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【PS4/PS3/PSV】Dragon Quest Builders

2018-9-13 05:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-13 08:03 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest Builders 2 introduces Monzola Island and its inhabitants
《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》公布新角色与新场景

  《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 (Dragon Quest Builders 2)》在最新的JUMP杂志中公开了一名新角色恰可,以及新的冒险场景蒙左拉岛。


  此外还会有许多来自《勇者斗恶龙 2》的经典怪物将在本作中登场,当年的召唤出最终BOSS的大神官哈刚所带领的哈刚教团也将在本作中与建造者作对。即使哈刚已经不在了,这些人也在人群中不断宣传“建造是邪恶的”这一扭曲的理念,不过大家似乎不太在意哈刚教团的样子。


  《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》相比前作增加了很多内容,比如玩家在游戏中可以进行滑翔、冲刺、潜水等动作,游戏还支持镜头视角的调整,你甚至可以切换到第一人称。游戏还新增了很多武器与道具,并对原来的一些武器道具进行了调整,使其用起来更顺手。

  《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》将于 12 月 20 日登陆日本地区的PS4和switch平台。繁体中文版发售日暂时未知。

The latest issue of Weekly Jump has new information on Dragon Quest Builders 2, introducing the newly discovered Monzola Island and its inhabitants Chako and Bananzo.

Get the details below.

Restore the Rich Greenery of the Island that Turned Barren

In Dragon Quest Builders 2, you can experience various types of building. On the newly discovered Monzola Island, it seems that the soil has rotted and the crops are not growing. Solve this problem and restore the island’s plantation together with its inhabitants.


An inhabitant of Monzola Island. A self-proclaimed field farming prodigy, she is trying to restore the greenery of Monzola Island, as well as its former plantation.


An inhabitant of Monzola Island. An old man with rough hair and a beard. While he works with Chako in field farming, he no longer seems to be very interested due to the influence of the Hargon Order.

Building is Bad!?

In this world, the Hargon Order spreads the doctrine that “building is bad” to the people in order to obstruct builders.

The Babango Fruit Rotting the Soil

The direct cause of the rotting soil is the Babango Fruit. This pink-colored fruit will sometimes appear around the island, and when it explodes it rots the soil.

Familiar Monsters from Dragon Quest II Aplenty

Familiar monsters from Dragon Quest II will appear, including the iron ant, orc, and badboon.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on December 20 in Japan.
2018-9-20 10:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-23 07:09 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 破坏神席德与空荡岛》PS4 版将支持繁体中文
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/168514.html
A9VG 专访《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》制作人
《勇者鬥惡龍 創世小玩家 2》中文版明年登場 創造師與破壞神的友情大冒險

  Sony Interactive Entertainment Taiwan(SIET) 今日趁东京电玩展宣布,SQUARE ENIX 旗下 PlayStation4 版《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 破坏神席德与空荡岛》将支持繁体中文。

  《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 破坏神席德与空荡岛》是运用创造物品的能力,在方块构成之世界中展开冒险的「勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家」系列最新作。 玩家要扮演具备「创造物品」能力的年轻创造师,解决世界上各式各样地区里发生的问题,藉此救助人们的一款「方块创作 RPG」。





2018-9-21 06:17 PM
Dragon Quest Builders 2 introduces farming

The latest issue of Weekly Jump has new information on Dragon Quest Builders 2, introducing the game’s farming elements.

Plow, Plant, Grow, and Harvest!

You are an apprentice Builder with the power to make things. Work with the inhabitants of Monzola Island to restore big plantation to the island’s rotted soil.

• Plow: When inhabitants of the island see a scarecrow set up in a place with healthy soil, they will start plowing the fields.
Plant: If you plow the soil on the field, you will gradually be able to plant crop seeds.
• Grow: The inhabitants of the island will water the seeds planted in the field. After that, wait for the crops to bear fruit.
• Harvest: Harvest the crops that have grown.
• Danger: Monsters targeting crops will appear in the field. Drive them away.

Steadily Build with the Builder Bell and Builder Tools

By gathering the gratitude of the island’s inhabitants and ringing the Builder Bell, you will be able to create even more than you could before. You can also use convenient Builder Tools.

• Builder Bell: Ring the bell when you have gathered the gratitude of the island’s inhabitants.
• Builder Tools: Items intended for building, like hammers. These can be equipped separately from weapons.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on December 20 in Japan.
2018-9-27 03:16 PM
Dragon Quest Builders 2 details Monzola Island setting, more evolved building elements

Following last week’s introduction to the story and characters of Monzola Island in Dragon Quest Builders 2, Square Enix has updated the game’s official Japanese website with information on Monzola Island as a setting and more evolved building elements.

