标题: 【PS4/XB1/PC】Soulcalibur VI [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-8 05:05 PM
标题: 【PS4/XB1/PC】Soulcalibur VI
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-9 07:37 AM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI announced for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
经典格斗游戏《剑魂》宣布新作《剑魂 6》预定 2018 年于多平台推出
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/156267.html

  由 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 所推出的经典格斗游戏《剑魂》,于今日在年度游戏奖项「游戏大奖(The Game Awards)」颁奖典礼上,释出了系列最新作《剑魂 6》的首部宣传影片。

  于去年迎来 20 周年的经典格斗游戏 《剑魂》,在家用主机沉寂多年后,今日于游戏大奖的颁奖典礼上,带来了全新系列作《剑魂 6》的最新消息,并且释出了首部宣传影片。

  《剑魂 6》目前预定将于 2018 年发售,发售平台为 PS4/XBoxOne/Steam 。


Following its announcement at The Game Awards 2017 last night, Bandai Namco has released the first details and screenshots of Soulcalibur VI.

Get the information below.

■ Fact Sheet


History hides away more than one truth…

Soulcalibur VI represents the latest entry in the premier weapons-based, head-to-head fighting series and continues the epic struggle of warriors searching for the legendary Soul Swords. Taking place in the 16th century, revisit the events of the original Soulcalibur to uncover hidden truths. The heroic battles transpire in a beautiful and fluid world, with eye-popping graphics and visual appeal. Soulcalibur VI tunes the battle, movement, and visual systems so players can execute visceral and dynamic attacks with ease. Soulcalibur VI marks a new era of the historic franchise and its legendary struggle between the mighty Soul Swords!

Key Features

■ Characters

Mitsurugi Heishiro

Sophitia Alexandra

■ New System: Reversal Edge

In Soulcalibur VI, “Reversal Edge” is a new battle system that integrates both offense and defense. Once a Reversal Edge is activated, you can continuously defend against the opponent’s techniques to clash against each other and follow-up with powerful counterattacks based on the opponent’s actions. When a Reversal Edge hits, you can enjoy a powerful production like a scene from an action movie highlighted by a dynamic camera.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-9 07:39 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-9 01:39 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-9 04:22 PM 编辑

《剑魂 6》释出实机宣传影片 经典游戏搭配全新引擎呈现全新风貌
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/156361.html

  由 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 所推出的经典格斗游戏《剑魂》系列新作《剑魂 6》,继昨天在游戏大奖(The Game Awards)的颁奖典礼释出新作消息跟宣传影片后,今日官方于美国举办的「 PlayStation Experience 2017」活动上,释出了实机宣传影片。

  这次的《剑魂 6》随着时代的演进,也跟着采用了 UNREAL 引擎制作。 而在今日所释出的影片中,虽然官方尚未公开角色的名称,但我们可看见 2 位十分熟悉的身影展开对决。 《剑魂 6》目前预定将于 2018 年发售,发售平台为 PS4/XBoxOne/Steam 。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-10 06:55 AM
10 minutes of Soulcalibur VI gameplay, producer interview

The official PlayStation YouTube account has gone up with a 10-minute gameplay video and interview with Soulcalibur VI producer Motohiro Okubo, who discusses the development and mechanics of the newly announced fighting game.

Here is the footage and interview in full:


Regarding the start of the project

The development of Soulcalibur VI relaly began because this year marks the 20 year anniverasary for the franchise, and there’s a team inside of Bandai Namco called Project Soul, and we weren’t sure where this was going to go. So that’s when we decided to launch Project Soul, and the brand was at a crossroads if you will, so we wanted a new game to refresh and celebrate the 20th anniversary.

Regarding know-how carried over from Tekken 7

So, of course, Soulcalibur and Tekken are both developed in-house, and we have extremely talented teams and members working on this, but the funny part about that is both teams almost see themselves as rivals of each other. So there are going to be some good and challenging elements that come from this. One is they always try to one-up each other, which is good for innovation. But there are some difficult aspects of that as well. But having been involved in both teams, it puts me in a position where we can really share the best information to help both worlds. So if Tekken is trying to develop a game system or mechanic a certain way, we would say, “hey, Soulcalibur, why don’t you try it this way,” and it really kind of leads to a really good environment I think. And I think the other aspect of being in the unique position of overseeing both Tekken and Soulcalibur franchises is that it allows me to differentiate between the use of weapons vs. non-weapons combat. And I think it’s very iconic that Tekken is a sort of brute force hand-to-hand type of fighting game, whereas Soulcalibur focuses a lot on the weapons. So being able to see both sides really puts me in a good position to develop a great game.

Regarding graphics and rending technology

In terms of engine and graphics, we did a lot of exploraiton in-house and tried different combinations of rendering, but in the end we settled on using Unreal Engine 4 because it worked very well for our project. And a big transition and shift in Soulcalibur VI was the art depiction, art direction in general, and this is going to go into a little bit of the development backstory, but the code name for this game is “Luxor,” and we’re actually using—it’s kind of a play on words—ith “Lux,” which of course means light, so lighting was a huge challenge for ourselves in developing Soulcalibur VI. And we wanted tor eally bring back that feel that we had in Soulcalibur I where it felt a little bright overall, but it wasn’t hitting everything and overexposing everything, because that’s a challenge when you light the stage or the scene up too much, you tend to have that effect. So we wanted to brighten things up a little bit with the art direction. That was kind of a challenge we wanted to tackle with Soulcalibur VI.

Regarding the Reversal Edge mechanic

So to kind of summarize, with the Reversal Edge system and mechanic, what I wanted to recreate was that feeling of becoming a swordsmen or really epic fighter with just weapons, and in doing so there are these certain moments where you’re fighting, I can only imagine how this works, when the opponent’s sword is coming down at you, and everything kind of goes in slow motion. And after you parry it, dodge it, and go immediately into a counterattack. That was the feeling we were trying to recreate and it ending up becoming this Reversal Edge mechanic. So the Reversal Edge system is designed to be something very easy to execute. And whether the opponent is attacking with a high, medium, or low attack, it is able to parry the attack and transition into a counter. And in Soulcalibur, there is the sort of balance of three powers, one beats another move, and I wanted the people who are playing Soulcalibur for the first time to really understand this triangle balance where this move will outdo this move. And I think it will be very easy for those who aren’t too familiar with the Soulcalibur franchise to pick up and understand what the system is designed to do.

Regarding the fundamentals of the control system

Soulcalibur is definitely going to feel very familiar for those who have played and experienced the franchise in the past. And going into a little more depth, what we wanted to recreate was some of that fast responsiveness that you would see in Soulcalibur II, as well as what we believe is kind of the completed form of balance in character interactions and mechanics that you saw in Soulcalibur V. So kind of merging those two into a single experience.

Regarding things that Soulcalibur fans may notice when playing Soulcalibur VI

So in terms of the mechanics and returning veteran players, I know we talked a lot about the good aspects of the mechanic, Reversal Edge, but there is also going to be a lot of risk in using this move. And I think the players as they play around more and experience Reversal Edge, they’re going to understand the risks and transition into a more traditional Soulcalibur type of feel in gameplay. And, of course, that doesn’t mean to say there aren’t any new mechanics. There are going to be more new mechanics as well, but I think it will kind of help educate people in this learning curve that we designed through Reversal Edge.

