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【PS4/Xbox One/PC】DESTINY 2

2016-2-12 06:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-10 07:22 PM 编辑

动视续作《命运 2:希望之铸》情报曝光 预计年底发售

  今天外媒曝光了动视的科幻 FPS 游戏《命运》续作《命运 2》的更多情报。目前动视官方尚未对本次泄露的情报做出任何回复。


  《命运 2》的标题全程将为《命运2:希望之铸》(Destiny 2: Forge of hope)。游戏故事讲述了 Cabal 军团攻占了城市,而玩家需要将城市夺回来。

  游戏将用全新的引擎制作。游戏中的加载时间将更快速。同时《命运 2:希望之铸》中将提供更加强大的角色制定功能。

  《命运 2:希望之铸》将有三个版本可供选择。基本版将具有某种预订奖励,第二个版本将具有预订奖励以及游戏中装饰品奖励,第三个版本将具有预订奖励,游戏中装饰品奖励及和额外奖励。

  《命运 2:希望之铸》将于PS4(Pro)、Xbox One(Scorpio)和PC平台发售,发售日期预期为 2017 年11 月 4 日至 18 日之间。

  动视暴雪的 CEO Bobby Kotick 表示:“随着临近我们本月收购 King Digital,我们将拥有世界上最大的游戏网络,每个月都有超过500万用户玩我们的游戏。包括《使命召唤》、《魔兽世界》以及即将到来的《糖果传奇》在内的游戏系列将会登陆世界各地美国国家的移动设备、游戏机和桌面设备。这将给我们机会扩展全球的用户并且通过各种内容服务来增收。电子竞技事业方面,随着我们收购了职业游戏大联盟,我们可以回报全世界在我们的游戏中投入了很多的玩家。在2016年,我们期望我们公司的收入达到62.5以美元,并且营业收益超过20亿美元。而且,我们将拥有超过9000名优秀的员工在世界各地制作、运营并贩卖我们优秀的游戏。”
2017-3-4 05:34 PM
《命运2》不延续前作存档 护甲、武器统统无法继承!

  Bungie明确表示,玩家在《命运》中所创建的角色只有外观、种族,和职业能延续至《命运2:希望之铸(Destiny 2: Forge of hope)》,至为重要的肝品比如护甲、武器、Eververse物品等无法继承。

  Bungie上马《命运》项目时曾宣称要打造一个延续十年的刷子三部曲,角色进度可继承。但公司开发新作时经反复权衡,最后放弃了初衷。《命运2》发布之时所有玩家将站在同一起跑线前,完成前作“Black Garden”任务的老玩家会获得一份荣誉,仅此而已。


  为该作补充实质性内容的春季更新被命名为“Age of Triumph”,Bungie将于下周起举办一系列直播节目,向玩家展示这部轰轰烈烈的落幕演出。
2017-3-23 11:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-23 11:25 PM 编辑

Alleged Destiny 2 Poster Leaks ~ September 8 Release
意大利零售商泄露动视《命运 2》海报泄漏于9月8日发售和 BETA 测试曝光

  动视科幻FPS 游戏新 IP《命运》的续作《命运 2》,动视早前已确认在今年秋季发售。不过在官方正式公布前,国外意大利零售商提前泄漏了本作的海报和发售日。

  如图中所看到的据外媒消息,图上发售日是 9 月 2 日。除了发售日外,海报还确认发售前将有一个 BETA 测试。尽管海报上之露出了部分文字,但猜测来看BETA 应该是作为预购奖励出现的。

  另外外媒还发现海报右上角有 PlayStation 蓝色 Logo,考虑到动视在《命运》中就有过和Sony 合作。因此在续作《命运 2》中Sony 很有可能继续保持合作,比如 DLC 限时独占和 BETA 测试抢先在 PS4 平台展开。

  开发商 Bungie 曾说过《命运 2》改动幅度很大,导致玩家在原作中过去 3 年的内容无法得到继承。此前有传言称《命运 2》采用新的引擎开发,据说PC版也在开发中。


An alleged poster revealing a September 8 release date and pre-launch beta for Destiny 2 has surfaced online.

