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【Xbox One/Xbox 360/PC】Titanfall - March 11 2014 / Collector Edition

2014-3-4 07:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-4 06:46 PM 编辑

《泰坦天降》新电视广告 生活因泰坦而更美好


2014-3-5 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-5 07:32 PM 编辑


  2014年3月11日下周二可以说是XBOX平台玩家的节日,万众期待的《泰坦天降》将于该日发售,日前重生工作室放出了《泰坦天降》的发售宣传片,激昂的音乐和带感的剪辑让玩家们摩拳擦掌时刻准备奔赴战场。该作的XBOX360版将于3月25日发售,XBOX ONE同捆版也将于3月11日发售,同捆版售价499美元,相当于游戏白送。


《泰坦陨落》多人模式是核心 单人战役仅4小时


   今天,重生工作室联合创始人Vince Zampella在接受国外网站Gamespot采访时透露了一些单人模式以及即将到来的DLC的信息。


2014-3-6 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-6 07:30 AM 编辑

Titanfall Season Pass Confirmed, Contains Three Map Packs for $24.99


Titanfall Season Pass & Digital Deluxe

Get the Titanfall Season Pass and extend the fight on the Frontier with three new content packs. The Season Pass expands Titanfall by delivering all three planned content packs as soon as they become available at a one-time price of $24.99, a savings of $5.

For Origin PC gamers we have introduced the Titanfall Digital Deluxe offering which includes both Titanfall for PC and the Season Pass for $79.99. This offering is available now for pre-order within the Origin store.

If you’ve already pre-ordered the standalone game on Origin, we encourage you to take advantage of the Titanfall Digital Deluxe Edition. Please contact EA Help to change your pre-order from Titanfall Standard Edition to Titanfall Digital Deluxe Edition. Representatives will be glad to help you adjust your order to secure your Season Pass content for less.


Q. Where can I buy the Season Pass for Xbox One, PC or Xbox 360?

A. You can purchase the Titanfall Season Pass at participating retailers beginning on March 11th for Xbox One and March 25th for Xbox 360. You can purchase the Season Pass for PC via Origin starting today! Full details for the PC season Pass can be found here.

Q. Is the Titanfall Digital Deluxe available on Xbox Games Store?

A. The Titanfall Digital Deluxe offer is only available for PC and can be purchased on Origin here.

Q. What content is included within the Season Pass.

A. Each content pack will contain new Maps. All other content is still to be determined and will be announced as we get closer to their release.

Q. Where can I buy the Titanfall Digital Deluxe?

A. You can purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition of Titanfall here.

Q. Will the Titanfall content packs be available individually?

A. Each Titanfall content pack will be available for individual purchase upon their release. You will not be required to purchase the Season Pass.

Q. Will my Season Pass provide content for both Xbox One and Xbox 360?

A. The Titanfall Season Pass will only provide you access for content for the platform your purchase it for. If you purchase the Season Pass for Xbox One, it will allow you access to the 3 individual content packs for Xbox One only.

Titanfall News:http://www.titanfall.com/news/season-pass-and-digital-deluxe
2014-3-8 03:43 PM
《泰坦天降》玩偷跑不会被BAN 运气好可先练级


  重生工作室的联合创始人Vince Zampella在Twitter上表示“关于提前游戏,我们不会停止或者取缔账号。但是发售之前我们会为了预演服务器压力而关闭服务器。”如果你够幸运获得了逃跑游戏,现在你已经可以开始连接了,比如多弄一些卡片什么的。如果你没那么幸运的话,那么就踏实等到下周二吧。顺便该作的XBOX360版将于3月25日发售。

2014-3-10 07:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-11 06:56 PM 编辑


  《泰坦天降》是重生工作室所负责自作的新作,游戏于2014年3月11日正式在XBOX ONE和PC平台上发售,而XBOX360版则将于3月25日发售。从目前出炉的欧美媒体评分来看,《泰坦天降》确实是一款佳作,是值得玩家一试的游戏。而日前官方也趁势放出了一段真人预告片,其中充满了机甲动作的镜头,看上去非常带感,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。


Teaser Site Hints at Live-Action Titanfall Content

A Live Action Epic From PlayFight and Respawn

"Titanfall is set in a rich near future universe with visceral, epic battles with Pilots and their Titan companions" noted Dusty Welch of Respawn. "We wanted to partner with Playfight, who has a history of delivering movies that meld gameplay, live action and stellar CG into truly entertaining media, for Titanfall. What this collaboration brings is yet to unfold…"

Playfight is a hot, up and coming IP creative studio specializing in visual effects and post production. Playfight (Video Game High School, Call of Duty: Operation Kingfish) has spent the last few years distinguishing themselves from boutique vfx houses and have transformed into a full in house production studio. Well versed in commercial and online entertainment, Playfight headed by Director William Chang have begun laying the foundation for the creation of original content within the vast expanse of the Titanfall universe.