Regarding Okubo’s all-time favorite Soulcalibur character

As someone who is born and raised in Japan, I feel an obligation to answer Mitsurugi as we all wanted to become a samurai at some point during our childhood. And I do have a lot of other characters that I like and I can pick out, but if I reveal too much right now, I think that will tip my cards.

Regarding the release date

So we are working very hard to get this game out, and I would like to say as soon that as soon as we can, but within the 2018 year is the best answer I can give you right now. But we are working hard so please stay tuned for more information on a release date.

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-12 05:02 PM
武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6》宣布将于 2018 年推出繁体中文版
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/156407.html

  台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今(11)日宣布,《剑魂》系列游戏最新作 PS4 / Xbox One / STEAM 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6》 即将于 2018 年推出繁体中文版。


  《剑魂》系列游戏累积全球销售量已达 1500 万部,是一款以各种武器、直觉简易的操作就能展开华丽斗剑、一决胜负的武器格斗动作游戏。 于 2018 年将迎接发售 20 周年纪念的《剑魂》,将于 PS4 / Xbox One / STEAM 等次世代平台推出系列游戏最新作《剑魂 6》。 本作将带来绚丽精致的 3D 格斗游戏画面,让玩家可体验到武器战略运用的乐趣及耳目一新的斗剑对战。



游戏名称:剑魂 6
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
平台:PS4 / Xbox One / STEAM
SOULCALIBUR™Ⅵ & © BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. ※以上画面皆为开发中画面。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-18 06:59 PM
Soulcalibur VI Mitsurugi and Sophitia screenshots

Bandai Namco has released a new set of screenshots from Soulcalibur VI featuring playable characters Mitsurugi Heishiro and Sophitia Alexandra.

Here is an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:


Sharpen your swords, put on your armor, and get ready to fight. Soulcalibur, the game that defined weapon-based 3D fighting games, is back!

Two decades after its first iteration, Soulcalibur VI returns to its roots while bringing brand-new gameplay features to the fight. Travel through the signature 16th century stages and experience the struggle for the two legendary swords using a complete roster of returning Soulcalibur characters, along with some newcomers!

Soulcalibur has never looked more dynamic or dramatic, intensified with eye-popping graphics powered by Unreal Engine 4.

Key Features

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-22 10:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-22 10:49 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI Sophitia character breakdown

Bandai Namco has released a character breakdown video for Sophitia in Soulcalibur VI featuring commentary from producer Motohiro Okubo.

Here is the full transcript from Okubo:

“I would like to talk about Sophitia, one of the core characters in Soulcalibur. She’s from Athens and fights using a sword and shield. I believe you already know as much. The way she fights is representative of Soucalibur on the whole. She uses an orthodox style that anyone can control well. This makes her a highly recommended character, even for novices. I believe that many of you have already seen the trailer that was released. She is younger than in Soulcalibur IV, and I hope that you’re all quite excited to check out what fate has in store for her in this edition of Soulcalibur. Sophitia and Mitsurugi were actually the first characters made during the game’s development. We then used that as a foundation and made decisions for the other characters such as their movement, visuals, etc., based on how they would fit with Sophitia and Mitsurugi. I do think that we were able to model them in a very beautiful way this time, with some cute charm as well. I’d like our fans to kind of keep this in mind as they’re having fun playing the game.”

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-26 01:20 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-26 03:50 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI adds newcomer Groh, returning characters Nightmare, Xianghua, and Kilik
《剑魂 6》公开第二波角色介绍影片 曝光双刃剑新角色「古罗」等四名可操作斗士

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/158312.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年发售的 PS4 / Xbox One / STEAM 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6》 ,25 日公开第二波角色介绍影片,揭露了手持双刃剑的新角色「 古罗(Groh)」,以及系列老班底的「梦魇(Nightmare)」、「香华(Xianghua)」、「齐力克(Kilik)」在内,共四名角色的情报。

  官方也预告,在 26 日开幕的格斗游戏大会「EVO Japan 2018」中将会首度在日本展出试玩机台,带来包含第一弹角色影片在内的两名角色在内,共计六名角色的试玩。

Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Soulcalibur VI revealing Groh, Nightmare, Xianghua, and Kilik as playable characters.

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in 2018.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-27 01:16 PM
Soulcalibur VI Groh, Kilik, Nightmare and Xianghua Details, Gameplay & Screens

Soulcalibur VI: New and Returning Fighters Detailed

The stage of history is set, does your soul still burn? Soulcalibur is back with its unique weapon-based combat as new and returning characters battle it out against gorgeous 16th century fantasy settings.

Today we are detailing the return of Kilik, Xianghua, and Nightmare, as well as a brand-new fighter, Grøh, entering the fray.


The mysterious Aval Organization was a secret group with origins rooted in ancient times. They say the group came to be when a king used the spirit sword to defeat its cursed counterpart, and with his dying breath, entrusted them with both the blade and his unfinished mission. Each new generation has taken on the group’s mission to rid the world of “Outsider” — those connected with the cursed sword. One such member was Grøh, about whom little is known save for that he was a fearsome warrior. Though his fighting style is shrouded in mystery, he is believed to have wielded two swords. Some also say he kept a certain technique close to his chest…

Grøh utilizes the Aval Twinblade Swordsmanship that often employs multiple consecutive slashes. This has a major disadvantage in that a careless practitioner runs the risk of injuring themselves. As such, it takes a lot of practice to use this style effectively. Dual-swordsmanship also allows for the swords to be split in two and wielded separately. This tactic is one of the many ways a wielder can use to surprise their opponent, giving them the opportunity to string together a series of blows that lead to a final, deadly slash.


Appearing from out of the shadows like the advent of nightfall, this barbaric knight in azure armor reaps the souls of the living as if they were mere stalks of corn. His name came to represent fear and desperation to all who heard it. Those who found out that the rumors were true, that he was no fairytale villain, would be struck down in a single blow before they could even open their mouths to scream.

Nightmare carries the demon sword Soul Edge, a blade that has been part of many battles and retains the memories of those who wielded it, and those who faced them. Such memories influence the fighting style of the blade’s current master, so even if its wielder lacks experience in combat, they can battle like a seasoned warrior. When facing Nightmare, one must never forget that he is able to at least partially unleash the power of the sword. If he does, be prepared for a blow designed to kill in one fell cut.


Xianghua’s mother was from the prestigious Chai family in Beijing, and taught Xianghua swordsmanship from a young age, treating her with a firm but loving hand. Xianghua sensed these moments held some deeper significance than her mother was letting on. Perhaps it had something to do with her father, a man she never knew and was told had passed away. Two years after her mother’s death, she decided to focus on the way of the sword. With every passing day, her passion burned stronger than before.

Xianghua learned how to wield a sword from her mother and from a young age was enraptured by the beauty of her mother practicing the sword. Xianghua’s personal style relies less on taking her opponent down with head-on attacks and more on feints and landing a decisive blow only after her opponent has left an opening for her to exploit.


After being abandoned as a child, Kilik was raised by the monks of the Ling-Sheng Su temple where he was raised to be a proficient fighter. While never knowing his true family, Kilik befriended another orphan named Xianglian and a bond formed between them stronger than even the closest of siblings. They grew into proficient warriors, and their efforts were rewarded with each of them being chosen to inherit one of the temple’s three sacred treasures. However, on the night before the official handover ceremony, fate began to stir…

Kilik is proficient in the fighting style of the rod. Among the many rod styles surviving in China today, the techniques of Ling-Sheng Su are said to be among the most refined and powerful. The rod is a large and difficult weapon to master, however, the freedom of movement, effectiveness at any range, and offensive and defensive capabilities make it an appealing choice over other long weapons such as the spear.