The poster, allegedly from GameStop Italy, first appeared on Italian website Lega Network, before a second posting appeared on Imgur. Eurogamer is corroborating the leak in saying that its sources have indicated the poster is legitimate. (Update: According to Kotaku, Destiny 2 will be officially announced today.)

The poster is PlayStation-branded and features a PlayStation-exclusive content label. Sony also had a partnership with Activision on the original Destiny for timed exclusive content. The beta is mentioned at the bottom. According to Eurogamer’s Tom Phillips, it is supposed to launch with early access for PlayStation 4 users “around June.”

Officially, Activision has announced that it will release Destiny 2 this fall.

2017-3-28 07:10 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-28 04:25 PM 编辑

Bungie shares official Destiny 2 logo
《天命 2》正式曝光 释出印象图预告近期内揭露游戏内容

  Bungie 开发、Activision 发行的科幻第一人称 RPG 游戏《天命(Destiny)》, Bungie 首度在官方推特正式曝光了本作的续篇《天命 2(Destiny 2) 》,释出了新作的预告图标,并将在近期正式揭露《天命 2》实际的游戏内容。

  《天命》希望让玩家成为传奇的宇宙英雄,玩家将会创造属于个人的传奇,与好友一同进入太阳系去寻找并收回当黄金年代崩落后,所遗失的宝藏,并发掘背后的秘密。 玩家在这样的冒险过程中,将会变得更加强大且有机会得到稀有与充满各式各样风情的武器、装备甚至力量等。 并随着故事发展与时间变化,玩家可以解开不同的目的地、体验活动、获得奖赏。

  《天命 2》游戏平台、发售日期和售价皆尚未发表。

2017-3-29 07:19 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-30 06:36 PM 编辑

Destiny 2 'Last Call' Teaser, Reveal Trailer on March 30
《天命 2》官方正式公布CG宣传片

  Bungie 开发、Activision 发行的科幻第一人称 RPG 游戏《天命(Destiny)》, Bungie 首度在官方推特正式曝光了本作的续篇《天命 2(Destiny 2) 》,释出了新作的预告片段。

  本次《天命 2》将不再作为家用机平台独占,而是选择跨平台登陆PC。在多国语言预告片中,包括繁体和简体中文字幕版。正式版预告将在 3 月 31 日公布。游戏将会自带繁体简体中文。同时官方宣布《天命 2》在 PS4 上将会有独占内容,独占时间将持续到 2018 年秋季。

  《天命》希望让玩家成为传奇的宇宙英雄,玩家将会创造属于个人的传奇,与好友一同进入太阳系去寻找并收回当黄金年代崩落后,所遗失的宝藏,并发掘背后的秘密。 玩家在这样的冒险过程中,将会变得更加强大且有机会得到稀有与充满各式各样风情的武器、装备甚至力量等。 并随着故事发展与时间变化,玩家可以解开不同的目的地、体验活动、获得奖赏。

  《天命 2》游戏平台、发售日期和售价皆尚未发表。




《天命 2》公布「最后一杯」预告片 将首度中文化登场!

  Bungie 开发、Activision 发行的大型多人联机角色扮演第一人称射击游戏《天命》系列最新作《天命 2(Destiny 2)》,今(29)日抢先释出「最后一杯」预告片,确定将支持繁体中文。

  《天命》是一手打造《最后一战》系列的 Bungie 独立后首款制作的大型联机游戏,融合角色扮演与第一人称射击玩法,让玩家扮演自创的英雄,与好友一同探索太阳系,去寻找并收回当黄金年代崩落后所遗失的宝藏,发掘背后的秘密。 冒险过程中将能进一步强化自身能力与获得多样武器装备甚至力量。 随着故事发展与时间变化,玩家可以解开不同的目的地、体验活动、获得奖赏。

