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【Xbox One/PS4/PC】Just Cause 3

2015-10-9 06:58 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-9 07:04 AM 编辑


Just Cause 3 'On A Mission' New York Comic Con Trailer Released

Coinciding with this year’s New York Comic Con, we’re pleased to release the new gameplay trailer On a Mission. The trailer highlights how JUST CAUSE 3’s sandbox gameplay flows into missions, as Rico makes use of his vast arsenal of weapons and abilities to defeat General Di Ravello’ forces.

In this mission, Rico must protect the town of Costa Del Porto from the General’s tanks before breaking his friend Mario out of prison and escorting him to safety. Di Ravello believes the odds are stacked in his favour, but with Rico the General may have bitten off more than he can chew.

Get ready to ‘Set the World on Fire’ on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end Windows PC on December 1st 2015.
2015-10-21 10:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-22 07:11 PM 编辑

《正当防卫3》360°全景预告片 简易式VR体验



  《正当防卫3》以高自由度为卖点,游戏中玩家可以使用种类繁多的武器和载具与敌人进行周旋。本作将于2015年12月1日上市,届时将登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。

2015-10-24 07:46 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-27 06:19 PM 编辑

Just Cause 3 Story Trailer
《正当防卫 3》公布游戏剧情介绍影片

  Square Enix 预定于 2015 年 12 月 1 日在欧美地区推出的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版开放世界型动作游戏《正当防卫 3》(ジャストコーズ3/Just Cause 3),日前公布最新英文发音宣传影片。

  距前作《正当防卫2》发行已睽违 5 年之久的本作,描述精通地下活动,专门颠覆政府的 CIA 情报员里可. 罗德里格斯(リコ・ロドリゲス)挑战以军事独裁手段统治某个地中海假想国家「美第奇岛」(メディチ岛)的 Di Ravello(ディ・ラベロ)将军的过程,美第奇岛是里可的故乡,也因此对当地居民寄予更多同情,与前作系列相比,似乎更偏重在个人故事情节的铺陈。

  本作为一款让玩家在 1,000 平方公里的广大地图中自由移动并执行任务的开放世界类型游戏,可驾驶战斗机或穿上飞鼠装任意翱翔,连好莱坞也望尘莫及的爆破及破坏演出效果更是远远超越前作。


Breaking News: Just Cause 3 Has Explosions... and a Story

Every good action game has big explosions and Just Cause 3 has more explosions per minute than most. The thing that makes explosions enjoyable is a good reason for things to go BANG. Today’s brand new story trailer reveals more details about just that.

Rico and the rebels will be joined by other key characters in their mission to liberate the island of Medici from the clutches of the tyrannous dictator General Di Ravello. The evil D.R.M. (Di Ravello’s Military) have harnessed the power of a resource called Bavarium and are using it as both a powerful explosive and an almost unlimited energy source.

Get ready to ‘Set the World on Fire’ on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end Windows PC on December 1st 2015.
2015-10-30 07:27 AM
Just Cause 3 Dev Diary: Story


Just Cause 3: Story & Missions Dev Diary Available Now

The fourth – and penultimate - entry in the Just Cause 3 Dev Diary series takes a look at the story and missions driving Just Cause 3’ s explosive action.

In Just Cause 3, Rico Rodriguez returns to his homeland – the Mediterranean island of Medici. Far from the paradise it might appear on the surface, Medici is ruled by the dictator General Di Ravello, who uses the island’s resources to further his plans of world domination. Thankfully, Rico is no stranger to removing tyrannous dictators from power, and takes charge of the rebellion.

“Our missions are an excuse for you to try cool things,” explains Francesco Antolini, Principal Designer at Avalanche Studios. “…we've kept the same philosophy from the rest of the game which leaves the player free to experiment and reach their goals however they prefer.”

As well as highlighting the story and events leading up to the start of the game, the video takes a look at characters and the technologies behind them. In the video, there’s a fantastic insight into performance capture and the camera tech Avalanche Studios has used in bringing Just Cause 3’s cast to life.