Dalton Link - Social Media & Community Manager, Bandai Namco Entertainment America

https://blog.us.playstation.com/ ... -fighters-detailed/







作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-27 01:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-27 01:37 PM 编辑

《剑魂 6》公开新角色「古罗」等四名可操作斗士设定图和截图

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年发售的 PS4 / Xbox One / STEAM 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6》 公开了角色设定图,揭露了手持双刃剑的新角色「 古罗(Groh)」,以及系列老班底的「梦魇(Nightmare)」、「香华(Xianghua)」、「齐力克(Kilik)」在内,共四名角色的情报。

  官方也预告,在 26 日开幕的格斗游戏大会「EVO Japan 2018」中将会首度在日本展出试玩机台,带来包含第一弹角色影片在内的两名角色在内,共计六名角色的试玩。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-1-29 04:55 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-8 05:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-8 06:42 PM 编辑

SoulCalibur VI ~ Groh, Nightmare, Xianghua and Kilik Screenshots
《剑魂 6》公布古罗、梦魇等登场角色介绍 介绍战斗风格及特性

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/158916.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 近(7)日公布将于 2018 年年内发售的武器格斗动作游戏 《剑魂 6(ソウルキャリバー VI)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)登场角色情报。

  本次报导要公布于第二波角色介绍影片(相关报导)登场的新角色「古罗(グロー)」,以及玩家们熟悉的角色「梦魇(ナイトメア)」、「齐力克(キリク)」、「香华(シャンファ)」。 除了他们的个人资料,还请来本作对战总监简单介绍其战斗风格及该角色的特性。

  手持双刃剑的古罗,具有众多闪避纵斩的动作,任何人都能体验到充满立体感的战斗,十分容易上手的全方位角色。 拥有将武器分离改采双持架式的 “杀手锏”,进行灵魂蓄劲(ソウルチャージ)后将发动他隐藏的力量。

  梦魇拥有即使受到较弱的攻击也不会硬直,并能进行反击的「反制(リベンジ)」;齐力克是能藉由灵魂蓄劲进行邪化,加入了许多《剑魂 6》独特风格的新要素。


黑衣的密使 古罗

出身地:丹麦王国 / 挪威
生日:11 月 18 日
血型:A 型
武器名称:亚隆塔特. 复制品
人际关系:好友. 卡迪斯 师傅. 欧兹鲁

于《剑魂 6》参战使用双刃剑的新角色,那就是古罗。 除了是个易于上手的全方位角色,也有着许多能闪避纵斩的动作,最大魅力就在任何玩家都能体验到充满立体感的战斗。 拥有将武器分离改采双持架式的 “杀手锏”,自由变换攻击间距将对手解决掉。 他的能力及战斗的理由,背后有某个秘密......。 进行灵魂蓄劲后将发动隐藏的力量,请玩家自己亲手确认看看吧!

苍之恶梦 梦魇


梦魇是以巨剑击溃各式各样敌人的远距离力量型角色。 因攻击力高且将敌人击飞的力量也相当惊人,非常适合想一击给予对手爽快痛击的玩家。 拥有许多附带「反制」性质,受到较弱攻击也不会硬直的技能。 反制发动后还能不需进行灵魂蓄劲就使出一次灵魂蓄劲专用技能,能以更强的技能追击!

觉醒的宿命 齐力克

出身地:不明(明国 / 于真行山临胜寺被扶养成人)
生日:2 月 9 日
血型:A 型

齐力克是个不需考虑间距,能于所有距离下战斗的标准型角色。 在之前的系列里是活用武器长度战斗的技巧型角色,但在《剑魂 6》则在保有射程优势之下,改良为更容易使用的角色。 推荐给不擅格斗游戏的玩家。 然后齐力克进行灵魂蓄劲后还会邪化! 此状态使出的致命刀锋(クリティカルエッジ)将会造成极大伤害! 请玩家们务必使用一次看看。

如凉风般的旅行艺人 香华

本名:柴 香华
出身地:大明帝国 / 北京
生日:4 月 2 日
血型:B 型

香华是擅长中~远距离战的速度型角色。 具有众多攻击次数多,足以撼动对手防御的技能,能轻易展开积极攻势。 身为《剑魂 6》的女主角,性能上推荐给不擅格斗游戏玩家,同时也有许多弹回敌人攻击或一边回避一边出招的技能,如能熟练就能如行云流水般,以毫不间断的剑舞进行战斗!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-17 01:16 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-23 03:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-24 05:44 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI adds Ivy, Zasalamel
《剑魂 6》妖艳女剑士「艾薇」与夺魂镰刀使「查萨拉梅尔」现身!

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/159473.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年推出的老牌武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂》系列最新作 PS4 / Xbox One / PC《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》 ,现公布来自先前系列作的两名既有登 场角色「艾薇(Ivy)」与「查萨拉梅尔(Zasalamel)」的介绍与影片,供玩家参考。


  「艾薇」是从初代《剑魂》就登场的角色,一头银发,身材高窕性感,还搭配高暴露度的紧身束缚衣装,是系列作中知名度相当高的代表性角色。 施展能自由伸缩的「蛇腹剑」战斗。 在这次的游戏中,除了原本能从远距离打击牵制对手的招式之外,还加入能从远方投掷对手的招式。


  「查萨拉梅尔」是在《剑魂 3》初次登场的角色,出身守护灵剑「剑魂」的古老部族,因企图夺取灵剑的力量而遭流放。 为了追求灵剑而学会轮回转生之术,能不断的重生。 在这次的游戏中,他除了挥舞招牌的巨大镰刀之外,还能使用「古代魔术」的诅咒来停止对手的时间给予重创。


  《剑魂》系列游戏累积全球销售量已达 1500 万部,是一款以各种武器、直觉简易的操作就能展开华丽斗剑、一决胜负的武器格斗动作游戏。 于 2018 年将迎接发售 20 周年纪念的《剑魂》,将于 PS4 / Xbox One / STEAM 等次世代平台推出系列游戏最新作《剑魂 6》。 本作将带来绚丽精致的 3D 格斗游戏画面,让玩家可体验到武器战略运用的乐趣及耳目一新的斗剑对战。

Ivy and Zasalamel will be playable characters in Soulcalibur VI, Bandai Namco announced.

Here is an overview of each character, via Bandai Namco:


Ivy is one of the most famous mainstays in the Soulcalibur series and she returns to destroy all who challenge her in Soulcalibur VI. Born to an aristocratic English family, her early years were spent in a loving environment, that is until her father’s obsession with alchemy and immortality gained by obtaining the Souls Blade drove him to an early grave. Shortly thereafter, Ivy’s mother passed away and so began her journey to destroy that which brought such despair to her family – Soul Blade.


Zasalamel, born into a clan called the Guardians of the Spirit Sword, has always been an excellent warrior. While his fighting skills were second-to-none, his arrogance drove him to a clan rule which ended with both his arms being broken and him being banished from his clan. Ever defiant, Zasalamel began studying ancient arts in the hope of discovering the secrets to reincarnation, but with everlasting life, a heavy price must be paid…

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.



