Ratchet & Clank PS4 Debut Trailer, Gameplay & Screenshots
【E3 15】《拉捷特与克拉克》经典初代作 PS4 重启新作亮相 预定 2016 年春季推出
索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)宣布,将于 2016 年春季推出以《拉捷特与克拉克》系列 PS2 初代作为基础加以重启的同名 PS4 新作《拉捷特与克拉克(Ratchet & Clank)》,并释出首波预告影片。
《拉捷特与克拉克》是 Insomniac Games 制作、SCE 于 2002 年在 PS2 上发行的动作游戏,以隆巴斯星人拉捷特与机器人伙伴克拉克的星际冒险故事为主题,之后陆续在 PS2、PS3 上推出多款系列作,并预定于 2016 年 4 月推出改编 3D 动画电影。
本次发表的 PS4 同名作品,是以 2002 年推出的 PS2 初代作为基础加以重启。 充分运用 PS4 的新一代处理能力呈现更为美丽流畅的画面,更深入的描述原始的故事。 游戏将在经典 PS2 游戏的灵魂中融入后续系列作的优秀元素,包括采用新世代操作系统,追加多个新冒险星球,收录经过更新的关卡、全新的克拉克玩法、全新的头目战、新的空战桥段等要素。
系列著称的天马行空独特武器阵容将大幅扩充,除了 PS2 版原有的武器之外,还会收录全新的武器以及众多来自《拉捷特与克拉克 未来》的武器,像是初次登场的「像素化枪(可将敌人化成爆炸性的 8bit 像素)」,以及系列大受好评的「舞会闪光球」、搞笑机械保镳「祖康先生」等。 预购的玩家可以获得能发射出大量导向弹跳炸弹的「弹跳枪」。
游戏主角拉捷特将由担任动画电影版配音的詹姆斯·阿诺德·泰勒(James Arnold Taylor)担任配音(代表作:《星际大战:复制人之战》欧比王‧肯诺比)。
《拉捷特与克拉克》预定于下周举办的 E3 展中首度开放试玩。
游戏原名:Ratchet & Clank
对应平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2016 年春季
开发厂商:Insomniac Games
发行厂商:Sony Computer Entertainment

Ratchet & Clank on PS4: Where Past and Future Meet
Hey everyone. We know Ratchet & Clank, Insomniac Games, and PlayStation fans have been waiting to get a glimpse of Ratchet & Clank for PS4. We’re excited to bring you that first look today — ahead of its playable debut on the showfloor of E3 next week.
In this trailer, you’ll see a few glimpses of footage from the film, and then your first-ever look at gameplay footage directly from the game coming exclusively to PS4 in Spring 2016. Check it out.
We knew early on that we didn’t want to just up-res Ratchet & Clank for PS2. We started out thinking of Ratchet & Clank on PS4 as a “re-imagining” of the 2002 original, revised to tie in with the deeper version of Ratchet’s origin story (as seen in the film). We envisioned a curated Ratchet & Clank experience that borrowed from the spirit of the classic PS2 games while infusing some of the best elements from the Ratchet & Clank Future games.

We ended up with a new game, with elements based on the original — but now with modern controls, several new planets, new and updated gameplay segments, all-new Clank gameplay, all new boss fights, new flight sequences, and more… all constructed to take advantage of the graphical prowess of PS4. Throw in James Arnold Taylor as Ratchet, and you have a new beginning.
The fresh start means we changed up the arsenal quite a bit as well. As always with Ratchet & Clank games, you battle your enemies with an out-of-this-world arsenal. In the PS4 version of Ratchet & Clank, the majority of the arsenal is made up of weapons that weren’t in the original game. That means both new weapons and fan-favorite tools of destruction from the Ratchet & Clank Future series will fill out Ratchet’s kit. From the brand new Pixelizer (which transforms enemies into explosive 8-bit pixels) to franchise favorites like the dance-party-inducing Groovitron and wise-cracking robotic bodyguard Mr. Zurkon, Ratchet & Clank’s arsenal has never been better.

When we were asked recently to come up for a special bonus for fans that support Ratchet & Clank on PS4 by pre-ordering it, we went back to the list of our favorite weapons that we hadn’t yet brought to the game. In the end, it was a no-brainer, and I’m ecstatic to say that when you pre-order the game, you’ll get access to one of my all-time favorite weapons from Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando... The Bouncer. The Bouncer launches a bomb that releases a plethora of tiny homing bombs that bounce towards targets. One of the most effective and spectacular Ratchet & Clank weapons ever.

We couldn’t be more excited to debut Ratchet & Clank on PS4 and the silver screen next Spring. Help Ratchet and Clank save the galaxy for the first time, again!
James Stevenson - Community Lead, Insomniac Games
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