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【PC/PS4/Xbox One】For Honor

2017-1-20 07:39 AM

2017-1-27 12:19 AM

2017-2-1 07:30 AM
2017-2-3 07:21 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-3 06:47 PM 编辑

For Honor Season Pass Revealed, Free DLC Announced
《荣耀战魂》季票内容正式公布 可提前体验6名新英雄

  育碧旗下的剑斗游戏《荣耀战魂(For Honor)》今日正式公布了季票内容,而在宣传季票的公测宣传片中,还包含了游戏发售后的更新内容信息。



  《荣耀战魂》将在今年2月14日正式发售,全球免费开放测试将于2月9日至12日展开,登陆 PC/PS4/Xbox One 平台,敬请期待。


Ubisoft Announces For Hnoro Season Pass

Today, Ubisoft announced that the For Honor season pass will include six all-new Heroes available seven days before they are released to all players, plus additional in-game gear and a 30-day Champion Status, which will give players more experience points and loot. Additional post-launch content, including new maps, modes and gear, will be available for free to all players.

The For Honor Season Pass can be purchased alongside the full game or through the Gold Edition. The contents of the For Honor Season Pass include:

• Six all-new Heroes available seven days before released to all players

• Six elite outfits to customise the new Heroes

• Day One War Pack:

- One exclusive sunbeam effect on emotes for all Heroes
- Three exclusive emblem outlines
- Three scavenger crates to unlock additional gear
- 30-day Champion Status that gives XP boosts to friends, more XP from crafting and additional end-match loot

All Season Pass content, except the six post-launch Heroes and their elite outfits, will be available at launch on February 14th, 2017. The new Heroes will be progressively released by batches of two at the beginning of a new Season of the Faction War – the persistent cross-platform meta-game that will evolve the war across the For Honor world. After this early-access period, these Heroes can be unlocked via Steel, the For Honor in-game currency given for completing matches and in-game challenges.

Additional free content will also be released across three Seasons following launch. This post-launch content, including new maps, modes and gear, will be available for free to all players. Season Pass holders will receive an early access to some elements of this post-launch content.

Players looking to hone their skills before launch can join the For Honor open beta from February 9th to February 12th, 2017. This beta will include the new Elimination mode, a best of five rounds four-versus-four match with no respawns. Elimination joins three additional modes playable in the open beta including Dominion, Brawl and Duel, and nine playable Heroes. At launch, For Honor will feature twelve playable Heroes and five different multiplayer modes.

Developed by Ubisoft Montreal in collaboration with other Ubisoft studios, For Honor offers an engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer. Players embody warriors of the three Great Factions – the bold Knights, the brutal Vikings and the enigmatic Samurai – fighting to the death on intense and believable melee battlefields. The Art of Battle, the game’s innovative combat system that puts players in total control of their warriors, allow them to utilize the unique skills and combat style of each Hero to vanquish all enemies who stand in their way. For Honor will be available on February 14th, 2017.

For more information about For Honor, please follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/ForHonorGame and on Twitter at twitter.com/ForHonorGame. For the latest on all of Ubisoft’s games, please visit ubiblog.com.
2017-2-3 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-6 06:58 PM 编辑


Ubisoft 宣布《荣耀战魂》公开测试 2 月 9 日至 12 日三平台全面开战

  Ubisoft 宣布,将在 2017 年 2 月 9 日至 12 日期间于 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台举行《荣耀战魂》BETA 公开测试、欢迎所有玩家共襄盛举。 在 BETA 公开测试之前,为了让「阵营之战」的战火继续延烧,Ubisoft 将派出一些凶残无比的战士,包括 Lauren Cohan、Jason Momoa、Alfie Allen、Demetrious Johnson 等知名欧美实况主进行实况直播的《荣耀战魂》激战。 在这场「阵营之战」直播竞赛中,将展示本次公测新开放的「淘汰」模式,玩家可锁定《荣耀战魂》官方 Twitch 频道:https://www.twitch.tv/forhonorgame

  继上周举办的封闭测试后,2 月 9 日至 12 日期间将扩大规模举行《荣耀战魂》BETA 公开测试,继续在战场上磨练自身战技。 本次 BETA 公开测试将纳入新的「淘汰」模式:无法重生的五战三胜 4v4 对战;除了「淘汰」模式外,BETA 公开测试还提供了其它 3 种多人联机模式:「争权」、「乱斗」、「对决」、以及 9 名可扮演的英雄角色。 《荣耀战魂》正式上市时,将会带来 12 名可扮演的英雄角色和 5 种不同的多人游戏模式。

  「阵营之战」将在 BETA 公开测试期间持续进行,让更多玩家有机会为骑士、日本武士和维京人这三大阵营而战。 于上周的 BETA 封闭测试结束时,记录下三大游戏平台所有玩家表现数据的「阵营之战」由维京人拔得头筹。 尽管维京人目前处于领先地位,日本武士和骑士阵营的玩家还有机会在 BETA 公开测试期间带领他们的阵营迈向胜利,最终获胜阵营的玩家将可在 2017 年 2 月 14 日《荣耀战魂》游戏上市时获得奖励。

  《荣耀战魂》中文版预定将于 2017 年 2 月 14 日西洋情人节当天在 PS4、Xbox One 和 Windows PC 平台上同步推出。
2017-2-7 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-7 07:07 PM 编辑