  游戏于 2014 年 9 月推出,在历经数次大型改版之后,如今则是确定将推出续作《天命 2》。 目前官方抢先公布一段以诙谐逗趣独白为主轴的预告片「最后一杯」,同时提供 16 个国家 / 地区的版本,包含台湾与中国大陆在内,片尾并确认将会支持繁简体中文,是该系列首度中文化。

  官方同时宣布将于美国太平洋时间 3 月 30 日上午 10:00 在官方 YouTube 频道公开《天命 2》全球揭露预告片,台湾时间则是 3 月 31 日凌晨 1:00,有兴趣的玩家不妨多多留意后续的报导。

The official PlayStation YouTube account upload of this trailer confirms Destiny 2 will feature timed exclusive content on PlayStation 4 until at least fall 2018.
2017-3-31 07:31 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-31 07:40 AM 编辑

Destiny 2 'Rally the Troops' Worldwide Reveal Trailer
《天命 2》公布 9 月 8 日上市 夏天开始公测 将首度中文化登场!

  Bungie 信守承诺,继昨天首次对外公开了一段预告片后,Bungie 开发 Activision 发行的大型多人联机角色扮演第一人称射击游戏《天命》系列最新作《天命 2(Destiny 2)》,今(29)日公布了《天命 2》的完整宣传片,确定将支持繁体中文。虽然这一次没有游戏实际画面,不过至少对于发售日和后续计划有了明确的安排。

×《天命 2》台湾繁体名称《命运 2》中国简体名称

  根据官方的信息,《天命 2》将与 9 月 8 日正式发售,玩家可以参加夏季举行的公开测试活动。而至于游戏实际战斗方面的信息还要等到 5 月 18 日解锁。另外对于提前预购本作的玩家还能够提前参加测试。

  《天命 2》将提供丰富的故事剧情;全新魅力的游戏场景;对全玩家友善的任务设置,无论是新老玩家都可以享受游戏;充满竞技性的PVP地图和模式;高度定制化的游戏角色。

  《天命》是一手打造《最后一战》系列的 Bungie 独立后首款制作的大型联机游戏,融合角色扮演与第一人称射击玩法,让玩家扮演自创的英雄,与好友一同探索太阳系,去寻找并收回当黄金年代崩落后所遗失的宝藏,发掘背后的秘密。 冒险过程中将能进一步强化自身能力与获得多样武器装备甚至力量。 随着故事发展与时间变化,玩家可以解开不同的目的地、体验活动、获得奖赏。

  游戏于 2014 年 9 月推出,在历经数次大型改版之后,如今则是确定将推出续作《天命 2》。 目前官方抢先公布一段以诙谐逗趣独白为主轴的预告片「最后一杯」,同时提供 16 个国家 / 地区的版本,包含台湾与中国大陆在内,片尾并确认将会支持繁简体中文,是该系列首度中文化。

  《天命 2》将于 2017 年 9 月 8 日发售登陆PS4,Xbox One以及 PC平台。PS4平台继续有限时独占内容,限时独占内容至少持续到2018年秋季。支持繁体中文版和简体中文版。



Destiny 2 Announced: Blockbuster Sequel to the Biggest New Console Video Game Franchise Launch of All-Time Set for September 8

Bungie and Activision Publishin, a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, announced Destiny 2, the sequel to the internationally acclaimed Destiny, a first-person action game that takes the player on an epic journey to defend humanity from annihilation. The official Destiny 2 reveal trailer, "Rally the Troops," debuted a character-driven glimpse at Destiny 2's story today. Additionally, the first hands-on gameplay reveal livestream will be broadcast around the world on May 18. The broadcast will showcase a variety of fun, action-oriented activities within Destiny 2, and will highlight the brand-new, epic adventure waiting for players. With a fresh start for all players right from the opening cinematic, Destiny 2 will expand across the globe with a worldwide release on September 8. Destiny 2 will be available on PlayStation 4 systems with additional, timed exclusive* content, Xbox One (PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold subscription, respectively, required for significant features), and for the first time in Destiny's history, a new platform to enjoy this universe will be offered. Destiny 2 is coming to PC!

