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【新闻部】Square Enix -

2018-2-5 06:45 PM
SQEX 称会继续投资单人剧情游戏 反对游戏开箱子设计
转载- A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201802/1110017339.html




2018-2-17 12:45 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-17 03:02 PM 编辑

Secret of Mana Remake Now Available, Launch Trailer
《圣剑传说2》重制版上市宣传片 全新传奇冒险开启!










Remake of Enhanting RPG Secret of Mana Now Available

Square Enix invites players to discover the beloved magical adventures of Randi, Primm and Popoi in a brand-new remake of Secret of Mana available today for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and digitally on the PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system and Steam.

Originally released in 1993, Secret of Mana is a full remake of the original title that brings the complete experience of the legendary adventure to modern audiences. The game includes local multiplayer for up to three friends, as well as new features:

• Brand-New Presentation – Revamped visuals in high-definition 3D and additional voice-overs bring the characters to life in new and exciting ways, while retaining the charm and personality of their original appearances.

• Rearranged Soundtrack – The game includes a newly arranged musical score, as well as the option to play with the classic soundtrack.

• New Interlude Episodes – Building upon the charm of the original, new narrative scenes provide extra insight into this magical Mana-filled world.

• Gameplay Adjustments – Play the definitive version of the classic game with new features to update the game for modern hardware, including shortcuts, autosave, improved AI controls and more.

Physical copies of the PlayStation 4 version are available exclusively at GameStop in the United States and EB Games in Canada, and at all participating retailers in Latin America.

For more information, please visit: SecretofManaGame.com.

About Secret of Mana

Originally released in 1993, Secret of Mana faithfully tells the story of Randi, Primm and Popoi as they battle a treacherous empire in order to reclaim the power of Mana and bring the world back to order. This new version brings brand-new high-definition 3D graphics, a rearranged soundtrack and voice-over to the beloved volume in the Mana series.

2018-2-27 04:43 PM
Secret of Mana version 1.02 update launches early March for PS4, soon for PS Vita and PC

Square Enix will release the version 1.02 update for Secret of Mana for PlayStation 4 in early March, and for PS Vita and PC “soon,” the company announced.

Here are the patch notes:

Reduced the frequency of application errors
Fixed an error in which characters transition to a blacked-out screen
Fixed an error in which the character’s color changes
Fixed an error in which half of the screen goes dark
Fixed an error in which party members revived at zero HP
Fixed an error in which conversations would not finish on certain maps
Fixed an error in which players slipped through floors on maps that are two floors
Fixed an error that stops enemy movement when using a combination of some attacks and magic
Fixed bow and arrow behavior in battles against some monsters
Added a guide display for the switch button on the Ring Command screen
Added an icon for the character currently using a ring on the Ring Command screen
Added an item effect display for Item Rings and the Ring Command screen
Secret of Mana is available now worldwide for PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and PC.
2018-3-1 06:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-1 07:25 PM 编辑

