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【PS4/PS3/PSV】Dragon Quest Builders

2018-4-16 02:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-27 06:54 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》公开故事、世界观以及敌方势力「哈冈教团」情报
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/161963.html

  SQUARE ENIX 在昨(26)日,公开了《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 破坏神席德与空荡之岛(ドラゴンクエストビルダーズ 2 破壊神シドーとからっぽの岛)》(PS4 / Nintendo Switch)的最新消息。

  本次公开的情报,将会提到本作故事与世界观设定。 本作故事设定为打倒邪教大神官. 哈冈(ハーゴン)与破坏神. 席德之后的世界。 过去由哈冈率领的邪教集团「哈冈教团」,在继承哈冈教主的遗志后卷土重来,成为和平世界的一大威胁。 以破坏世界为目的的哈冈教团,首要目标便是将拥有神奇力量「制作东西」,能够复苏荒废世界的建造者一族彻底灭绝,建造者见习生的主角也因此被卷入这场纷乱。

  从本作的副标题,以及与破坏神同名但失去记忆的少年. 席德,可看出至今为止公开的情报都能让人感觉到与《勇者斗恶龙 2 恶灵的诸神》互有关连,而这次则直接表明,本作就是延续《勇者斗恶龙 2》的世界。 当然本作还有许多令人在意的谜团,敬请期待后续报导。


本作冒险舞台,是在《勇者斗恶龙 2 恶灵的诸神》中,打败了邪教大神官. 哈冈与破坏神. 席德之后的和平世界。 正当世界沉浸在得来不易的和平时,新的威胁又再次逼近。 过去由哈冈率领的邪恶组织「哈冈教团」,在继承哈冈的遗志后卷土重来!!

以破坏世界为宗旨的哈冈教团,首先就是要将那些拥有创造力量,可以将世界从荒废之中复苏的建造者一族斩草除根。 而见习生主角,也因此成为哈冈教团追杀的目标......!?

虽然哈冈与席德都已经被打倒了...... 邪恶宗教「哈冈集团」居然卷土重来!!



《勇者斗恶龙 2 恶灵的诸神》

描写初代《勇者斗恶龙》一百年后的世界,《勇者斗恶龙》系列本传的第二部作品。 为了讨伐企图破坏世界的邪教大神官. 哈冈,继承了勇者罗德之血的三名子孙,开始了他们冒险故事。

召唤破坏神席德,企图破坏世界的邪教大神官。 利用麾下的军势,摧毁了蒙布尔克王国(ムーンブルク王国)。

为世界带来毁灭的破坏之神。 由哈冈大神官献上自己的生命所召唤,结果被继承勇者罗德之血的三名子孙打倒。
2018-4-20 03:11 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-20 04:10 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest Builders 2 introduces more story information, evolved adventure elements
《勇者斗恶龙建造者2》自由度将更高 可下水冲刺滑翔斜切

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/9719918383.html)

  SQEX 正在开发中的 PS4 和 Switch新作《勇者斗恶龙建造者2 破坏神西多与无人岛》公开一些新情报。值得注意的是这次游玩的自由度将大幅进化,玩家可以潜入水中移动、可以使用风之斗篷滑翔、可以冲刺高速移动、可以斜向切割砖块,而水流还可以形成瀑布。


The latest issue of Weekly Jump has new information on Dragon Quest Builders 2, introducing more information on the game’s story and evolved adventure elements.

When the protagonist who washes ashore the game’s “Vacant Island” setting begins exploring, they hear a mysterious voice, which tells them to head to the top of the island’s mountain. There, they discover a mysterious stone monument. The protagonist also discovers that there are stone pillars all over the island, which are engraved with “trials” they must pass. According to the voice, overcoming these trials is the path to the protagonist becoming a Master Builder.

There are five marks engraved onto the stone monument at the top of the mountain. You can see these crests by closely examining the stone monument. As for what significance these crests carry, that has yet to be revealed.

