以通过身上的火箭包可以实现短暂飞行和跳跃,同时还可以驾驶机甲战斗。使用改进的Source引擎开发。

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