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【新闻部】Square Enix -

2017-10-31 05:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-31 05:16 PM 编辑

Secret of Mana remake opening movie
《圣剑传说2 玛娜之谜》开场动画欣赏 名作3D重制

  《圣剑传说2 玛娜之谜》是将1993年发售的同名作品经过3D重制后的新作,预定于2018年2月15日登陆PS4/PSV/Steam平台,并同步推出繁体中文版。


Square Enix has released the opening movie for the upcoming Secret of Mana remake.

Secret of Mana is due out as a digital-only release for PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and PC worldwide on February 15, 2018. In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita versions will also be released physically.

2017-11-9 07:22 AM
Square Enix talks unannounced titles, Switch during latest financial results briefing

Square Enix shared new information about unannounced titles and its thoughts on Switch during its latest financial results briefing.

The company plans to launch currently unannounced smartphone titles in the second half of the fiscal year. And next fiscal year it plans to launch big overseas titles, which are being prepared for E3 2018 and are described as “sharp,” “powerful,” and “well-made.”

Square Enix describes the core architectures of PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch as similar, and says multiplatform development is possibly by building a basic version of a game, then optimizing it for each platform.

The company reports being told by overseas retailers and publishers that Switch is selling extremely well, and recognizes that momentum. It says that Nintendo doing well is great for them, and notes that Switch is in a unique position compared to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Switch is described as an opportunity to create middle-range games, and while it is very likely that creating these games would result in them being multi-platform, their expectations for Switch are high and they will aggressively pursue development. Square Enix said that it will not rule out any IPs—new, existing, or revivals—when it comes to Switch.

Finally, here’s a sales number update:

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age – More than three million
NieR: Automata – More than two million
Final Fantasy XV – Nearing 6.6 million
2017-11-9 07:04 PM
SE财报说明会:来年E3有大作 中端游戏在Switch有机会

  著名记者望月崇今日参加了SQUARE ENIX的财报说明会,为大家带来一些相关的情报,总结如下:

• 游戏销量方面,《勇者斗恶龙11》超过300万份,已经完成目标,今后还会继续增加。《尼尔》超过200万份,是当初预计的2倍,特别是下载版比率很高有些意外。《最终幻想15》最终接近660万份。
• 虽然上半财年业绩很好,但整年的预期并不特别高。主要是因为上半年有《勇者斗恶龙11》这样的大作,后面就没有了。而Switch版《勇者斗恶龙11》大概何时推出仍未明说。
• 下半年还会有未发表的手机游戏。而来年会有大型的海外游戏,正在为了E3做准备,是一款很鲜明的、非常有力的、完成度很高的作品。
• PS4、Xbox、Switch的CPU架构很相似。开发时做一个基础版,然后针对各个平台进行微调就能很容易地实现跨平台。
• 听海外的销售业者和发行商说Switch卖得很好。任天堂势头很好对我们来说也值得高兴。Switch和PS4、Xbox不一样处于一个特别的位置。
• 游戏正在向高端和低端两级分化,中端游戏虽然很难生存但在Switch平台会有机会。而这种中端也是我们擅长的,虽然推出的游戏很可能都是多平台的,但我们对Switch有很高期待,会积极开发对应Switch的游戏。
• 关于Switch的游戏,包括新IP、既有IP、复活老IP在内不会排除各种可能性,会积极地考虑去做。
2017-11-21 06:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-21 07:10 PM 编辑

Square Enix on Switch: ‘We want to proactively create new IP and reboot past titles,’ ‘Well suited to mid-sized titles’ Square Enix to Be Announce Release Dates of “Major” Games Between April and E3;
Square Enix 旗下多款大作发售日将于明年 4 月与 E3 之间公布

  在Square Enix 最近一次的财报大会问答环节中,社长松田洋祐表示旗下大作正在国内外的工作室里积极开发中,而他们将于明年 4 月与 E3 之间公布这些大作的发售日。据推测《Final Fantasy VII Remake》与《王国之心 III》等作品的发售日有可能将于这段时间内公布。

  松田洋祐首先介绍了公司的财政状况与公司未来计划,随后和与会股东进行了问答环节。其中他被问到,为何《勇者斗恶龙  XI 追寻逝去的时光》都已经发售了,但是Square Enix 的内容生产账目却比2017财年度还要高。


Square Enix 旗下目前最受关注的大作莫过于《Final Fantasy VII Remake》与《王国之心 III》了,这两款作品目前都还没有公布具体发售日。

  而Square Enix 的另一款新作《LEFT ALIVE》也在问答环节中被提及,松田洋祐表示本作将被打造成 3A 级品牌,但是他们不计划投入巨大的开发资金。但是从内容上,本作将会以硬核的方式令玩家们满足。

  另一方面,包括《Final Fantasy XV》在内的 Square Enix 旗下作品之前均受到了开发停滞与大改的困扰、造成大量的重新开发、导致发售日不断拖延。松田洋祐表示目前 Square Enix 已经降低了这方面的风险:


Square Enix has released the outline of its results briefing held on November 8, 2017, in which Square Enix president and representative director Yosuke Matsuda shares choice words for Nintendo Switch.