The game’s evolved adventure elements include swimming underwater, gliding with the wind mantle, waterfalls, making diagonally-shaped blocks, and high-speed movement through dashing.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is in development for PlayStation 4 and Switch. A release date has yet to be announced.
2018-4-23 01:45 PM
Dragon Quest Builders 2 details story, evolved building elements

Square Enix has updated the official Japanese website for Dragon Quest Builders 2 with new information and screenshots of the recently introduced story and evolved building elements.

Get the details below.

■ Story

The corrupt cleric Hargon and the God of Destruction Malroth were defeated, and a short period of peace came upon the world. However, the threat of the “Hargon Order” was reemerging upon the world!

The Hargon Order, which plans to destroy the world, was trying to eradicate the Builders, whose power to build things make them an enemy in the Order’s eyes.

◆ Vacant Island

A mysterious stone monument on the Vacant Island! You can become a Master Builder by overcoming its trials!?

The “Vacant Island” is an uninhabited island where the protagonist drifts ashore following a certain event. The protagonist and the boy Malroth will make base on this island and refine the protagonist’s building skills while expanding the range that they can explore. Before long, the protagonist will discover a mysterious stone monument and stone pillars via the guidance of a mysterious voice.

—A mysterious voice guides the protagonist.

—The protagonist discovers a mysterious stone monument atop a small mountain.

It is said that if you overcome the trials engraved here, you will become a “Master Builder,” but could that really be…!?

—Builder trials are engraved on stone pillars located throughout the island.

—You can become a Master Builder by overcoming the trials?

■ World

◆ Evolved Building

An introduction to some of Dragon Quest Builders 2‘s evolved building elements.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 has evolved in various areas. It has been made easier to play, and you can enjoy building things like never before. The following is an introduction to some of those evolutions. As for what you can do, use your imagination!

—Build up to 100 floors high to make a tower that reaches the sky.

–Have water flow off steep cliffs.

—Swim underwater.

—Glide with the wind mantle.

—Dash to move at high speed.

—Make diagonally-shaped blocks to create new designs.

—Play from the protagonist’s perspective (Editor’s Note: first-person).

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is in development for PlayStation 4 and Switch. A release date has yet to be announced.
2018-4-23 01:46 PM

2018-5-11 06:21 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-11 07:21 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest Builders 2 trailers detail Dragon Quest Builders save data import bonuses

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/9719918383.html)

  SQEX 正在开发中的 PS4 和 Switch 新作《勇者斗恶龙建造者2 破坏神西多与无人岛》公开的继承特典情报,这款游戏目前仍然未公布发售日期。游玩过前作并完成第一章最开始部分和最后一章分别可以获得前作男女主角的发型以及龙王的宝座图纸。详情如下:

  继承特典一“传说的建造者帽子”。PS4 版玩家需要拥有 PS4、PS3 和 PSV版《勇者斗恶龙建造者》的奖杯“旅途的开始”,Switch 版玩家需要拥有前作第一章在据点立起“希望之旗”的存档。

  继承特典二“龙王宝座图纸”。PS4 版玩家需要拥有 PS4、PS3 和 PSV版《勇者斗恶龙建造者》的奖杯“完成拉达拖姆篇”,Switch 版玩家需要拥有完成终章拉达托姆篇的存档。


Square Enix has updated the official Japanese website for Dragon Quest Builders 2 with information and trailers of the bonus in-game content rewarded to players who have save data from the original Dragon Quest Builders.

Here are the details and videos:

Save Data Import Bonus #1: Legendary Builder’s Cap


By changing your appearance with the “Dresser” item, you will be able to change your character’s hairdo to that of the original Dragon Quest Builders protagonist.

Required Data:

PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / PS Vita versions: “Escape Artist” trophy
Switch version: Save data in which the “Banner of Hope” has been erected in “Chapter 1: Cantlin”

Save Data Import Bonus #2: Dragonlord’s Throne Recipe


Obtain a recipe to build the “Dragonlord’s Throne,” which changes your appearance to that of the Dragonlord while sitting on it.

