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【新闻部】SEGA - .

2018-1-25 07:36 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-25 06:54 PM 编辑

Two Point Hospital 'Developer Vision' Trailer

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201801/5628116971.html

  由牛蛙工作室、狮头工作室和Mucky Foot前员工们组成的Two Point工作室宣布他们的首个作品《双点医院》(Two Point Hospital)将于今年秋季登陆Steam,世嘉负责发行,游戏支持简体中文。本作可以看做是经典游戏《主题医院》的精神续作。



Go Behind the Scenes with the Vision Trailer for Two Point Studios and Learn More About Two Point Hospital

Delve behind the scenes and into the creative vision of Two Point Studios in a brand new trailer. Find out what makes this new studio (with a heap of pedigree) tick, and what amazing inspirations are pouring from their brains and into Two Point Hospital. Find out more about the game itself, with never-before-seen gameplay to stir the soul.

Learn, too, how the studio come up with hilarious ideas for visual illnesses, and how they are realised and brought to life in the game.

To get closer to the team, sign up to Hospital Pass at twopointhospital.com for your all-access badge behind the curtain at the studio. Get access to regular mini updates, and get trailers like this before anyone else! But that’s not all… an exclusive in-game item awaits you for signing up too when the game is released. You can also follow the team on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
2018-1-27 01:43 PM
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/158390.html

  SEGA 今(27)日在 2018 台北国际电玩展举办的合作厂商舞台活动中,宣布来自日本一 Software、Marvelous、AQUA STYLE、AQUAPLUS 等合作厂商的多款新作都将推出中文版。


在今天上午的舞台活动中,SEGA Games 日本亚洲事业部事业部长野本章亲自引介合作厂商伙伴上台,发表今后预定在亚洲展开的计划,确认多款日本新作游戏都将推出中文版,包括:

日本一 Software
《project Nightmare》(未定)


《闪乱神乐 Burst Re:Newal》(PS4,2018 年 5 月 17 日)
《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》(PS4 / PS Vita,预定 2018 年)



《东方计划 不可思议的幻想乡 TOD -RELOADED-》(PS4,预定 2018 年)


《受赞颂者 给逝者的摇篮曲》(PS4,预定 2018 年)
《受赞颂者 虚伪的假面》(PS4,未定)
《受赞颂者 两人的白皇》(PS4,未定)



2018-1-29 11:24 PM
Sega Europe to Publish New Narrative-Driven Game from Interior Night

SEGA Europe and Interior Night Enter into Publishing Partnership

SEGA Europe and the recently formed studio, Interior Night have today announced that they have agreed a publishing partnership that will see both companies collaborating on the development and launch of a brand-new narrative driven IP.

Interior Night was formed in October 2017 with the goal of developing narrative games aimed at a mature TV audience. The studio, which has recently been on a recruitment drive to source some of the industry’s finest in developing social and narrative driven games, currently boasts talent whose credits include ‘Heavy Rain’, ‘Wonderbook: Book of Spells’ and ‘Beyond – Two Souls’ from triple A studios like Quantic Dream, Sony and Slightly Mad Studios.

The publishing partnership with Interior Night underlines SEGA’s ambition to work with some of the best studios around as it aims to cultivate exciting new IP and deliver gamers engrossing experiences.

“Signing this deal with Interior Night is another great step for SEGA in terms of working with talented studios whether they’re established or embarking on a new journey whilst exploring our desire to launch new franchises and experiences.” said John Clark, Executive Vice President of Publishing at SEGA Europe. “We’re really looking forward to working with Interior Night as their combined talents and imaginations evolve into a really strong narrative driven gaming experience.”

Caroline Marchal, Interior Night’s CEO said “We are very excited to work with SEGA on our first narrative game. SEGA have demonstrated a strong desire to take risks, innovate and work collaboratively with studios. With their help and support, we’re confident Interior Night can deliver a great narrative experience to existing gamers and to a broader audience.”

For more information about Interior Night log on to http://www.interiornight.com/ or follow them on Twitter.
2018-1-31 11:04 PM
2018-2-2 11:19 PM
2018-2-7 06:40 PM
《魔法气泡俄罗斯方块》确定推出 PC 版本 预定 2 月底海外地区上市
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/158858.html

  SEGA 今日正式宣布,益智游戏《魔法气泡俄罗斯方块》确定登上 PC,预定于 2 月 27 日在 Steam 平台上发售。

  《魔法气泡俄罗斯方块》是结合知名《魔法气泡》系列以及经典《俄罗斯方块》系列,来实现两大落下堆栈型游戏同台登场的益智游戏。 今日,官方正式宣布游戏将推出 PC 版本,未来玩家将可以透过计算机与其他人对战。


  PC《魔法气泡俄罗斯方块》预定于 2 月 27 日在 Steam 平台上发售。
2018-2-17 12:54 PM
2018-2-19 07:45 AM
2018-2-21 02:47 PM
2018-2-23 03:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-23 04:52 PM 编辑

《全军破敌:竞技场》公开测试全球展开 扮演汉尼拔、哈斯德鲁巴尔指挥战象部队
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/159432.html

  战游网发行联盟与 Creative Assembly 及 SEGA 宣布旗下回合制在线策略游戏《全军破敌:竞技场》于即日正式于全球开放公开测试(Open Beta),玩家将化身为历史上经典的指挥官角色、踏上战场。

  《全军破敌:竞技场》是问世至今 16 年的老牌策略游戏《全军破敌》系列首款免费畅玩在线多人游戏,游戏中将收录古欧洲罗马、希腊与蛮族 3 大势力部队,展开 10 对 10 的大规模会战。 每个势力都有自己的军队树,能发展出各具色特的多样化部队,总共收录 140 种部队单位,玩家能够从广泛又多元的名单中打造专属的军队。

  本次公开测试内容除了原有的希腊英雄、罗马策略高手及蛮族战士,迦太基部队也正式加入,玩家将能扮演成传奇指挥官汉尼拔(Hannibal Barca)或哈斯德鲁巴尔(Hasdrubal Barca),指挥由战象组成的全新部队。

  战游网发行联盟《全军破敌:竞技场》制作人总监 Evgeniy Shukin 表示:「我们很荣幸而且开心能够与全球各地的玩家分享此次公测推出的成果。 Beta 测试人员与我们同心协力打造了这款多人玩家在线策略游戏,不仅让新手能轻易上手,同时也能让经验丰富的退伍军人将亲身作战的策略运用在游戏中。 」

  战游网发行联盟《全军破敌:竞技场》游戏总监 Gabor Beressy 表示:「靠着对历史及多人游戏的热情,以及制作团队跟玩家多年的支持及研发,造就了《全军破敌:竞技场》公开测试版本的诞生, 我们也等不及所有新玩家来亲身体验这款迷人的游戏。 」


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