"Destiny was the biggest launch of a new console video game franchise ever. Along with our incredibly talented partners at Bungie, we are focusing on making Destiny 2 even better, with state of the art first person action, an awesome new story, great characters, and thoughtful innovations that make the game more accessible to all different kinds of players," said Activision CEO, Eric Hirshberg. "We're also bringing Destiny 2 to the PC platform for the first time. Destiny 2 will make an already great game franchise better than ever."

Bungie CEO, Pete Parsons, said, "The past three years have been incredibly inspiring and rewarding for Bungie. To know that millions of players around the world have forged lasting Destiny memories and even made it their hobby is truly humbling and we can't wait to continue the journey." He added, "We are looking forward to sharing a fresh, inviting story, and with the upcoming Destiny 2 Beta slated for this summer, we are eager to get feedback from millions of players around the world who will get a glimpse of the new adventures that will unfold for all of us. Together, with our partners at Activision, we are thrilled to get Destiny 2 in the hands of players in September."

In Destiny 2, the last safe city on Earth has fallen and lay in ruins, occupied by a powerful new enemy and his elite army, the Red Legion. Every player creates their own character called a "Guardian," humanity's chosen protectors. As a Guardian in Destiny 2, players must master new abilities and weapons to reunite the city's forces, stand together and fight back to reclaim their home. The official Destiny 2 reveal trailer, "Rally the Troops," shows two of the Vanguard, leaders of the Guardians, inspiring the people of the last city in an impassioned (and occasionally sarcastic) call to arms. In Destiny 2, players will answer this call, embarking on a fresh story filled with new destinations around our solar system to explore, and an expansive amount of activities to discover. There is something for almost every type of gamer in Destiny 2, including gameplay for solo, cooperative and competitive players set within a vast, evolving and exciting universe.



Destiny 2 will be available at a suggested retail price of $59.99. The product line-up will also feature the Destiny 2 - Game + Expansion Pass Bundle at $89.99 SRP, the Destiny 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition featuring premium digital content at $99.99 SRP, the Limited Edition at $99.99 SRP, and the Collector's Edition, featuring a fully-wearable Destiny 2 - Frontier Bag, Expansion Pass, premium digital content and a Cabal-themed Collector's Box for $249.99 SRP.

For more game information, visit DestinyTheGame.com and follow the official Destiny social channels on Facebook and @DestinyTheGame on Instagram and Twitter.
2017-3-31 06:48 PM
《天命 2》公布全球揭露预告片 中文版确定 9 月 8 日全球同步上市

  Bungie 与 Activision Blizzard 旗下所属子公司 Activision Publishing, Inc. 宣布,广受国际好评的大型多人在线第一人称动作游戏《天命》之续作 PS4 / Xbox One / PC《天命 2(Destiny 2)》将于 9 月 8 日全球同步推出,包含繁体中文版,让玩家重新踏上拯救人类文明的史诗旅程。

  官方并于今日凌晨释出全球揭露预告片「壮士集结 」,以游戏人物的角度,引领玩家一窥《天命 2》的故事剧情。 官方同时发表将于 5 月 18 日举行首次游戏实况全球联播,向所有玩家展示《天命 2》满载多种乐趣,以动作为主轴的游戏过程,以及等待玩家体验的全新史诗冒险。

  Activision 首席执行长 Eric Hirshberg 表示:「《天命》的问世,曾在家用主机游戏中投下前所未有的震撼。 《天命 2》将迎接全新世代,带领大家进入更紧张刺激的宇宙世界。 我们正与卓越的合作伙伴Bungie一同致力制作《天命 2》,希望能够吸引到更多的玩家粉丝。 最先进的第一人称动作游戏,拥有全新精彩故事情节,出色的人物角色与创新将更引人入胜。 《天命 2》将让本游戏系列迈向另一个高峰。 」

