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【PS4/XB1/PC】Battlefield 1

2016-8-23 06:47 PM
《战地风云 1》动态天候系统作用很大

  EA和DICE在发布的博客中称,《战地风云 1》(Battlefield1)玩家要利用好大自然母亲(Mother Nature)发给自己的牌。《战地风云 1》中动态天候系统的重要性超过其他战地系列。


  DICE称在沙尘暴中玩家仍可飞行,但抽刮过来的沙子力道会让飞行变得困难重重。如果玩家能够避免头朝下将飞机坠入沙丘,地面部队也会很难找到玩家将其击毙的。在欧洲的话,玩家可以在意大利峡谷中逃脱挥之不去的迷雾,爬上阿尔卑斯山。《战地风云 1》8月31日开始进行Beta测试,玩家可亲自体验这些变化。

2016-8-26 07:08 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-26 07:39 AM 编辑

Battlefield 1 Premium Pass Announced
《战地风云 1》高级版公布 含4个DLC


  《战地风云 1》高级版称Premium Pass 售价50 美元包括四个DLC。购买高级版的玩家将比普通玩家提前2个星期玩上这四个DLC。其中最先发售的一个DLC叫 They Shall Not Pass 将会在2017年三月上市。

  基本上《战地风云 1》系列老玩家应该比较了解了。《战地风云 1》的收费方式仍然和《星际大战》以及之前的《战地风云 4》、《战地风云:硬仗》一样,分为标准版和高级版,而高级版则收录四个DLC。

  《战地风云 1》高级版的DLC 和《战地风云 4》的DLC一样,每个DLC带来4个新的地图和一些新的武器、配件。另外不同的是《战地风云 1》每个DLC还会带来新的军队,比如最先发售的“They Shall Not Pass”DLC将加入法国军队,而另外一个DLC则加入俄国军队。除了新的武器,地图和军队外,DLC还会加入新的行动和游戏模式,新的精英兵种。另外Origin页面还确认每个DLC还会带来新的载具。

  高级版的DLC共包含16个新地图,20个新武器和14个独特的狗牌以及14个战斗包。战斗包在《战地风云 1》中也回归,包含一些武器皮肤和其他东西。首个高级版战斗包将于11月释出。

  如果你想拥有完整的游戏体验,你必须购买《战地风云 1》本体游戏+高级版DLC。本作将于10 月 18 日登入PS4、Xbox One以及PC平台。

EA and DICE Announce Battlefield 1 Premium Pass

DICE, an Electronic Arts studio, today announced Battlefield 1 Premium Pass, a membership program delivering new content and early access to Battlefield 1 fans in four upcoming themed digital expansion packs. Battlefield 1 Premium Pass members will be granted two-week early access to each pack, starting with Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass in March 2017 that will bring the French army into the battle in multiplayer.
Expand the theatre of all-out war with more frontlines in Battlefield 1 Premium Pass containing:

• 4 upcoming digital expansion packs, including:

- Two-week early access to each expansion pack
- Play as new armies including France in Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass, and the Russian Empire in an upcoming expansion pack
- 16 new multiplayer maps
- New Operations and game modes for more ways to play
- New Elite classes
- 20 new weapons
- New vehicles

• 14 Battlefield 1 Battlepacks containing stand-out weapon skins, delivered monthly from November 2016

• 14 unique dog tags distributed over the course of the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass period

Check battlefield.com/bf1/premium often for details and release dates for each expansion pack.

Experience the dawn of all-out war and discover a new world of war on an unmatched epic scale in Battlefield 1, full of a variety of new gameplay opportunities for the players. DICE has set out to build the most immersive and dynamic Battlefield game ever, continuing to improve their dynamic multiplayer sandbox through ever-changing environments with intuitive destruction and dynamic weather.

Operations introduces a completely new way to play multiplayer. In Battlefield 1 you will play a series of interconnected battles across multiple fronts. Play a sequence of battles where your actions have consequences beyond a single match, as you try to conquer territory or push back your attackers.

