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【PS4/XB1/PC】Battlefield 1

2017-3-1 06:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-1 08:12 PM 编辑

Battlefield 1 Premium Pass Expansion Packs Revealed
《战地风云 1》高级季票及扩展包内容详情公布

  EA和DICE公布了《战地风云 1》高级季票中包含的 4 个扩展包的详细内容。在这 4 个扩展包中玩家将分别扮演法军、扮演俄军、进行两栖战以及进入噩梦般的残暴恐怖战场。

4 个扩展包分别为:








这些扩展包还将包含 16 张新多人模式地图、20 种新武器和多个新的精英职介。高级季票用户可以提前两周游玩扩展包,外加 14 个高级战斗包和优先连接服务器等权限。从 3 月 3 日起到 3 月 5 日,Xbox One 金会员和 PC 玩家可以免费试玩《战地风云 1》的单人和多人模式。

EA and DICE Reveal the Four All-New Expansions Packs Included in Battlefield 1 Premium Pass

Today, EA and DICE revealed the first details of all four expansion packs included in Battlefield 1 Premium Pass with Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass, Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar, Battlefield 1 Turning Tides and Battlefield 1 Apocalypse. To expand the global conflict and build on the game’s award-winning multiplayer experience, players will be able to defend their homeland as the hardened French Army and battle in treacherous snow covered ravines with the Russian Army. Players can also engage in intense naval clashes and conquer fiercely disputed ground in the most infamous battles of the Great War. The expansion packs will also include 16 new multiplayer maps, 20 new weapons, and new elite classes. Additionally, Battlefield 1 Premium Pass members will get two-week early access to each unreleased expansion pack, plus 14 Superior Battlepacks, priority sever access and more.

The four themed digital expansion packs consist of:

Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass

Play as one of the most ferocious armies in WW1 – the French. Engage in the savage fighting around the furnace of Verdun, and descend into the bowels of Fort de Vaux where barbarous battles rage in the gas-filled corridors. Take part in the largest tank assault of the war by the Aisne riverbanks.

Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar

Enter the biggest front of WW1 with the Russian Army. Ride in Galicia with the legendary Hussars during the Brusilov offensive. Partake in the skirmishes of the Albion assault in a freezing archipelago and fight in the snow covered ravines of the treacherous Lupkow Pass.

Battlefield 1 Turning Tides

Participate in the amphibious warfare of WW1. Embark with the new destroyer into intense tactical naval clashes. Master the coastal class airship in the fierce interplay between land, air and sea. Engage in the daredevil Zeebrugge raid and storm the beaches in the first days of the Gallipoli offensive.

Battlefield 1 Apocalypse

Go over the top in the most infamous battles of WW1. Conquer bitterly contested ground with brutal tools and unique weapons born out of desperation and deadlock. Never before have the nightmarish horrors of the Great War been closer as you descend into hell. Prepare to enter the Apocalypse.

In Battlefield 1, DICE set out to build the most immersive and dynamic Battlefield game ever, and the critics have agreed by placing Battlefield 1 on 160 Game of the Year lists for 2016. Now, players who have yet to get in on the action will be able to experience Battlefield 1’s epic multiplayer and gripping single player in the upcoming PC† and Xbox One‡ free trials from March 3 through March 5. Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One will get unlimited play time with the full Battlefield 1 multiplayer and single player offering. Origin for PC players will get 10 hours of play time with the full multiplayer experience on two maps, and the first two War Stories of the games acclaimed single player. Those looking to forge ahead into the full game will have their progress and achievements carry over when purchasing the full game.

For more information on Battlefield 1, please visit battlefield.com or join the conversation on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
2017-3-2 07:48 AM
2017-3-3 07:46 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-3 06:23 PM 编辑

Battlefield 1 'They Shall Not Pass' Expansion Trailer
《战地风云 1》誓死坚守DLC宣传片出炉 体验惨烈凡尔登

  《战地风云 1》的最新扩展包“誓死坚守”(They Shall Not Pass)对很多玩家来说都不是什么新闻了,但奇怪的是一向对 DLC 抱有无数热情的 EA 却在这次表现得拖沓无比。不过从这部刚刚放出的宣传片来看,玩家们的等待其实还是相当值得的,因为这款以一战法国势力为主轴的DLC实在是太值得期待了。



