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【新闻部】ZeniMax Media -

2018-2-28 04:53 PM
2018-3-20 03:20 PM

  随着E3大展临近,各大厂商透露的消息也越来越多。在最近的一次采访中,Bethesda游戏总监Todd Howard确认,它们目前正在深入开发一款新作,另一个项目虽处于前期制作阶段,但可能将使用到全新的动作引擎。


2018-3-25 09:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-26 08:00 PM 编辑

The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset expansion announced

Bethesda Softworks has announced The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset, the latest expansion for The Elder Scrolls Online due out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on June 5, with early access beginning on PC on May 21.

Here are the details, via Bethesda:

The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset

By the decree of Queen Ayrenn, Summerset Isle is now open to foreigners, but a Daedric threat looms over the breathtaking home of the High Elves. Travel to the Summerset Isle, reunite with old friends, and unravel a shadowy conspiracy that threatens all of Tamriel.

This latest Chapter is packed with exciting new features and challenges for new and veteran players alike. In The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset, you can:

Explore a whole new zone, Summerset Isle
Experience an epic main story quest line, concluding the narrative that began in The Elder Scrolls Online base game and continued through Clockwork City
Join the mysterious Psijic Order for the first time in an Elder Scrolls game and explore their island home of Artaeum
Learn a brand-new Psijic Order combat Skill Line, and wield powers over time itself
Master a new Jewelry Crafting Skill Line
Face the challenges of Cloudrest, a new 12-player Trial

Take on new group PvE challenges, including the Abyssal Geysers
…and more!

Take a look at some of Summerset’s beautiful locations and hidden dangers in our new gameplay trailer:

You can learn more about The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset‘s features on the Summerset Chapter page.

Excited to explore the home of the High Elves? Pre-purchase now to receive the Queen’s Bounty Pack, as well as immediate access to the Nightmare Senche Mount and a bonus copy of the Morrowind Chapter (digital pre-purchases only). Visit our pre-purchase page or check out our The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Editions & Pre-Purchase Details for the full story on The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset‘s different versions (including a Collector’s Edition packed full of exclusive goodies) and pre-purchase rewards.

Play The Summerset Prologue Quest Today

Begin your journey to the home of the High Elves today with the Summerset prologue quest and help Vanus Galerion investigate a report of a mysterious prophecy.

Starting today, March 21, at 5:00 PM EDT, you can begin this new quest by acquiring the Mage’s Message Stone free from the in-game Crown Store. Use the stone from within your Inventory to receive an urgent message from Vanus and acquire the quest titled “Through a Veil Darkly.” You can also find Vanus inside any of the Mages Guildhalls found within Tamriel’s Alliance capitals.

Once complete, you’ll receive the Wyrd Elemental Plume memento and be all set for the coming adventures.

Play For Free

Want to try before you buy? Starting today, you can play The Elder Scrolls Online free including the Summerset Prologue Quest mentioned above! The Free Play Event period begins today on PC/Mac and PlayStation 4 and tomorrow, March 22 for Xbox One.

To get started, visit our Free Play page and select your platform of choice.

Explore the Home of the High Elves

Summerset is a land unlike any other in Tamriel, and we can’t wait to show you what’s in store for you in the latest Chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online saga. Keep an eye out for more information about The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset and Update 18 up to and beyond launch.



《上古卷轴 Online》新数据片《夏暮》 5 月 21 日问世
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/160502.html

  ZeniMax Media 旗下公司 Bethesda Softworks 公开《上古卷轴 Online》第二章数据片《夏暮(Summerset)》宣传影片。 新数据片将于 5 月 21 日起在 PC/Mac 平台推出,6 月 5 日于 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 平台推出。

  艾伦女王(Queen Ayrenn)开放了「夏暮岛(Summerset Isle)」的国界,前往高精灵的古老故乡,拜访闪耀的高塔城市,探索先祖象征的水晶塔、藤蔓编织的珊瑚遗迹和热带舄湖。 加入神秘的法师组织「Psijic Order」平衡魔法世界的秩序。 三位魔族王子 Nocturnal、Clavicus Vile、Mephala 的黑暗势力笼罩着夏暮岛,预言中的魔神大战即将降临。

「Psijic Order」公会技能线,操纵时间以控制战场与自身的恢复
2018-4-17 10:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-18 02:20 PM 编辑

《上古卷轴 Online》新数据片《夏暮 Summerset》公开新影片 一窥高精灵美丽故乡
z转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/161501.html

  Bethesda 旗下线上游戏《上古卷轴 Online》最新数据片《上古卷轴 Online:夏暮(暂译,The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset )》今日曝光最新宣传影片, 带领玩家一窥夏暮岛(Summerset Isle)的景致。

  Bethesda 表示,夏暮岛是个与泰姆瑞尔(Tamriel)相当不同的地方,这里是高精灵的古老家园,其美丽与古老的历史将等着玩家来探索,揭开背后的危险与神秘面纱,玩家将可以准备好展开在夏暮岛的冒险。