For Honor 'In the Battle' 360° Trailer




  公开测试将从2 月 9 日开始,持续到 2 月 12 日。本次测试将加入全新的“淘汰”模式,玩家能在其中经历 4v4 无重生的紧张战斗。此外,本次测试也将包含之前封闭测试包含的九位英雄和另外三种游戏模式:争权、乱斗以及对决。未来游戏发售时,游戏将包含十二位英雄、五种多人模式和单人剧情模式。

  《荣耀战魂》将于 2017 年 2 月 14 日登录Xbox One、PS4以及PC平台。


Feel the Thrill of the For Honor Battlefield With "In the Battle", a 360° Immersive Experience

Today, Ubisoft released ‘In the Battle’, a CGI video that transports viewers directly to the centre of an epic clash on the battlefield. This motion-captured, 360-degree video experience introduces viewers to the world of For Honor as Knights, Samurai and Vikings embark in perpetual conflict.

In the midst of a foggy plain, an everlasting war continues as the three great Factions are locked in battle. Each of them strives to rebuild their nations as they take to the frontlines in fierce close-range combat to bring glory back to their people.

Players looking to experience the thrill of ruthless melee-combat first-hand can now pre-load the For Honor open beta on consoles and PC. Available from February 9th to February 12th, 2017, this beta will include the new Elimination mode, a best of five rounds four-versus-four match with no respawns. Elimination joins three additional modes playable in the open beta including Dominion, Brawl and Duel, and nine playable Heroes. At launch, For Honor will feature twelve playable characters, five different multiplayer modes and a Story mode.

On February 7th, 2017, at 22:00 UK time, Ubisoft and Twitch, the world’s leading social video platform and community for gamers, will call forth the fiercest warriors to participate in War of the Factions Live – a livestreamed event that will showcase the new Elimination Mode and help decide which Faction reigns supreme. Players looking to get a head start in the battlefield can sign up for Twitch Prime to receive 10-day Champions Status, available at launch on February 14th, 2017, which comes with XP boosts that can be shared among friends along with more XP from crafting, more loot at the end of each match, and a special emblem they can use to customize their warrior. For more information and to sign up for Twitch Prime, visit: twitch.amazon.com/prime.

For more information about For Honor, please follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/ForHonorGame and on Twitter at twitter.com/ForHonorGame.
2017-2-11 04:42 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-11 05:13 PM 编辑

For Honor Gets Launch Trailer and Video Showing Character Customization

  目前据育碧旗下的《荣耀战魂(For Honor)》正式发售还有不到一周的时间,在此之际育碧也正式公布了游戏的发售预告。在预告片中,官方向我们展示了游戏中的大量单人战役场景和多人对战场景。



  《荣耀战魂》将于 2 月 14 号正式在PC、PS4以及XboxOne平台发售。


2017-2-14 06:38 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-14 06:51 PM 编辑

人终将逝英魂不灭 《荣耀战魂》中文版情人节激战上市

  Ubisoft 今(14)日宣布,旗下动作游戏《荣耀战魂》继上周末举行 Beta 公开测试后,今日起在 PS4、Xbox One 与 PC 平台正式推出,并同时公布游戏上市预告片。 Ubisoft 也宣布上周末举行一连 4 天的 Beta 公开测试活动共有来自全球超过 560 万名玩家投入。

  Ubisoft 表示,本次《荣耀战魂》Beta 公开测试[词语过滤-#0048]有超过 160 万名玩家投入 PC 平台,也成为 Ubisoft 在 PC 平台上所举办的 Beta 测试活动中最大规模一次。 不论玩家所效忠的是骑士、武士还是维京人阵营,每位玩家平均投入了超过 5 小时的时间,而全体参与本次测试的玩家更累积高达 1,727,264,700 分钟的总游戏时数。

  「《荣耀战魂》开发团队非常感谢所有参与玩家在 Beta 公开测试阶段的支持以及宝贵建议」,Ubisoft 蒙特娄工作室游戏制作人 Stéphane Cardin 表示:「我们很高兴见到玩家对这款游戏所产生的高度兴趣,并且相当兴奋地欢迎玩家投入正式版的浴血战场」。 在本次删档测试结束并完成服务器端的更新维护作业后,游戏服务器已在台湾时间今日凌晨 4 点与全球同步上线。

  结合了来自骑士、武士、维京人三大传奇英雄阵营中各具特色的 12 名独特英雄,《荣耀战魂》不仅带来完整的故事剧情模式且支持合作游玩、更以 5 种多样化的多人联机模式带来紧凑刺激的在线对战以及持续发展的「阵营大战」。 本作创新的「战斗艺术」操控系统将使玩家亲身感受手中冷兵器的重量,感受每一次重击的威力与冲击、进而主宰游戏中战士的一举一动。

  Ubisoft 也同时宣布游戏后续将持续为《荣耀战魂》带来更新改版内容,随着「阵营大战」的战事发展,每季将推出 2 名全新英雄、2 张全新地图、新的游戏模式与装备,这些追加内容都将免费更新给所有玩家。

  《荣耀战魂》中文版今起已在 PS4、Xbox One 和 Windows PC 平台上同步推出,PS4 平台另推出中文限定版与中文典藏版;数字下载版可透过 PS Store、Xbox Store。

2017-2-16 07:35 AM
2017-2-17 07:46 AM
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