  “誓死坚守”将在 3 月 14 日向豪华版季票用户开放,其他季票用户则要再继续等两周。

2017-5-5 06:35 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-5 06:38 PM 编辑

《战地风云 1》夏季更新详情 全新地图截图曝光

  DICE已经宣布在这个夏天《战地风云 1》将会获得一些全新内容的更新。这些新内容包括一个名为“攻占托尔(Prize de Tahure)”的新地图,背景设定于尼维尔攻势后的秋季,法军正急切地稳住情势,并打算重新占领托尔丘地区的高地。由战壕所构筑成的前线网络横跨了多个城镇,并在德军冲锋兵团和法军突击队持续不断的冲突当中被打成了断垣残壁。这是一场消耗战。适应能力与战略才是拖垮敌人的关键。该地图即将在社区测试服务上推出。


随着《Battlefield™ 1》现在改为每月更新,我们也有了许多精彩的新消息与内容与各位讨论。 有着这么多新款地图、武器以及其他内容,可以肯定的说,接下来将是属于《战地风云》的夏天。


我们很高兴能够宣布,新地图「攻占托尔」将在近期于 CTE(社群测试环境)中开放测试。 「攻占托尔」的背景设定于尼维尔攻势后的秋季,法军正急切地稳住情势,并打算重新占领托尔丘地区的高地。 由战壕所构筑成的前线网络横跨了多个城镇,并在德军冲锋兵团和法军突击队持续不断的冲突当中被打成了断垣残壁。 这是一场消耗战。 适应能力与战略才是拖垮敌人的关键。

随时锁定更多详细信息,并加入 CTE 来提前试玩各种内容,同时回馈意见。


说到新地图,先前发布过的「尼维尔之夜」即将推出。 将于六月提供给拥有《Battlefield 1》高级通行证的玩家,这款夜间地图的背景设定在马尔梅松和苏皮尔附近的泥泞战场中。 咬紧牙关,因为敌人将会拼命夺下每一吋的土地。


我们正打算结束另一次的高级好友内容测试活动,在此活动中,拥有《Battlefield 1》高级通行证的玩家能够带着他们的好友一同游玩新款地图。 如果你已经试过这个功能,我们希望你玩得很开心。 感谢各位的回馈意见。 我们迫不及待想跟各位分享我们未来对高级好友内容的规划了。

  而夜间地图“尼维尔之夜(Nivelle Nights)”将于6月份推出。新DLC“以沙皇之名(In the Name of the Tsar)”在发售之前,玩家们可以在今年举办的EA Play上率先体验到。

EA PLAY 2017:《Battlefield 1:以沙皇之名》首批详细信息

俄军将加入《Battlefield 1》,除此之外还有全新地图、新武器和载具。 等不及想看见首批详细信息了吗?

在今年的 6 月 10 日,EA PLAY 2017 将会汇聚来自全球的忠实玩家,一同发掘 EA 的最新大作,而《Battlefield 1:以沙皇之名》便位列其中。 无论是亲自参与或在线参与,各位都能抢先目睹今年夏天晚些时候便会推出的第二款《Battlefield 1》数据片。 (喔,然后所谓的「夏天晚些时候」指的是对斯德哥尔摩及洛杉矶而言,因为我们的开发团队位于此。 )

2017-5-24 07:20 AM

  DICE今日公布了《战地风云1》第二款付费DLC“以沙皇之名”(IN THE NAME OF THE TSAR)的首个宣传海报。

  “以沙皇之名”的首个宣传海报,和本体游戏以及首个 DLC 保持了同样的视觉风格,唯一的不同在于这次主打了一名光头女兵。看来在“以沙皇之名”DLC中,玩家在多人模式中可以选择女兵了。

  据国外玩家 Westie 视频分析,海报上的这位女兵是俄国首个“妇女死亡营(Russian Women’s Battalion of Death)”的一名成员。在历史上,俄国的女人们在战争中扮演着很重要的角色。目前尚不清楚在《战地风云1》中是否所有的职业都会加入女兵。



2017-6-11 06:42 AM
Battlefield 1 DLC 'In the Name of the Tsar' Launches in September
《战地风云 1》以沙皇之名DLC预告片 女兵威武!