Required Data:

PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / PS Vita versions: “Torchbearer of Tantegel” trophy
Switch version: Save data after “Final Chapter: Tantegel” has been cleared

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is in development for PlayStation 4 and Switch.
2018-8-22 02:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-22 02:33 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest Builders 2 Japanese release date announcement event set for August 29

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201808/1516220557.html)

  SQEX 正在开发中的 PS4 和 Switch 新作《勇者斗恶龙建造者2 破坏神西多与无人岛》将在 8 月 29 日举办发售日发表会,届时会公布本作的发售日与游戏内容等相关情报。这款作品是以《勇者斗恶龙 2》为世界观制作的方块建造RPG,支持联机模式。



Square Enix will announce the Japanese release date for Dragon Quest Builders 2 during a presentation on August 29 at 20:00 JUST, the company announced. You will be able to watch it live on YouTube.

In addition to the game’s release date, the presentation will feature all sorts of new information about the game. Featured guests include Yuji Horii (general director), Noriyoshi Fujimoto (producer), Takuma Shiraishi (producer), Kazuya Niinou (director), Saito-V (V-Jump editorial department), and Ranze Fukushima (actress).

Dragon Quest Builders 2 will be released for PlayStation 4 and Switch.
2018-8-29 07:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-3 07:39 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙建造者2》发售日公布 公布开场动画
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201808/3981420668.html

  在今日(2018年8月29日)举办的《勇者斗恶龙建造者 2 破坏神西多与无人岛》台译:《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 破坏神席德与空荡之岛(ドラゴンクエストビルダーズ 2 破壊神シドーとからっぽの岛)》发售日发表会上,Square Enix 宣布本作将于12 月 20 日登陆 PS4 和 Switch 平台,并介绍了大量游戏的内容。

  根据本作监督新纳一哉的介绍,本作加强了前作的不足的部分,因为动作元素稍微有点弱所以找了曾经与Square Enix一起开发了《勇者斗恶龙英雄集结》的光荣特库摩也加入了《勇者斗恶龙建造者2》的开发之中,DQH系列的监督庄知彦也来到了现场。



  在PS Store和e-Shop购买数字版的话还可以获得上图中的特典,是DQ2主角三人组的像素摆设的配方。


  在SE Store购买本作的话将获得折纸特典,这个是实物特典。








  这款游戏将于 12 月 20 日发售,对应平台为PS4与Switch。

2018-8-31 04:00 PM
Dragon Quest Builders 2 introduces Lulu

The latest issue of Weekly Jump has the latest information on Dragon Quest Builders 2, including the introduction of a new character named Lulu.

Here are the details:

Go on an Adventure in a World Made of Blocks

You, who descended from the legendary Builder, wash ashore on an uninhabited island as following a certain incident. There, you meet a boy named Malroth. Fight alongside him, gather materials and make buildings, and survive. Your adventure begins now.

Image Caption #1, Mid Page Left: The Hargon Order that is trying to destroy the world will block the protagonist’s path forward…!?
Image Caption #2, Mid Page Right: The name of the uninhabited island is literally “Vacant Island.” Survive on an island that currently has nothing!

Where is Vacant Island located?

Vacant Island is the base of your adventure. Build rooms and tools to make it more comfortable! The island may be empty, but it is filled with dreams!

Cook the Shellfish You Find and Have a Meal!

Procure food, cook, and explore the mysterious ruins.

Clear Trials and Aim to Become a Master Builder

The captain of the shipwrecked ship will send the protagonist to nearby islands by boat.

New Character: Lulu

The daughter of a first-class builder, she cares for the builder apprentice protagonist and washes ashore on the island with him / her.

As announced earlier this week, Dragon Quest Builders 2 will launch for PlayStation 4 and Switch on December 20 in Japan.

2018-9-3 07:11 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-14 07:42 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest Builders 2 details Lulu, ship captain

Square Enix has updated the official Japanese website for Dragon Quest Builders 2 with information and screenshots of the recently introduced Vacant Island residents Lulu and the ship captain.



A young girl who washes ashore Vacant Island with the protagonist. She compares the builder apprentice protagonist to her father, who was a first-class builder.

—“You already made a room!… You’re amazing! You may be even more skilled than my father…”

Ship Captain

The captain of the boat that shipwrecked and washed ashore Vacant Island. He can escort you to nearby islands by boat.

—“I am a traveling merchant. I am also the captain of this ship… And I am also shipwrecked like everyone else.”

