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【PS4】Playstation®4 -- PS4 Pro 和Slim 公布 支持4K电影和HDR 功能

2015-3-4 07:08 PM
PS4 全球累计销售突破 2000 万台 创历代 PlayStation 普及速度新纪录

  索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)宣布,电视游乐器主机「PlayStation 4(PS4)」于 2015 年 3 月 1 日全球累计实际销售台数已经超过 2020 万台,是历代 PlayStation 主机中普及速度最快的机种。

  自 2013 年 11 月 15 日率先于北美地区首卖以来,PS4 就以相当惊人的速度持续热卖,上市头 24 小时就卖出超过 100 万台,2014 年 8 月则是突破 1000 万台,在经过第 2 个年末商战档期后,2015 年 1 月达到 1850 万台,如今又突破 2020 万台,比先前最热卖的 PS2 主机更快普及。

  目前 PS4 已经在全世界共 123 个国家 / 地区销售,SCE 同时列举出本家与第三方预定推出的 PS4 游戏阵容,包括《女神异闻录 5 | Persona 5》、《街头霸王 5 | Street Fighter V》、《合金装备 5:幻痛 | Metal Gear Solid V:The Phantom Pain》、《Final Fantasy XV》、《血源诅咒 | Bloodborne》、《明日之子 | The Tomorrow Children 》、《直到黎明 | Until Dawn》,以及《Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee : New'n tasty》、《Astebreed》等。
2015-3-5 07:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-5 06:59 PM 编辑

Special limited Metal Gear Solid V PlayStation 4 Announced for Asian Region
《合金装备 5:幻痛》确定 9 月 2 日发售 将推出原创设计 PS4 主机

  科乐美数码娱乐(Konami Digital Entertainment)今(4)日宣布,《合金装备》系列最新作 PS4 / PS3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360 / PC 潜行动作游戏《合金装备 5:幻痛(Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain)》将于 9 月 1 日在北美、中南美洲、欧洲,9 月 2 日在日本、亚洲发售。

  《合金装备 5:幻痛》是接续 2014 年 3 月推出之序章《合金装备 5:原爆点》推出的本篇,以广大的「开放世界(Open World)」系统为舞台,描写与探讨系列最大的谜团-「为什么英雄(Big Boss)会走上邪恶之路?」除了扣人心弦的故事之外,并导入时间流逝与天候变化概念的「开放世界」、造就出没有既定的攻略方式的 “真实潜入仿真”,实现匿踪潜行游戏的进化。

  透过小岛制作(Kojima Productions)团队开发的次世代游戏引擎「Fox Engine」,游戏将以更细致逼真的画质来呈现人物与背景,让玩家如同身历其境般体验系列前所未有的惊险刺激。

  游戏中还收录了在线多人模式《合金装备 Online》,可以享受多人同时联机对战的乐趣。

  台湾索尼计算机娱乐(SCET)同时宣布,将与 Konami Digital Entertainment 合作在台湾推出《合金装备 5:幻痛》特别设计款式 PS4 特别限定套组,内含特别设计的 PS4 主机、DS4 无线控制器以及游戏软件。PS4 主机以主角 Snake 左腕的红色义肢「生化手臂(Bionic Arm)」为主题,采用红黑双色配色,巨细靡遗地重现义肢链接机构的金色线条等细节,打造出充满厚重感的风格。DS4 无线控制器则以 Snake 右手所持的手枪为形象配色,并以 Snake 麾下部队队徽为点缀。

PlayStation 4 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Original Design Edition Revealed!

Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia (SCEJA) announced today that a special PlayStation 4 console and DualShock 4 wireless controller designed in collaboration with Konami Digital Entertainment and targeted for Asia region will be released as part of PS4 software Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain limited bundle.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the latest installment to the Metal Gear franchise that started in 1987. The game will feature Big Boss (Naked Snake) as the main character, who served as the end villain in the aforementioned first Metal Gear game, and it is going to unveil the biggest mystery of the series: “Why did Big Boss choose the path of evil?” Not only is the game the largest in the series, it will also feature open world mechanics such as changing time of day and dynamic weather effects. The game has made its transition to a “sneaking simulator” with no scripted gameplay and has thus achieved the ideal form of stealth games.