  Bungie 执行长 Pete Parsons 表示,「对 Bungie 来说,过去这三年既激励人心又富成就感。 知道全球各地有数百万玩家对《天命》留下深刻回忆、甚至爱不释手,我们十分感激,也迫不及待要接续这段旅程。 」他补充,「我们期盼分享一个新鲜而引人入胜的故事。 我们也十分高兴,能与 Activision的伙伴一起合作,在 9 月将《天命 2》带给各位玩家。 」

  在《天命 2》里,地球上最后一座安全无虞的城市已沦陷于红色军团首领之手并化为废墟。 每位玩家将创建各自的「守护者」来拯救人类文明。 作为一位守护者,玩家必须完全掌握新技能以及武器,才能重新统合城市部队,与他们并肩作战并夺回城市。 在《天命 2》官方预告「壮士集结」里,我们看到两名先锋,也就是守护者的领袖,以一段慷慨激昂、时而辛辣讽刺的演说,激励市民参与抗战。 《天命 2》的玩家将响应这项召唤,展开全新的冒险故事,启程探索太阳系各地、发掘大量游戏事件。 无论你喜欢单枪匹马、相互合作、或是彼此竞争,都能在《天命 2》精彩刺激又不断演变的世界中获得乐趣。

  《天命 2》PS4 版将由台湾索尼互动娱乐(SIET)与香港索尼互动娱乐(SIEH)代理在台湾与香港地区发行,实体标准版与数字标准版售价新台币 1690 元 / 港币 428 元,包含数据片季票、限量版铁盒、主题与数字道具的限量版售价新台币 3090 元 / 港币 798 元,包含数据片季票的数字数据片季票同捆组售价新台币 2790 元, 包含数据片季票与高级数字道具的数字豪华版售价新台币 3090 元 / 港币 798 元。 游戏上市时,PlayStation 玩家将同时获得期间限定的额外游戏内容。


PS4 标准版


PS4 数字数据片季票同捆组


PS4 数字豪华版


PS4 限量版



  此外,香港地区玩家自即日起至 9 月 6 日期间,亲临全线 PlayStation Platinum Shop、Sony Store 或网上商店 Sony Store Online 预订《天命 2》实体标准版或限量版,将可获得「CAYDE-6」公仔乙个,数量有限,送完即止。 即日起至游戏发售后首两周内,在 PlayStation Store 预购或购买《天命 2》数字豪华版,将可获得港币 100 元折扣优惠。 另外,成功预购《天命 2》数字标准版或数字豪华版,将可获得「PS4 Dynamic System Theme」及「Digital Pre-Order Pack」(※)。
2017-4-4 07:00 PM

《天命 2》资料片内容或将讲述流亡术士奥西里斯

  《天命 2》的资料片季卡商品插画可能暗示了前两款扩展包的故事剧情。

×《天命 2》台湾繁体名称《命运 2》中国简体名称

  《《天命 2》上周正式公布,首发宣传片正在被玩家们逐帧分析,寻找其中的蛛丝马迹。有许多线索已经是很明显的了,虽然不是主线故事剧情方面的。

  几天前《天命 2》公布了限量版和收藏版的具体信息,并开启了资料片季卡的预售。购买季卡的玩家将免费获得《天命 2》的前两款大型资料片,而这两款资料片的参考插画中的标志徽记,分别象征着奥西里斯(Osiris)和拉斯普京(Rasputin)。

  黄底黑眼的标志是奥西里斯,他是一位被流放的术士,现在快乐地生活在水星,他手下的追随者坚守着“奥西里斯试炼”,玩家可以在这里获得一些好玩的装甲。所以这是否暗示着奥西里斯将在《天命 2》的首款资料片中回归并成为故事主角?