■ World

◆ Monzola Island

Cooperate with the residents of Monzola Island in order to build a plantation and restore the island’s rich greenery!

While it is hard for the protagonist alone to build a plantation, the residents of the island will assist by plowing the field and watering the crops. By borrowing the strength of the island’s residents, you will be able to get the job done in no time. Combine your power to create your dream plantation!

—Put up a scarecrow! The island’s residents will plow the land!

—Decide which crops to grow and plant the seeds in the field!

—The island’s residents will water the crops! After that, wait for them to grow!

—Drive away the monsters attacking your crops!

—Many crops have grown!

—Build a plantation all your own!

Gather the people’s feelings of gratitude and sound the “Builder’s Bell!” The desire for the island’s inhabitants to build will gradually increase!

The inhabitants of the island who believe in the teachings of the Hargon Order will gradually become more positive through building with the protagonist. This is denoted by heart-shaped “Builder Points” sometimes dropped by the residents. By gathering many of these, you can sound the “Builder’s Bell” in town. The sound of the bell will draw out the motivation of the residents and they will gradually grow more positive towards building. Create your plantation in no time.

—The island residents’ feelings of gratitude for the protagonist’s building are represented by heart-shaped “Builder Points!”

—By ringing the Builder’s Bell, the level of the town and motivation of the residents will increase!

—The amount and variety of things the protagonist can create will also increase!

—Build even more and gradually raise your level!

◆ Evolved Building, Part 2

Use “Builder Tools” that make building easier!

In addition to weapons and armor such as swords to fight against monsters, you can also equip “Builder Tools” that are useful for building. Things such as a hammer that breaks hard rocks, a bottomless pot that scoops up water, or gloves to carry things. All of these are useful tools, so use them well.

—Hammer: If you have a hammer, you can break hard rocks and trees! Build up power and swing it with a bang!

—Bottomless Pot: Scoop up water in the bottomless pot and scatter it where you like! Create water fields in various places!

—Gloves: By wearing gloves, you can carry things as they are without breaking them!

—You can even move and reposition flowers and furniture!

The Difference Between Weapons and the Hammer

Weapons such as swords can deal great damage to monsters, but will only break so little and cannot break anything hard like rocks and trees. A hammer can break a large variety of things, but can only deal little damage to monsters. Use these tools properly.

—Since wielding a weapon will not break buildings and furniture, you can fight the monsters attacking the town without hesitation.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on December 20 in Japan.
2018-9-27 03:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-3 06:24 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》公开要与居民合作的「农业」以及数个「建造者道具」情报
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/169066.html

  SQUARE ENIX 于 2018 年 10 月 2 日,公开预定在 12 月 20 日发售的方块创造角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 破坏神席德与空荡岛(ドラゴンクエストビルダーズ 2 破壊神シドーとからっぽの岛)》(PS4 / Nintendo Switch),关于新要素「农业」的游戏情报。

  在本作当中,为了要在全新冒险舞台蒙佐拉岛(モンゾーラ岛)上,让绿意盎然的大地复活,所以要挑战打造农场。 借用会帮忙玩家耕田、灌溉的现地居民之力,打造出一大农场。

  居民们虽然信奉以破坏为教义的哈冈(ハーゴン)教团,但是会在与主角一起创造的过程中逐渐变得更积极进取。 只要收集他们有时会掉落的心形「建造者点数(ビルダーポイント)」,敲响镇上的「建造者之钟」,就可以透过钟声唤醒居民们的创造欲望。


《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 破坏神席德与空荡岛》

预定于 2018 年 12 月 20 发售的《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 破坏神席德与空荡岛》,是《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家》系列最新作品。 为了让绿色大地在蒙佐拉岛上复活,主角要创造出广大农场,和居民们一起同心协力,打造出广大农场吧。 只要活用能在制作物品时派上用场的「建造者道具」,就一定能让农业更加发展!

「农业」是与居民的共同作业!! 只要同心协力,打造广大农场就不是梦!!


在健康的土壤上立地稻草人! 居民就会来帮忙耕田。


播完种居民们就会前来帮忙灌溉! 然后就只要等待作物生长!





就算是已经信奉哈冈教团破坏教义的居民,也会在与主角一起创造事物的过程中,一点一点变得更积极进取。 他们有时会掉落的心形「建造者点数」,就是这种改变的象征。 收集够多点数,就可以敲响镇上的「建造者之钟」。 钟声会唤醒居民们的创作欲求,让他们对于创造事物的态度更显积极,打造广大农场的工作也会更加顺利。


收集够多点数就可以敲响建造者之钟! 提升城镇等级,以及居民们的创造欲求!



