美国科学家惊爆, 有3艘巨型宇宙飞船正向地球驶来。(图/互联网)
外国媒体报道, 美国“外星智慧搜寻组织”(Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence,简称SETI)日前声称,3艘载有外星生物的巨型太空船,正向地球驶来,预计在2012年12月间抵达地球。
Has the SETI Institute discovered three objects en route to our world? Alien spacecraft that will arrive in 2012?
If you believe a widespread story now being circulated on the internet, and published by the ironically named “Pravda” [http://english.pravda.ru/science ... giant_spaceships-0/], you might think so. But it’s all nonsense – it’s a rumor, a hoax, and a fabrication that uncritical web sites have reprinted without checking.
A few aspects of the story that are obviously suspect:
The objects, now described as a few hundred kilometers in size, and “beyond the orbit of Pluto”, were apparently discovered by SETI using the HAARP radio array. To begin with, the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) instrument is located in Alaska. The position of the three “incoming” objects is given as -90 degrees declination – or the south celestial pole. Anyone versed in even elementary geometry can recognize that you can’t see this part of the sky from Alaska! In addition, and of clear import, neither the SETI Institute nor any other SETI project makes use of HAARP.
In the original version of this article http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-c ... ace-flying-to-earth, purported SETI astrophysicist Craig Kasnov is quoted as saying that the three objects are in-bound. No one named Craig Kasnov has ever worked at the SETI Institute. There is a media and conservation professional by name of Craig Kasnoff, who – with David Gedye – came up with the idea of the SETI@home screen saver many years ago. But he has explicitly noted that he has nothing to do with this story, and in fact the article itself points out that it is referencing “Kasnov” not “Kasnoff.” So the story rests on the testimony of a fictional character.
If the SETI Institute had, indeed, found three clearly artificial objects headed for Earth (or just about anywhere else), that news would be found here on its web site. It would also be in the mainstream media. It’s not.
The putative arrival in 2012 of objects from another world is no more believable than the Mayan calendar claim that the world will end in that same year, internet stories notwithstanding!
Dr. Seth Shostak
Senior Astronomer, SETI Institute
19 25 12 -89 46 03
16 19 35 -88 43 10
02 26 39 -89 43 13
但也有天文学家驳斥这说法:http://blogs.discovermagazine.co ... tack-december-2012/

3 Very Large Objects In Space Flying To Earth

http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-c ... ace-flying-to-earth
SETI Astrophysicist Craig Kasnov ( not to be confused with Craig Kasnoff ) has announced the approach to the Earth of 3 very large, very fast moving objects. The length of the “flying saucers” is in the range of tens of kilometers. Landing, according to calculations of scientists, should be in mid-December 2012. Date coincides with the end of the Mayan calendar.
A few very large objects rapidly approaching the Earth - says SETI astrophysicist Craig Kasnov. Don’t take his word for it you can check it out for yourself. He recommends to go to the site http://www.sky-map.org/ and enter the coordinates of the giant UFO:
http://www.sky-map.org/?ra=16.32 ... amp;img_source=DSS2
19 25 12 -89 46 03 - the first large object
16 19 35 -88 43 10 - a cylindrical object
02 26 39 -89 43 13 - the object as a circle
The project participants are assured that the facilities are absolutely real, and the American space agency NASA is trying to conceal important information.
None of these objects can be seen from the northern hemisphere. The second set of numbers in each line tells us that the “object” or “objects” is/are coming in from very deep in the southern hemisphere sky.
In any case, the only thing we can do now - wait for it - says Kasnov. - Soon celestial objects will be visible in a good telescope.
Keep your eyes on the skies… the truth is out there.