Children have two main eduscators in their lives - their teachers and their pareant. Once the child enters school, the parent's job as educator is far from over and is not passed on to the school teacher.
Parents are their child's first and foremost teacher - their guide - they are a mojor influence in their children's lives. So it is vital for them to play an active role in the development of their abilities.
Research has shown that parental involvement is important in bringing out the best in children. But what is parental involvement ? Though there is no universal definition, the general concensus is that parental involvement comes in the form of home support and participation in their children's school lives.
Home Support
A family's hpme life plays an important role in a child's learning process ans personal development - this is especially so in their early years. Though school provide the basic education a child needs for his / her future, parents need to ensure that their child is able to cope at school and with assignment.
Some parents may think that as long as their child attends school and achives good grades, there's nothing to worry about - that their child is coping well and no additional parental guidance or support is necessary. Grades may tell you how your child is managing with school work, but grades don't say much about the other aspects of school life.
Regardless of how well a child is doing at school, all children need support and encouragement and they especially need this from their parents. Home support is giving a child their attention and assistance he / she igh parental needs at home to encourage their skills and confidence. Studies have shown that high parental interest in their children's school work is linked to their batter examination results.
Home support does not only mean helping with homework - thouigh it is one of the first step you can take as a parent
to become involved. Reinforcing what was learnt in school helps your child's progression, but don't put too much pressure on your child. Try to understand their strengths and weaknesses and assist their learning by doing an activity together in a way that's both engaging anf fun - for example, if your child is struggling with reading, try reading about something they are interested in together, or if your child loves to draw, try doing the activity together. Remember to encourage your child's interests and strengths but don't set them unrealistic goals.
Knowing your child's school curriculumand showing an interest in what they are learning also provide confidence, support and security. Try asking your child about what tour child is hey learn in the class. Be interested and find out if your cilid is enjoying what is being taught. If your child isn't enjoying a subject, try to understand why. Find a way to motivate your child, be it through inspirational stories or offering words of advice as to why it is important to learn. Don't nag your child about his / her faults as this only causes them to feel discouraged.
Offer your child words of encouragement especially when they have done somthing good - children love it. Think about when you were a child and were offered words of encouragement (or even a sticker or a smily face) for good work done. Didn't it make youfeel good inside ? Rewarding a child for good work and offering positive support develop good self-esteem and encourages children to excel.
Some parents may refrain from letting their child know how proud they are for their accomplishments in fear that they will become overconfident. Though there is some truth in this. Overconfidence in children stems from being showered with too much praise for little or no reason at all. Be clear about why you are rewarding your child and tell them what they have done to receive it.
Structuring a daily routine that works for both you and your child is another way you can provide home support. Children yearn for comfort, security and stability. As mich as children may whine about not wanting a schedule, having a daily routine adds structure and security to their lives.
D'Monte is your partner in parenting~
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