本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-10-6 06:40 PM 编辑
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4 PS4 Pro and Mod Support Announced
之前我们已经了解到,由于B社与索尼PS4 在MOD 支持上没有实现统一的意见,而导致了《上古卷轴5》和《辐射4》的PS4 版无法像游戏的PC 版和Xbox 版那样支持游戏的MOD系统。
然而在近日事情终于出现了转机,因为B社在本月4号在其官网上宣布了,他们与索尼方面进一步沟通合作之后,已经让这款两款游戏的PS4 版都将可以支持MOD系统。同时两款游戏也将以更强的画质登陆索尼最新主机PS4 Pro。
《上古卷轴5:特别版》将在本月28号发售时支持这个MOD系统。同时游戏也将可以在PS4 Pro上实现原生4K渲染输出。针对此,B社也放出了《上古卷轴5:特别版》的4K高清截图。
PS4的MOD支持系统将首先登陆天际,但PS4版的玩家将只能下载相关的MOD而不能上传MOD。在相关的公告中B社指出,在《上古卷轴》的MOD支持系统完成之后,他们再更新PS4版《辐射4》,让其支持MOD。同时《辐射4》也将以更强的光影效果和画面效果登陆PS4 Pro。
《上古卷轴5:特别版》将在本月28号正式在PC、PS4以及Xbox One平台发售。PC版原版游戏玩家将可以免费获得这个游戏,主机版玩家需要花费60美元单独购买。
Mods and 4K Coming to PlayStation 4 for Skyrim and Fallout 4
We’re excited to announce that mod support is coming to PlayStation 4 for both Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4. Additionally, we’ll also be supporting the new PlayStation 4 Pro with both titles.
Skyrim will have these features when it launches on October 28. The new power of the PlayStation 4 Pro has allowed us to make Skyrim render in native 4k, and it looks better than ever. Here are some screens to show you just how great it looks.
Mod support will come to Skyrim first. We and Sony have worked hard to make this possible. Mods on PlayStation 4 will allow you to modify and create your own content by using our Creation Kit available here. You will not be able to upload external assets with your PlayStation 4 mods, but you will be able to use any assets that come with the game, as most mods do. By creating a Bethesda.net account, you’ll be able to browse and try mods right from within the game.
We are excited finally to get modding to our PlayStation fans who have supported us for so long. Modding has been an important part of our games for over 10 years, and we hope to do even more in the coming year for all our players, regardless of platform.
After the work is complete on Skyrim, we’ll be updating Fallout 4 for both mods and PS4 Pro. We expect Fallout 4 to take advantage of the PS4 Pro in 4k along with enhanced lighting and graphics features.
Thanks again for all your support. We can’t wait to hear about your new adventures.