Battlefield 1 launches on October 21, 2016 worldwide on Xbox One, Origin for PC and PlayStation 4. Players who pre-order the Early Enlister Deluxe Edition can start playing on October 18.
2016-9-28 07:09 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-30 06:32 PM 编辑

Battlefield 1 Single Player Trailer
《战地风云 1》释出单人游戏预告影片 透过不同角色观点编织属于自己的战争故事

  EA 旗下 DICE 团队开发,预定 10 月 21 日推出的《战地风云》系列最新作 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 第一人称射击游戏《战地风云 1(Battlefield 1)》,现释出单人游戏预告影片供玩家欣赏。

  《战地风云 1》由 DICE 开发,采用旗下「寒霜(Frostbite)」引擎制作,主题回归 20 世纪初期奠定现代战争典型的第一次世界大战。 玩家将参与包括法国城市突围巷战,意大利阿尔卑斯山空旷地形战,或是阿拉伯的沙漠战,驾驶坦克、摩托车,双翼飞机与巨型战舰来协助战事进行。

  《战地风云 1》开发团队成员 Jonas Elfving 与 Eric Holmes 在官方部落格的最新文章中透露,这次游戏中玩家将会体验到一连串称作「战争故事」的个人故事,故事当中的每个主角都有独特的背景与技能,其中包括家喻户晓的「阿拉伯的劳伦斯」在内。 透过故事选集的呈现手法来兼顾剧情深度与多样性。 在单人模式任务中,玩家可以采用不同的游玩风格来编织属于自己的战争故事。

以下是官网对《战地风云 1》单人模式的详细介绍:

  这让我们开始重新思考我们想在《战地风云 1》单人模式中所提供的游戏形式。我们觉得使用单一角色来跨越这么多不同战争背景不但无法引人入胜,也完全不符合当时的时代背景。所以我们决定采用故事选集的形式;也就是由一系列的角色在各自的剧情中演绎。这样一来我们就能兼顾剧情深度与多样性,可说是双赢的局面。


  在之前的《战地风云 》剧情中,我们是透过主要角色的双眼来体验剧情,很少看见视角会切换至其他地方。但在《战地风云 1》中我们决定我们要刻划更深刻的角色形象,而不只是告诉玩家「你就扮演那个角色」。其中一个方式便是采用经典的过场动画,让你能以除了第一人称以外的视角看见你的角色。我们想让玩家能看见并感受各角色所经历的故事,而非只是透过角色的双眼来体验剧情。这不仅在叙事能力上能获得更好的成果,也能让玩家的情绪与剧情产生互动。

  单人模式最大的一个灵感来源,便是玩家们在《战地风云 1》多人模式中的思考、行为以及游玩模式。在游玩《战地风云 》系列游戏时,玩家通常只有一个目标、一种配备和一个计划。这个计划通常会在实行时土崩瓦解,但玩家也因此必须根据所面对的敌人与载具来临场发挥。

  我们支持系统化的游戏方式,也拥护让《战地风云 》成为高人气游戏的自由度。



  你还能在《战地风云 1》单人模式中深入了解真实的历史人物。身为一个浪漫且富有争议性的角色,阿拉伯的劳伦斯是一位家喻户晓的人物。就跟红男爵一样,劳伦斯是一次大战中最着名的人物之一,我也希望玩家与他在游戏中相处时会觉得这段故事十分引人入胜。

  面临着在技术上拥有优势的敌人,劳伦斯在《战地风云 1》中的胜算十分渺茫。鄂图曼帝国有一列称为「狼王」(土耳其语的「猛兽」)的巨型装甲列车,里面装有巨大的火炮,能在数里外进行炮击。于是,帝国摧枯拉朽的火炮即将对上在马背上拿着步枪的反抗军势力。

