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【PS4/Xbox One/PC】DESTINY 2

2018-8-1 04:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-1 04:59 PM 编辑

Destiny 2: Forsaken – Legendary Collection launches September 4
《命运2》传奇典藏版公布 将包含目前所有DLC内容

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201808/9733920179.html

  Bungie今天公布了《命运2:遗落之族》的传奇典藏版内容,此次典藏版将包含《命运2》游戏本体、《冥王诅咒》、《战争思维》和即将到来的《遗落之族》几大资料篇,同时该典藏版中将附带一个额外的角色升级加速道具,可以帮助新手或进度较慢的玩家快速追赶当前游戏版本等级。该传奇典藏版将推出PS4和Xbox One实体版本,PC端则会以数字整合版的形式推出。

  此外在 Gamestop 上还有额外的独占收藏版,其中除了《命运2:遗落之族》传奇典藏版的内容外还将额外追加一个游戏内限定名片和一尊凯德雕像,预购的玩家还会附送一套《命运2》主题扑克牌。


Publisher Activision and developer Bungie have announced Destiny 2: Forsaken – Legendary Collection, which includes access to all of Destiny 2‘s premium content and updates. It will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 4 for $59.99. The PC version will be available exclusively via Battle.net.

Here is an overview of the collection, via Activision:

At a suggested retail price of $59.99, the Destiny 2: Forsaken – Legendary Collection includes Destiny 2, Destiny 2: Expansion I: Curse of Osiris, Destiny 2: Expansion II: Warmind, and Destiny 2: Forsaken, the largest and most transformative expansion to the Destiny 2 experience yet. At launch, the Legendary Collection will also include a character boost that allows players the option to jump right to the latest adventure, Forsaken. For those wanting to experience Destiny 2 and its current expansions immediately, a pre-purchase of the digital Legendary Collection includes the ability to play the game right away.

In Forsaken, players take justice into their own hands as they pursue vengeance for fallen mentor, the Hunter Vanguard Cayde-6. Over the course of this adventure, players will have the opportunity to explore new regions, unlock new abilities, earn a wealth of powerful new weapons, and discover lost Awoken secrets. Players who pre-order Destiny 2: Forsaken – Legendary Collection today will receive a suite of special rewards to commemorate the last stand of one of the most memorable characters from the game. Cayde’s Exotic Stash pre-order bonus includes a unique exotic weapon ornament for his iconic Ace of Spaces hand cannon, Cayde’s ship, an exotic gunslinger-themed emote, and shaders of Cayde to decorate any piece of armor with his colors.

Activision also announced Destiny 2: Forsaken – Complete Collection, which includes everything in the Legendary Collection in addition to the Destiny 2: Forsaken Annual Pass. The Annual Pass will include a regular stream of post launch content, including three premium content drops, the “Black Armory” coming in winter 2018, “Joker’s Wild” in spring 2019, and “Penumbra” in summer of 2019. It will also launch on September 4 for $99.99.

2018-8-2 10:48 PM
2018-8-7 03:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-7 06:38 PM 编辑



  预购DLC或者拥有季票的玩家都可以获得在《命运2:遗落之族》到来后获得凯德6 号相关武器“Cayde's Exotic Stash”,以及其他的武器、装备等内容。在新DLC中,凯德6号会被新的反派枪杀,而玩家将为其复仇。


  《命运 2:遗落之族》故事叙述多年征战之后,仅存的碎珊瑚城已陷入无序之中。 你和凯德 - 6 被派遣亲自调查最近的骚乱。 抵达之后,你们很快发现长老监狱中的重型囚犯们,组织了一场逃狱计划。 在先锋菁英队管辖范围之外,你将前进碎珊瑚城深处并追捕这些逃犯。 探索新区域、觉醒者的新能力、获取强大武器,并发掘遗失已久的觉醒者秘辛。

2018-8-8 04:03 PM


2018-8-9 03:32 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-9 07:59 PM 编辑

Destiny 2: Forsaken expansion ‘Dreaming City’ trailer
《命运 2:遗落之族》幽梦之城预告释出 探索最庞大的谜团

