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【新闻部】SEGA - .

2017-12-8 07:35 AM
2017-12-20 07:29 AM
2018-1-4 11:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-5 06:16 PM 编辑


转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/157452.html

  Sega 与 Creative Assembly 今日曝光旗下《全军破敌》系列最新作《全军破敌传奇:不列颠王座(Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia)》最新宣传影片,为玩家揭露游戏中的起点。


  Creative Assembly 表示,《全军破敌传奇:不列颠王座》结合大规模的实时战斗与回合制战役,以历史上关键时刻作为游戏背景,盎格鲁萨克逊人、盖尔氏族与维京开拓者将角逐统治地位。

  游戏故事描述公元 878 年阿佛烈大帝阻止了维京人的入侵,北欧受到挫折后并未放弃,开始在不列颠各地设下了据点,暌违将近 80 年,这个国家终于勉强达到了和平状态。 在这个王权统治的岛屿,英格兰王、苏格兰王、爱尔兰王与韦尔斯王都感觉到变革之时将近;这会是一个充满机会的时代。 列王之间将会签订许多条约,战争更是势所必然。 曲折离奇的时势变化,将成为流传于世的传奇,记载历史上一大强国的崛起。

  《全军破敌传奇:不列颠王座》预定 2018 年上市,将支持繁体中文接口与字幕。
2018-1-11 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-11 06:34 PM 编辑

Total War: Three Kingdoms Announced, Coming Fall 2018
《全军破敌》系列首度采用三国历史题材 《全军破敌:三国》预定今年秋季问世

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/157623.html

  SEGA 与 Creative Assembly 旗下知名策略游戏《全军破敌》系列公开最新作《全军破敌:三国(Total War: Three Kingdoms)》,首度采用国内玩家熟知的三国历史为题材,且将支持繁体中文接口与字幕, 预定 2018 年秋季问世。


  Creative Assembly 正式宣布《全军破敌》历史系列新作为三国,这也是《全军破敌》系列第一次以华人历史为背景的作品。

  游戏故事描述公元 190 年,中国动荡不安。 幼帝即位时,汉朝已名存实亡。 他只是个傀儡皇帝,专横军阀董卓的傀儡。 暴虐压迫的政权当道,且随着董卓的势力增长,大汉帝国更进一步陷入兵荒马乱的混沌局势。


  三位英雄,义结金兰,发誓对抗暴政,招兵买马准备迎接考验。 出身中国世家大族的各路诸侯也嗅到了崛起的良机,因此纷纷起而效之,组成松散的联军,试图挑战董卓的高压统治。 他们能战胜暴君吗? 还是他们的个人野心会令原已脆弱不堪的联军分崩离析,并促使他们追求天下霸权?

  战火隆隆,敌友常易。 冲突的烈火燃起了机会。 只有一件事是肯定的:中国的未来将由最后的胜利者做主。

  由游戏简介中,可约略猜出作品本传背景将会是 190 年代董卓之乱、群雄并起之时。 官渡之战、天下三分等等或许有机会可以 DLC/数据片 的形式推出。 《全军破敌:三国》预计于 2018 年秋季在 Steam 平台推出。


Total War: Three Kingdoms Announced

SEGA Europe today announced the new historical strategy game Total War: Three Kingdoms, the next major historical title in the Total War strategy series from Creative Assembly, and the first to explore ancient China, will launch in Fall 2018.

It is 190CE and China is in turmoil. The Han Dynasty crumbles before the child-emperor, who is a mere puppet for the tyrant Dong Zhuo. The brutal and oppressive regime’s power grows as the empire slips further into anarchy. Yet hope blossoms in the form of three heroes, sworn to brotherhood in the face of calamity. Warlords of great families follow suit, forming a fragile coalition in a bid to challenge Dong Zhuo’s remorseless rule. The future of China will be shaped by their hands, but personal ambition threatens their already crumbling alliance.

Inspired by the beauty and artistic style of the age, Total War: Three Kingdoms breathes life into the heroes of this fascinating period as they struggle to unite China under a single banner.