The PS4 console that comes with the bundle is colored the same way as Snake’s red prosthetic left arm (Bionic Arm). In addition, the golden connector part of the artificial arm has also been reimagined in meticulous detail, giving the console a sense of sturdiness. The DualShock 4 wireless controller sports the color of Snake’s right-hand gun, which is embellished with Snake’s unit logo.

Detailed product information on product name, release date, SRP and bundled software will be announced at a later date.

SCEJA is dedicated in bringing the best gaming experience to all PlayStaion 4 users and further enhance and popularize the PS4 platform.
2015-3-5 06:35 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-6 06:37 PM 编辑

PS4 虚拟现实头戴显示器「Project Morpheus」释出最新宣传影片

  索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)开发,日前在「游戏开发者大会 2015(GDC 2015)」中公布的 PS4 虚拟现实头戴显示器「Project Morpheus」最新版开发原型机,现释出宣传影片供玩家参考。

  Project Morpheus 是 SCE 开发、供 PS4 使用的虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)头戴显示器的开发代号,于去年 GDC 正式发表与公开初版开发原型机,透过 PS4 主机的 3D 绘图处理与内建双镜 3D 立体显示设备与动作追踪装置,可提供用户身历其境的视觉与听觉虚拟现实体验。

  今年 GDC 中 SCE 又进一步发表经过强化改良的新版开发原型机,主要改良点包括屏幕换成影像残留更短、动态模糊更少的 OLED 面板,屏幕尺寸加大为 5.7 吋,水平视角扩大为 100 度,画面更新率提升为最大 120Hz,降低输入与显示之间的延迟,以及强化定位追踪的精确度。

5 吋5.7 吋
1920 × RGB × 1080
(左右眼各 960 × RGB × 1080)
60Hz60Hz 或 120Hz
90 度100 度
未公布18 毫秒以下
LED 光學定位標記
6 組(左 2 右 2 後 2)9 組(前 1 左 3 右 3 後 2)
3D 音效(3.5mm 立體聲耳機接孔與麥克風輸入)、社交互動螢幕

  从本次的宣传影片中,玩家得以一窥 Project Morpheus 新版开发原型机的构造以及规格特色。


  Project Morpheus 预定 2016 年上半年量产上市,正式商品名称未定。
2015-3-10 06:15 PM
2015-3-11 06:32 PM
PS4 与 PS Vita 确定 3 月 20 日在中国大陆上市 首波推出 13 款中文化游戏

  日本亚洲索尼计算机娱乐(SCEJA)今(10)日宣布,原定 1 月 11 日在中国大陆推出、后因不明原因临时于 1 月 8 日宣布无限期延后上市的「PlayStation 4(PS4)」与「PlayStation Vita(PS Vita)」主机、游戏与相关周边,现确定将于 3 月 20 日推出,主机将提供 2 年保修服务。


PS4 与 PS Vita 限量上市纪念版

  索尼计算机娱乐(上海)与上海东方明珠索尼文化发展曾于去年 12 月盛大举办发表会,宣布 PS4 与 PS Vita 将于 2015 年 1 月 11 日进军中国大陆市场,不过后续却于上市前 3 日的 1 月 8 日临时宣布推迟上市时间。虽然官方没有对延期上市一事的理由做出解释,不过当地有不少玩家认为可能跟网络上有人具名向中国大陆政府单位检举 PS4 未提供 “锁区” 功能、疑违反法规有关。