  Bungie 今天释出了《命运 2:遗落之族》中巨大场景“幽梦之城”的全新预告,在这座变幻莫测的高塔之中,玩家将面对《命运》系列有史以来最为庞大的谜团。在幽梦之城背后隐藏这许多不为人知的故事,守护者将一同解开已经遗失的秘密,解谜古代先人留下的谜团,堆抗这座高塔中不断侵蚀而来的力量,在最后还会有不同的宝藏等待玩家。而在这一切的背后一股巨大且邪恶的力量也在蠢蠢欲动。


  《命运 2:遗落之族》故事叙述多年征战之后,仅存的碎珊瑚城已陷入无序之中。 你和凯德 - 6 被派遣亲自调查最近的骚乱。 抵达之后,你们很快发现长老监狱中的重型囚犯们,组织了一场逃狱计划。 在先锋菁英队管辖范围之外,你将前进碎珊瑚城深处并追捕这些逃犯。 探索新区域、觉醒者的新能力、获取强大武器,并发掘遗失已久的觉醒者秘辛。

  《命运 2:遗落之族》将于 2018 年 9 月 4 日上线,售价 39.99 美元,此外还有年票版售价69.99美元包含《遗落之族》版本和未来三个全新DLC,还有包含以上所有内容并追加游戏内虚拟物品的豪华版,售价79.99美元。

Activision and Bungie have released a new trailer for the upcoming Destiny 2 expansion Destiny 2: Forsaken titled “Dreaming City.”

Here is an overview of the trailer, via Activision:

Discover the Dreaming City, Destiny’s largest endgame experience ever. Unearth long-lost mysteries, solve ancient riddles and fight back against the corruption that plagues the tower’s halls. Test your mettle in The Blind Well to claim powerful treasures, but be warned, a terrible evil lies deep within the heart of the Dreaming City.

Destiny 2: Forsaken is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 4.

2018-8-23 10:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-24 06:56 PM 编辑

Destiny 2: Forsaken expansion ‘Last Stand of the Gunslinger’ trailer
《命运 2:遗落之族》新预告片公开 智谋模式将开启先行体验

  Bungie今日公开了《命运 2:遗落之族》全新预告视频,此次预告为凯德 - 6 在新版本中所要遭遇的“最后一战”,在遗忘海岸的监狱失守后,凯德和其他的守护者来到了这里希望阻止暴动的蔓延,但在多如潮水的敌人和首领公爵的围攻之下,众人逐渐陷入了劣势,最终凯德倒在了公爵和觉醒者亲王面前。

  除预告外官方公布《命运 2:遗落之族》的全新模式“智谋”将于亚洲时间 9 月 2 日1:00至 9 月 3 日1:00展开体验活动,届时所有玩家都可以体验到这个全新的模式,全新Raid(突袭模式)《遗愿》将于亚洲时间 9 月 15 日凌晨1:00开启。

  《命运 2:遗落之族》故事叙述多年征战之后,仅存的碎珊瑚城已陷入无序之中。 你和凯德 - 6 被派遣亲自调查最近的骚乱。 抵达之后,你们很快发现长老监狱中的重型囚犯们,组织了一场逃狱计划。 在先锋菁英队管辖范围之外,你将前进碎珊瑚城深处并追捕这些逃犯。 探索新区域、觉醒者的新能力、获取强大武器,并发掘遗失已久的觉醒者秘辛。

  《命运 2:遗落之族》将于 2018 年 9 月 4 日上线,售价 39.99 美元,此外还有年票版售价69.99美元包含《遗落之族》版本和未来三个全新DLC,还有包含以上所有内容并追加游戏内虚拟物品的豪华版,售价79.99美元。

Activision and Bungie have released a new trailer for the upcoming Destiny 2 expansion Destiny 2: Forsaken titled “Last Stand of the Gunslinger.”

Here is an overview of the trailer, via Activision:

Destiny 2: Forsaken opens with an explosive jailbreak in the Prison of Elders. As the most notorious outlaws in the system escape their confines, the only thing standing between them and our home is you and Cayde-6, the most legendary Hunter sworn to protect the City.

A Vanguard doesn’t go down without a fight. Witness Cayde’s last stand.

Destiny 2: Forsaken is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 4.



