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2014-6-12 09:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-13 06:03 PM 编辑


E3《毁灭战士》全新作品登场 巨大恶魔降临

  E3 2014会场上,Bethesda公开了一款全新的DOOM——《毁灭战士》游戏视频,但本作未定名为《毁灭战士4》,在视频里官方将这款游戏命名为《DOOM(毁灭战士)》,并且即将登陆PS4平台。

2014-7-2 12:12 PM
Doom's appearance at QuakeCon 2014 will be exclusively for attendees

The Next DOOM at QuakeCon

You’ve been c[禁止售卖商品]ing for it for years, and now the wait is almost over. As announced in our E3 teaser trailer, fans in attendance at QuakeCon 2014 will have the opportunity to get a sneak peek at what’s been going on with the new DOOM game from id Software.

This an exclusive thing we are doing for attendees as part of our Annual QuakeCon Welcome presentation. We’ll have plenty more to show everyone at a later date, but we didn’t want another QuakeCon to go by without doing something special for the amazing QC community and id supporters that have been with us for more than 20 years.

Don’t miss out! QuakeCon 2014 takes place July 17th – 20th at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, TX. For more information on attending, visit quakecon.org.

2014-7-18 06:51 PM
《毁灭战士(DOOM)》重制版正式公开 确认登陆PS4平台

  日前在QuakeCon 2014中,著名游戏厂商Bethesda Softworks终于公开了《毁灭战士》系列新作。不过这款游戏并非大家期待已久的《毁灭战士4》,而是一款命名为《毁灭战士》的系列重启之作。本作将登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台,开发商将以id Tech 6引擎来打造这款新作,游戏将能够在1080P分辨率下以60FPS运行。

  在QuakeCon 2014的展台中,游戏的执行制作人Marty Stratton表示:“这款新作被称作《毁灭战士》,而非《毁灭战士4》。这是一款起源的游戏,将重塑关于起源的一切。”

  在QuakeCon 2014中,官方介绍了本作的部分细节,其中着重展示了单人模式以及战斗的内容。在游戏中玩家们有机会获得普通的枪支或者大型枪支,大家可以根据自己的喜好来选择使用。而本作的战斗也并不是仅限于枪战,有时候肉搏战也是必要的,而且玩家们还能够使用两段跳。此外本作中角色的生命值不再再生,玩家需要通过打败敌人来获得补充生命值的道具。官方还表示《毁灭战士》重制版将专注于高速行动以及运动中的枪战动作,和《毁灭战士》旧作类似。

The new 'Doom' Has Been Revealed at QuakeCon, First Details

The stream is off and it's Doom 4 time. First up: the trailer we saw a few weeks ago. Next: exec producer Marty Stratton.

"The game is called Doom, not Doom 4. It's an origin game, reimagining everything about the originals." - Stratton

"The game begins just outside of a massive research facility on the surface of Mars." - Stratton

Today's reveal will focus on combat, which is what the team has been focusing on.

First combat mechanic: demons. Mechanical, corrupt, hell knights.

Second mechanic: guns. Conventional guns. "Big" guns. The double barrel shotgun got a round of applause.

Doom will focus on high-speed movement and run-and-gun. Just like the old days.

Just saw some stills of an exterior, street-size level. Some combat will be hand-to-hand.

There will be a live gameplay demo on stage.

Doom will run on idTech 6, according to Stratton. Will support 1080p, 60 frames per second.

Gameplay demo getting started. Tons of gray steel walls, flames, and a shotgun that is comically large.

A key feature will be stunning enemies with a shot, then smashing their face with your boots. It's happened five times already.

A new twist on finding the yellow keycard: year off a corpse's arm and use it to open a handprint scanner.

Breaking: barrels just exploded. Repeat, we have exploding barrels.

Doesn't look like health regenerates. Enemies drop health when you squish them.

A demon just ripped the player's arms off and beat him to death with them. The room is breaking out into a standing ovation.

An adorable custodial droid is trying to clean up all the blood. It is not succeeding.

The player is now exploring a dank, Mars cave system. This looks like some of the atmospheric horror from Doom 3.

The hand-to-hand kill moves are varied and fantastically gory. And here comes the chainsaw.

There's a huge variety of enemies on display. Small demons swarming with giant bullet-sponges.

And the demo ends with the reveal of the giant, horned demon we saw in the teaser. An explosive demo, and more than we thought we'd see.


"We'll talk about the fast paced competitive multiplayer later"

Game has a weapon wheel

Procedural dynamic damage on enemies. Chainsaw rips. Double barrel shotgun booms. Plasma rifle sounds of old. Rocket launchers kill mancubus

Double jumping. Light parkour. BIG focus on melee combat and finishers. Sick finishers. RIP AND TEAR. HUGE GUTS.

Fought two barons of hell. Crazy AI. They'd climb after you. Swat away rockets. Flanked by smaller demons. Whole rooms full of demons.