Square Enix announces change in directors and executive officers

Square Enix has announced
changes in its directors and executive officers, with directors Keiji Honda and Yukinobu Chida to resign on March 31, and eight new directors to be inaugurated on April 1.
Get the full press release below.
■ 1. Change in Directors
(1) Reason for the Change
In April 2015, we introduced the executive officer system to our company in attempt to construct a system that strengthens administrative performance and flexibly implements decision-making in order to quickly respond to the rapidly changing business environment. At this time, we will review the composition of the board of directors in order to more quickly respond to the changes coming in this major period, and aim to further strengthen our business foundation.
Accompanying this, Keiji Honda and Yukinobu Chida, who have strived for the growth of this company for many years, will resign as directors as of March 31.
There are no plans to change the role of Yousuke Matsuda, the president and representative director.
(2) New Directors Planning to be Appointed (Starting April 1)
NameNew RoleCurrent Role
Yoshinori KitaseDirector and Executive OfficerExecutive Officer
Yousuke SaitoDirector and Executive OfficerExecutive Officer
Michihiro SasakiDirector and Executive OfficerExecutive Officer
Hirokazu NishikadoDirector and Executive OfficerExecutive Officer
Shinji HashimotoDirector and Executive OfficerExecutive Officer
Yuu MiyakeDirector and Executive OfficerExecutive Officer
Naoki YoshidaDirector and Executive OfficerExecutive Officer
Kazuharu WatanabeDirector and Executive OfficerExecutive Officer
(3) Current Directors Planning to Resign (As of March 31)
  • Keiji Honda (Currently Executive Director and Division Manager Executive Officer)
  • Yukinobu Chida (Currently Executive Director)
■ 2. List of Company Directors and Executive Officers
(1) Directors
President and Representative DirectorYousuke Matsuda
DirectorYoshinori Kitase
DirectorYousuke Saito
DirectorMichihiro Sasaki
DirectorHirokazu Nishikado
DirectorShinji Hashimoto
DirectorYuu Miyake
DirectorNaoki Yoshida
DirectorKazuharu Watanabe
(2) Executive Officers
RoleNameField in Charge
Executive OfficerYousuke MatsudaDivision Manager
Executive OfficerTomoyoshi OosakiDivision Manager
Executive OfficerTsuneto OkunoDivision Manager
Executive OfficerYoshinori KitaseDevelopment Manager, Division Manager
Executive OfficerYousuke SaitoDevelopment Manager, Division Manager
Executive OfficerMichihiro SasakiDivision Manager
Executive OfficerHideaki SatoDivision Manager (New)
Executive OfficerHirokazu NishikadoDivision Manager
Executive OfficerShinji HashimotoFinal Fantasy / Kingdom Hearts Brand Manager, Division Manager
Executive OfficerSeishi FujiiDivision Manager
Executive OfficerKatsuyoshi MatsuuraDivision Manager
Executive OfficerMotoharu MitamuraDivision Manager (New)
Executive OfficerYuu MiyakeDragon Quest Brand Manager, Division Manager
Executive OfficerNaoki YoshidaDevelopment Manager, Division Manager
Executive OfficerKazuharu WatanabeDivision Manager
Executive OfficerYasuhito WatanabeDivision Manager

SQEX 发表人事变动 功成名就北濑佳范、吉田直树等多位知名制作人升任SQEX 董事


  此次人事变动中还将现任的八名理事(执行役员)提升为执行董事。Square Enix 曾于2015年4月引入了理事制度,以此培养公司后续储备力量,本次升任的八位董事中也有不少玩家们熟悉的面孔。




西角浩一(SQEX 首席情报责任人)




渡边一治(SQEX 首席财务负责人)
2018-3-2 05:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-2 06:26 PM 编辑

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth ‘First Teaser Trailer 2018’
《女神战记:蕾娜丝-》释出神秘预告影片与开设 Twitter 账号 经典名作新动向呼之欲出?

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/159692.html

  SQUARE ENIX 今(2)日在官方 YouTube 频道公布了一段《女神战记(Valkyrie Profile)》系列初代作《女神战记:蕾娜丝(Valkyrie Profile -Lenneth-)》的神秘预告影片,同时开设专属 Twitter 账号,揭露了这款奠定系列作地位的经典初代作即将有新动作的讯息。

  《女神战记》是 tri-Ace 开发、1999 年 12 月在 PS1 主机上推出的角色扮演游戏,以北欧神话为背景,故事叙述为了迎接「 诸神之黄昏」的最后战役,半人半神的女武神蕾娜丝下凡,招募即将死去的人类英灵为战力,体验这些英灵生前形形色色的人生,并解开天界大战背后隐藏的秘密。