2014-3-12 07:22 AM
2014-3-14 07:21 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-14 08:01 PM 编辑

《泰坦陨落》开发初期并没有考虑过Xbox One版本

  现在主机玩家应该都购买了或者正在考虑购买Xbox One来享受《泰坦陨落》。但是,根据游戏的首席工程师Richard Baker的说法,在游戏的开发初期,Xbox One版本根本就没有被考虑过。

  在最近一次采访中,Baker曾经表示:“最初我们并没有计划制作Xbox One版本。我可以肯定制作Xbox One版本让PC版本更加出色。”

  一直以来,所有人都认为游戏的PC版本会比Xbox One版本在技术上更加出色,现在游戏已经发售,Xbox One版本的分辨率较低,但是Baker再次重申将会努力提高游戏的分辨率。



  现在我们知道游戏最初的目标平台是PC,我们就明白为什么两个版本的分辨率会有不同。但是,PS4和Xbox One的内部结构不是同PC非常接近吗?



  《泰坦陨落》的制作人Drew McCoy遇到了飞机的延误,所以他借此机会在推特上回答了一些玩家关于游戏的一些问题,分享了一些游戏过去和未来的有趣细节。



  McCoy还被问及是否Xbox One版本会被升级为更高的分辨率,但是他的回答并不乐观的。他回答说:“也许永远不会。我们会提升游戏的性能。”






  最后,他对Xbox 360版本的制作团队表达了信任。




  《泰坦陨落》今天已经登陆Xbox One及PC平台,虽然目前尚不知晓哪个平台作弊的更多一些。


  从《泰坦陨落》beta测试开始之前,它的6v6模式就一直遭到玩家质疑,但根据游戏制作人Drew McCoy表示,他们打算继续坚持自己的竞技理念,不会提高多人游戏人数限制。


  《泰坦陨落》制作人Drew McCoy对这些玩家的要求做出了回应,它表示,游戏设计之初就考虑到了玩家数量与游戏体验。而现在他们并不会做出任何有损于目前游戏状态的改动。

2014-3-16 07:56 AM
2014-3-20 07:03 PM
Titanfall's Xbox 360 version delayed to early April

Titanfall Now Coming to Xbox 360 on April 8 in North America and April 11 in Europe

Since its debut on March 11, Titanfall and its adrenaline-fueled gameplay on Xbox One and PC has taken the gaming world by storm. I’ve spent many hours already dropping titans into the heat of battle and running along walls as a pilot, and I can tell you I am hooked. Our partners at Respawn have made a truly awesome and dynamic new experience that I will be playing for a long time to come.

The fan content that has been created so far has also been incredible. From taking out multiple titans with a perfectly timed Nuclear Ejection to pulling off one of the most impressive satchel kills to date, the fun that Titanfall delivers is clearly captivating the community. Those are just a sample – there’s a ton of amazing content on the brand new TitanWall launched by Respawn. Check back often for some of the latest and most entertaining new content from fans around the world.

Now, I want to update everyone on Titanfall for Xbox 360 in development with Bluepoint Games. I’ve been playing the game a lot, and it is fantastic. But we see a few things that can be made even better, so we’re giving Bluepoint a little more time to do just that and deliver an epic Titanfall experience for Xbox 360 players. Titanfall for Xbox 360 will now be releasing on April 8 in North America, and beginning on April 11 in Europe. The game will feature the same 6v6 gameplay, maps, modes, weapons and Burn Cards as the Xbox One and PC versions of the game.

We appreciate everyone’s patience as we get the last details right. See you on the Frontier.

Titanfall News - http://www.titanfall.com/news/ti ... xbox-360-on-april-8

《泰坦天降》XBOX360版延期 为争取更多时间

  XBOX ONE版和PC版的《泰坦天降》已于2014年3月11日发售,而XBOX360版原本计划要到3月25日发售,结果近日EA正式确认,该作的XBOX360版延期至2014年4月8日在北美地区发售,4月11日在欧洲发售。

  重申工作室在一篇博客中提到:“我们看到很多可以做得更好的地方,所以我们需要更多的时间来做到这一点,并且为玩家们在XBOX360上提供史诗般的《泰坦天降》游戏体验。”除了争取更多时间调整这个解释之外,外界还猜测重生工作室是希望XBOX ONE版的《泰坦天降》可以多卖几天以提高销量,因为该作的销量可能还未达到预期。
2014-3-24 03:34 PM

  当在推特上被问及是否会在游戏中加入更多模式的时候,Respawn的创始人Vince Zampella非常直接的回答说:“是的”。Respawn已经确认游戏将获得3个DLC包,而现在我们终于可以确定这些DLC中将包括新的多人模式。


  《泰坦陨落》Xbox 360版本最近被推迟了2个星期发售。但是游戏并不会就此止步,EA已经获得了续作的版权。而游戏的续作将不会成为微软独占游戏,但是Respawn还没有公布这方面的具体细节。
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