本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-7-17 06:44 PM 编辑
游戏还被贴上了两个闪亮的标签:Final Fantasy Tactics(最终幻想战略版 )和Game of Thrones(著名的电视剧 权力的游戏)。关于《liege》的下一步具体要怎么走,官网未做任何详细的透露,只不过,游戏开发者 John Rhee表示,《liege》只是该公司“奇幻游戏三步曲”的第一部。这神神秘秘的说法激起了广大玩家的猜测,也就是说,未来还可能有另外两部作品将与大家见面。
Playstation 4/Vita Ports Approved!
Good news, everyone! We just got Sony's approval to bring the game to their platforms! With a bit more funding, Liege will be coming to PlayStation 4 and Vita!!!
The games I played on Playstation consoles, including classics like FF Tactics, FFVII, Suikoden, and many more, had a huge influence on the vision for Liege, so the thought of getting onto their platform is pretty unreal.
Sony's been incredibly supportive during the on-boarding process, and in particular I wanted to give a quick shout to Shahid Ahmad for making this happen. He's become their main point of contact for indie devs, and he went out of his way to push this through with our limited campaign window in mind. The guy pretty much works 24/7. Seriously, follow him on Twitter. He doesn't sleep.
走格子游戏《君王》募捐成功 将登陆PS4及PSV
开发商Coda Games日前也得到了SCE方面的许可,原本他们只计划募集1万5千美元的资金,但是现在他们已经收集到了3万3千美元,已经是目标的一倍多了。本作采用了传统的“走格子”战斗模式,而人设也颇具风格,感兴趣的玩家可以看一下游戏的宣传视频,而觉得不错的玩家还是到Kickstarter为制作人捐款吧。