  大家对此有何看法?这算不算是对资料片内容的轻微剧透?当然,具体是否属实还要等时间来验证。《天命 2》预计 9 月 8 日登陆PC、PS4和Xbox One平台。
2017-5-19 07:31 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-19 06:19 PM 编辑

Destiny 2 details, gameplay unveiled
《天命 2》公布实机游玩宣传影片 预定今年夏季展开首波 Beta 测试

  Bungie 制作,Activision 预定 9 月 8 日同步推出中文版的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 大型多人在线第一人称动作游戏《天命 2(Destiny 2)》/《命运 2》,18 日公布首部实机游玩宣传影片,供玩家欣赏。

  《天命 2》故事叙述地球上最后一座安全无虞的城市遭到红色军团首领攻陷化为废墟,失去一切的守护者将再次集结,掌握新技能与新武器,探索太阳系各地,重新夺回属于人类的世界。


  Activision 首席执行长 Eric Hirshberg 在 18 日举办的游戏实况发表会中还宣布,《天命 2》的 PC 版将与同一集团的 Blizzard 合作,由 Blizzard 旗下的 Battle.net 平台独占发行。 此外并预定于今年夏季展开全平台的 Beta 测试,预购游戏的玩家将可获得抢先参与测试活动的兑换代码。

Activision and Bungie lifted the lid on Destiny 2 during a gameplay premiere event live streamed online from the Jet Center in Hawthorne, California.

The sequel to the 2014-launched Destiny, Desttiny 2 is a first-person action game that tasks players with defending humanity from annihilation. It offers a fresh start to all players with no previous knowledge or background of the first game necessary. It promises a “heroic, cinematic journey,” which you can play either solo or with friends, and offers a new “Guided Games” feature that allows solo players to find and play with other players to earn new in-game rewards like weapons and armor.

Here’s the full overview, via Activision:

■ Product Description

Destiny 2 is a first-person action game and the evolution of its award winning, internationally acclaimed predecessor, Destiny. With a compelling, immersive story and fresh beginning awaiting all new, returning, casual, and competitive players, Destiny 2 will deliver an experience for new and existing players to discover.

■ Cinematic Story with Relatable Characters

Humanity has fallen to an overwhelming invasion force, led by Lord Ghaul, the imposing commander of the brutal Red Legion. He has stripped Guardians of their power, and forced the survivors to flee their home. Players will venture out into our solar system to discover an arsenal of weapons and devastating new combat abilities. To defeat the Red Legion and confront Ghaul, they must reunite humanity’s scattered heroes, stand together, and fight back to reclaim our home.

■ Four New Stunning Worlds to Explore with New Features

Destinations of Destiny 2

European Dead Zone – The largest destination yet featuring a lush forest, abandoned town, a cave system below the surface, and a Red Legion military base to explore and contest.

Titan – One of Saturn’s Moons where Commander Zavala is regrouping at the hands of Ghaul. There is no land on Titan. Instead, players explore a series of Golden Age platforms surrounded by a rolling ocean.

Nessus – a strange and unstable planetoid that has been fully consumed by the Vex where players will find Cayde-6 is caught up in his own adventures in a stunning landscape of sheer walls, lush canyons, and creepy Vex caverns.

Io – A moon of Jupiter, where Ikora Rey has gone in search of answers. Io is the last known site the Traveler visited during the Golden Age, it’s now occupied by our enemies.

All New Director

Your guide throughout Destiny 2 in your search for Adventures, Lost Sectors, new Public Events, and more. Players can pick a landing zone, explore, and seamlessly jump into other activities in game.


Shorter missions with self-contained stories for players to learn more about the Destiny 2 universe and the characters that live there.

Lost Sectors

Scattered, enemy dungeon layers throughout the world you can discover with unique boss enemies guarding treasure to earn.

Public Events

Unique, optional, dynamic combat activities that players can join on the fly as they roam around the world solo or with up to nine other players.