作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-3 01:12 PM
Soulcalibur VI Nightmare Character Breakdown

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-10 10:23 AM
Soulcalibur VI Groh character breakdown


Bandai Namco has released a character breakdown video for Groh in Soulcalibur VI featuring commentary from producer Motohiro Okubo.

Here is the full transcript from Okubo:

I’d like to tell you about Groh now. He’s the new character that you’ve all been waiting for. Groh is from Norway and the reason we chose that country in particular is that Groh’s appearance, facial features, overall atmosphere, and more than anything his cool demeanor perfectly aligns with the impressions that Northern Europe gives off. Though it could just simply be that this is how the region is portrayed here in Japan. One of Groh’s unique points is his “Double Saber” weapon. It features a blade that can be split into two a first in the Soulcalibur series. Moreover, when the weapon splits like this in the middle of a battle it can then be used to perform specials. The sword itself is quite distinctive and the way that it is used in the game is also extremely unique. I think you’ll see that when watching gameplay. In addition to this kind of unique feature the way that Groh moves in the game is incredibly cool particularly the way that his clothing flaps and shifts around after he has made a cut. His set of moves and actions makes him a really fascinating character for me and I’m looking forward to you all having fun with him. Groh is going to be an extremely important character in Soulcalibur VI. We’ll have more information for you soon, and really appreciate your patience.

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-16 06:04 PM
Soulcalibur VI adds Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher series
白狼传奇再添一章! 《剑魂 6》公布来自《巫师》系列的客串参战角色「杰洛特-加龙省」

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/160183.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 宣布,预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》,将加入来自波兰游戏开发商 CD Projekt R ED 畅销角色扮演游戏《巫师(The Witcher)》系列的客串角色「利维亚的杰洛特-加龙省(Geralt of Rivia)」。


  《巫师》系列是改编自波兰奇幻小说家安杰‧萨普科夫斯基同名奇幻小说《猎魔人》的角色扮演游戏,以具备超凡体能与异能、猎捕怪物为业的狩魔猎人「利维亚的杰洛特-加龙省」为主角。 一头灰白色头发、有着 “白狼” 外号的他,在南北诸国势力对抗的奇幻世界中,展开一次又一次的冒险。

  在这次公布的客串角色披露影片中,玩家可以见识到潇洒的杰洛特-加龙省穿越到《剑魂 6》的世界,施展拿手的长剑与魔法,与《剑魂》系列当家招牌角色御剑平四郎等人展开激烈交锋的场面。

Geralt of Rivia, the protagonist from CD Projekt RED’s The Witcher series, will be a playable character in the upcoming fighting game Soulcalibur VI from Bandai Namco, the company announced. The training grounds of Kaer Morhen will also be a playable stage.

Bandai Namco was the publisher of both The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in European territories.

Here is an overview of Geralt in Soulcalibur VI, via CD Projekt RED:

Geralt was trained at the elite School of the Wolf and is considered one of the deadliest monster slayers. He possesses superhuman reflexes and strength, as well as superior sword fighting skills. Players who choose to fight as Geralt will utilize the witcher’s signature fighting style — a combination of swordplay, ability-enhancing potions, and combat magic.

Doug Cockle — the English voice of Geralt of Rivia — returns in Soulcalibur VI to reprise the role. Gamers will also be able to fight in Kaer Morhen — home keep of the School of the Wolf. Accompanying players in battle will be “Hunt or be Hunted” — an iconic composition from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt soundtrack.

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-29 02:53 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-29 07:33 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI Geralt character breakdown
《剑魂 6》来自《巫师》系列的客串参战角色「杰洛特-加龙省」角色解析预告

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/160183.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 宣布,预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》,将加入来自波兰游戏开发商 CD Projekt R ED 畅销角色扮演游戏《巫师(The Witcher)》系列的客串角色「利维亚的杰洛特-加龙省(Geralt of Rivia)」。

  《巫师》系列是改编自波兰奇幻小说家安杰‧萨普科夫斯基同名奇幻小说《猎魔人》的角色扮演游戏,以具备超凡体能与异能、猎捕怪物为业的狩魔猎人「利维亚的杰洛特-加龙省」为主角。 一头灰白色头发、有着 “白狼” 外号的他,在南北诸国势力对抗的奇幻世界中,展开一次又一次的冒险。

  在这次公布的客串角色披露影片中,玩家可以见识到潇洒的杰洛特-加龙省穿越到《剑魂 6》的世界,施展拿手的长剑与魔法,与《剑魂》系列当家招牌角色御剑平四郎等人展开激烈交锋的场面。


Bandai Namco has released a character breakdown video for Geralt in Soulcalibur VI featuring commentary from producer CD Projekt RED’s Borys Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz.

Here is the full transcript from Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz:

Geralt is a witcher, a member of a cast of professional monster slayers, monster hunters, a master swordsman, a spinner, roller, an acrobat with superhuman strength, speed and reflexes. He’s also a bit of an alchemist with potions, blade oils and his bombs and also a minor or lesser mage with his witcher signs.

Signs are spells devised specifically for use in combat providing the kind of effects that stand to support Geralt’s fighting style because when Geralt fights precision is the thing, he’s not a scrappy brawler. He’s like a scalpel in combat.

Our role was making sure that Geralt in Soulcalibur VI moves, feels and plays like Geralt from The Witcher 3. However since movement, timing, play-perspective and general responsiveness are very different in the fighting game, we had to go back to the drawing board and reinvent the way Geralt behaves in certain situations.

We started with defining the center of the gravity. This is important because Geralt is very steady, he never makes any unnecessary movements. When he fights, he’s always confident, very focused on here and now. We even asked the original motion capture actor to supervise motion capture recordings for Geralt in Soulcalibur.

Soulcaliburhas been known for featuring iconic characters from other games so we were ecstatic about the possibility of adding Geralt to the pantheon as well. Plus this is the very first appearance of Geralt outside of the Witcher games. The biggest challenge was to introduce him to players who are not familiar with The Witcher to show them who he is, what he does for a living and what sort of tools he uses.

We wanted fans of The Witcher franchise to be able to have fun while playing with their favorite monster slayer, just in a different setting. We wanted and we needed to bring the full Geralt to Soulcalibur VI. Not just the master swordsman and the alchemist and the minor mage, but also that grumpy guy with his mumbled battle barks, that character with his acid sarcasm.

Not least because Geralt’s romp into the world of Soulcalibur VI could be considered as an extension of the interdimensional travel he did in The Witcher 3. On one leg, he encountered sandworms on a sand covered planet, on another, he might well have encountered Mitsurugi and Sophitia. I think, we’ve done a really good job, recreating the Witcher fighting styles in Soulcalibur VI.

Most importantly, we wanted to deliver something that would expand both universes in a meaningful way so gamers who are into The Witcher and the fighting community would both be left satisfied. I can’t wait for gamers all around the world to get their hands on the game. It’s going to be great!