Here are the key questions and answers, which expand upon our initial report from earlier this month:

Q: Where do you intend to prioritize allocation of your development resources going forward?

A: We base our development resource allocations on the unique attributes of each platform. In particular, Nintendo Switch makes it easier for us to leverage our back catalog of assets and expertise, so we want to be proactive in creating new IP and rebooting past titles for that platform.

Q: What do you think of Nintendo Switch, and how are you approaching development efforts for it?

A: Nintendo Switch is seeing rapid uptake, and we welcome the arrival of such a platform. We intend to be proactive in our development efforts given that it’s a platform that is well suited to the mid-sized titles at which we excel.

Here are a few other interesting comments from the Q&A:

Q: Why is the balance of your content production account larger now than it was at the end of FY2017/3 even though Dragon Quest XI has already been released?

A: Development efforts for major titles are underway at both our overseas and domestic studios. We will be making announcements about the release dates of those titles between the end of FY2018/3 and E3.

Q: What do you think of the platform Steam for downloading PC games?

A: Steam has many users, but our games tend to get lost amongst the many titles it offers. As such, we think it’s important to guide users from our sales website to Steam.

Q: Left Alive was introduced in September. What will it cost to develop, and what is the positioning of the title?

A: We want to make it into a AAA brand, but that does not mean that we intend to devote massive development costs to it. Content-wise, the game will be satisfying in a hardcore way, and that’s how we want to market it to players.

https://www.dualshockers.com/squ ... -dates-major-games/
2017-12-9 07:34 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-10 07:17 AM 编辑

Romancing SaGa 2 for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and PC launches December 15
《浪漫沙加 2》将登陆PS4、Switch、Xbox One和PC平台

  Square Enix 制作的《浪漫沙加2》宣布将登陆 PS4、Switch、Xbox One 和 PC 平台,12
月 15 日在全球同步推出。价格3200日元,在 1 月 8 日之前优惠价是2550日元。

  本作的基本内容与之前的PSV和手机版相同,但画面针对各个平台进行了再调整。此外PS4版将支持与PSV版共通存档,而Xbox One版与Win10版可共享账号。


以下原文来自台湾官方 -

  《复活邪神 2》是 1993 年于 Super Famicom 上发售的 RPG 作品,累积销售套数超过 100 万套。 玩家将扮演帝国的历代皇帝,跨越世代展开与「七英雄」的战争。

  本作结合了可让玩家改变剧情的「自由剧情系统」以及「皇位旧系统」,描述一国历史的壮阔故事在系列作中相当受到欢迎。 此外,在本作中首创的「技能一闪(技の闪き)」以及「战斗阵型」也被往后的系列作所沿用。

  这次将在智能型手机和 PlayStation Vita 上推出的《复活邪神 2》是保留 1993 年版本原始画面风格,虽然依旧采用位图呈现,但在背景与战斗图像上都全面翻新,战斗画面中角色也会有动画, 并将针对各平台调整至最适合的操作模式。


Romancing SaGa 2 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and PC via Steam and Windows 10 worldwide on December 15, Square Enix announced.

In Japan, a PS Vita version is already available. The new versions will cost 3,200 yen, but launch at a discounted price of 2,550 yen until January 8.

The new versions are ported from the PS Vita, iOS, and Android versions of Romancing SaGa 2. Graphics have been readjusted for each platform. The PlayStation 4 version supports cross-save with the PS Vita version, and the Xbox One version does the same with the Windows 10 version.

Here is an overview of the game, via Square Enix:

Originally released in 1993, the landmark title in the SaGa series has players leading the Varennes Empire in battle against the Seven Heroes. A free scenario system—a hallmark of the SaGa series—enables the player to take command of a variety of protagonists along the line of imperial succession and experience the history of a nation as it grows and changes.

Enhanced features include:

Updated graphics and audio
New character classes provide added depth and tactical possibilities to gameplay
New dungeon provides greater challenges
“New Game+” feature carries over useful character attributes and items into a new game, enabling players to obtain missed items, or save previously sacrificed lands and companions.
In related news, Square Enix said that the March-announced remaster of Romancing SaGa 3 is currently 60 to 70 percent complete.