  在经过 2 个多月的延宕之后,如今 SCEJA 终于确定 PS4 与 PS Vita 将于 3 月 20 日在中国大陆推出,价格分别为 PS4 人民币 2899 元(约马币 1700 元)、PS Vita 人民币 1299 元(约马币 800 元)。主机部分将提供 2 年保修服务,并在中国大陆建立全国性的售后服务体系。

  除了主机与周边配件之外,还预定同步推出 13 款简体中文版游戏,名单如下:

PS4 游戏(括号内为台湾名称)
  • 《钠克的大冒险》(《Knack》)
  • 《真‧三国无双 7:猛将传完全版》(《真‧三国无双 7 with 猛将传》)
  • 《特技摩托:聚变》(《特技摩托赛:聚变》)
  • 《雷曼:传奇》(《雷射超人:传奇》)
  • 《九阳神功:先行版》
  • 《南瓜先生大冒险》

PS Vita 游戏(括号内为台湾名称)
  • 《最终幻想 X HD 重制版》(《Final Fantasy X HD Remaster》)
  • 《最终幻想 X-2 HD 重制版》(《Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster》)
  • 《雷曼:传奇》(《雷射超人:传奇》)
  • 《真‧三国无双 7:猛将传完全版》(《真‧三国无双 7 with 猛将传》)
  • 《讨鬼传 极》(《讨鬼传 极》)
  • 《虚拟农场 14》(《仿真农场 14》)
  • 《小小白日梦》(《啪啪英雄》)


  • DUALSHOCK 4 无线控制器 人民币 380 元(约马币 230 元)
  • PS4 专用直立架 人民币 180 元(约马币 100 元)
  • PS Vita 专用存储卡 8GB 人民币 120 元(约马币 70 元)
  • PS Vita 专用存储卡 16GB 人民币 220 元(约马币 130 元)
  • PS Vita 专用存储卡 32GB 人民币 380 元(约马币 230 元)
  • PS Vita 专用存储卡 64GB 人民币 600 元(约马币 355 元)

SCEJA 官方發表資料 - http://www.scei.co.jp/corporate/release/150310.html
索尼電腦娛樂(上海)官方發表資料 - http://www.playstation.com.cn/newsdetail/newsdetail4.htm
2015-3-12 05:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-12 06:34 PM 编辑

PS4 Update 2.50 'Yukimura' Officially Announced

PS4 Update 2.50 “Yukimura” Preview: Suspend/Resume and More

While developing the PlayStation 4 system, our hardware and software teams relied on feedback from our community of developers. The result is the most innovative and forward-thinking gaming console in the market today. Since launch, PlayStation has continued that trend of listening to feedback by bringing some of the most highly requested features from the PlayStation Nation to PS4 with each of our system software updates. When we unveiled PS4 two years ago, we announced Suspend/Resume, a feature that would enable PS4 users to jump in and out of their games faster than ever. This has been a feature gamers have been excited about since then, and today I am honored to officially confirm that system software update 2.50, “Yukimura,” will soon deliver Suspend/Resume, as well as a number of other requested features to PS4.

Suspend/Resume, which will be supported by nearly all PS4 titles, will create an atmosphere where your games are immediately available at any time — just pick up your DualShock 4 wireless controller, hit the PS button and get right back into the action of your games. When it’s time to log off, simply put your PS4 in Rest Mode and when you power up the next time, you’ll start your game where you left off. Spend less time getting into your games and more time playing them.

Here are some of the other highly requested new features and changes coming soon in "Yukimura"

• Sub-account to Master account Upgrade: Users with a sub-account will now be able to upgrade to a master account directly from their PS4 when they turn 18, removing restrictions for chat, enabling users to fund their own wallet, make purchases and more. Currently, users can upgrade their sub-accounts online at https://account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/.

• Facebook Friend Search: Gamers globally have jumped into PS4 as a redefined social gaming experience and connecting with friends over the network is a huge part of what makes the PS4 community so special. PlayStation now lets you go even bigger by connecting with your Facebook friends on PS4 using your linked account. Search for Facebook friends who are PlayStation Network members and build on the foundation of Friends you already have in your list.