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on December 20 in Japan.

《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》公开更多游戏情报公布两位新人物露露和船长情报和截图

  Square Enix 今天更新了日本《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 (Dragon Quest Builders 2)》的官网,放出了一些新的情报与截图,我们看到了两位Vacant岛上的居民,分别是露露和船长。





  《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》相比前作增加了很多内容,比如玩家在游戏中可以进行滑翔、冲刺、潜水等动作,游戏还支持镜头视角的调整,你甚至可以切换到第一人称。游戏还新增了很多武器与道具,并对原来的一些武器道具进行了调整,使其用起来更顺手。

  《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》将于 12 月 20 日登陆日本地区的PS4和switch平台。繁体中文版发售日暂时未知。
2018-9-13 11:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-14 07:45 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2》公开居民「露露」与「船长」以及继承前作记录的特典
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/168268.html

  SQUARE ENIX 昨(13)日,公开了预定 12 月 20 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 破坏神席德与空荡之岛(ドラゴンクエストビルダーズ 2 破壊神シドーとからっぽの岛)》(PS4 / Nintendo Switch)最新消 息。

  本篇报导将公开冒险舞台「空荡之岛」,以及和主角一同遇难漂流到岛上的少女. 露露(ルル)与船长的消息。 为了要在什么都没有的无人岛. 空荡之岛舒适生活,游戏初期必须要先利用岛上现有素材制作床铺。 而当岛上现有素材不够用时,搭乘小船巡回附近的离岛,或许就可以收集到新的素材。

  另外,本次也公开了继承前作记录的特典,玩家可以获得「传奇建造者的帽子(伝说のビルダーの帽子)」,变成前作主角发型,还有「龙王的宝座(竜王の玉座)」配方,坐在王位的期间会变身成龙王的样子。 详细内容还请参阅官方网站。

本作发售日为 2018 年 12 月 20 日(四)

《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家》系列最新作《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 破坏神席德与空荡之岛》,众所期待的发售日定在 2018 年 12 月 20 日(四)! 为了迫不及待的粉丝,本篇报导将沿着最新公开的开头影片,陆续介绍一些重点场景,还有在空荡之岛相遇的少女. 露露等,令玩家们在意的新消息。

《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 2 破坏神席德与空荡之岛》
决定在 2018 年 12 月 20 日(四)发售
《DQ 创世小玩家 2》的开头影片公开中


《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家》是一款让玩家能享受拯救世界的大冒险,又能同时体验堆沙堡乐趣的方块创造 RPG。 在方块构成的世界中,敲敲打打获得素材,制造武器或道具、打造建筑物或设施。 不断精进创造物品的手腕,主角就会变得越来越强,能探索的范围也会跟着增加!

现在还什么都没有的「空荡之岛」。 本作将以这座岛为据点开始冒险!

但是,世界面临了新的威胁!! 邪恶宗教「哈冈集团」居然卷土重来


年轻的建造者,拥有制作东西的奇妙力量。 现在还只是个见习生。

在空荡之岛与主角相遇,丧失记忆的少年。 他将和主角一同冒险。



首先,要利用身边能找到的素材让生活变得舒适一点。 但光只靠空荡之岛的素材,还是会遇上无法解决的情况。 这个时候,就要搭乘小船前往附近的离岛探索,收集新的素材、提升创造的手腕,应该就能破除窘境了。




跟主角一起漂流到空荡之岛的少女。 偶尔会拿自己身为一流建造者的父亲,跟还是见习生的主角互相比较。

不幸遇难来到空荡之岛的船长。 可以用小船载主角前往空荡之岛附近的其他岛屿。


本作早期购入特典「史莱姆塔的配方(スライムタワーのレシピ)」,能够制造出不断往上堆栈的史莱姆塔。 而且,曾经玩过前作《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家 阿雷夫加尔德复兴记(ドラゴンクエストビルダーズ アレフガルドを复活せよ)》的玩家,还可获得前作纪录继承特典,改变主角的外观喔。


透过道具「化妆台(ドレッサー)」改变外表,可以将主角的发型变成初代《勇者斗恶龙 创世小玩家》主角的发型。


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