  后续 SQUARE ENIX 于 2006 年 3 月在 PSP 推出了初代作的强化版《女神战记:蕾娜丝》,同年 6 月在 PS2 推出续作《女神战记 2:希尔梅莉亚》,2008 年 11 月在 NDS 推出外传《女神战记:负罪者》,此后一直到 2016 年 4 月才又在智能型手机上推出新作《女神剖析 -起源-》。

  如今官方突然释出《女神战记:蕾娜丝》的神秘预告影片,还开设 Twitter 账号,揭露了这款最受玩家欢迎的初代作强化版即将有新动作的讯息。 不过目前官方并未透露制作平台、产品型态(重制? 移植? )、上市时间等详细信息。 喜爱此一作品的玩家不妨密切留意后续的更新。


Square Enix has released a “preview” trailer for Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth dubbed “First Teaser Trailer 2018.”

It is not clear what exactly the teaser trailer is for. Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is a 2006-released PSP port of the 1999-released PlayStation title Valkyrie Profile.

The description of the video reads, “In 2018, the goddess descends.” The Japanese text in the trailer reads, “You have the right to live. I am a selector of souls. I choose human souls like I’m picking flowers!? What is a Valkyrie!? Am I a god of death?”

A Twitter account was also launched. The first tweet simply reads, “Starting today, we will share information on Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth #FirstTweet #ValkyrieProfile #VPLenneth.”

It is possible Square Enix is planning a re-release of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth for current generation platforms, PC, and / or mobile. However, that is only speculation as the company did not release any information.
2018-3-27 06:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-27 06:48 PM 编辑

Square Enix Establishes New Studio Luminous Productions, Headed by Hajime Tabata
《Final Fantasy XV》制作人田畑端领军 全球研发工作室 Luminous Productions 开设

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/160657.html

  SQUARE ENIX 今(27)日宣布,全球研发工作室「Luminous Productions」正式开设,同时开设了全球形象官方网站,也同步开始招募游戏开发者。

  曾领队开发《The 3rd Birthday》、《Crisis Core:Final Fantasy VII》、《Final Fantasy 零式》和《Final Fantasy XV》等多款 SQUARE ENIX 旗下游戏的制作人 「田畑端」,将会担任 Luminous Productions 的 COO 兼工作室代表。 全新的工作室主要由研发《Final Fantasy XV》的游戏开发者来构成,将会以创作全新 AAA 游戏为研发主轴,并朝向全世界展开前所未见的娱乐内容。

  官方也预告,将在 2018 年内发表 Luminous Productions 的全新研发项目,有兴趣的玩家不妨持续关注。


Square Enix Holdings Announces a New Development Studio LUMINOUS PRODUCTIONS

Square Enix Holdings today announced a newly established development studio, Luminous Productions, based in Tokyo, Japan.

Luminous Productions was established with the purpose of developing new AAA titles and bringing innovative game and other entertainment content to a global audience.

Staffed with members of the creative team behind "Final Fantasy XV", Luminous Productions further builds on Square Enix Group’s vision to create new intellectual properties alongside our existing studios.

More information regarding Luminous Productions’s new projects will be revealed at a later date.

2018-4-11 11:05 AM
Chrono Trigger for PC first update now available

Square Enix has released the first of multiple patches for the PC version of Chrono Trigger that will enhance the game’s presentation and features following fan feedback.

https://steamcommunity.com/games ... 1651007810320700306

Today’s patch includes the following updates and adjustments:

  • ‘Original’ Graphics Setting: A new option will allow players to choose between the current high-resolution character sprites and background graphics, or an ‘Original’ mode which has a display style closer to that of the original Chrono Trigger.
  • Updated Font and Dialogue Boxes: Fonts and dialogue window graphics are updated to give the game a more classic look and feel.
  • Adjusted Start-Up Sequence: The order of the animated opening sequences when starting a new game is reworked to be more in line with previous versions of the game.
  • Additional enhancements and fixes to the text and graphics within the game to enhance the PC play experience.
  • Further changes will be implemented via subsequent updates, including additional user interface changes to optimize gameplay for PC users playing with either a gamepad or keyboard and mouse, improved resolution in animated cutscenes, and more.