  在《战地风云 1》中,你扮演劳伦斯在阿拉伯反抗军中的副手。这个角色需要运用她的足智多谋来预先侦察敌方营地、取得所需的装备,并将装甲列车引出进行最终对决。是要火力全开还是安静潜行,要远远接战还是近距离袭杀,要骑乘马匹还是驾驶适当的载具,全都取决于你。

  总结来说,在《战地风云 1》的单人游戏中有许多战争故事可供你体验。我们希望等到《战地风云 1》于10月21日推出时,你们能够享受这些故事体验。

本作将于10 月 18 日登入PS4、Xbox One以及PC平台。


The Single Player of Battlefield 1

In Battlefield 1 you’ll experience a series of what we call War Stories: personal stories focusing on different protagonists with unique backgrounds and skills. While our characters are at war, the stories in Battlefield 1 are personal. They’re about people rather than history or battles.

The Great War is diverse. We knew we wanted to embrace that variety. There were so many different perspectives and characters in World War 1 and we wanted to cover as much ground as possible.

This made us reconsider the format of what we’d offer in Battlefield 1 single player. We felt that to have one character hopping through those different settings wouldn’t be as immersive or totally respectful to the setting. So we decided on an anthology format; a set of characters with their own more focused stories. That way we can have immersion and variety – a double win.

One example is the War Story Through Mud and Blood. It takes place late in the war and centers on a British Mark V Tank crew. The story focuses on a young soldier assigned to the crew as the tank’s driver. However, our protagonist has no experience of these modern war vehicles and need to learn – and learn fast. Our hero is also struggling with earning the trust of his fellow crew members, so there’s a social dynamic in the story, making the whole thing something personal. Danny Edwards, our driver character, is not an ace sniper. He’s not a crack pilot. He’s not a demo expert. He’s a former chauffeur – a volunteer new to the war. He can drive and he can fix things. That’s where we start.

In previous Battlefield iterations we’ve experienced the story through the eyes of one main character, and it was very rare that the camera cut anywhere. But in Battlefield 1 we decided we wanted stronger characters instead of just telling players “you are the character”. One way to do this was to invoke classic cinematics that lets you see your character more than in first-person-theater. We wanted the player to see and feel what the characters are going through, rather than just experiencing it from behind their eyes. That has really payed off for us not just in storytelling ability, but in emotional engagement.

One key inspiration for single player has been how people think, act, and play in Battlefield 1 multiplayer. Playing Battlefield games, you usually have an objective, a loadout, and a plan. That plan often comes apart as you’re realizing it, and then you have to improvise to make do based on the enemies and vehicles you might be facing.

We’re embracing systemic gameplay and the freedom that makes Battlefield the high-agency game that it is.

For instance, in the aforementioned Through Mud and Blood there is a part we call The Fog of War. Here you suddenly find yourself in a misty forest. Due to the low visibility you’re moving ahead of your tank on foot, clearing camps of enemies. If you like, you can use explosives to blow up the enemies’ anti-tank weapons, or you can sneak up and do melee attacks.

Eventually you’ll come across a relatively large base with field guns you can either destroy to protect your tank – or use against the enemies. You’ll also have the option of taking out an enemy tank crew, which suddenly gives you access to an enemy vehicle that you can seize for the encounter. This is all designed to encourage players to play it their way – just like in multiplayer.

You’ll also get to know real-life historical figures playing Battlefield 1 single player. A romantic and somewhat controversial character, Lawrence of Arabia is a name many recognize. Right up there with The Red Baron, Lawrence is one of the most iconic World War 1 names and I hope players will find it fascinating to spend time with this character.

Facing off with a technically superior enemy, Lawrence is put in a true underdog situation in Battlefield 1. The Ottoman Empire has a giant armored train called The Canavar – or “beast” in Turkish – equipped with a huge artillery piece that can strike from miles away. The Empire’s devastating artillery engages rebel forces – who are wielding rifles from horseback.

