Amazing things happened when White Eastern Pepper Spray meets SHOPEE!
Check it out now here ! shopee.com.my/whiteeastern
We are now with SHOPEE to provide personal body guard – Pepper Spray! Most exciting news is it comes with FREE Shipping without minimum purchase!
Cheapest body guard in town for your love one! Grab one now with Shopee-White Eastern Pepper spray today! FREE SHIPPING OFFER Until 31 May 2016!!
grin emoticon
好消息,White Eastern Pepper Spray已登陆SHOPEE购物平台!
点此链接至 shopee.com.my/whiteeastern
我们在SHOPEE 提供专属于您的私人保镖- 胡椒喷雾!
最令人惊喜的是….我们还提供免运费服务哦! 并且无最低消费便可获得此优惠!
还在等什么呢?马上到我们于SHOPEE购物平台的专页购买吧! 免运费现在起至五月三十一号!
Shopee App Available in ios and andriod
Shopee 应用程序现可在ios与安卓系统下载