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【新闻部】ZeniMax Media -

2016-4-22 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-22 06:48 PM 编辑

The Elder Scrolls: Legends resurfaces with a gameplay trailer and beta
《上古卷轴》系列卡牌游戏新作《上古卷轴:传奇》开放申请封测资格 曝光玩法影片

  Bethesda 今日宣布,以知名游戏《上古卷轴》世界观为背景所开发的新款免费制在线策略卡牌游戏《上古卷轴:传奇(The Elder Scrolls: Legends)》开放玩家申请封测资格,同步公开游戏玩法介绍影片。

  Bethesda 表示,玩家可到《上古卷轴:传奇》英文官网申请封测资格,届时入选的玩家将有机会参与 PC 版本的首度封闭测试,而官方会随着时间增加更多玩家参与封测体验。

  Bethesda 指出,《上古卷轴:传奇》是款策略卡牌游戏,玩家可以从游戏中探索《上古卷轴》系列中的角色、生物、神明与传说等,游戏提供了多样化的模式与挑战,强调易于上手、难于精通,不论是初学者或是精通卡牌游戏者都可从中获得乐趣。 游戏充满了丰富的牌组与策略,每次比赛都会是不同的体验。

  《上古卷轴:传奇》此次也参加今日起在美国波士顿登场的 PAX East 游戏展,现场玩家将可以在 Bethesda 摊位固定时段看到游戏展示内容,至于未能前往 PAX East 的玩家,官方也计划于美国时间 4 月 23 日中午在 Twitch 中的 PAX 直播频道来介绍这款游戏。



The Elder Scrolls: Legends Beta Launches Today

Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company, today announced that worldwide beta registration is now open for The Elder Scrolls: Legends, the first free-to-play strategy card game based on the award-winning Elder Scrolls series. Beginning today, selected registrants will have the opportunity to begin playing in the game’s first closed PC beta. Additional players will be invited to play over the next few months – allowing more and more registered players the chance to experience The Elder Scrolls: Legends.

Legends will be playable in the Bethesda booth (#8021) at PAX East, taking place in Boston from April 22-24. Demonstrations of the game will also take place in the booth each day of the show at 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm and 5:00pm. For those not able to attend PAX East, tune into Twitch.tv’s official PAX stream on Saturday, April 23 at Noon to see Bethesda’s Pete Hines show off the first official gameplay and provide a brief overview of the game.

Legends is a strategy card game that explores the series’ characters, creatures, deities, and lore. Whether you have 10 minutes or ten hours, Legends provides a variety of gameplay modes and challenges that are easy-to-learn but difficult to master. Built with all levels of players in mind, Legends offers accessible gameplay for beginners who want to jump in and get started quickly, and the game’s depth keeps expert players engaged. With a wide variety of deck types and strategies, no two games are ever the same.

“As a fan of digital strategy card games, I’m especially excited about having people play Legends,” said Pete Hines, Vice President of PR and Marketing at Bethesda Softworks. “We’re looking forward to hearing their feedback and having them help us shape the future of the game. “

Previous chapters in this award-winning franchise include the Best Role-Playing Game at E3 2013 -The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited, 2011 Game of the Year - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the 2006 Game of the Year - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and the 2002 Role-Playing Game of the Year - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

The Elder Scrolls: Legends is being developed in conjunction with Dire Wolf Digital for PC and iPad – with additional platforms to be announced.

For the latest updates on additional betas and game information, please visit legends.bethesda.net and follow the game on Facebook and Twitter.
2016-5-2 06:58 PM
There is now a Bethesda.net launcher (like Steam, Origin, uPlay, etc) No store up yet

2016-5-28 07:14 AM
2016-6-1 07:03 AM
2016-6-9 07:30 AM
Rumor: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - The Definitive Edition out on november 23

2016-6-13 07:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-13 07:47 PM 编辑

The Elder Scrolls: Legends Opening Cinematic
【E3 16】《上古卷轴》战略卡牌新作《传奇》宣布新增对应Mac/Android平台推出

  随着美国 E3 2016 电玩展即将于本周正式开幕,Bethesda Softworks 也于现场举办最新展前发表会活动「Bethesda's E3 2016 Showcase」,并于活动中正式发表官方目前正在开发中的战略卡牌游戏《The Elder Scrolls Legends》(上古卷轴:传奇)最新情报要给玩家们知道!