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in 2018.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-12 10:49 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-13 10:21 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI Adds Siegfried
《剑魂 6》公布系列老班底巨剑骑士「齐格菲」介绍影片

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/161350.html)

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年推出的老牌武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂》系列最新作 PS4 / Xbox One / PC《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》 ,现公布系列作元老的巨剑骑士「 齐格菲(Siegfried)」的介绍与影片,供玩家参考。


  从《剑魂》前身的《刀魂》就登场的元老级角色「齐格菲」,是名挥舞等身巨剑的金发骑士。 虽然身为骑士的父亲曾传授他骑士之道,但在父亲离家远征时,他却与误入歧途与同样年少轻狂的伙伴组成盗贼团并担任首领。 但是在某次袭击远征归来的骑士团掠夺财物时却误杀了自己父亲。

  无法接受自己亲手弒父事实的他,为了逃避现实而扭曲自己的记忆,认为是别人杀了他父亲。 为了替父亲 “报仇”,于是踏上寻找追求传说之剑「刀魂」的旅程。 最后精神被到手的刀魂支配,化身为令人闻风丧胆的「梦魇」。 后来顺利从诅咒中解放,为了消灭刀魂而持续战斗。


Siegfried Announced for Soulcalibur VI

Bandai Namco Entertainment today welcome the well-known character Siegfried to the Soulcalibur VI roster! Soulcalibur VI will be launched in 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

After losing to Kilik and his comrades in the form of Nightmare, Siegfried awoke in an unfamiliar place and he is now unable to free himself from the unforgiving memories of his time spent as the cursed sword's puppet. The memory of having killed his own father is haunting him. His true nightmare has only just begun…Full of regrets, he is looking for redemption and he desperately wants to free himself from the cursed sword's grasp!

will be launched in 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-2 06:11 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-3 06:03 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI ~ Taki Officially Revealed
《剑魂 6》公布封魔女忍者「多喜」介绍影片 “封魔之胧影” 重出江湖

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/162116.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》 ,现公布封魔女忍者「多喜(Taki)」的介绍与影片 。


  从《剑魂》前身的《刀魂》就登场的多喜,是名来去无踪的封魔忍者。 手持具备斩妖除魔之力的短刀「裂鬼丸」与妖刀「灭鬼丸」,身具过人的忍术与咒术,以破坏魔剑「刀魂」为己任。

  多喜在故事后推 17 年的前作《剑魂 5》中原本已经退隐,改由弟子「凪津(Natsu)」接班,不过在没有依照代数设定时代的《剑魂 6》中又再度登场,与一众熟悉的对手展开龙争虎斗。

  多喜属于速度型角色,攻击速度在登场角色中属于最快的级别,擅长多采多姿的极近距离攻击招式。 虽然攻击距离短,但能透过特殊架式「宿」的快速连携让对手难以防御与反击。 此外,这次灭鬼丸的攻击即便挡下一样会造成伤害,可以对防守坚固的对手造成压力。 以灵力来施展的忍术也比以前更广泛,从远距离战到拿手的近距离战的手段都比以前多,是这次的多喜的一大魅力。

Taki and Her Ninja Skills Join Soulcalibur VI

Bandai Namco Entertainment are pleased to announce the addition of Taki the iconic ninja as a playable character in Soulcalibur VI. Soulcalibur VI will be launched in 2018 for PlayStation®4, Xbox One and PC.

Taki is a famous ninja also known as the Fu-Ma’s Shadow, so there’s no doubting her fighting skills! She is also an expert in blacksmithing having crafted her own two swords Rekki-Maru & Mekki-Maru. Her last master piece Mekki-Maru is fused with a fragment of the Cursed Sword. Even if the whereabouts of the Soul Edge are unknown, Taki’s weapon still glows with a mysterious power …

Soulcalibur VI will be launched in 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-18 06:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-22 08:00 PM 编辑

SoulCalibur VI ~ Yoshimitsu Reveal Trailer
《剑魂 6》公布元祖机关忍者「吉光」介绍影片 跨系列元老角色再战江湖

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/162910.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》 ,现公布机关忍者「吉光(Yoshimitsu)」的 介绍影片。


  最早在 NAMCO 首款 3D 对战格斗游戏《铁拳》登场,之后跨刀参战《剑魂》前身《刀魂》的「吉光」,是名隶属于义贼组织「万字党」的忍者,出身背景成谜。 武术流派为万字忍术,使用的武器为万字之名刀与封魔刀两把武士刀。 但同族的万字党全员已惨遭虐杀,只有他一人幸存。


Yoshimitsu, who first appeared in Soulcalibur, will be playable in Soulcalibur VI, Bandai Namco announced.

Here is an overview of the character, via Bandai Namco Europe:

The Manji clan’s village was located at the bottom of the Holy Mount Fuji. Unfortunately, the clan was destroyed by the ire of a powerful warlord. As the lone survivor, Yoshimitsu, dedicated his life to his clan’s martial arts. With his excellent swordsmanship, he was the greatest swordsmen of his time!

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-1 01:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-1 07:06 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI Maxi Reveal Trailer and Screens
《剑魂 6》公布「真喜志」介绍影片

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/162910.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》 ,现公布「真喜志(MAXI)」的 介绍影片。



  《剑魂 6》将会在年内登陆PC、PS4和Xbox One,具体发售时间未知。


Maxi, the Dandy of the Seas Joins Soulcalibur VI

Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe are pleased to announce the nunchaku wielder Maxi will be joining the Soulcalibur VI roster. Soulcalibur VI will be launched in 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Maxi's father had worked in the Ryukyu Kingdom as a merchant. Though fortunate enough to experience different cultures from his trade, he felt tied down by his job. On his deathbed, he told Maxi to go out and see the world. Deciding to live by these words, Maxi set out to seek total freedom. He found this out at sea where he became a pirate to see the world his father couldn’t.

Maxi’s weapon is a nunchaku which is extremely difficult to wield. It will give a rain of pain to the opponent but only if you know how to handle it!

Soulcalibur VI will be launched in 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-13 06:44 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-13 08:07 PM 编辑

Soucalibur VI launches October 19
《剑魂 6》繁体中文版宣布将于 10 月 18 日陆续发售 首波中文宣传影片同步曝光

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/164006.html

  台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今(13)日宣布,3D 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(SOULCALIBUR Ⅵ)》繁体中文版将于 10 月 18 日推出 PS4/Xbox One 版,10 月 19 日推出 PC/STEAM 版,并公开最新宣传影片与限定 版收录内容。

  故事时空设定于16世纪的《剑魂 6》将带领玩家踏上探索之旅,重温初代《剑魂》中起伏跌宕的故事并揭开背后隐藏的真相。 许多新角色将于本作登场:如来自波兰游戏开发工作室 CD Projekt Red 名作《巫师》系列的杰拉尔特和近期公开的古洛等,历代重要角色如御剑、苏菲缇雅等也都将回归,众多角色独树一格的战斗风格与武器待玩家一探究竟。



  《剑魂 6》繁体中文限定版收录以下丰富内容:

• 特制限定版外盒及《剑魂 6》繁体中文版游戏本体
• 高约35公分的苏菲缇雅公仔模型
• 《剑魂 6》游戏原声带及精致音效铁盒
• 约 120 页、详细收录《剑魂 6》美术设定的美术书

※ 示意图仅供参考,请以实际物品为准。
※ 内容、样式可能未经告知有部分变更。
※ 数量有限,详细请洽购买店家。


发售日:PS4/Xbox One 版 10 月 18 日、PC/STEAM版 10 月 19 日
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
台湾发行:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
平台:PS4、Xbox One、PC/STEAM
类型:3D 武器格斗动作




Soulcalibur VI will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19, Bandai Namco annouced.