Demo was played with an Xbox controller on a PC

2015-5-19 06:59 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-19 06:19 PM 编辑

【E3 15】《毁灭战士》新作预告影片曝光 详情预定于 6 月 E3 展正式揭晓

  Bethesda Softworks 于 18 日公布了一段经典第一人称射击游戏《毁灭战士(Doom)》新作的预告影片,同时宣布将于美国时间 6 月 14 日晚间举办的 E3 媒体发表会揭露实际游玩画面。

  Bethesda Softworks 预定在今年 E3 展首度单独举办自己的媒体发表会,本次公布的预告算是替这场发表会打头阵。 虽然影片只有短短 11 秒,真正有画面曝光的部分更是只有 3 秒左右,不过总算是确定了这款奠定第一人称射击游戏类型的经典系列在睽违多年之后终于又有新作问世。

  一般预料还会有更多新作在 Bethesda E3 媒体发表会上公布,有兴趣的玩家不妨多多留意。

2015-6-15 06:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-24 07:17 PM 编辑

Doom Unveiled, Coming Spring 2016
【E3 15】《毁灭战士》次世代新作曝光 进入最深地狱击杀恶魔!

  Bethesda 于今(15)日于年度电玩盛会「美国电子娱乐展(E3 展)」展前所举办的发表会中,揭露在游戏历史中占一席之地的第一人称射击游戏《毁灭战士(DOOM)》将推出全新次世代新作。

  在发表会中,全新的《毁灭战士》首先以单人战役模式,展示了次世代等级的画面表现。 在未来世界观中玩家将身着高科技装甲和携带强大未来枪枝来毁灭恶魔。 在展示中除了强调恐怖度强大的敌人角色外,系列经典的「散弹枪」和「电锯」也接连现身来致敬传统要素。 首度揭露的游戏实际游玩展示中,最后也现身了残暴的恶魔敌人来做收尾。

  接着也现身了多人联机的模式,除了一般的枪枝对射之外,玩家在接触地图的魔法阵之后,将会变身为强劲的恶魔角色,拥有更强的力量来击败对手。 除此,现场也揭露了「SNAP MAP」要素,强调玩家可以透过方便的地图制作工具,来发挥自己的创意来创作独特的地图甚至是游玩模式。

  在展示的最后,Bethesda 带玩家进入了最深的地狱,展示了《毁灭战士》新作令人惊艳的单人战役游玩样貌作为结尾。



Game Description

Developed by id software, the studio that pioneered the first-person shooter genre and created multiplayer Deathmatch, DOOM returns as a brutally fun and challenging modern-day shooter experience. Relentless demons, impossibly destructive guns, and fast, fluid movement provide the foundation for intense, first-person combat – whether you’re obliterating demon hordes through the depths of Hell in the single-player campaign, or competing against your friends in numerous multiplayer modes. Expand your gameplay experience using DOOM SnapMap game editor to easily create, play, and share your content with the world.


You’ve come here for a reason. The Union Aerospace Corporation’s massive research facility on Mars is overwhelmed by fierce and powerful demons, and only one person stands between their world and ours. As the lone DOOM Marine, you’ve been activated to do one thing – kill them all.

Key Features

• A Relentless Campaign - There is no taking cover or stopping to regenerate health as you beat back Hell’s raging demon hordes. Combine your arsenal of futuristic and iconic guns, upgrades, movement and an advanced melee system to knock-down, slash, stomp, crush, and blow apart demons in creative and violent ways.

• Return of id Multiplayer - Dominate your opponents in DOOM’s signature, fast-paced arena-style combat. In both classic and all-new game modes, annihilate your enemies utilizing your personal blend of skill, powerful weapons, vertical movement, and unique power-ups that allow you to play as a demon.

• DOOM SnapMap – a powerful, but easy-to-use game and level editor – allows for limitless gameplay experiences on every platform. Without any previous experience or special expertise, any player can quickly and easily snap together and visually customize maps, add pre-defined or completely custom gameplay, and even edit game logic to create new modes. Instantly play your creation, share it with a friend, or make it available to players around the world – all in-game with the push of a button.


2015-7-24 06:56 AM
DOOM Multiplayer Debuts at QuakeCon 2015, Beta (& Alpha) Update

QuakeCon 2015: DOOM Beta (& Alpha) Update

Attendees at QuakeCon 2015 may be the first to go hands on with pre-alpha DOOM multiplayer, but we still have big plans for fans that pre-ordered Wolfenstein: The New Order.

In the coming months, we’ll be selecting Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC players from the Wolfenstein: The New Order Beta pool to participate in the DOOM Multiplayer Alpha. To make sure you’re eligible, make sure you redeem your DOOM Beta code at wolfenstein.com/doom. If you purchased the game digitally through Steam, PSN, or Xbox Live, you’re already set — you have a digital entitlement that will ready you for the Alpha when it starts.

As a reminder, everyone that pre-ordered Wolfenstein: the New Order is eligible to participate in the multiplayer beta planned for next year before DOOM’s 2016 release.

2015-7-24 06:22 PM

2015-8-29 07:16 AM
2015-9-2 07:00 AM
2015-9-5 06:48 AM
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