• Remote Play & Share Play at 60 fps: For games that support 60 fps, the ability to customize the frame rate of Remote Play and Share Play will be added with “Yukimura.” Play to your bandwidth strengths and use this option to stream gameplay at 60 or 30 fps when using Remote Play or Share Play on supported devices.

• Accessibility Options: “Yukimura” introduces a wide variety of options to make their PS4 entertainment experience even more accessible. Options include text to speech, enlarged text, bolder fonts, higher contrast UI, zoom for displayed pictures, invert colors on screen and more. Users will also be able to reassign buttons for DualShock 4, making it easier for users with limited manual dexterity or limited reach and strength to play.

• Trophy Improvements: We have received a ton of feedback to improve Trophies. In “Yukimura,” a screenshot will automatically be captured at the moment a Trophy is earned, making it easier than ever for you to share your greatest gaming moments with your friends. We’re also adding more sorting options along with the new ability to remove games from the Trophy list that have 0% completion.

• Share Video Clips to Dailymotion: When sharing standout PS4 moments via the Share button on DualShock 4, “Yukimura” will allow players to upload directly to Dailymotion.

Scott McCarthy - Director, Product Planning & Software Innovation, SCEA




  2.50版升级中,追加了可以在游戏或APP进行的情况下进入待机模式,而从待机模式唤醒后可从中断处继续游戏或APP的“暂停及恢复”机能,另外在“辅助”中可以进行画面的放大与文字的扩大,以及变更DualShock 4手柄键位设置。

  另外“可能认识的玩家”中会表示出Facebook中成为朋友的用户,Share Play与Remote Play还将对应60fps的帧速率,从而能够更身临其境地享受游戏游玩乐趣。





  视频支持上传至Dailymotion,PS4上可以从“What's New”以及朋友的活动中播放在Dailymotion上所分享的视频。(※需要Dailymotion账号)


  在“设定”→“辅助”中,可以变更DualShock 4手柄键位设置等相关设定,可设定的项目可见下图。


















  ※Sony Entertainment Network的账户需要与Facebook的账户连携
  ※需要在【设定】>【PlayStation Network/账户管理>隐私设定】>【与朋友连接】或【个人情报保护】中选择并设定【可能认识的玩家】

  6.Share Play与Remote Play

  支持60fps进行Share Play,玩家需要在“Party设置”菜单中的“Share Play的视频质量”中“帧速率”进行设置,另外PSV/PSVita TV的Remote Play也支持60fps进行游玩。

  ※60fps Share Play中不可进行直播,游戏的自动录影也会停止。



2015-3-19 07:11 AM

2015-3-25 06:21 PM

  SCE日前公布PS4 2.50版本系统升级“幸村(Yukimura)”确定将于明天3月26日开始配信。






2015-3-26 07:38 AM
PS4 Firmware 2.50 (Yukimura) launches tomorrow

PlayStation 4 (PS4) to Add Anticipated Features and Social Enhancements

Sony Computer Entertainment America(SCEA) today announced it will release system software update version 2.50, codenamed "Yukimura," for the PlayStation 4 (PS4) system on March 26, bringing highly-anticipated and requested features to the system. These forward-looking updates include the Suspend/Resume feature, which enables gamers to jump in and out of their games quickly and pick up where they left off. In addition, the PS4 system will add to its already robust set of social tools by making it easier than ever to connect gamers together, furthering its position as the best place to play with friends.

"With more than 20 million PlayStation 4 systems worldwide, PlayStation gamers are the foundation for our success. We are constantly listening to feedback from our growing community regarding improvements to make their PlayStation experience even better," said John Koller, vice-president of platforms marketing. "We continue to focus on making PS4 the best place to play with friends. That's why we're delivering features like Facebook Friend Finder, Suspend/Resume to get into gaming quicker, a more streamlined Party and friending process, and new ways for users to see what their friends are playing so they can immediately get in and game together."