In Battlefield 1, you play an Arab rebel that is depicted as Lawrence’s right hand. This character needs to use her resourceful playstyle to scout out enemy encampments, liberate the equipment needed, and draw the armored train out to a final confrontation. Play it loud, quiet, long-range, close-up, on your horse, or in an appropriate vehicle – it’s up to you.

To sum up, there are many different war stories for you to experience in the single player of Battlefield 1. We hope you’ll enjoy them all when Battlefield 1 launches on October 21.

2016-10-3 06:38 PM
《战地风云 1》释出单人模式 12 分钟游玩影片 深入生死一瞬的残酷战场

  EA DICE 开发,预定 10 月 21 日推出的《战地风云》系列最新作 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 第一人称射击游戏《战地风云 1(Battlefield 1)》,现释出单人模式 12 分钟游玩影片供玩家参考。

  《战地风云 1》由 DICE 开发,采用旗下「寒霜(Frostbite)」引擎制作,主题回归 20 世纪初期奠定现代战争典型的第一次世界大战。 玩家将参与包括法国城市突围巷战,意大利阿尔卑斯山空旷地形战,或是阿拉伯的沙漠战,驾驶坦克、摩托车,双翼飞机与巨型战舰来协助战事进行。


※ 影片取自 https://www.youtube.com/user/TheWestie4321

  这次的单人模式游玩影片是 EA 预定于美国时间 10 月 2 日在加州圣地亚哥举办的 TwitchCon 2016 中展示的内容,从一介黑人士兵的观点出发,跳转到战场上无数阵亡士兵的生命最终经历,让玩家体验第一次世界大战同盟国与协约国阵营僵持不下的壕沟战战场的混乱、残酷与血腥。

2016-10-14 07:06 AM
2016-10-22 07:19 AM
2016-12-13 07:15 PM
《战地风云 1》免费DLC更新说明公布 新地图实机演示放出

  《战地风云(Battlefield 1)》即将在本月20 号正式迎来游戏的首部免费DLC 以及相关的游戏更新。这部DLC也将对游戏的高级版玩家提前 7 天开放(就在今日,亚洲时差原因可能在今日晚些时候上线)。

  同时在今天游戏开发商DICE 也在游戏官网上公布了这部包含大量游戏机制更新的DLC的相关说明。其主要包含以下五点主要内容:

· 一张免费多人对战地图“巨人阴影”;
· 一把新武器(十字弓手雷发射器);
· 引进全新的观察者模式;
· 更多的自定义游戏选项;
· 霰弹枪、医疗兵等武器装备的平衡性修改。


  具体的更新说明,大家可以在游戏官网看到。同时更为详细的更新说明也将在不久公布。https://www.battlefield.com/news ... -mode-in-new-update

2016-12-20 07:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-20 07:05 PM 编辑

First Battlefield 1 Expansion Details ~ 'They Shall Not Pass'
《战地风云 1》首部DLC 'They Shall Not Pass' 官方消息

  我们已经了解到EA 方面在此之前已经在推特上公布了《战地风云 1(Battlefield 1)》的首部DLC“誓死坚守”的首张截图。同时就在今天 EA 又在游戏的官网上公布了这部DLC的更多详细信息以及相关的概念图册。

  在相关的公告中,EA 表示这部DLC 将为游戏引进全新的游戏地图、武器以及法军军队。之后,其又通过几张DLC的概念图为我们更为详细的介绍了游戏中将要引进的新地图。

  据介绍之前公布了DLC 首张截图的灵感来源于一战中法军坚守法克乌斯堡的英勇事迹。在新公布的概念图中EA则为我们详细介绍了与一战著名的凡尔登战役相关的游戏地图和一张与一战时期法军埃纳河桥梁争夺战相关的游戏地图。


They Shall Not Pass: A Glimpse of the First Battlefield 1 Expansion

Releasing March 2017, They Shall Not Pass* will be the first Battlefield™ 1 expansion. Featuring all-new maps, new weapons, and the new playable French Army faction, They Shall Not Pass will truly expand the theater of all-out war.