Just Cause 3, developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Square Enix, is due for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end PCs December 1st, 2015.
2015-11-13 07:23 AM
2015-11-18 10:14 PM
2015-11-20 07:45 AM
2015-11-21 07:23 AM
Winners of 'My Just Cause 3 trailer' competition compiled into a YouTube playlist

YouTube Playslit

'My Just Cause 3 trailer' competition Winners shortlisted

Square Enix, Avalanche Studios and Gibson/Cakewalk would like to thank everyone who took the time to enter their work into the competition for the community-created launch trailer for Just Cause 3.

We were blown away by the number of entrants and the quality of the trailers. It’s been incredibly hard to whittle down the entries from thousands to single digits – but here we are with a top 21.

In our view, each video in the top 21 shows a highly commendable level of skill, effort or originality in one of the three categories – Action, Humour and Music.

We wanted to give each of these videos a moment in the public eye as they all deserve our applause and gratitude – THANK YOU.

As thanks, everyone in this playlist will receive an exclusive Just Cause 3 Xmas Jumper, Magnetic Rico, signed copy of the Just Cause 3 Comic and copy of the game on their preferred platform.

You’ll be first to hear when we announce the three category winners, and – of course - the overall winner, who are all deserving winners of the impressive prize bundle.

Just Cause 3, developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Square Enix, is due for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end PCs December 1st, 2015.
2015-11-24 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-24 06:44 PM 编辑

《正当防卫 3》释出游戏引擎开发日志影片、4K 解像度及新宣传影片

  SQUARE ENIX 发行,Avalanche Studios 研发,预定在 12 月 1 日在 PlayStation 4、Xbox ONE 以及 PC 平台上推出的开放世界冒险游戏《正当防卫 3(Just Cause 3)》,新释出开发日志影片「引擎篇」来说明开发幕后。

  影片中揭露游戏强调地图中的巨大建筑对象皆可以遭到破坏,并根据爆炸或其他破坏机制来产生显著的崩坏效果。 Avalanche Studios 强调玩家在游戏中只需透过简单的一颗按钮,即可以藉由本作强调的物理机制演算来产生大规模连锁反应破坏。

  另外,在数日前官方也释出了《正当防卫 3》的新宣传影片,以及本作以 4K 分辨率来运算的影片,供有兴趣的玩家确认。

  《正当防卫 3》延续着系列作品风格,玩家在一个近 400 平方英哩的巨大开放世界里面探险,从天空到海底并运用着如同兵工厂般的武器、设备以及载具大肆破坏。 在《正当防卫 3》中,玩家将再次操作瑞可(Rico)进出战场,使用熟悉的抓钩以及降落伞要素,两样装备在本作都可更进一步强化,加上全新的飞鼠装翱翔在地中海群岛上。 使出浑身解数来击败对于权利疯狂地追求的独裁军阀头子。

2015-11-25 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-30 06:37 PM 编辑

《正当防卫 3》长约 1 小时游戏实玩影片释出

  Square Enix 预定于 2016 年 1 月 21 日推出的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版开放世界型动作游戏《正当防卫 3》(ジャストコーズ3/Just Cause 3),日前公布长约1小时游戏实玩影片,以爬上飞行中的直升机展开火箭攻击揭开序幕,陆续展开坦克炮击、桥梁爆破以及发电所破坏等华丽动作,以超越好莱坞电影拍摄手法展开令人摒息的快速攻击。

  本作描述精通地下活动,专门颠覆政府的 CIA 情报员里可. 罗德里格斯挑战以军事独裁手段统治某个地中海假想国家「美第奇共和国」的迪拉贝洛将军的过程。 玩家将以这个占地有东京一半面积约 1000平方km 的广阔开放世界岛屿为舞台,体验上天下海,操控数种武器、载具以及丰富新追加道具,为解救第二故乡再度卷起混乱与破坏的旋风。

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