Highlights coming to the PS4 system with "Yukimura" include

• Jump Back Into Games Faster with Suspend/Resume - Suspend/Resume, which will be supported by nearly all PS4 titles, will allow PS4 owners to spend less time waiting for games to load and more time playing. Gamers will be able to suspend their game by putting their PS4 system into Rest Mode, and then quickly resume the game where they left off by pressing the PlayStation button on the DualShock 4 wireless controller, which wakes their system.

• Back-Up and Restore Hard Disc Drive to External USB Drive - "Yukimura" allows PS4 owners to back-up and restore the hard disc to and from an external USB drive. Hard disc drive data includes settings, saved data, screenshots and video clips as well as games, patches and download data.

• Find and Connect with Friends - PS4 owners will now be able to search for Facebook friends with their linked account. Friend requests and Real Name requests can be sent together in one step when adding a friend on the PS4 system. The update will allow users to easily view what their friends are playing by adding a "Friends Who Play This" section on each game detail page, while also highlighting which friends are currently online and playing it. The process to create a Party has also been streamlined with a reduction in the number of steps required. Additionally, the What's New section will now feature a section where users can see what their friends are currently playing enabling them to join in the game if they own it or find out more on PlayStation Store.

• Share Your Earned Trophies and Trophy List Enhancements - PS4 owners have been sharing their most impressive gaming moments since the launch of the system, and with "Yukimura," a screenshot will automatically be captured when a Trophy is earned, making it easy for users to share their favorite gaming moments with their friends. The update will also make it easy for players to share Trophy information to Facebook, Twitter or via Message by pressing the SHARE button. Additionally, users will now be able to sort their Trophy list by "Earned Date," "Not Earned," and "Grade," as well as the option to remove games from the Trophy list that have zero percent completion.

• Improved and Expanded Accessibility Options - "Yukimura" introduces new options to customize the user experience with the PS4 system, making it easier for gamers with impaired vision and limited manual dexterity to play. Customized button assignments for DualShock 4 and a zoom feature for displayed pictures and inverted colors will be available for all system functions, apps and games. Text-to-speech and enlarged text will be available across the graphical user interface, including Message and Party, and enlarged text will also be enabled for use in the system's browser. Bolder fonts and higher contrast UI will be available for all system applications but will not apply to games or third-party applications.

Additional features and updates introduced with "Yukimura" include

• Remote Play and Share Play: For games that support 60 fps, users will be able to stream those games with 60 fps for both Remote Play and Share Play on supported devices.

• Automatic Installation for System Software Updates: Users will be able to automatically install future system software updates.

• Sub-Account Upgrade: Users 18 years of age or older with sub-accounts will be able to upgrade to a master account directly on the PS4 system, removing restrictions on chat and enabling users to add funds to their Wallet, purchase content and more.

• Verified Accounts: Verified accounts for game industry professionals, including developers, producers, designers and community managers will appear with a badge.

• Dailymotion.com: Players will have the ability to upload video clips directly to Dailymotion via the SHARE button.

The PlayStation Vita system and PlayStation App for smartphones and tablets will also receive system software updates with the same timing as "Yukimura," adding complementary features to those added to the PS4 system with the update. PS Vita update version 3.50 and PlayStation App update version 2.50 will add new accessibility options, including enlarge text, increase contrast and more. This update also enables PS Vita systems to support 60 fps streaming for Remote Play.

For more information, including the full list of features added to the PlayStation 4 system, PlayStation Vita system and PlayStation App, please visit: us.playstation.com.
2015-3-30 01:06 PM
kirassss 发表于 2015-3-26 07:38 AM
PS4 Firmware 2.50 (Yukimura) launches tomorrow

PlayStation 4 (PS4) to Add Anticipated Features an ...

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