The game will be available in standard and Collector’s editions. Here is an overview of the Collector’s Edition:

American Deluxe Edition ($99.99)

• A copy of the game
• Metal case with built-in soundbox (featuring four epic in-game voice-over snippets)
• Soundtrack on disc
• Season Pass including five packs (three playable characters, two armor packs, Season Pass bonus playable character)

American Collector’s Edition ($149.99)

• A copy of the game
• Collector’s Edition box
• 12-inch collectible Sophitia figure
• Soundtrack on disc
• Metal case with built-in soundbox (featuring four epic in-game voice-over snippets)
120-page art book

European Collector’s Edition

• A copy of the game
• 35-centimeter collectible Sophitia figure
• Digital content
• Season Pass
• Digital soundtrack

Here is a brief overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:

Taking place in the 16th century, Soulcalibur VI sets players on a voyage of discovery as they uncover events from the original Soulcalibur to learn hidden truths. The game will also feature a diverse line-up of new and returning characters with their unique fighting styles and weapons including series mainstays; Mitsurugi and Sophitia and newcomers such as special guest-character, Geralt of Rivia, from CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher series and GrØh who was recently announced.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-14 01:59 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-18 10:54 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-5 10:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-7 01:10 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI adds Talim
《剑魂 6》公布最后的巫女「塔莉姆」介绍影片 驱使风之力对抗强敌

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/165118.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 10 月推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》 ,现公布最后的巫女「塔莉姆(Talim)」的介绍影片。


  塔莉姆是出身东南亚拜风部落的 15 岁巫女,使用祭祀用的武具「叉刃拐」,以奉献给精灵的奉纳剑舞,来施展如同大自然般既优雅又猛烈的招式。 能驱使风的力量来守护自己与撕裂敌人。

  《剑魂 6》将会在 10 月 18 日同步繁体中文版登陆PC、PS4和Xbox One。


Talim, who first appeared in Soulcalibur II, will be playable in Soulcalibur VI, Bandai Namco announced.

Here is an overview of the character, via Bandai Namco Europe:

Hailing from the Village of the Wind Diety, a remote island tribe in South-East Asia, Talim was raised as The Last Priestess of the Winds, being the only daughter of the village shaman.

Through this role, Talim learnt the ways of the ceremonial Wind Dance and grew up with the two ancestral elbow blades, Syi Sarika and Loka Luha, used for this sword display. Though trained with the blades as part of the island’s ancient ceremonies, Talim’s vast mastery of these weapons and control of the very wind itself, provided her with a fighting ability vastly beyond her young years.

She spent her entire life on the island, until the day a stranger arrived in Talim’s town carrying a shard of Soul Edge itself. Talim could sense the danger of it just from this small shard and vowed to protect the world by returning it to where it belongs, even if this meant leaving her village and family behind.

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19.

《剑魂 6》公布故事模式「剑魂编年史」介绍 回归系列故事原点展开新的体验

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 日前公开了预定 10 月 18 号推出 PS4 / Xbox One 版、10 月 19 日推出 PC Steam 版的系列最新作《剑魂 6(ソウルキャリバー VI)》的最新情报。

  相隔 6 年推出的正传新作《剑魂 6》,也是系列第 1 作《剑魂》(1998 年)大型电玩版营运 20 周年纪念作。 是款能操控各式武器,享受以直观操作展开华丽刀枪剑舞,感受真刀实剑比试的「武器格斗动作」。

  这次新公开的信息是故事模式「剑魂编年史(ソウルクロニクル)」的介绍。 《剑魂 6》并非前作《剑魂 5》的直接续作,而是以系列故事起点,加上新章节再构筑而成。 以传说之剑「刀魂」为核心,全角色故事互相交叉辉映,让玩家体验 1583 年到 1590 年间的磅礡故事。



围绕邪剑和灵剑,呈现雄壮故事的故事模式。 以主要剧情为中心,全角色的故事互相交错辉映。 主要剧情会透过 2D 过场动画、3D 过场动画、2D 插图、人物对话、战斗等流程展开。

※ 主要剧情以外的章节,会用 2D 插图、人物对话、战斗方式展开

2D 过场动画

3D 过场动画

2D 插图



系列原点故事,加上新章节再构筑而成。 不只新玩家,连过去老粉丝都可以用新鲜的心情乐在其中。


玩家可以体验到 1583 年到 1590 年的磅礡故事。

年表型选单,除了主要剧情还并排着全角色章节。 只要通关就会开放新章节。




3D 过场动画精选介绍(故事:剑魂编年史)

手握邪剑刀魂,齐格飞(ジークフリート)露出困惑表情。 会有什么样的命运等候他呢......?


古罗(グロー)和齐力克(キリク)对峙。 他们究竟为何发生如此冲突呢?

脸色凝重的齐力克(キリク)和香华(シャンファ)。 两人身处在何方呢......?

下定决心的香华。 她要伸手紧握的就是传说中的灵剑吗?

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-7-20 09:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-21 11:26 AM 编辑

Voldo Revealed for Soulcalibur VI
《剑魂 6》公布最诡异角色「沃尔多」介绍影片

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 10 月推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》 公布了角色「沃尔多(Voldo)」介绍影片。


  在《剑魂 6》中,「沃尔多」将会像系列前作一样使用难以预测的战斗风格。他的身体非常柔韧,可以扭曲并转换成非常奇怪的姿势,能轻松匍匐在地躲开对手的攻击。感兴趣的玩家可以观看该角色的完整预告片。

  《剑魂 6》将于10月19日发售,登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。


Voldo, who first appeared in Soul Blade, will be playable in Soulcalibur VI.

Here is an overview of the character, via Bandai Namco Entertainment America:

Fan-favorite Voldo returns to the stage of history in Soulcalibur VI with his signature style and maniacal moves. Voldo is a long-time character in the Soulcalibur franchise, being one of only five characters to show up in every main installment of the Soulcalibur series. Voldo was the right-hand man to Vercci, an arms dealer with the nickname “Merchant of Death”, and was tasked to protect the Money Pit, where all of Vercci’s treasures were kept after his death. After spending years in the dark depths of the Money Pit, Voldo lost his eyesight but gained a heightened sense of hearing and awareness, making him extremely deadly to those who dared to enter the Money Pit in search of riches. Voldo’s fighting style is unmatched, as he contorts his body in unnatural ways and can even attack backwards, making him unpredictable and deadly in battle. Both longtime fans and new players will enjoy the exotic gameplay that accompanies this distinctive character in Soulcalibur VI.

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-6 03:27 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-6 03:58 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI adds Astaroth, Seong Mi-Na
《剑魂 6》新公开手持大斧的破坏者「亚斯塔禄」与精通武术之女「成美娜」

  今日万代南梦宫公布了旗下格斗对战新作《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》新参战的两名角色「亚斯塔禄」与「成美娜」并推出了两人的介绍预告片。






  《剑魂 6》将会在 10 月 18 日同步繁体中文版登陆PC、PS4和Xbox One。


Astaroth and Seong Mi-Na will be playable characters in Soulcalibur VI, Bandai Namco announced.

Astaroth fights with a giant axe and overwhelming strength, while Seung Mi-na’s quest for the Soul Edge will pit her against powerful warriors.

