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【新闻部】Square Enix -

2016-12-13 06:09 PM
2017-2-9 06:20 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-9 07:25 PM 编辑


  Square Enix 今天宣布了旗下免费的第三人称射击游戏《机甲统帅(Figureheads)》将会登陆日本的PS4平台,并且相比PC的原版,PS4版将会加入更多内容。今天官方放出了一部新的预告片。




  PS4版的《机甲统帅》将于 3 月 9 日在日本发售,日本的PlayStation Store将从今天开始开启游戏的预订,预订游戏的玩家将可以获得“《异度装甲》联动内容” DLC。目前游戏还没有登陆欧美的计划,而欧美地区同样也没有 PC 版。
2017-2-9 06:21 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-9 07:31 PM 编辑

Hitman studio IO Interactive working on new IP using Unreal Engine
IO Interactive 开发商招聘程序员 神秘新作或将开发中!

  《刺客任务(Hitman)》开发商 IO Interactive 最近在官网上公布了一则招聘信息,根据该招聘信息,他们目前正在开发一部游戏新作。

  根据其官网上的招聘信息,目前他们正在给一个团队招聘经验丰富的游戏开发程序员,该团队现在正在开发一款尚未公布的新游戏,而且还会和《刺客任务》游戏小组展开合作。另外,该招聘信息还提到了应聘人员将会接触到虚幻引擎。在人员方面,该信息显示IO Interactive需要具有3A游戏的AI、物理、动画、游戏架构以及本世代主机及PC游戏开发经验的技术人才,而且需要有雄厚的C++编程功底以及熟悉虚幻引擎。

IO Interactive公布的招聘信息

  目前,IO Interactive并没有公布新作的详细信息,根据这份招聘信息推测,新作很可能是一款面向PC及主机的3A大作,没准会是《刺客任务》系列的续作。不过在官方公布具体的信息前这只是假设。

Hitman developer IO Interactive is working on an unannounced new IP using Unreal Engine, according to a recent job listing.

The Denmark-based studio is seeking a gameplay programmer to “work closely with a small team of designers to prototype gameplay mechanics in Unreal Engine,” who must have “solid experience with AI, physics, animation and game mechanics for AAA games and experience from projects on current gen consoles and PC,” and “possess profound skills in C++ and have experience with Unreal Engine.”

IO Interactive’s most recent release was its episodic Hitman released throughout 2016 and in a Hitman: The Complete First Season retail package late January. Prior to that, the company released Hitman: Absolution in 2012. Its most recent new IP was Mini Ninjas in 2009, and before that Kane & Lynch in 2007.
2017-2-14 10:37 PM
2017-2-16 06:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-16 06:31 PM 编辑

《古墓丽影11》新作首次公开新情报 更多冒险等待劳拉!

  在经过《古墓丽影9(Tomb Raider)》和《古墓丽影:崛起》这两部非常成功的重启作品之后,开发商Crystal Dynamics(晶体动力)目前正在继续开发游戏的下一部续作。但是在此之前,关于这部新作相关方面并没有透露任何相关情报。

  不过在近日,晶体动力高级社区经理Meagan Marie在接受外媒Gadgets.ndtv采访时终于首次向外界透露了新作的一些重要情报。


  · 新作在主线剧情之外,有更多合作或是多人的冒险体验模式;

  · 新作中劳拉的形象将延续之前两作中的做出的改进,并不会有过大变化;

  · 新作目前正在由《杀出重围》系列开发商Eidos蒙特利尔工作室开发;

  · 剧情的整体冒险风格将延续前两作的风格,但劳拉可能不会再那么青涩,已经冒险中有所成长起来。


  在游戏方面,Meagan Marie表示虽然古墓丽影系列一直是以单人剧情模式出名,但游戏显然可以做得更多,其中之一就是他们在《古墓丽影:崛起》中加入了坚韧模式,该模式下玩家可以在特定的剧情中合作生存。

  对于这种模式是否会在《古墓丽影》下一部续作中存在,Meagan Marie并没有给出直接的回答,但其确定性地表示游戏在主线剧情之外肯定会有扩展更多的游戏体验的模式,类似于《古墓丽影:崛起》中的的多人合作探险模式。