  在《上古卷轴 Online:夏暮》数据片中,玩家将可以探索新的大型区域,体验新的故事篇章与神秘的法师组织「Psijic Order」,还有制作珠宝等。 PC 版《上古卷轴 Online:夏暮》预定 5 月 21 日在 PC 与 Mac 平台展开抢先体验,PS4/Xbox One 版本则将于 6 月 5 日问世。

2018-5-2 11:39 PM
2018-5-21 10:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-22 07:56 PM 编辑


《上古卷轴 Online:夏暮》公开动画预告 对抗三位魔族王子的暗影军团
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/162944.html

  ZeniMax Media 今(21)日公开《上古卷轴 Online:夏暮》动画预告。 艾伦女王开放了「夏暮(Summerset)」的国界,古老的高精灵国度蕴藏魔法知识与神秘遗迹。 三位魔族王子 Clavicus Vile、Mephala、Nocturnal 的暗影军团即将侵略夏暮岛,主角将和女王密使 Razum-dar 并肩作战,消失 350 年的古老法师组织 Psijic Order 也将回归,召集你的盟友, 揭发魔族的阴谋。

《上古卷轴 Online:夏暮》主程序改版:
  晨风竞技场 4v4v4 改为基本内容,并新增冠亚军奖励
  每日登入奖励,将于 6/6 实装

《上古卷轴 Online:夏暮》数据片内容:
  「Psijic Order」公会技能线:操纵时间、冥想与魔法控制

  《上古卷轴 Online:夏暮》已于 5 月 21 日在 PC/Mac 平台推出,6 月 5 日于 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 平台推出。
2018-6-4 06:01 PM
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/163507.html

  Bethesda Softworks 宣布 PC、手机卡牌游戏《上古卷轴:传奇(The Elder Scrolls: Legends)》之后将改由 Sparkypants Studios 负责研发,并释出相关声明。


  该作品原本由 Dire Wolf Digital 开发,近日根据 IGN 的 Bethesda 声明中表示,《上古卷轴:传奇》开发作业将由《Dropzone》开发团队 Sparkypants Studios 取代,Bethesda 仍 为发行商并将协助其转换过程。 Bethesda 营销副总 Pete Hines 指出:「根据 Bethesda 的指导与方向,他们已经开发了新版本的游戏内容。 」

  Hines 表示:「虽然这一次的转换不会对《上古卷轴:传奇》进行彻底改革,但将带来由 Sparkypants 制作的全新接口、视觉效果等,而开发团队的能力也将可以更快速的解决游戏平衡问题。 」同时,他也强调:「这不是因为 Bethesda 对 Dire Wolf Digital 感到不满,他们制作了一款很棒的游戏,这个决定是为了游戏的未来与前进方向。 」 
2018-6-6 06:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 10:50 PM 编辑

2018-6-11 05:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 10:49 PM 编辑

The Elder Scrolls: Legends coming to PS4, Xbox One, and Switch in 2018《上古卷轴:传奇》将于 PS4、Xbox One 及 NS 平台推出
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/163842.html

  Bethesda Softworks 于今年的 E3 展前发表会上宣布,《上古卷轴:传奇(The Elder Scrolls: Legends)》将于 PlayStation 4、Xbox One 及 Nintendo Switch 上推出 的消息,而这将也会是Bethesda 在任天堂平台上推出的第三款游戏。


Free-to-play digital card game The Elder Scrolls: Legends, which is currently available for PC, iOS, and Android, will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018, Bethesda Softworks announced during its E3 2018 press conference.

The current version of the game will also receive a new client with a revamped interface.

《上古卷轴 Online》释出宣传影片并发表将推出新地下城与新故事 DLC
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/163855.html

  Bethesda 旗下线上游戏《上古卷轴 Online》于本次 E3 释出了一段宣传影片,同时并宣布计划将于未来推出两个 DLC:「Wolfhunter」与「Murkmire」。

  「Wolfhunter」将会是下一个地下城 DLC,将为玩家带来两个全新且充满挑战的体验;而「Murkmire」则会为《上古卷轴 Online》的带来新区域和故事内容的延伸。

2018-6-11 06:28 PM
The Elder Scrolls: Blades announced for smartphones

Bethesda Softworks announced The Elder Scrolls: Blades for iOS and Android devices during its E3 2018 press conference. It will launch free of charge this fall.

Here is an overview of the game, via Bethesda Softworks:


From Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim, comes The Elder Scrolls: Blades – a massive first-person role-playing game created for mobile. The Blades, the Empire’s top agents, are forced into exile. On the run, you return to your hometown to find it destroyed.

Key Features

  • Quest – Become your town’s champion through all-new single-player storylines.
  • Create – Create and customize your city, restoring it to greatness.
  • Conquer – Conquer your friends and rivals in epic one-on-one Arena battles.
  • Create – Create any character you want and discover unique weapons, armor, and abilities.
  • Explore – Explore the never-ending Abyss with a cutting-edge combat system.
  • While The Elder Scrolls: Blades is launching first on smartphones, Bethesda Softworks said it wants to release the title to all platforms, including PC and consoles.



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