2017-12-28 12:11 PM


2018-1-18 07:40 AM
2018-1-22 11:13 PM
Sonic the Hedgehog creator Yuji Naka joins Square Enix
《音速小子》之父中裕司宣布加入 SQUARE ENIX 将投入游戏开发工作

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/158142.html

  一手催生 SEGA 经典游戏《音速小子(Sonic the Hedgehog )》系列的之名资深游戏开发者中裕司,今(22)日在个人 Twitter 上宣布已经加入 SQUARE ENIX,将从事游戏开发的工作。



  1965 年生、出身大阪的中裕司是全球知名的游戏开发者。 1984 年加入 SEGA,早年以程序设计师身分活跃,后升格担任游戏制作人,率领旗下团队开发出脍炙人口的《音速小子》系列。 此外还曾经手《飞天幽梦》、《梦幻之星 Online》、《热舞森巴》、《啾啾火箭队》等众多游戏。

  2006 年中裕司在 SEGA 创业计划支持下成立 PROPE 公司担任社长,曾制作多款以下载游戏为主的小型游戏,比较大型的作品则只有角川游戏发行的《天空机士罗迪亚》,产量显著下降。

  如今中裕司透过 Twitter 宣布已经在今年 1 月加入日本游戏大厂 SQUARE ENIX。 他表示虽然环境改变了,但他仍将继续从事游戏开发。 一想到能在曾制作出各式各样游戏类型的 SQUARE ENIX 下展开新的挑战就觉得相当雀跃。 将以开发出能乐在其中的游戏为目标,请大家期待。


Yuji Naka, the former head of the Sonic Team and lead programmer of the original Sonic the Hedgehog games for Sega Genesis, joined Square Enix in January, he announced on Twitter.

“Just a quick note to let you know, I joined Square Enix in January,” Naka said. “I’m joining game development as before, and strive to develop games at Square Enix. I aim to develop an enjoyable game, please look forward to it.”

After leaving Sonic Team in 2006, Naka founded Prope, a company that went on to develop several titles, including Ivy the Kiwi?, Fishing Resort, Digimon Adventure, and Rodea the Sky Soldier. Naka did not announce whether his joining Square Enix will affect Prope.
2018-1-23 06:05 PM
2018-1-24 10:35 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-25 03:27 PM 编辑

Crystal Dynamics Expands Studio With Top Industry Talent

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201801/4311917127.html


        这15名专业开发人包括顽皮狗的创意总监Shaun Escayg,他曾负责《最后生还者》和《秘境探险:失落的遗产》等项目,在《复仇者联盟》项目中他将继续出任游戏的创意总监一职。另外还包括Visceral Games的知名开发人Stephen Barry,他将担任游戏的总监,此前他曾参与到《死亡空间》系列的制作。

        其他的制作人则是分别参与过《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆起源》《死亡空间》和《星球大战:战场前线》等作品,还有开发人来自Monolith Production和Sledgehammer Games,这些开发人将分别担任动画设计、美术和引擎等制作工作。

Crystal Dynamics Expands Studio With Top Industry Talent

Crystal Dynamics, the renowned developer of the critically acclaimed and world-famous Tomb Raider franchise, which has sold over 63 million copies globally, today announced they continue to expand their award-winning studio by adding 15 top industry talent to their development team in January alone. Included in the group are former Naughty Dog Creative Director Shaun Escayg who joins The Avengers Project as Creative Director, and as Director of Production Stephen Barry, a 27 year Veteran from EA/Visceral Games.

Escayg served as the Creative Director and writer of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and led the cinematics team as the Director of Photography and Animation Supervisor on The Last of Us . In addition, he worked as an animator at Industrial Light & Magic. “I’m thrilled to join Crystal as Creative Director and be aligned with a team as passionate about telling great character based stories as I am.”

Barry held multiple positions at Electronic Arts and was formerly the Director of Product Development at Visceral Games, working on several games over his long career including the critically acclaimed Dead Space franchise. “Crystal’s been around almost as long as I’ve been in the business. The immediate chemistry and camaraderie has been exactly what I’d hoped for.”

“We’re committed to delivering an incredible, completely original Avengers experience to our gamers, and that means we are always looking to add amazing developers to our existing best in class studio talent,” said Scot Amos, Co-Head of Studio at Crystal Dynamics. “As development progresses, our studio continues to grow. The tremendous progress we’ve made on The Avengers project further drives us toward our goal of crafting something all Marvel fans will be proud of, and will play for years to come. We can’t wait to show you what we mean in the future.”

“We recently hired fifteen world-renowned industry veterans, spanning production leadership, animation, design, art and engineering, who have previously worked on games such as Batman: Arkham Origins, Dead Space, Star Wars: Battlefront and many more.” said Ron Rosenberg, Co-Head of Studio at Crystal Dynamics. “Their AAA experience adds to an already deep roster, making us well-positioned to deliver on the ambitious goals we’ve set for ourselves with The Avengers project. It’s a stellar addition of many people who fit incredibly well into our wheelhouse of building game experiences we all love.”

Crystal Dynamics has developed and published over 30 award-winning titles during its 25-year adventure. Some of the most beloved franchises include Gex, Legacy of Kain and most recently, Tomb Raider.
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