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-7 03:33 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-7 03:35 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-21 07:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-23 06:38 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI Gamescom 2018 trailers, details, and screenshots
《剑魂 6》公布 DLC 角色圆刃告死鸟「缇菈」与自创角色冒险模式「魂之天秤」介绍影片

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/167249.html0

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 10 月推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》 ,日前公布 DLC 角色「缇菈(Tira)」的宣传影片 及自创角色冒险模式「任务:魂之天秤模式(MISSION: Libra of Soul Mode)」的介绍影片,供玩家参考。

  「缇菈」是在《剑魂 3》初次登场的角色,自幼就被欧洲暗杀组织「渡鸟」训练为杀人不眨眼的刺客。 趁刀魂的邪气大量释出所造成的「邪恶异种(Evil Seed)」事件脱离了组织。 几经波折之后成为梦魇忠实的部下在暗中活跃,为了寻找能替代齐格飞成为刀魂新宿主的肉体而奔波。 这次将以 DLC 角色的形式登场,同样使用其招牌的圆刃与如同呼拉圈体操表演般的轮舞暗杀术。

  官方同时公布了自创角色冒险模式「任务:魂之天秤」介绍影片,在这个模式中,玩家将扮演因邪恶异种之力侵袭印度之后,另一个被卷入刀魂与剑魂善恶两极对抗的剑士,展开另一段不为人知的故事。 玩家可以选择自己的武器流派,自定义角色的性别与外观,体验横跨欧亚大陆的冒险。



Bandai Namco released a new set of trailers, information, and screenshots for Soulcalibur VI at Gamescom 2018.

Libra of Soul

Libra Of Soul is the second story mode in Soulcalibur VI, joining the already-revealed Chronicle of Souls mode. In this game mode, players will be able to create their own custom fighter from scratch before roaming the world in a quest to stop a new evil mastermind at work to gather Soul Edge shards. Along the way, players will come up against both characters from across the main storyline, and warriors created by the community, fighting in a variety of rule-specific showdowns which shape their own path.

Players will be able to customize their unique characters through thousands of different combinations, choosing from 16 races, including human, lizard or even living skeleton, before customizing the size, facial features, hairstyle, clothes, armor and, of course. weapons and fighting style!

Online Play

Also revealed today at Gamescom is online play, allowing players to fight using their own custom characters or favorite Soulcalibur VI fighters against other players from across the world in both casual or ranked matches.

Pre-Order Bonus: Tira

Additionally, Tira, the Bird of Death, is also announced as a bonus character for those that purchase the Season Pass. Tira will also be sold as a stand-alone DLC.

Tira, an expert wielder of her Ring Blade named Eiserne Drossel, fights using her own Dance of Death style. Trained by the mysterious Birds of Passage group of assassins, Tira abandoned the group after its leader went mad. Alone and angry, Tira, travels across the world, slaughtering any that get in her way – taking great pleasure in the trail of blood in her wake.

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19.

截图 - https://gematsu.com/gallery/soulcalibur-vi/august-21-2018/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-26 03:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-30 08:28 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI adds newcomer Azwel
《剑魂 6》公布人类的教导者「亚兹威尔」介绍影片 切换剑、斧、枪盾三种武器战斗

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/167565.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 近日公布了预定 10 月 18 日(PC 版 19 日)发售的武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(ソウルキャリバー VI)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)第 12 波角色介绍影片。

  这次介绍的角色为人类的教导者「亚兹威尔(アズウェル)」。 发愿要救济人类的亚兹威尔,学会可在空间中制造「双剑、大斧、枪盾」三种武器套组的奇特流派。 最大特征就是能切换武器战斗,而且先前使用的武器套组会维持 “制造完成” 的状态,并能施展出仅限一次对应该武器套组的超强力技巧 “武装技(ウェポンアーツ)”。


更多截图 - https://gematsu.com/gallery/soulcalibur-vi/august-27-2018/

公布第 12 波角色宣传影片

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 旗下 PlayStation 4/Xbox One 版预定 2018 年 10 月 18 日(四)推出、STEAM 版预定 2018 年 10 月 19 日(五)推出的武器格斗动作 游戏《剑魂 6》,近日公布了第 12 波角色宣传影片,介绍自本作起首度参战系列作角色的「亚兹威尔」。








最大特征,就是先前使用的武器套组会维持 “制造完成” 的状态,并能使用仅限一次对应该武器套组的超强力「武装技」。


灵魂蓄劲(ソウルチャージ)中将变为能使用所有武装技的全能存在! 仅在此时才可施展极具破坏性的致命刀锋(クリティカルエッジ),一击 “救济” 深爱的敌人。


Azwel, a newcomer fighter, will be playable in Soulcalibur VI, Bandai Namco announced.

Here is an overview of the character, via Bandai Namco:

“You shall be sacrificed for the human race!” Azwel, Leader of Humanity, wields the powerful weapon Palindrome which grants him the ability to manifest weapons out of thin air!

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-2 10:18 PM
Soulcalibur VI adds Cervantes, Raphael

Cervantes and Raphael, who first appeared in Soul Edge and Soulcalibur II, respectively, will be playable in Soulcalibur VI.

The news comes via leaked images of the game’s latest build from an event being held in Melbourne.

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-12 10:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-12 11:05 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI Cervantes and mode overview trailers
《灵魂 6》模式宣传片以及 塞万提斯·迪·里昂正式公布

  万代南梦宫今天公布了一段《灵魂 6》的全新预告,本期短片着重展现了游戏中多种多样的模式分类。除此之外,塞万提斯·迪·里昂也随后正式确认登场。

  《灵魂 6》将为玩家们带来多种游戏模式,在对战方面,本作有着街机模式、对战模式、训练等等模式可供选择,而在剧情模式分类中,除了传统的“灵魂纪事(Soul Chronicle)”剧情以外,玩家们还可以在“灵魂天平(Libra of Soul)”模式下使用自定义角色进行剧情冒险;本段预告中也专门为我们展示了角色自定义的功能选项。

  塞万提斯·迪·里昂(CERVANTES / セルバンテス・デ・レオン)是世界海之尽头的大海盗,手中握有人人都想得到的邪剑Soul Edge,普通人形身体已经非常强大,传说真身的力量会更加强大,是迷一般的存在。

  《灵魂 6》将于 2018 年 10 月 19 日发售,登陆PS4、Xbox One 和 PC平台,敬请期待。



Bandai Namco has released a new set of trailers for Soulcalibur VI introducing returning playable character Cervantes and the game’s various modes.

Here is an overview of Cervantes, via Bandai Namco:

When Cervantes first gripped Soul Edge, the power of the cursed sword transformed him into a monster. He used the sword to bring a reign of terror and carnage to the world, as the sword continued to manipulated his mind. But soon the cursed sword’s plans were thwarted by a heroic ninja and a brave warrior. Cervantes was defeated, consumed by fire and sentenced to the depths of hell, his body turned to ash.

Later the now new owner of the Soul Edge, Nightmare comes across Cervantes’s remains, but left without noticing the small glimmer of light emitting from his body. The Soul Edge had once again set the terrible wheels of fate moving and brought Cervantes back from the dead. After his resurrection, Cervantes now walks grinning through a sea of corpses, claiming countless souls and leaving desolation and destruction in his wake. His final aim is clear: to once again to make Soul Edge his own.

