Titanfall branded peripherals on the way
《泰坦天降》将与Mad Catz合作推出周边产品
《泰坦天降(Titanfall)》虽然不是一款纯高达类的游戏,但是毕竟以机甲为买点,所以欧美玩家很吃这一套,相关的周边妥妥的会推出,而EA要合作推出周边,合作伙伴也一定要选择大牌的,EA和重生工作室选择的对象就是著名的周边厂商Mad Catz。
Mad Catz日前正式宣布,他们已经和EA达成协议,将独家推出《泰坦天降》的系列周边产品。系列产品包括主题键盘、鼠标、游戏耳机和游戏主题的手表等等。“《泰坦天降》备受好评并且赢得了无数奖项,在E3上该作包揽了最佳展出、最佳原创游戏、最佳多人在线游戏等多个奖项。Mad Catz公司非常高兴可以为《泰坦天降》推出周边产品,它是近几年来家用机平台上最令人期待的游戏之一。”Mad Catz公司的SEO Darren Richardson说道:“我们和《泰坦天降》的合作会呼吁玩家们的热情,来在AAA级游戏的基础上推出产品组合。”

Mad Catz Teams with EA and Respawn Entertainment to Create Licensed Products for the Highly Anticipated Game Titanfall
Mad Catz Interactive announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Electronics Arts to create a range of Titanfall-branded gaming products.
Expected to be in stores for the launch of Titanfall, the Titanfall-branded product range includes TRITTON gaming headsets, R.A.T. mice, S.T.R.I.K.E. keyboards, F.R.E.Q. gaming headsets and G.L.I.D.E. gaming surfaces.
“Titanfall has earned critical acclaim and won numerous awards, including Best of Show, Best Original Game, and Best Online Multiplayer at this year’s E3 conference. Mad Catz is excited to bring a range of cutting-edge, innovative, Titanfall-branded products to gamers in connection with one of the most anticipated game launches in recent history,” said Darren Richardson, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Mad Catz Interactive, Inc. “The Titanfall license builds on Mad Catz’ strategy to align our product portfolio with AAA content that appeals to passionate gamers.”