  在今年的 EA Play 发布会上,EA 官方正式公布了《战地风云 1》新DLC“以沙皇之名”的预告片。该扩展内容最受人瞩目的就是女兵的加入,在预告片中我们就能看到女兵们的英姿。除此之外,每次DLC上线时惯例要有的新地图、新武器也会加入其中,大家熟悉的哥萨克骑兵也将作为新兵种加入《战地风云 1》的一战战场。“以沙皇之名”将在2017年9月上线。除了“以沙皇之名”以外,制作团队还将在今年夏季为玩家们带来两张新的夜战地图。


This is Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar

Enter the war’s biggest front in the most extensive Battlefield expansion so far. Releasing in September, Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar is the second Battlefield 1 expansion and sees the Russian Army joining the fight, including the Women’s Battalion of Death represented by the Scout class.

Fight on Six All-New Maps

• Lupkow Pass: Fight in the snow-covered ravines of the treacherous Lupkow Pass. Against this dramatic backdrop, the vertical fights are as bitter as the cold.

• Albion: Partake in the skirmishes of the Albion assault in a freezing archipelago. In this massive invasion of the Baltic peninsula, the German Empire attacks with infantry, dreadnoughts, and aircraft against the heavy coastal gun batteries of the Russian forces.

• Galicia: In the midst of the epic Brusilov Offensive, the Russian Empire is fighting to push back the Austro-Hungarian forces in the Russian countryside. Take on an open map focused on infantry, cavalry, and light vehicles.

• Brusilov Keep: The Russians have pushed their enemy into a small mountain town, but the Austro-Hungarians are making a strong stand. Experience close-quarter fights by the Carpathians on an infantry-focused map.

History has more in store for the Russian Army. Stay tuned for info on two extra maps coming to the most extensive Battlefield 1 expansion pack yet.

New Weapons and Vehicles

Expand your arsenal with 11 new, Russian-themed weapons including the Mosin-Nagant M91, together with new melee weapons, and the Russian Standard 1912 grenade. Pilot the massive Ilya-Muromets Heavy Bomber, wield the amped-up firepower of the Putilov-Garford Heavy Armored Car, and spawn strategically on the Y-Lighter Landing Craft. You’ll also be able to defend your positions with a new stationary weapon: the powerful coastal gun batteries.

In Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar, you can also ride with the legendary Hussar cavalry and charge into battle with new tactical possibilities. Master the all-new lance and evolved horse move set.

New and Improved Game Modes

Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar has a new game mode called Supply Drop, where you’ll join a fast-paced fight for supplies on the Eastern Front as planes airdrop everything needed to outgun and outscore your opponents. We’re also adding new, epic Operations including Brusilov Offensive – one of the most lethal offensives of the war.

Take on New Challenges

Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar comes with many new goals and in-game giveaways. Expect new Medals, Dog Tags, Service Stars, and more that will keep you in the fight even longer.


A Revolution is Coming to Battlefield 1

At EA Play, we revealed a slew of Battlefield 1 news.

• Later in June, owners of Battlefield 1 Premium Pass or Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass will get access to the Nivelle Nights map, followed by the Prise de Tahure map in July.

• On the back of the release of Prise de Tahure, we’ll begin Premium Trials. When active, Premium Trials will give all players access to maps exclusive to Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owners. Furthermore, Premium Friends will be available until Gamescom. Premium Friends lets Premium Pass owners bring their friends in to play on the new maps their friends normally can’t access.

• Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar – the most extensive Battlefield expansion pack so far – will release in September.

• The third expansion pack, Turning Tides, will be released in December 2017, followed by Apocalypse in early 2018.

• We’re very excited to bring a competitive experience to the 20 million players of Battlefield 1 and can’t wait to share more with you, our community, at Gamescom in August.

• The CTE (Community Test Environment) will be available on consoles soon. The CTE is a Battlefield 1 environment where involved players can help us test new features, improved/changed content, and experiments that aren’t yet (and may never be) ready for public release.