  在劳拉这个标志性的游戏角色方面,Meagan Marie表示开发者对于劳拉这个角色的使用非常谨慎,绝对会确保这个品牌不会被滥用。“游戏角色滥用在行业确实是一个非常广泛的问题,我们的一些开发者一直采用强有力的措施来防止这种情况。”这也就表明重启之劳拉的形象短期内不会出现在其他游戏中。

  在游戏的开发方面,Meagan Marie表示目前游戏正在由《杀出重围》系列开发商Eidos蒙特利尔工作室开发。说到这里,我们在此之前已经为各位报道了之前关于《古墓丽影》下一部新作为《古墓丽影:暗影》的传闻。传闻中相关的证据就是在蒙特利尔的地铁拍到的。而这次官方确认新作正在由Eidos蒙特利尔工作室开发,也就说明新作之前的传闻很可能是真的。但在采访中Meagan Marie并没有给出直接的回应。

  在游戏的剧情风格方面,之前我们也已经报道了重启之后的古墓丽影系列剧情首席编剧Rhianna Pratchett已经在今年年初离职。对此很多玩家也猜测新作的剧情风格很可能会改变。但在采访中Meagan Marie表示,在游戏重启之初,他们就对游戏之后的发展有长期的规划,劳拉会在冒险的过程中不断成长。

  最后在采访中,Meagan Marie也针对相关问题对比了《古墓丽影》和《神秘海域》系列,其表示《神海》系列确实是顽皮狗制作的非常优秀的游戏,但同样作为动作冒险游戏的《古墓丽影》系列是有其自身特色的:游戏中的游戏中的生存元素、战斗风格以及补给和升级要素都让游戏变得非常独特,同时最为重要的是,游戏中还有劳拉这位标志性的游戏角色。

  在采访中,Meagan Marie关于下一步《古墓丽影》新作并没有透露更多的消息。目前已经确认的是发行商SE将优先开发《古墓丽影》新作。
2017-2-22 07:11 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-22 06:24 PM 编辑

Crystal Dynamics expands into new studio
开发商Crystal Dynamics乔迁新居 规模扩大两倍备战新作!

  Crystal Dynamics(晶体动力)作为《古墓丽影》系列重启之后的9代、10代(崛起)开发商,近几年已经取得了显著的发展。近期官方又宣布工作室现在已经搬进全新的办公大楼。“更新”后的办公场地相比于之前在规模上已经扩展了两倍。


  之前我们已经知道 Square Enix 联合漫威Marvel 计划将推出一款《复仇者联盟》(Avenger)主题游戏 The Avengers project,而这款游戏的具体开发工作也和《古墓丽影》一样,是由Crystal Dynamics联合《杀出重围》系列开发商Eidos Montreal合作打造。另外之前我们已经报道了目前《古墓丽影11》的开发工作已经展开,目前 Eidos Montreal 正在做前期开发工作。

  我们也期待Crystal Dynamics(晶体动力)在扩大规模后,可以尽快给我们带来更为优秀的游戏作品。

Crystal Dynamics Expands Into a Brand New Studio

2016 was the Year of Tomb Raider. Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix celebrated 20 Years of an Icon with a series of announcements, events, and releases, culminating with last October’s award-winning Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration.

Crystal Dynamics now looks to 2017 as a fresh adventure, with a Tomb Raider movie currently in production, the recent reveal of The Avengers project, and our move into a new and improved studio just last week.

Check out the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration milestones from 2016, also known as the Year of Tomb Raider here.

“After months of planning, building, and some very late nights for the construction crew, we’ve just moved into our glorious new state-of-the-art studio!” revealed Scot Amos, co-studio head of Crystal Dynamics. “We have some great new amenities, from hydraulic desks for everyone to adjust as they like, to black-out shades and light absorption paint for those darkness-loving developers.”

In addition to fine-tuning the environment to ensure everyone is working at their best, the new studio has added more offices and team conference rooms, as well as a dedicated “dailies” review room outfitted with the latest and greatest gear.

“We’ve expanded to six fully equipped sound proof audio rooms too,” continued Amos. “With the growth of our team, we’ve also increased our studio meeting area and naturally outfitted it with tons of next-gen 4K screens, as well as dedicated console and PC gaming stations next to the huge new kitchen. Lastly, we’ve added two specialty rooms for optimal development efficiency: a photogrammetry capture space and our very own, on-site, fully equipped Motion Capture stage!"