The Chrono Trigger limited edition—which includes the game, PC wallpapers, a medley of the gaem’s music, and digital liner notes by composer Yasunori Mitsuda—will also be available for an extended period, until April 30.
2018-4-24 06:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-24 06:42 PM 编辑

SaGa: Scarlet Grace for PS4, Switch, PC, and smartphones launches August 2 in Japan
《沙迦 绯色天恩 绯色的野望》确定具体日期并公开新角色

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/6185118445.html

  PS4/Switch/PC/手机平台《沙迦 绯色天恩 绯色的野望》确定将在8月2日发售。

  本作为PSV游戏《沙迦 绯色天恩》的加强版,将强化游戏画面、加入语音、加入新剧情、加入上级者向战斗内容、改进游戏系统并增加由小林智美绘制的新角色。目前可以确认到的新角色有卡梅莉亚(CV:园崎未惠)、萨比特(CV:堀江一真)、诗人(CV:未知)。


The March-announced SaGa: Scarlet Grace – Hiiro no Yabou will launch for PlayStation 4, Switch, PC, and smartphones on August 2 in Japan, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals.

The magazine also reveals a cast of new Tomomi Kobayashi-illustrated characters:

  • Camellia (voiced by Mie Sonozaki)
  • Savitt (voiced by Kazuma Horie)
  • Poet (voiced by ???)

As well as voice actors for the main characters:

  • Urpina (voiced by Maaya Uchida)
  • Leonard (voiced by Yuuma Uchida)
  • Balmaint (voiced by Taiten Kusunoki)
  • Taria (voiced by Atsuko Tanaka)

SaGa: Scarlet Grace – Hiiro no Yabou will also include additional bosses, enhanced graphics, a party formation feature, new Akitoshi Kawazu-written events, and additional advanced level battle content.

Thanks, Ryokutya2089.

Update 5:02 a.m.: Here is a screenshot of new character Camellia:

SaGa: Scarlet Grace – Hiiro no Yabou

And here is a preview scan of Famitsu’s coverage showing artwork of Camellia, Savitt, and the Poet:

2018-4-25 03:32 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-26 01:40 PM 编辑

《沙迦 绯色天恩 绯色的野望》最新宣传片 豪华限定版公布
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/3889118461.html)

  SQEX 新作《沙迦 绯色天恩 绯色的野望》公开了一段最新的宣传片。本作预定于8月2日同时登陆Switch/PS4/PC(Steam)/手机平台。其中PS4/Switch版有实体版。具体售价为PS4/Switch/Steam版5800日元+税、手机(iOS/安卓)版4444日元+税。

  另外 SQEX 还会于自家的e-STORE上销售限定版“邪神”,价格18500日元+税。其中将包含游戏本身(PS4/Switch/Steam下载码其中之一)、小林智美画集、特别音乐精选集、1000块拼图“光焰万丈”、原创明信片、PC页游道具兑换码。


2018-5-10 08:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-10 02:12 PM 编辑

SaGa: Scarlet Grace for PS4, Switch, PC, and smartphones opening movie
经典回归 新作《沙加:绯色恩宠》开场动画公布

  今日 SQEX 公布了旗下RPG《沙加:复活邪神》系列新作《沙加:绯色恩宠-深红野望》开场动画,该作将于8月2日登陆PC、PS4、Switch 和 手机平台。



Square Enix has released the opening movie for SaGa: Scarlet Grace – Hiiro no Yabou, the upcoming PlayStation 4, Switch, PC, and smartphone version of SaGa: Scarlet Grace.

SaGa: Scarlet Grace first launched for PS Vita in Japan in December 2016. An enhanced port titled SaGa: Scarlet Grace – Hiiro no Yabou with tons of additional content is due out for the aforementioned platforms in Japan on August 2.

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