Though we don’t want to give too much away at this point we have something special for you: concept exploration images from the DICE team. These images represent the studio’s vision of the battlefields you’ll encounter in They Shall Not Pass. Read on and learn what inspired the charred landscapes, muddy trenches, and close-quarter environments.

Around 1 million shells were fired in the opening barrage of the Battle of Verdun. This created massive forest fires around the fortified city and the battlefields surrounding it. Soldiers tell stories of being able to see these fires from far away. We really wanted to capture this initial fighting in a battle that came to be known as the Devil’s Anvil.

The initial fighting around Verdun quickly transformed villages like Samogneux and entire forests into shadows of their former self. Verdun turned into the longest battle of the war lasting 9 months which completely transformed it. We wanted our players to be part of these initial intense attacks in the cold February of 1916.

The stories of the heroic garrison inside of Fort Vaux inspired us deeply, they fought a tough battle for every inch in the dark in these underground corridors. Down here in the maze of dark galleries the French and Germans fought ferociously with grenades, flamethrowers, and poison gasses.

Some 40 million artillery shells were fired over the course of the battle at Verdun, pulverizing the ground, turning the earth into a shattered lunar landscape. And underneath some of these trenches, tunnels and underground fortresses provide for new experiences yet unexplored in Battlefield 1.

In contrast to Verdun the Battle of Soissons in late 1918 inspired us to create a new set of maps that captures the massive French tank assaults. The fighting revolves around key bridges over the Aisne River and something big lurks around the village of Fismes.

If you want a head start with They Shall Not Pass, a Battlefield 1 Premium Pass** will grant you this – and much more. Apart from two-week early access to all four expansions, the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass comes with priority server access, 20 new weapons, 14 free Superior Battlepacks, unique Dog Tags, and more.

2017-1-26 07:30 PM


EA公开《战地风云 1》首弹 DLC“誓死坚守”相关细节

  《战地风云 1》粉丝们静候已久的首弹DLC“誓死坚守(They Shall Not Pass)”现在终于有最新消息公布了。正如我们先前所知道的,法军在本DLC中加入了战局,此外还有4张全新地图、新游戏模式:前线、以及Char 2C坦克和战壕奇兵等新载具/兵种等相关内容。

  "誓死坚守"预计将于今年 3 月上线,季票玩家可以在DLC上线后免费获得。













Char 2C 坦克

  重生进入Char 2C坦克,并且操控史诗级的新机械巨兽。根据真实世界中的法军坦克所改编,这台超重型猛兽能逆转整个战局。







2017-2-14 07:16 PM
《战地风云 1》冬季更新上线 等级/武器/服务器系统大调整

  《战地风云 1(Battlefield 1)》开发商DICE 将对游戏进行一次冬季更新。在今天国外之前受 DICE 邀请提前体验此次更新的播客 Westie 为我们总结了以下的主要内容。



  在系列前作《战地风云 3》、《战地风云 4》中的缎带系统将回归到《战地风云 1》中,具体机制和前作一样,完成相关的条件即可在游戏中自动获取,每个缎带增加300XP经验;

  为游戏中武器增加“精英法典(elite codices)”,相关武器500杀即可解锁,并获得25000XP经验,首批加入的相关武器有八种、此次更新后将陆续增加更多武器种类。




  • 游戏中的毒气弹将被削弱,其持续时间由原来的22秒缩短到15秒;
  • 游戏中的火力压制机制将被更改,更改后火力压制收益变小;
  • 骑兵的马刀被削,其杀伤范围变小;
  • 精英兵种被调整:将无法在复活后有额外的手雷、血量恢复速度也回归正常。



  • 游戏的地图投票系统将在本次更新中上线,官方服务器和非官方服(出租服务器)都将增加这一功能;
  • 非官方服中的踢出和禁止玩家相关UI界面将在本次更新中上线;
  • 非官方服务器的管理员将可以优先进入自己的服务器;

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