■ Action, Adventure, and Gameplay Activities for All Types of Players: New, Returning, Casual, and Competitive

Play Solo or with Friends

Story Campaign – Narrative of Destiny 2’s cinematic story where players can also explore in Adventures, Patrols, Lost Sectors, Quests, and Public Events.

Join Friends to Complete Cooperative Experiences

Strikes – Three-player missions in Destiny 2.
The Raid – Six-player missions with incredible challenges and rewards.

Face-off Against Opponents in Competitive Experiences

The Crucible: Competitive 4v4 PvP Gameplay with New Modes and Maps

Countdown is a new competitive mode where players spawn on either Offense or Defense, and when the round ends you swap sides and roles. The goal is to plant a bomb at the enemy base, and then defend it until it explodes. Each round is worth one point. First team to six wins. To revive a teammate, you must use a revive token. Power weapon ammo is only granted to the one player who pulls it. Working as a team is the key to victory.

Midtown is an abandoned part of the City. When the Red Legion invaded, they completely ignored this sector of the City in their takeover. The Legion deemed Midtown was of no tactical importance. Lord Shaxx agrees, which is why it was chosen as a Crucible arena in the first place.

Clan Creation Feature

New integrated system that allows friends to bring their community and unique culture to the forefront of Destiny. Clans have been fully integrated into the game and will provide official banners, invitations, and their own rewards and experience systems for all members.

Guided Games

A new feature that brings solo players and clan communities together to play Destiny 2’s most challenging activities including Raids, Trials and Nightfall Strikes.

■ Destiny 2 is Coming to PC through Battle.net

The PC version will feature:

4k Resolution Support (3820×2160)
Uncapped framerate
Full mouse and keyboard support with custom key mapping
Text chat
Adjustable Field of View
Detailed PC settings screen
21:9 monitor support

■ PlayStation Exclusive Content

At launch, PlayStation gamers will get access to additional timed exclusive* content. More willbe revealed throughout the summer.

*Timed exclusive content until at least Fall 2018. More details to come this summer.

■ Destiny 2 Beta

A Destiny 2 beta is planned for this summer.

■ On Display at the Destiny 2 Gameplay Premiere

The following content was available to play at the Gameplay Premiere:

Destiny 2’s beginning story mission ‘Homecoming’ where your Guardian responds to an emergency in the Last Safe City.

A Strike called ‘The Inverted Spire’ taking place on the planet, Nessus, where the enemy Cabal have awoken something deep beneath the surface.

New Competitive Mode:
Countdown: Plant a bomb at the enemy base, and defend it until it explodes.

New Competitive Map:
Midtown: The Last Safe City, Earth

The PC version of Destiny 2 was running on:
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Courtesy of Nvidia)
CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K 4.2Ghz (Courtesy of Intel)
16GB Ram/500GB SSD/Windows 10
Monitor: Predator XB1 27” 4K IPS with NVidia G-Sync [XB271HK] (Courtesy of Acer)
Keyboard: Razer Ornata Chroma (Courtesy of Razer)
Mouse: Razer Deathadder Elite (Courtesy of Razer)
Headset: Razer Man O’War 7.1 (Courtesy of Razer)

■ Product Breakdown

Available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold subscription respectively, required for significant features.

Destiny 2 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide on September 8.


2017-5-19 06:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-20 07:21 AM 编辑

以下是直播中的流程(转载 A9VG)



《命运2》将为一直以来solo的玩家提供更加完善的联机组队体验,强调“即使一个人也能体验到《命运2》的所有内容”。另外发布会上也宣布了将追加全新的4v4 PVP模式。


在剧情模式中依然可以3人组队,各职业Vanguard Leader完全参与到了游戏故事模式的战斗中,这些职业导师在前作中只是作为Tower的NPC出现,并没有参与到任何战斗中,这次他们将与玩家在剧情中并肩作战。在实际演示中我们看到了全新的武器系统“Power Weapon”,以及各种全新的武器,例如半自动冲锋枪、榴弹发射器、能量型重武器等。此外演示中还展示了三个职业的全新副职业以及各自的超必杀技。

