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2016-5-12 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-12 06:51 PM 编辑

DOOM ~ Guns, Demons, Speed

  Bethesda Softworks 旗下 id Software 开发,预定于 2016 年 5 月 19 日推出的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版 FPS 新作《毁灭战士》(DOOM),日前公布由执行制作 Marty Stratton 与创意总监 Hugo Martin 担任解说的开发者日志影片,主要介绍原作中很重要的枪、恶魔及速度等三大关键要素 ,透过 id Software 独家开发最新游戏引擎「id Tech 6」的图像,能将手持的枪械细部表现、依类型而有不同行动的恶魔,以及如何有效率地以手上的枪打倒眼前的恶魔等原作精髓展现得淋漓尽致。 另外,影片还介绍了武器及技能的升级要素,以及名为「Glory Kill」的新系统等内容。

  本作为自 2004 年推出《毁灭战士 3》以来睽违 12 年的最新作,是一款非重制而是经过调整后重新启动的作品,也因此未予以编号。 故事以通往地狱之门开启而被从中窜出的恶魔所霸占火星基地为舞台,描述单枪匹马潜入并与恶魔军团展开激战的星际战士冒险过程,除了透过移动来回复体力的新系统而衍生出来的快速动作之外,还将出现枪击、刀斩、踩踏甚至肢解身体等暴力血腥场景。


DOOM – Guns, Demons, Speed

Guns. Demons. Speed. In DOOM, it’s all about the combat. But there’s more to DOOM than just running and gunning. We go behind the scenes with DOOM’s Executive Producer Marty Stratton and Creative Director Hugo Martin to find out how you can customize the single-player experience to suit your playstyle – and we learn more about why playing DOOM feels like nothing else. See the game in action before DOOM releases worldwide on May 13.

2016-5-13 07:34 AM

NVIDIA releases DOOM PC footage of the game running with the Vulkan API


DOOM: Watch World-Exclusive Direct Feed, GeForce GTX-Powered, Vulkan-Accelerated 1080p 60 FPS Gameplay

At our GeForce GTX 1080 launch we teamed up with id Software to demonstrate DOOM running at up to 200 FPS, using the power of the world's fastest and most advanced graphics card, and the capabilities of the Vulkan graphics API. The footage was fast and furious, and silky smooth, but the short clip left gamers wanting more.

Speaking about the debut of the GeForce GTX 1080, Vulkan-enhanced footage last weekend, id Software Executive Producer Marty Stratton said, "Thanks again to NVIDIA for allowing us to show DOOM at their event in Austin on Saturday. We were thrilled with the response to the videos that some in the audience captured and posted, but we also know you'd like to see high-res, full-screen gameplay."

We're ecstatic then that id wanted to present fans a new, uncut 6-minute direct feed, 1920x1080, 60 FPS, 2.1GB PC gameplay video that shows the full fidelity, speed, and quality of DOOM, which launches this Friday on Steam. This is the world's first uncompressed direct feed footage from the GeForce GTX-powered, Vulkan-accelerated version of DOOM, running at full speed with a 120 degree field of view, giving you a perfect look at how DOOM plays on PC with settings and options cranked up. "This gameplay at 120 FOV - with the player's personal upgrades and rune perks set for advanced speed and movement capabilities", added Stratton.

Captured on a GeForce GTX Titan X after the event, because id Software "accidentally left their GeForce GTX 1080 at the event when packing up", the new video shows 6 minutes of uninterrupted footage from the Vulkan version of DOOM, which will be released in the not too distant future. If you're unfamiliar with Vulkan, it's a new graphics API renderer with a simpler, thinner driver, and efficient CPU multi-threading capabilities. Compared to DirectX or OpenGL, Vulkan has less latency and overhead, and can help your system reach new levels of performance. In simpler terms, Vulkan can help developers avoid CPU bottlenecks that limit performance, and can improve performance elsewhere, too.

On a GeForce GTX 1080, Vulkan-accelerated DOOM is going to run even faster, and be capable of running smoothly at higher resolutions, delivering an even higher quality experience that will further enhance fidelity on your PC.

For more on the Vulkan release of DOOM stay tuned to GeForce.com. To pre-order a copy of the game head on over to Steam.