2018-8-28 11:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-29 05:16 PM 编辑

Destiny 2: Forsaken Expansion Launch Trailer


Destiny 2: Forsaken - The adventure to avenge Cayde begins on September 4

Cayde-6 has paid the ultimate price. Now, the hunt is on for the man responsible, Uldren Sov. Avenge Cayde in Destiny’s most transformative experience yet, and track down Uldren and his Barons. It will take every Titan, Warlock, and Hunter to storm the Reef and put Uldren in the ground.

Destiny 2: Forsaken arrives September 4. Pre-Order and get Cayde’s Exotic Stash:

• Ace of Spades Last Hand Exotic Ornament
• Queen of Hearts Exotic Ship
• Standoff Exotic Emote
• Shades of Cayde-6 Armor Shaders

The Reef has fallen to lawlessness, and now the most-wanted criminals in the galaxy – the Barons & Uldren Sov – have organized a jailbreak at the Prison of Elders. You and Cayde-6 have been sent in to bring law and order back to the embattled facility, but things do not go to plan. Facing insurmountable odds, Cayde-6 ends up paying the ultimate price. Beyond the Vanguard’s authority, you’ll venture into the Reef alone and take justice into your own hands. Explore new regions, awaken new powers, earn a wealth of new weapons, and uncover lost Awoken secrets. The hunt is on.

• Hunt Down the 8 Barons and their Crew
• Two New Destinations: The Tangled Shore and The Dreaming City
• A Brand-New Raid
• Introducing Gambit, a 4v4 Competitive PvE Mode
• Wield New Powers with Nine Additional Supers
• Collect New Exotic Weapons, Armor, and Gear
• All-New Weapon Archetype, Legendary Bow
• New Story Missions, Adventures, Destination Activities, and more
2018-8-29 11:21 AM
2018-8-31 07:02 AM
2018-9-6 07:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-6 07:39 PM 编辑




《命运 2:遗落之族》即日起全球发行 进入《命运》历史中最具变革性的时刻
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/167866.html

  香港 SIE 今(6)日宣布,由 Bungie、High Moon Studios 以及 Activision Blizzard 的全资子公司 Activision 全球发行的《命运 2:遗落之族》将于 PlayStation4 推出。

  自 2014 年发布以来,《命运》获得了全球赞誉。 最新的《命运 2:遗落之族》为《命运》历史带来最革命性的时刻并改变了玩家战斗的方式,通过为玩家提供更多选择加深和拓宽了角色加成。 玩家将展开失序的太阳系边境旅程,潜入一个充满敌人,盟友和神秘莫测的新边界,为心爱的角色凯德 - 6 的死亡复仇。 《遗落之族》推出了包含全新合作和竞争活动的「千谋百计」及目的地幽梦之城,色调将更加黑暗并在《命运》中叙述复报仇雪恨的故事。

  「千谋百计」是一个全新的混合 4v4 新对战模式,整合了 PvE 和 PvP 的最佳对战体验,来自两个战队的四名玩家将分别在沙场对战,团队协作对抗敌军,同时可捡弹药用来补给能量武器,拖慢对方玩家速度,然后以 PvP 竞技挑战入侵对方, 最终以消灭敌方。

  Bungie 项目《命运》总经理 Jonty Barnes 表示:「我们一直在为热爱《命运 2》的玩家打造精良且个性化的故事,力求将他们心爱的游戏制作成宏大和绝无仅有的游戏体验。 」他补充:「在未来的几周内,我们将为玩家带来更多惊喜,相信我们在过去一年投注在《命运 2:遗落之族》的精力一定能满足各游戏小区的期待。 」

  「《命运》拥有十分多元化的玩家小区,《命运 2:遗落之族》为核心玩家及新手都提供了丰富多样的游戏体验。 特别是完整装备和人物升级至 30 级后,玩家可以选择继续冒险征程,邀请新战友加入游戏,或是重新开启新的探索体验。 」Activision《天命》执行副主席和总经理 Byron Beede 说道。

  《命运 2:遗落之族》可于 PlayStation4 购买,并于 Battle.net 独家贩卖。 《命运 2:遗落之族》推出后,PlayStation 玩家将可获得以下限时专属内容:一项 Strike 模式、每种职业各一套战甲、一艘新船舰和一把异域武器。 《命运 2:遗落之族》发行后,先前于《命运 2》发行时供应的限时专属物品将可于各大平台取得。
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