“The new studio will help Crystal Dynamics take our work to the next level,” agreed co-studio head Ron Rosenberg. “Crystal Dynamics’ new studio is nearly double the size in order to make room for all the new positions we’re hiring over the next year.”

If you’re interested in joining the Crystal Dynamics family and checking out the studio for yourself, you can browse our job postings here. We’re hiring across all disciplines!
2017-2-27 11:10 PM
2017-3-2 10:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-3 11:25 PM 编辑

Square Enix Collective to publish tactical RPG Children of Zodiarcs for PS4 and PC
《生肖之子》将登陆PC PS4平台由Square Enix发行

  Square Enix Collective将负责发行K网众筹战略RPG游戏《生肖之子》,这款游戏由Cardboard Utopia开发,游戏将于今年登陆PS4,PC和Mac。


  Square Enix 说很快游戏会发布更多“重要”信息,如发售日期“很快公布”。游戏的Demo包含一个新的关卡和英雄会在波士顿PAX East展会上提供试玩,试玩时间为3月10日-12日。


Deck & Dice Tactical RPG Children of Zodiarcs Signed to Square Enix Collective

Children of Zodiarcs, the deck & dice single player Tactical RPG, has been signed to indie publisher Square Enix Collective. Montreal-based developer Cardboard Utopia will be demoing the playable game - featuring a new level and hero - at PAX East in Boston from 10-12 March.

Developed by small team of AAA veterans with a huge passion for board games and collectible card games, Children of Zodiarcs is a return to classic single player Tactical RPGs from the era of the first PlayStation. Layered on top of grid-based combat arenas, deck building and dice crafting gameplay mechanics combine strategy with controlled risk to build tension, anticipation and excitement. Having raised five times their Kickstarter goal in a highly successful crowdfunding at the start of 2016, Cardboard Utopia is partnering with Square Enix Collective to release Children of Zodiarcs on PlayStation 4, PC and Mac later in 2017.

“What we're creating at Cardboard Utopia is a game crafted with love and care to recapture the spirit of the Tactical RPGs of our youth; the same kind of games Square Enix has been publishing for decades”, said Jason Kim, Creative Director at Cardboard Utopia. “For us, we could not have found a more fitting partner than Square Enix Collective to help us bring Children of Zodiarcs to market”.

“The addition of the wonderful Children of Zodiarcs to Square Enix Collective is a huge boost to our campaign of delivering a fantastic line-up of varied and quality titles to gamers through 2017 and beyond”, said Phil Elliott, Director of Community & Indie Development at Square Enix London. “We’re proud the highly experienced team from Cardboard Utopia chose to partner with Square Enix Collective”.

Game Designer Axel Baldoni is excited to demo the game at PAX East this March: “It's been a while since a good, original IP Tactical RPG has been released. Children of Zodiarcs has everything we love about the genre and then some: we’ve paired an original, fun and dramatic story with a combination of tactics, cards and dice to enhance the traditional strategic gameplay in a way gamers haven't experienced before. We’re sure visitors to the PAX East booth will be glued to the controller!”.

Gamers will be able to have hands-on with Children of Zodiarcs, plus speak with three members of the development team, at booth 16114, PAX East in Boston running 10-12 March.


2017-3-9 11:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-10 07:06 PM 编辑

Battalion 1944 partners with Square Enix Collective
二战题材射击游戏《军团1944》将由SE负责发行 虚幻4引擎制作!

  由 Bulkhead Interactive 制作的二战题材射击游戏《军团1944》将由史克威尔·艾尼克斯负责发行。

  Square Enix 对外宣布了这一消息,这也是双方自《图灵测试》(The Turing Test)之后的再一次合作。此前由 Bulkhead Interactive 制作的《图灵测试》就是由Square Enix  负责发行。

  《军团1944》是由虚幻4 引擎制作的二战题材 FPS,此前一直由 Bulkhead 用自己的资金开发,由于预算不足,游戏曾于 2016 年 2 月在kickstarter进行众筹并取得了成功。Square Enix 总监表示 Bulkhead 是一家非常有才华的工作室,Square Enix 将会在最小干扰的情况下给予工作室最大的支持,让其专注于制作一款良好体验的FPS游戏。