  由官方目前正在开发制作中的这款战略卡牌新作《上古卷轴:传奇》,为官方于去年 E3 2015 电玩展中所发表的作品,也是一款采用《上古卷轴》世界观为主题的对战型卡牌游戏,游戏中将收录各式各样《上古卷轴》系列玩家们所熟悉的人物角色登场,让玩家们可以来自由收集这些人物卡片编组自己的最强牌组,体验最激烈的火热卡牌对战乐趣! 而当初官方发表本作时,曾表示本作将会预定在 Windows/iOS 平台推出,而随着本次 E3 电玩展即将开幕,官方则是宣布,除了原本上述的两个版本之外,还将会扩大追加 Mac/Android 平板等各种版本登场,让 Mac 与 Android 玩家们也能体验这款人气卡牌游戏的魅力!


The Elder Scrolls: Legends – Campaign Intro Cinematic

The Elder Scrolls reveal the past, present and future of Tamriel. Told through the eyes of a moth priest named Kellen, The Elder Scrolls: Legends will allow you to change the course of Elder Scrolls history through its rich story-driven campaign and strategic card-based gameplay. Learn more about the story in the intro cinematic for the campaign mode, revealed during the BE3 2016 Showcase.

Before leaving the stage, Pete Hines, Bethesda’s Global VP of Marketing and PR, announced that in addition to PC and iPad, The Elder Scrolls: Legends will be coming to Mac, iPhone, and Android tablets and Android phones, so you can bring it with you wherever you go.

Thousands of players have joined us for the closed beta, and have been experiencing the fast-paced, intense strategy gameplay for themselves. If you haven’t already, create an account at Bethesda.net for a chance to be part of the action.


【E3 16】《上古卷轴Online》最新改版《One Tamriel》正式发表,新内容让新手老手组队无负担

  随着 E3 2016 电玩展即将于本周在美国洛杉矶正式开幕,Bethesda Softworks 也于北美时间 6 月 12 日开展前夕抢先举办一场新作发表会活动「Bethesda's E3 2016 Showcase」,并在活动现场发表官方目前正在 PC/Mac/PS4/Xbox One 等平台上推出营运的这款人气 MMORPG《The Elder Scrolls Online:Tamriel Unlimited》(上古卷轴Online)最新数据片《One Tamriel》的相关情报要给玩家们知道!

  据官方表示,由官方即将于今年夏天或秋天正式导入推出的这个新数据片《One Tamriel》,将会以「让玩家角色不受等级限制,不管跟谁都能一起组队享受游戏乐趣」为主打,藉此解决等级制 MMORPG 中「没办法跟等级差距太大的伙伴一起组队同乐」的问题。 据官方表示,在这个数据片上线时,官方将会推出一个低等级角色也能参加大规模 PvP 的新系统「battle leveling」登场,让低等级的玩家们参加 PvP 竞技场等内容的时候,可以透过这个系统自动将等级提升至上限 LV50(简单来说新手玩家在完成教学模式关卡之后一出来就可以直接把等级提升到上限封顶),此时角色的 Health(体力)与 Magicka(也就是 MP)都将随等级上限提升而增加,让这些还没封顶的新手玩家们也可以跟那些原本等级就已经达到上限值的玩家朋友一起同乐。 官方也表示,这个新系统除了将会以 DLC 追加下载内容形式推出,并扩大应用区域范围如 PvP 之外,之后也考虑应用在其他地方,让玩家们可以不受等级限制来自由组队一起同乐。

