
Anne, from setapak, took a bus ride down to KL, ALONE, in support of the rally. she was stopped 4 times, being asked her IC, and questioned by the police on why she's wearing yellow. "why can't I wear yellow?" was her reply.
she didn't know what time the rally was scheduled to start, she didn't know where, she has no one with her; all she knew was to get down to KL, and stand for what she believes in.
the first thing she asked when she sat on our table, "what are you guys doing here?"
Anne teaches English in government schools for about 35 years (if i remember correctly). but her passion is really singing and dancing; and what she values most in her life now is freedom.
Anne has rallied in bersih 2007. she was disappointed as to why no one else was wearing yellow that day. we said chill lah.. that's cuz if we do, we'd be stopped by the cops even before we get the chance to enter KL. "it's so sad.. it's so sad that the police are treating our rakyats like these."
"When you come to rallies, there's a spirit of unity... something i cannot describe... when everyone is united for a cause. you don't even get this sort of unity in church."
She left me with a question that still resides in my heart. now may i impose on you to think about it. "Why do we have to feel so scared (and threatened) in our own home land.. and by own countrymen?"
安妮,从setapak乘坐巴士到吉隆坡,独自一人,支持示威活动。她被阻止了4次,被警方询问她的IC,为什么她身穿黄衣。面对警方的质疑,她的答复是 “为什么我不能穿黄色?”。
当她走开时,留了给我一个问题,仍然驻留在我的心里。现在,我可能会强加给你想想(希望你认真思考)。 “被...自己的家乡同胞造成的吗?为什么我们会感到如此害怕(和备受威胁)在自己的家乡土呢? ”

她的名字叫 ANNIE OOI (黄),今年65岁。

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