  游戏预定今年 5 月份登陆PC、PS4、Xbox One,想来有了 Square Enix 来帮助,在宣传推广方面肯定不是问题。


Square Enix Collective Exclusively Signs Old-School WW2 Shooter ‘Battalion 1944’

Square Enix Collective, the platform that brings diverse and quality indie titles to market, has inked a deal with Derby-based Bulkhead Interactive to exclusively publish ‘old-school’ multiplayer WW2 shooter Battalion 1944 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

This time last year Battalion 1944 smashed its crowdfunding campaign with a promise to recapture the core action of classic multiplayer FPS game and propel WW2 into the next generation. Having grown up playing the sensational WW2 shooters from the turn of the century, the designers at Bulkhead Interactive have utilised the most up-to-date industry technology to create a visceral and heart-thumping multiplayer experience featuring raw, skill-based infantry combat across tight, focused, and competitive maps.

After the huge success of last year’s The Turing Test™, Bulkhead Interactive chose once again to partner with Square Enix Collective for their latest title. Fans are the heart of multiplayer games and by choosing to work with Square Enix Collective, Bulkhead Interactive knows the task of expanding and nurturing Battalion 1944’s community is in very experienced hands.

“From having partnered with Bulkhead before on the hugely successful The Turing Test, we know they’re a very talented studio making great games”, said Phil Elliott, Director of Community & Indie Development at Square Enix Limited. “We trust Joe and the team as we know what they’re capable of and we see them actively listening to their community. Our relationship is built on a foundation of minimum publisher interference with maximum support where needed. We’ll help nurture and grow the community while Bulkhead can focus on crafting a fantastic FPS experience with Battalion 1944”.

“We received some strong offers from other very big publishers on Battalion 1944. But ultimately, the one team that really stood out for us was Square Enix Collective”, said Bulkhead Interactive's Senior Game Producer Joe Brammer, “Why? Because they published our previous game, The Turing Test on PC, so we've gotten to know them well and that means we know how they work. Crucially, we know that the relationship will be based on trust; and that's something which works both ways”.

Joe continued: “On the one hand, we know that Phil and the team will come to us with suggestions or ideas but they'll leave us to make the creative decisions. On the other hand, from past experience we know they'll trust us (as FPS players) to make those decisions in the best interests of the game and its community and that we'll keep our heads down, work hard, and design the best game possible. Not only that - and it shouldn't be assumed even now - but the deal enables us to keep all IP rights to Battalion, and it was exactly the same thing with The Turing Test. So what Collective is doing is helping us build a sustainable business”.

To announce their partnership, the team at Bulkhead Interactive released the video above explaining why Square Enix Collective is the ideal publisher for Battalion 1944.
2017-4-10 07:16 PM
Chrono Trigger and Live A Live director Takashi Tokita teases Switch-related “top secret mission”
《Final Fantasy》《超时空之轮》总监时田贵司暗示将有新作 或将登陆Switch平台?

  日前 Square Enix 的知名游戏制作人时田贵司在他的个人推特上发布了一条信息,上面写道「极秘任务开始」,而在下面,则放着一台任天堂的最新游戏主机「任天堂 Switch」,让人浮想联翩。这是要在 NS 平台上开发新作了吗?

  时田贵司作为Square Enix 的核心游戏制作人之一,是原第7开发事业部的部长,曾参与过众多游戏制作。其代表作为《Final Fantasy III》、《Final Fantasy VI》、《Final Fantasy VII》手游、《光之4战士》等《Final Fantasy》系列作品,此外还有《超时空之轮》、《时空勇士(LIVE A LIVE)》、《半熟英雄》等经典作品。

  目前时田贵司正专注于《Final Fantasy》系列手游的制作和运营。虽然 Square Enix 官方并未发表任何NS平台新作的开发声明,不过这次他的推文的确是一个惊喜,非常值得期待。


Takashi Tokita, who directed titles such as Chrono Trigger, Live A Live, and Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, has started a “top secret mission” related to Switch.

“Top secret mission commence!” Tokita posted on Twitter, with the above image attached.

This could, of course, mean nothing. Maybe Tokita’s “top secret mission” is enjoying The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. But many internet goers are speculating this is Tokita’s way of teasing a new project for Switch. If that’s the case, hopefully we’ll find out more soon enough.

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