  不过官方也表示,虽然新手玩家们可以透过这个系统将等级直接飙到封顶上限,不过角色所学会的技能或身上装备的装备品却并不会因此而有所改变,因此对练到封顶的老手玩家们来说,原本就拥有的技能熟练与强力装备的高战斗力优势依然存在,因此在 PvP 对战的时候,所具备的技能与装备优势并不会因此而受影响,这点老玩家倒是不用担心自己角色因此而变弱。 附带一提,随着本系统的追加更新,官方也将会针对迷宫过关或是打倒敌人取得的报酬部分自动进行调整,让玩家们在进行游戏体验时得到的奖励内容不受影响。

  除此之外,官方也将针对这次的系统改版更新,将原本相异势力(Alliance)的玩家除了在 DLC 区域或组队迷宫等特殊地城才能组队的设计进行修正,让玩家们不管是在主线故事或是不同势力的区域都能自由组队一起同乐(部分地区依然将会保留限制不变),让玩家们之间的互动同乐

2016-6-13 07:49 PM
【E3 16】Bethesda 发表会埋彩蛋 预告《德军总部》系列新作?

  Bethesda 于台湾时间 6 月 13 日上午举行发表会「Bethesda E3 Showcase 2016」,在发表会中宣布《雷神之锤 冠军(暂译,原名:Quake Champions)》与《猎魂(暂译,原名:Prey)》等众多新作情报。 但 Bethesda 似乎还别出心裁地,在发表会当中精心埋设了一颗彩蛋。

  官方在发表会上第一段播放的影片,也就是《雷神之锤 冠军》预告之前特别插入了一段模彷早年 DOS 时期输入指令的画面,而在其中的目录表下显示出了 id 工作室各个代表作品,有眼尖的玩家发现在《德军总部》区域里出现了一个名为「New_Colossus」的陌生字眼,并且其他标题后面的建立日期,其实都是指作品实际发售日期,但只有「New_ Colossus」并没有显示出建立日期。

  《德军总部》新作是在发表会前就已经有陆续出现传闻的作品,但在本次发表会上并没有正式公开,而这个画面也许是 Bethesda 公司和玩家预告这次除了发表会之外,在 E3 展场上还会有其他惊喜消息。 对于《德军总部》有兴趣的玩家,不妨多多观注 Bethesda 之后在 E3 的展览内容。

2016-6-13 07:58 PM
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Announced for PS4, Xbox One & PC


Skyrim Special Edition Unveiled for PS4, Xbox One and PC

It’s hard to believe five years have come and gone since the release of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Ever since the launch of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in 2013, we’ve heard your very vocal outcry for a version of this beloved game that you can experience on current-gen consoles and PCs. Tonight, we’re excited to share that this is officially happening.

Winner of more than 200 Game of the Year awards and ranked Number 1 for ‘The 100 Greatest PC Games of All Time’ and ‘Best Game of the Generation’ by various outlets, Skyrim Special Edition brings the epic fantasy to life in stunning new detail. The Special Edition includes the game and add-ons with all-new features like remastered art and effects, volumetric god rays, dynamic depth of field, screen-space reflections and more.

Skyrim Special Edition also brings the full power of PC mods to consoles. New quests, environments, characters, dialogue, armor, weapons and more – with Mods, there are no limits to what you can experience.

Like Fallout 4, you can browse and search for the latest and greatest Skyrim Mods, choose your favorites, post feedback, and install them – all from within the game. Simply select Mods from the Skyrim main menu, and start browsing. You can also browse through Skyrim mods online on Bethesda.net.

And that’s not all. If you own the PC version of Skyrim and all its add-ons – Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn – on Steam, you’ll get a free upgrade to Skyrim Special Edition when it releases on October 28. The same applies to anyone who owns the Legendary Edition on Steam.

Skyrim Special Edition releases on October 28, 2016, on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

2016-7-29 07:24 AM
2016-8-3 07:18 AM
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