在创造事物时方便使用的道具们! 好好活用「建造者道具」吧

主角除了能够装备上剑等武器防具来和怪物作战外,还能够装备在创造事物时能派上用场的「建造者道具」。 像是能击碎坚固岩石的大锤、可以用来装水的陶壶、能够运送物资的手套等等,每一种道具都很方便,取得后可以好好运用。

挥动大锤就可以击碎坚固的岩石和木头! 使尽浑身解数用力挥下!!

使用剑等武器,可以给予怪物更大的伤害,但是仅能够击碎部份物体,无法击碎像岩石或木头等坚固的物体。 而大锤虽然可以击碎绝大部份的物体,但能带给敌人的伤害却很少,要视情况来运用。


用涌泉陶壶装水,设置在任何地点! 这样就能在各种地方制造水源了!!



2018-9-28 04:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-1 04:16 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest Builders 2 introduces building the island
《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》新情报公布 介绍“岛屿建设”要素

  《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 (Dragon Quest Builders 2)》在最新的JUMP杂志中公开了最新情报,介绍了“自由建设岛屿”的游戏内容。


  你可以迁移你在冒险之旅中遇到的小伙伴们,然后与他们一起改造岛屿。在《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》》中,你可以将你在不同地方遇到的人带回到你的基地“Vacant岛”。而来到“Vacant岛”的人们将可以与你一起工作,建设岛屿。


  在《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》中,你所建造的东西也可以升级。你可以凭借自己的奇思妙想来享受各种乐趣,比如布置家具,或者组合各种食材来进行烹饪。有些家具,当你把它们组合在一起时,还会改变外形,你也可以改变家具的颜色,而当你把家具并排组合在一起时,家具上的窗户也会自动连接在一起。如果你往屋子里灌水,屋子就会变成一个水槽。



  《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》将于 12 月 20 日登陆日本地区的PS4和switch平台。繁体中文版发售日暂时未知。

The latest issue of Weekly Jump has new information on Dragon Quest Builders 2 introducing the player’s ability to freely build up an island all their own.

Here are the details:

Build Up the Island as You Like

Migrate the people you meet during your adventure and reclaim the island together. In Dragon Quest Builders 2, the people you meet in various places can be brought to your base that is Vacant Island. The people who come to Vacant Island will work together with you in its cultivation.

Further Evolved Building

In Dragon Quest Builders 2, the things you can build have been powered-up. Enjoy an infinite level of fun depending on your ideas, like furniture placement and the combination of ingredients used for cooking. There is even furniture that changes shape as you attach them to one another, as well as those that you can change the color of by dying, and glass windows that automatically connect when lining up. If you put water in it, it can become a water tank.

Make Your Base of Vacant Island a Wonderful One

By solving peoples’ problems on various islands, they will come to Vacant Island. Some of them may even have the appearance of monsters. Players can also form a party with the islanders and explore every corner of the island together, one person behind the other. Vacant Island is deserted and unpopulated at first, but it will grow busier the more you build. Build up a Vacant Island all your own!

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on December 20 in Japan.
2018-10-1 09:54 PM
Dragon Quest Builders 2 further details Vacant Island setting, more evolved building elements

Square Enix has updated the official Japanese website for Dragon Quest Builders 2 with further information on Vacant Island as a setting and even more evolved building elements.

■ World

◆ Vacant Island, Part 2

Migrate the people you meet to Vacant Island! Borrow their power to build up Vacant Island!

Building knowledge is not the only thing you can acquire on various islands such as Monzola. You can also migrate the people you meet to Vacant Island. Utilize each of their special skills and cooperate to build up Vacant Island. While island will be empty at first, it will gradually become bountiful!

—If you resolve incidents on various islands, you can migrate the people you meet to Vacant Island!

—Form a party and explore together!

—Cooperate with others to build up the island!

—Gradually cultivate Vacant Island!

—While the island is empty at first, it will gradually become bountiful!

—Build up a Vacant Island all your own!

◆ Evolved Building, Part 3

Even more enhanced building! Build up a Vacant Island all your own!

On the large Vacant Island, use the knowledge you have obtained to freely build various things. Here we will introduce some of the enhanced elements that will stimulate your ideas for building. There may even be some original creations new to Dragon Quest Builders!

—Dye creations to change their color!

—Combine ingredients to make meals!

—With blocks that change shape when lined up and connected, there are even more placement variations!

—Connect glass windows to create big windows and water tanks!

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on December 20 in Japan.
2018-10-1 09:55 PM

2018-10-9 03:52 PM
Dragon Quest Builders 2 Japanese box art

Square Enix has updated the official Japanese website for Dragon Quest Builders 2 with the game’s official Japanese box art.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on December 20 in Japan.

2018-10-11 04:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-11 06:19 PM 编辑

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