Total War: Three Kingdoms will be available for PC in 2018.
2018-1-11 06:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-11 06:31 PM 编辑

Free-to-play Border Break announced for PS4
大型电玩机器人团战游戏《边境保卫战》宣布推出 PS4 版 采基本游玩免费模式营运

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/157637.html

  SEGA Interactive 在今(11)日举办的新项目发表会中宣布,将于 2018 年在 PS4 推出高速机器人团队对战游戏《边境保卫战(Border Break)》系列最新作,采基本游玩免费制营运。

  《边境保卫战》是 2009 年 9 月推出、可透过网络进行最多 10 人对 10 人大规模联机对战的大型电玩机器人团队对战游戏。 游戏中玩家将驾驶自己改装的机器人与同伴携手对抗敌军。 采飞行游戏杆式握把搭配鼠标式握把来操作机器人的移动与瞄准。 透过计时收费与道具付费方式营运。

  本次预定推出的 PS4 版《边境保卫战》将不采用大型电玩版的计时收费制,而是以基本游玩免费、部分道具付费的制度营运,亦不设定体力限制,玩家不论何时都能不受限制尽情畅玩。 操作部分除了支持标准的 DS4 无线控制器之外,还预定支持鼠标,重现大型电玩版的操作手感。

  PS4 版将收录能体验游戏深奥世界观的「故事模式」,能依照玩家程度享受战斗乐趣的「新手对战」、「休闲对战」与「位阶对战」等模式,没有玩过大型电玩版的玩家亦能轻松游玩。





  PS4 版《边境保卫战》采免费下载,并预定贩卖内附特典的特别下载版与套装版。

Sega is bringing its 2009-launched robot action arcade game series Border Break to PlayStation 4, the company announced during its Border Break New Project Presentation Held in Japan today. Simply titled Border Break, it will launch in Japan as a free-to-play download title with item-based micro-transactions in 2018. A physical version with extra bonuses will also be released. An open beta, playable even without a PlayStation Plus subscription, will be held in February.

Border Break for PlayStation 4 will feature 10-versus-10 high-speed robot battles across a wide variety of maps. It will support both the DualShock 4 controller and mouse as control methods. Players will be able to customize their battle robot to their liking with every possible part. There are four types of weapons available:

Assault Weapons – Expand the front lines with high mobility.
Heavy Fire Weapons – Pulverize enemies with overwhelming fire power.
Raid Weapons – Overthrow the battlefield in response to any situations.
Support Weapons – Supports allies from behind the scenes with search and repair operations.

The following modes will be playable:

Story Mode – Expands the world of Border Break.
Main Characters
Hati (voiced by Reina Ueda) – The protagonist burning with revenge.
Mikoto (voiced by Rie Takahashi) – The operator that supports the team.
Managar (voiced by Shunsuke Takeuchi) – The powerful ace that blocks your way.
Other unique characters will appear in large numbers. Popular illustrators are also participating in their creation.
Beginner Match – Player-versus-CPU battle.
Casual Match – Casual player-versus-player battles without rank changes.
Ranked Match – Player-versus-player matches with rank changes based on the outcome and activity in battle.

The opening theme song is being done by “SawanoHiroyuki[nZk],” which is the vocal project by composer Hiroyuki Sawano.



2018-1-16 10:28 PM
2018-1-17 07:50 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-17 05:15 PM 编辑

SEGA Announces Two Point Hospital for PC, Coming Fall 2018
《主题医院》精神续作《双点医院》秋季发售 支持简体中文

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201801/5628116971.html

  由牛蛙工作室、狮头工作室和Mucky Foot前员工们组成的Two Point工作室宣布他们的首个作品《双点医院》(Two Point Hospital)将于今年秋季登陆Steam,世嘉负责发行,游戏支持简体中文。本作可以看做是经典游戏《主题医院》的精神续作。














Two Point Hospital Announced Alongside Ground-Breaking Treatment for Light Headedness

SEGA and Two Point Studios today announced a revolutionary new treatment for ‘Light-Headedness’ in their newly revealed game, Two Point Hospital, coming to Steam in late 2018. In what ‘experts’ are describing as a ‘light bulb moment for completely fictional medicine’, the Farnham based studio are drawing plaudits for their inception of the ‘De-Lux Clinic’, which is being rolled out across Two Point County to tackle the recent epidemic of this filamentally flummoxing affliction.

Light-Headedness was first experienced by patient zero, known only as Trevor. You can follow the illuminating story of Trevor and his battle with this rare disease by watching our enlightening infomercial about Two Point Hospital.

Two Point Hospital, inspired by and from the creators of Theme Hospital, is set to be a return to one of gaming’s most loved sim genres. Two Point Hospital draws on the experience of some the gaming industry’s most experienced and successful sim developers, who between them, in addition to Theme Hospital, have worked on titles like Black and White, Theme Park and Fable at studios including Bullfrog, Lionhead and Mucky Foot. Two Point Hospital will deliver a compelling experience packed with the humour, charm and replayability fans of the genre have come to expect.

“We’re delighted to finally announce the fruits of our partnership with Two Point Studios and reveal Two Point Hospital to the world,” said John Clark, Executive Vice President of Publishing for SEGA Europe. “We’re committed to finding and working with the best new studios, ones that fit with SEGA’s ethos to deliver new IP with strong franchise potential. Two Point Studios’ vision for Two Point Hospital and their ambitions for it fit perfectly with that notion and we look forward to releasing their game later this year.”