第三段视频则介绍了本作各职业的全新副职业(术士的DAWNBLADE、泰坦的SENTINEL、猎人的ARCSTRIDER),每个副职业的超必杀技都是基于冷兵器展现的技能(类似于前作泰坦的Hammer of Sol)。









Bungie and Activision Unveil Destiny 2 Gameplay With New, Action-Packed, Character-Driven Story and a Breadth of Activities in a Live Broadcast

Bungie and Activision Publishing, debuted Destiny 2’s gameplay for the first time to a global, livestreamed audience in a hands-on event at Jet Center in Hawthorne, California. Destiny 2 is the sequel to the internationally acclaimed Destiny, a first-person action game that takes the player on an epic journey to defend humanity from annihilation. The live broadcast showcased a variety of the activities, opening on a dramatic campaign mission that sets up the premise of the game to answer how you recover when your home is destroyed and your powers are taken away. The broadcast went on to detail the game’s social and cooperative activities, including the all-new “Guided Games” feature while highlighting multiple brand-new destinations. In September, Destiny 2 will be available on PlayStation 4 systems with additional, timed exclusive* content, and Xbox One (PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold subscription, respectively, required for significant features). Additionally, Destiny 2 will be available on PC at retail and as the first third-party game to be offered digitally via Battle.net, Blizzard Entertainment's online gaming service.

The broadcast was streamed globally in four languages and emphasised that the game will offer a fresh start to all players with no previous knowledge or background needed. Destiny 2’s story allows the player to enjoy a heroic, cinematic journey, either solo or with friends. A key announcement during the livestream was about a new feature called, “Guided Games,” that makes it easy for all players to experience the most challenging and rewarding activities the game has to offer. This new feature allows solo players to find and play with other players to enjoy Destiny 2 and earn new in-game rewards like weapons, and armour. Also available for attendees was “Countdown,” an all-new competitive multiplayer mode as well as a three-player cooperative activity on a new map called, “Inverted Spire.”

In the story of Destiny 2, the last safe city on Earth has fallen and lay in ruins, occupied by a powerful new enemy and his elite army, the Red Legion. Every player creates their own character called a “Guardian,” humanity’s chosen protectors. As a Guardian in Destiny 2, players must master new abilities and weapons to reunite the city’s forces, stand together and fight back to reclaim their home.

“Destiny established a blockbuster, new franchise and a massive global community of amazingly passionate fans. And today, we are giving people their first look at the gameplay of Destiny 2,” said Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision. “Destiny 2 has a great story, an iconic new villain, awesome characters you want to go on an epic adventure with, and of course, tons of the amazing gameplay that Destiny is known for. We, along with our partners at Bungie, have listened carefully to our community, and have added thoughtful innovations that make the game, and all of its content, more accessible to more types of players than ever before.”

Bungie CEO, Pete Parsons, said, “This is a defining moment for our studio, and we couldn’t have done it without the continued support of our partners in Activision, Sony and now Blizzard.” He added, “We have an amazing community of players who have been with us on this journey, but with the sequel, the team are paying close attention to welcoming new and returning Guardians to the universe with something for every type of gamer, including gameplay for solo, cooperative and competitive players with new places to explore and adventures to conquer.”

"As Destiny fans, we were excited to learn that the sequel was coming to PC," said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. "We're pleased to support Destiny 2 as the first non-Blizzard game on our platform, and we look forward to joining fellow Guardians in their fight against the Red Legion."

For more game information, visit DestinyTheGame.com and follow the official Destiny social channels on Facebook and @DestinyTheGame on Instagram and Twitter. The community can interact directly with the developers at Bungie.net, Facebook, @Bungie on Twitter, and Twitch.tv/Bungie on Twitch.
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