Cervantes fights with two weapons, Acheron and Nirvana. His main sword, Acheron, has been his sword since he plundered it from its hapless former owner during his reign of dread across the Atlantic Ocean. His secondary weapon, Nirvana, is a dagger with a pistol in the hilt. While pistols of the time were still relatively primitive, shooting an opponent could break their guard, allowing for a fierce follow-up blow. The gun dagger was a gift from the Italian weapons dealer Vercci and symbolises the twisted connection between the feared pirate and the Merchant of Death.

The latter trailer introduces Arcade, Versus, and Training modes, “Soul Chronicle” story mode, “Libra of Soul” mission mode, character creation, online play, and the Museum.

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-19 06:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-19 06:53 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur VI Raphael trailer, screenshots
《剑魂 6》释出全新宣传影片 来自法国索雷尔家族之西洋剑士「拉斐尔」宣告参战!

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/168447.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 旗下预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》近日释出全新宣传影片,曾于《剑魂》系列中登场的西洋剑士 「拉斐尔」(Raphael/ラファエル)也宣告参战。

  「一起翩翩起舞吧! 」在《剑魂 6(Soul Calibur VI)》,西洋剑大师拉斐尔宣告正式回归,并且将带着他迅雷不及掩耳的剑技回到舞台中。



Bandai Namco has released a new trailer and screenshots for Soulcalibur VI featuring returning playable character Raphael.

Here is an overview of Raphael, via Bandai Namco:

As a master of the rapier, his fighting style is that of a fencer, delivering deadly blow to opponents through powerful thrusts and slashes. Processing great speed and agility, Raphael is at once difficult to hit and defend against. Yet his life has taken many twists and turns, from noble family member to living as a vagabond in Spain. Where ever he ends up, more about Raphael will be revealed in Soulcalibur VI when the game launches.

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-19 06:14 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-20 10:21 PM
《剑魂 6》繁体中文版 官方公开首批特典及豪华版内容
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/168558.html)

  台湾万代南梦宫娱乐今(20)日宣布,及将于 10 月 18、19 日发售的格斗游戏《剑魂 6(SOULCALIBUR Ⅵ)》繁体中文豪华版及首批特典收录内容。


  PS4《剑魂 6》繁体中文豪华版收录以下丰富内容:

《剑魂 6》繁体中文版游戏本体
季票:包含「缇拉」等 4 名可操作角色、2 种创造模式零件下载代码(详情待日后公开)

  凡购入实体《剑魂 6》繁体中文豪华版的玩家将另获得《剑魂 6》游戏原声带及精致音效铁盒。


  凡购入首批 PS4《剑魂 6》繁体中文一般版/限定版/豪华版的玩家将获得绕颈式比基尼、学校泳装、军礼帽 & 短袖衬衫等以上3种创造模式零件下载代码。

  而购入首批 Xbox One/PC(STEAM)《剑魂 6》繁体中文版的玩家则将获得创造模式零件–绕颈式比基尼下载代码。

※ 繁体中文豪华版与限定版均仅于 PS4 平台发行。
※ 万代南梦宫娱乐保留变更、修改、取消特典内容的权利。
※ 特典内容可能于日后另行发布。
※ 示意图仅供参考,请以实际物品为准。
※ 内容、样式可能未经告知有部分变更。
※ 数量有限,详细请洽购买店家。

游戏名称:剑魂 6
游戏原名:Soul Calibur VI
游戏类型:3D 武器格斗动作
对应平台:PlayStation 4、Xbox One、PC Steam
发售日期:PS4/Xbox One 版 10 月 18 日、PC(STEAM)版 10 月 19 日
语言版本:繁体中文 / 日文 / 英文等
开发厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
发行厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-4 10:34 PM
Soulcalibur VI adds Inferno


Soul series central antagonist Inferno will be a playable character in Soulcalibur VI, Bandai Namco announced.

Here is an overview of the character, via Bandai Namco Europe:

Inferno is the embodiment of Soul Edge’s will, an evil amalgamation of all the warriors’ souls it has claimed. Its motives for being are unknown. Some say it simply follows a desire to fight, maim, and gather souls. The eerie fire that surrounds Inferno is the result of the many souls the sword has reaped being burned to sustain it.

Harvested from the souls it has collected, Inferno possesses a deep knowledge of all fighting techniques – allowing it to use any weapon style with a phenomenal degree of skill.

Though its power defies standard means of measurement – it easily transcends that of any of its previous vessels. Although Inferno’s look changes with every incarnation, rest assured that it is stronger and more brutal than ever!

Soulcalibur VI is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-4 10:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-8 10:34 PM 编辑

《剑魂 6》公布脱机限定角色「地狱火」角色介绍影片 以亡魂为燃料的绝望之业火
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/169292.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 预定 10 月 18 日发售的武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(ソウルキャリバー VI)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One,PC 版 10 月 19 日),近日公布了第 15 波角色介 绍影片「地狱火(インフェルノ)」。


  绝望之业火「地狱火」是将刀魂的精神实体化的存在。 虽然能在游戏内达成条件后解锁,但无法在在线对战或大赛里使用,是个「为想与 CPU 对手爽快对战的玩家量身打造」的角色。



PlayStation 4/Xbox One/STEAM
《剑魂 6》公布第 15 波角色宣传影片「地狱火」

BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 预定 2018 年 10 月 18 日(四)推出 PS4 / Xbox One 版、10 月 19 日(五)推出 Steam 版的武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6》,近日公布了第 15 波角 色宣传影片「地狱火」,以及由本作中饰演「齐格飞」与「梦魇」的桧山修之担任旁白的电视广告影片。

第 15 波角色介绍影片「地狱火」


「地狱火」是将刀魂的精神实体化的存在。 凝聚了成为刀魂牺牲品的众多战士记忆。

没人知地道狱火有什么目的。 它似乎只是为了顺从贪婪的战斗本能,屠杀与它对峙的对手,并夺去其灵魂。


※ 地狱火无法于在线对战使用。


等待在本作最后,必需击倒的强大敌人...... 那便是刀魂的化身 “地狱火”。



具有其他角色无法相比,完全不同次元的强大,推荐给想与 CPU 爽快战斗的玩家。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-9 10:49 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-9 04:03 PM 编辑

Soulcalibur documentary ‘Souls and Swords,’ part one
《剑魂 6》新视频公布讲述《剑魂 6》系列的诞生

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 预定 10 月 18 日发售的武器格斗动作游戏《剑魂 6(ソウルキャリバー VI)》今天公布了新视频,名为「灵魂与刀剑:《灵魂能力》的诞生」。



  《剑魂 6》的舞台设定于16世纪,玩家们将再次体验初代《剑魂》中的事件,揭开隐藏的真相。本作中的战斗、移动、视觉系统将会更加协调,玩家们可以更加轻松地发动致命、动态的攻势。《剑魂 6》采用最先进的虚幻4引擎打造,由万代南梦宫负责制作与发行。

  《剑魂 6》将于10月19日登陆PS4/Xbox One/PC平台。


Bandai Namco has released part one in a new documentary series called “Souls and Swords: The Rise of Soulcalibur,” which details the emergence of the Soulcalibur series.

The Soulcalibur series began in 1995 with the release of Soul Edge in Japanese arcades. In 1998, the first Soulcalibur followed. The fighting game series is known for its weapons-based gameplay.

The latest entry in the series, Soulcalibur VI, is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19.

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