2016-5-13 06:02 PM
2016-6-4 07:30 AM
2016-6-11 07:23 AM
2016-6-13 08:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-13 08:38 PM 编辑

DOOM 'Unto the Evil' Multiplayer DLC Announced
《毁灭战士4》'Unto the Evil' 多人DLC公布

  在Bethesda的E3发布会上公布《毁灭战士4》未来的内容进行了一定的介绍,表示将会为PS4/Xbox One/PC平台推出Demo版,而Demo将会包含单人游戏模式的首关。这与之前90年代老《毁灭战士》所使用的试玩模式Shareware倒是极为相似。

  另外Bethesda还公布了各种针对SnapMap的升级,以及游戏的首部多人DLC“UNTO THE EVIL”,该DLC将包含三张全新多人地图,一个名为收割者的可操作恶魔,一把新枪和全新护甲套装。最后《毁灭战士4》将会支持VR技术,搭档为HTC Vive。



DOOM at E3 2016 – Demo, Free Updates and Premium DLC

“Last month we had the privilege of releasing one of the most iconic titles in this industry to fans around the world,” said Executive Producer Marty Stratton at E3 2016. Hot on the heels of DOOM’s successful launch, Stratton then shared what’s still to come for id Software’s seminal shooter.

Free Demo

id Software built its mighty legacy on sharing, offering free demos of the original DOOM over two decades ago. In that same spirit, today’s DOOM will also offer a free demo of the full first level of game. This demo will available for a limited time only – during the week of E3. If you haven’t yet experienced the powerful guns, vicious demons and intense speed that’s made DOOM such a critical hit, now’s the perfect time.

SnapMap – Free Updates

Inspired by the community creations, id Software plans to provide free updates to DOOM’s innovative SnapMap creation tool, expanding everything from the visuals to the functionality and beyond. Here are some highlights that will be released in the coming months:

• New construction modules, including Hell visual themes
• New props, weapons and items
• New logic options
• New functionality, like the campaign’s popular weapon wheel, that will help creators build deeper single-player experiences
• Enhanced ways to easily find and play new content in the SnapMap hub

Multiplayer – Free Updates

In the next month, id Software will release two new modes:

• Exodus: a one-flag CTF mode that Stratton describes as a “uniquely DOOM experience”
• Sector: a multizone capture-and-hold mode

Later this summer, DOOM will also be updated with three additional free-for-all modes, including beloved classic mode. All of these new modes will be playable on any existing or future maps, and will be free for all players.
Multiplayer – Unto the Evil

DOOM’s first premium DLC pack will also release next month. Unto the Evil will include:

• Three new multiplayer maps: Offering, Cataclysm and Ritual
• A new player-controlled demon: Harvester
• A new weapon: UAC EMG Pistol
• New equipment: Kinetic Mine
• New ways to customize your DOOM marine, including additional armor sets, patterns, colors and taunts
• New hack modules

“With just a month past since our launch, we hope you’ve only scratched the surface of fun we packed into the game,” Stratton said. “And we can’t wait to give you even more ways to compete, create, play and fight like hell.”

2016-7-7 07:01 AM
2016-7-29 07:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-1 07:48 PM 编辑


  近日Bethesda和id Software已经放出了《毁灭战士》的最新更新补丁,而本次的更新主要为大家带来了两种全新的多人游戏模式。其中Exodus模式是一种夺旗模式,不过该模式包含移动的旗帜和基地。而Sector模式下,玩家们需要通过战斗来控制各个区域并获取点数。这两种模式将适用于现有和未来的所有地图。


2016-8-5 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-5 06:34 PM 编辑

Doom 'Unto the Evil' Multiplayer DLC Now Available


DOOM – Unto the Evil Now Available

Hot on the heels of the release of Free Update 2, DOOM’s first premium DLC, Unto the Evil, is now available. Unto the Evil brings three new diverse maps to DOOM multiplayer, in addition to a new weapon, a new playable demon and more. id Software is also introducing the PartyPlay system, which allows anyone to play any of the new maps from Unto the Evil, as long as you party up with a friend who owns the DLC. Similarly, if you own the DLC, the Unto the Evil DLC maps will be accessible to anyone who’s in your party as part of the map rotation.

Unto the Evil is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, and can be purchased for $14.99 (£11.99 /
2016-9-3 07:19 AM
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