2017-7-31 06:51 PM
法国亚马孙泄露《战地风云1:革命》 包含季票及DLC

  法国亚马逊泄露了《战地风云 1:革命》(点我进入),该版本将于 2017 年 8 月 22 日上市,售价为 59.99 欧元,登陆平台包括 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC,“革命版”中包含本作的全部
DLC 以及季票的全部内容。 ​​​​


  《战地风云 1》已经在 2016 年上市,在当今 FPS 游戏都争先恐后的把背景设定在现代时,DICE 反其道而行之,将本作的背景设定为一战,取得了巨大的成功。在本作发售后,EA 为本作推出了“誓死坚守”以及“以沙皇之名”两个 DLC,给游戏增加了新的武器、兵种等一系列内容。在今年 12 月,开发团队还将推出新扩展内容“力挽狂澜”,在 2018 年初则推出最后一个DLC“启示录”。购买本作季票的玩家除了能够获得战斗包以及 DLC 的优先体验资格之外,还有新的多人模式地图可以使用。无论是从价格还是从内容来看,这次泄露的“革命版”都很实惠。

  目前 EA 官方对此次泄露没有发表任何声明。
2017-8-3 06:41 PM
2017-8-22 04:32 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-25 06:23 AM 编辑

Battlefield 1: Revolution all-in-one package and Battlefield 1: Incursions competitive mode announced
《战地风云 1》革命版公布 包含游戏所有DLC

  在本次科隆游戏展上,EA公布了《战地风云 1》革命版,这个版本中包含了《战地风云 1》如今已经发售的内容以及即将会发售的内容,只需要购买这个游戏的版本,就能享受到《战地风云 1》游戏中所有的内容,售价为60美元。

  官方还带来了《战地风云 1》DLC“以沙皇之名”的64人大战演示,并且下个月开始,玩家们可以在游戏中玩到新的“袭击(Incursions)”模式,将会以5V5的形式把玩家们分为两队,并且将带来更加讲求团队合作、策略和竞技性的比赛,比赛中玩家们需要掌握好步兵与坦克之间的协作打击。

Electronic Arts and DICE have announced Battlefield 1: Revolution, an all-in-one package for Battlefield 1 including the Battlefield 1 base game and all of its expansions.

Available today for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, Battlefield 1: Revolution includes:

Battlefield 1 base game

Battlefield 1 Premium Pass – Includes four themed expansion packs, each filled with all new maps, new modes and more, making it the complete Battlefield 1 experience.

Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass – Immediate access. Featuring six maps including the game’s first night maps, Nivelle Nights and Prise de Tahure.
Battlefield 1: In the Name of the Tsar – Players can further expand the battle with Battlefield 1: Revolution in Battlefield 1: In the Name of the Tsar in September.
Battlefield 1: Turning Tides – Partake in amphibious warfare in Battlefield 1 Turning Tides set to launch in December.
Battlefield 1: Apocalypse – Partake in the most infamous battles of the Great War in Battlefield 1 Apocalypse, available in early 2018.

Downloadable content packs containing themed weapons, vehicles and emblems based on the famous heroes and units.
Red Baron Pack
Lawrence of Arabia Pack
Hellfighter Pack

Also available today for those that own Battlefield 1: Revolution or the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass is the “Lupkow Pass” map, which is the first map from the In the Name of the Tsar expansion. Here’s an overview of the map, via EA:

In Lupkow Pass, players can battle it out in the snow-covered ravines and treacherous vertical drops of World War I. Then, when the full expansion releases in early September, players will further enter the war’s biggest front with the Russian Army and the Women’s Battalion of Death with five additional all new maps and two new Operations. In the Name of the Tsar also includes 11 new weapons, the new Ilya-Muromets Heavy Bomber vehicle, the Putilov-Garford Heavy Armored Car, the new Supply Drop game mode, new medals, dog tags, service stars and more, making it the most extensive update in Battlefield franchise history.

Electronic Arts also announced Battlefield 1: Incursions, a “tight, teamplay focused competitive experience” within Battlefield 1 launching in closed alpha in September. Here’s an overview of the mode, via EA:

Competitors will have to put their skills to the test in intense 5 vs. 5 matches, creating dramatic moments that include the signature Battlefield vehicle gameplay. Starting in September, players in the Closed Alpha will be able to choose from eight different kits (Trench Surgeon, Control Leader, AT Assault, Battle Mechanic, Mortar Support, Raid Leader, Shock Assault, Proximity Recon) on the modified Battlefield 1 Giant’s Shadow map, and rank up to gain access to improved weapons and abilities based on a combination of time and performance. The Battlefield 1: Incursions Closed Alpha is just the beginning of the team’s journey in crafting a long term-competitive experience in collaboration with the Battlefield community. The features, content, and systems of Battlefield 1: Incursions may change between Closed Alpha and its final, finished form. More details on the competitive gaming structure and events will be shared in the coming months.

Battlefield 1 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.


2017-9-5 06:19 PM
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