"Gary and I have been talking about this project for a number of years and are really excited to be announcing Two Point Studios' first game" said Mark Webley, Co-Founder of Two Points Studios. His fellow Co-Founder, Gary Carr added: "The amazing team we have managed to bring together, and our partnership with Sega, has really allowed this first part of our vision to finally come to fruition".

Two Point Hospital will launch for PC via Steam and the SEGA Store later this year. For more information about all things Two Point Hospital sign up for our Hospital Pass at http://www.twopointhospital.com/. Hospital Pass will give fans of the game a chance to access exciting news concerning Two Point Hospital before anyone else as well as the gift of an exclusive in game item once the game launches. You can also follow the game’s progress on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
2018-1-17 06:24 PM
《东方计划 不可思议的幻想乡 TOD-RELOADED-》Switch 与 PS4 版中文版 2018 年发售
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/157898.html

  SEGA Games 宣布,由 AQUA STYLE 开发的 Nintendo Switch 以及 PlayStation 4 双平台游戏《东方计划 不可思议的幻想乡 TOD -RELOADED- Asia All-in-One Edition》,将在 2018 年于台湾、香港、新加坡等区域发售。



  以「东方 Project(制作:上海艾丽斯幻乐团)」为题材的粉丝取向游戏《不可思议的幻想乡》,是每次游玩地城构造跟道具都会变化的「地城探索 RPG」。 《东方计划 不可思议的幻想乡 TOD -RELOADED-》为此系列的最新游戏。



  本作《-RELOADED-》除了前作《不可思议的幻想乡 - THE TOWER OF DESIRE-》的所有内容以外,还新增了全新要素。

原作的「东方红魔乡」之后的角色,包含敌人与伙伴,登场角色多达约 120 位! 绝妙再现拥有丰富性格的能力与特征。 全语音的冒险部分让故事更加精彩。



  让人忍不住多次游玩的大量全破要素与简单易懂的系统获得高度评价,也获得 2017 年底的「PlayStation Awards 2017 INDIES & DEVELOPER 部门」。 令人期待的繁体中文版中,将该魅力全部收录。 另外,也预计同时发售比日文版更加强化的限定版。 详情将在台北电玩展中发表。

  台北电玩展会场的 SEGA Games 摊位将会展示本游戏繁体中文版的体验版。 另外,台北电玩展第 2 天跟第 3 天也决定实施舞台活动。 开发本游戏的社团「AQUA STYLE」代表的开发监制 JYUNYA 氏、孕育出东方 Project 的父亲 ZUN 氏将会莅来到SEGA Games 的舞台,玩家将可尽情感受东方 Project,以及《不可思议的幻想乡》系列的魅力。

东方计划 不可思议的幻想乡 TOD -RELOADED - 舞台活动时间
1 月 27 日(六)16:00~
1 月 28 日(日)16:00~

产品名称:东方计划 不可思议的幻想乡 TOD -RELOADED- Asia All-in-One Edition
日文原名:不思议の幻想郷 TOD -RELOADED-
主机平台:Nintendo Switch/PlayStation 4
上市日期:2018 年预定
游戏类型:地城 RPG
游玩人数:1 人
发行・销售:SEGA Games
版权标记:©Team Shanghai Alice ©AQUA STYLE ©SEGA
2018-1-17 10:54 PM
2018-1-22 11:07 PM
PS4《边境保卫战》预定 2 月 3 日起展开 4 波公测 开放所有 PS4 玩家参与
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/158122.html

  SEGA Interactive 日前宣布,预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 高速机器人团队对战游戏《边境保卫战(Border Break)》,将于 2 月 3 日至 18 日展开 4 波公开测试,开放所有 PS4 玩家参与。


  《边境保卫战》是 2009 年 9 月推出、可透过网络进行最多 10 人对 10 人大规模联机对战的大型电玩机器人团队对战游戏的 PS4 家用版。 游戏中玩家将驾驶自己改装的机器人,与同伴携手对抗敌军。 采用基本游玩免费制营运,亦不设定体力限制。 操作部分将支持鼠标,重现大型电玩版的操作手感。 收录能体验游戏深奥世界观的「故事模式」,能依照玩家程度享受战斗乐趣的「新手对战」、「休闲对战」与「位阶对战」等模式,没有玩过大型电玩版的玩家亦能轻松游玩。







  《边境保卫战》预定 2 月 3、4 日与 2 月 17、18 日进行 4 次公开测试,开放时间皆为 15:00~21:00(日本时间)。 2 月 1 日会率先开放公测版本下载。 不需要 PlayStation Plus 资格。

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