Darksiders III Officially Revealed, Debut Trailer
《暗黑血统3》正式公布将于 2018 年发售 首支宣传视频曝光
《暗黑血统》(台称:《末世骑士 | Darksiders》)是 2010 年发售的动作冒险游戏,并于 2012 年推出过续作,由于其发行商兼 IP 拥有者 THQ 公司破产倒闭使得这一系列迟迟没有下文。随着去年 THQ 被位于瑞典的 ordic Games 收购,现在这家公司以 THQ Nordic 的名字重生了。
今天 THQ Nordic 和 Gunfire Games 正式宣布了该系列的最新作品 《暗黑血统3》,并通过 IGN 公布了首支IGN FIRST 宣传视频。本作将于 2018 年发售,登陆平台为PS4、Xbox One 和 PC。Switch 版本暂时未知。
《暗黑血统 3》的开发商为 Gunfire Games,团队的成员包括了多名来自前 Vigil Games 的员工,他们曾在《暗黑血统》1代和2代的开发工作中担任游戏总监、执行制作人、技术总监、首席环境设计师等等。
《暗黑血统 3》将是一款开放世界的动作冒险游戏,并将注重于探索和环境解谜。本作的主角将是天启四骑士中的Fury(怒神),重返灾变的人间界展开猎杀“七宗罪”的任务。身为神秘四骑士之中最变化莫测怒神,这趟任务只许成功,不许失败,为目前饱受蹂躏的人间界带来各力量的平衡。
· 扮演法师“怒神”,运用她的鞭子与魔法,恢复人间界善恶平衡!
· 驾驭“怒神”的魔法,释放她的各种变身形体,每种形体都可赋予她新武器、招数与穿越能力。
· 探索永无止境、生生不息的自由游戏世界,让“怒神”来回穿越不同环境来解开谜题,同时推进故事的剧情进展。
· 击败“七宗罪”和他们的党羽,包括神秘怪物和变形生物。
· 令人叹为观止《暗黑血统》特有艺术风格:因战争破坏和大自然反扑而残破不堪的空荡灾变世界,将带领玩家将从天堂仙境落入地狱深渊。
THQ Nordic AB 的联合创始人兼集团 CEO Lars Wingefors 表示:“经过了数不清的谣言、大型收购、甚至是重组企业品牌之后,THQ Nordic 的团队现在很高兴终于确定了《暗黑血统 3》的开发计划。”
本作将于 2018 年发售,亚马逊 和 Steam 预购页面已经上线,不过暂时还没有中文版的消息。
Official Site Launched
THQ Nordic Announces Darksiders III
THQ Nordic today announced that hack-n-slash action adventure Darksiders III is currently in development for PC, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One, and is slated for release in 2018.
“As promised, we have taken our time to ensure that this next Darksiders will be everything action-adventure gamers and especially Darksiders loyalists could dream of and more,” said Lars Wingefors, Co-Founder and Group CEO, THQ Nordic AB.
The company also announced that it is working with the team at Gunfire Games, which is largely comprised of the original creators of the Darksiders franchise, on development of the long and highly-anticipated project.
“The Gunfire team brings an intimate involvement with every aspect of the Darksiders franchise since its inception,” said Reinhard Pollice, Director of Business and Product Development, THQ Nordic. “There is simply no team better qualified to create Darksiders III, beginning with our unpredictable and enigmatic hero FURY – a mage who is considered the most powerful of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!”
About Darksiders III
Return to an apocalyptic planet Earth in Darksiders III, a hack-n-slash action adventure where players take on the role of FURY in her quest to hunt down and dispose of the Seven Deadly Sins. The Charred Council calls upon Fury to battle from the heights of heaven down through the depths of hell in a quest to restore humanity and prove that she is the most powerful of the Horsemen.
As a mage, FURY relies on her whip and magic to restore the balance between good and evil. The expansive, Darksiders III game world is presented as an open-ended, living, free-form planet Earth that is dilapidated by war and decay, and overrun by nature. FURY will move back and forth between environments to uncover secrets while advancing the Darksiders III story.
根据游戏媒体 gematsu 报导,知名购物网站 amazon 出现知名动作冒险游戏《末世骑士》系列新作《末世骑士 3(Darksiders 3)》游戏相关画面与设定图,游戏将于 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 平台登场。
在 amazon 商品信息中显示,玩家在由 THQ Nordic 推出的《末世骑士 3》中,将扮演女法师 FURY,利用她的鞭子与魔法让世界在善与恶之间取得平衡。
玩家在游戏中将控制多样化形式的魔法,FURY 可以获得新的武器、动作,而玩家将会探索开放式、栩栩如生的游戏世界,FURY 将在过程中发现秘密并且让故事不断延伸下去。
The game, listed as due out in 2018, will offer the following features:
Play as FURY – a mage who must rely on her whip and magic to restore the balance between good and evil on Earth!
Harness FURY’s magic to unleash her various forms – each granting her access to new weapons, moves and traversal abilities
Explore an open-ended, living, free-form game world in which FURY moves back and forth between environments to uncover secrets while advancing the story
Defeat the Seven Deadly Sins and their servants who range from mystical creatures to degenerated beings
Darksiders signature art style – expansive post-apocalyptic environments that take the player from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell, dilapidated by war and decay and overrun by nature