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【新闻贴】《虚拟现实》Virtual reality(Oculus Rift)

2018-5-2 06:44 PM
独立运作型的 VR 装置 Oculus Go 即日发售 无需透过个人计算机进入虚拟现实世界
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/162042.html

  Oculus VR 宣布,独立运作型的 VR 虚拟现实头戴装置「Oculus Go」于即日起正式上市,并推出内存 32 GB 和 64 GB 两种装置,售价分别为 209 美元、259 美元。

  新推出的 Oculus Go 是内建完整的处理与显示系统、不需要搭配 PC 或其他装置即可独立运作的 VR 装置,内建 2560 x 1440 分辨率的快速切换 LCD 面板,具备 3 轴旋转侦测功能,但省略 3 轴移动侦测,搭配专属 无线控制器,同时还内建音频装置。


  Oculus Go 已于即日起发售,并同步推出超过 1000 款游戏、体验程序等,另外,用户还可以以新的方式与朋友互动联系,像是 Oculus Rooms,该功能最初是为了 Gear VR 打造,玩家可以与朋友一起在 VR  世界中看电影、分享照片等;而此次搭配 Oculus Go,官方针对 Oculus Rooms 进行重大更新,用户将进入一个重新设计的环境中,未来更会推出来自大型游戏公司孩之宝旗下桌上游戏的 VR 内容,例如《 地产大亨(MONOPOLY)》、《棋盘问答 Trivial Pursuit》等。 除此之外还有 Oculus Venues、Oculus TV、以及 Oculus Gallery 等功能。

  「Oculus Go」即日起上市,并推出内存 32 GB 和 64 GB 两种装置,售价分别为 209 美元、259 美元。
2018-5-4 10:38 PM
2018-5-9 07:58 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-9 08:28 AM 编辑

“VR mystery adventure” Tokyo Chronos announced for PlayStation VR, Steam VR, and Oculus
VR悬疑冒险新作《东京柯罗诺斯》公布 登陆PS VR、Steam VR 以及 Oculus等平台

  由《乐园追放》动作监督柏仓晴树、小说家濑川コウ、《刀剑神域》制作人三木一马、插画师LAM等人负责的VR悬疑冒险新作《东京柯罗诺斯》(TOKYO CHRONOS)将于 2018 年 12 月登陆PS VR、Steam VR、Oculus GO、Oculus Rift 平台,支持日语、英语以及中文。而在 7 月 5 日这款作品将会公开更多的情报。

Virtual reality content company MyDearest, in collaboration with Sekai Project, has announced Tokyo Chronos, a “VR mystery adventure” game due out digitally for PlayStation VR, Steam VR, and Oculus (Go and Rift) in December. It will support English, Japanese, and Chinese languages.

The game’s staff includes:

Haruki Kashiwakura (Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled from Paradise motion supervisor)
Kou Segawa (Nazo Suki Shoujo series novelist)
Kazuma Miki (Sword Art Online producer)
LAM (illustrator)

Here is an overview of the story:

For how long, and why, have the been separated?
A group of eight who were friends since childhood.
The time came for the mystery to be revealed.
Time stopped, and the eight were trapped in a Shibuya where no one else existed.
In an unusual space where one person disappears at a time.

—I died. Who is the culprit?

More information is due out at Anime Expo 2018 on July 5 in Los Angeles.

Visit the teaser website https://tokyochronos.com/ , official Twitter account https://twitter.com/tokyo_chronos , and development blog https://note.mu/tokyo_chronos/n/n708569717e04
2018-5-10 08:27 AM
PS VR 专用游戏《Animal Force》年内登场 操作可爱动物对抗外星侵略
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/162360.html

  台湾索尼互动娱乐(SIET)与香港索尼互动娱乐(SIEH)今(9)日宣布,将于 2018 年推出 PlayStation VR 专用游戏《Animal Force》的中英文合版。


  《Animal Force》是款操作简单轻松上手的派对游戏。 登场角色包括侵略地球的外星人,以及对抗外来势力的动物们。 这些外观逗趣可爱的动物角色将在游戏里各具特色的关卡大显身手。


  游戏共有 4 种模式。 除了单人玩家以 PS VR 进行的单人模式之外,还有单人以 VR 头戴装置成为 VR 玩家,其他玩家则以 TV 玩家身份一道参与游戏的 3 种多人游玩模式。



  以具有直觉操作感的「长带操作」为特征的塔防游戏。 以 PlayStation Move 动态控制器操作配置动物迎击敌方。

夺宝行动(单人玩家 VS 复数玩家的多人游玩模式)

  TV 玩家们企图合作将雕像搬出,VR 玩家则要边切换 4 台监视器边抓住周围的玩家。



模仿大逃亡(单人玩家 VS 复数玩家的多人游玩模式)

  在为数众多的 CPU 角色出现的关卡里,TV 玩家要模仿 CPU 角色的姿势蒙混在 CPU 角色里顺势逃出。 VR 玩家则必须识破 TV 玩家的动作,抓住四周的玩家。



救援大作战 (单人玩家 VS 单人玩家的多人游玩模式)

  TV 玩家要在关卡里集合 10 位人类,并导引至火箭区使其试图逃出。 VR 玩家则要活用收集 3 人便可消除的特性,边丢角色边妨碍他们逃走。



2018-5-16 06:20 PM
Downward Spiral: Horus Station launches May 31 for PC, this summer for PS4


Downward Spiral: Horus Station will launch for PC with optional Oculus Rift with Touch, HTC Vive, and Windows Mixed Reality support on May 31 for $19.99 , developer 3rd Eye Studios announced. A PlayStation 4 version with optional PlayStation VR support will follow this summer.

Here is an overview of the game, via 3rd Eye Studios:

Downward Spiral: Horus Station lures players through a lost vessel abandoned by its crew. Solving the mystery of the space station will take wits and ingenuity as you fight or avoid dangers unknown. Use the ship’s maintenance hardware – like bolt throwers, rail guns, and arc welders to take out threats, solve puzzles and find the truth of why Horus Station has been left drifting in space.

Atmosphere and environmental storytelling are key to Downward Spiral: Horus Station. Players will have to piece together the mystery surrounding the derelict space station entirely through observation and interpretation, as the game doesn’t feature any dialogue or cinematics. Instead, the mood is maintained through a kitschy, 70s-inspired retro-chic aesthetic and an electronic ambient soundtrack composed by platinum selling HIM frontman Ville Valo.

3rd Eye Studios realizes that not everyone likes to play games the same way, so Downward Spiral: Horus Station features a raft of gameplay options to tailor the experience. Virtual Reality and motion control are supported for those who prefer that extra level of immersion, the game can be played entirely in single-player or co-op, and there’s even a game mode that removes combat entirely from the campaign for players who prefer a more relaxed, contemplative experience. In addition to Horus Station’s story campaign, there’s eight-player PvP and PvE multiplayer modes including Deathmatch, Horde and Survivor challenges.

“Downward Spiral: Horus Station represents our dream of how immersion, interactivity, and storytelling can combine into a cohesive whole,” said Gregory Louden, Lead Designer of 3rd Eye Studios. “We’d like to combine the thought-provoking mysteries of sci-fi classics like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Solaris and combine it with the moody, immersive and interactive atmosphere.”
2018-5-17 08:04 PM
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/947866.jhtml

  PlayStation 中国今天正式宣布,PS VR 游戏《人类拯救计划》将于2018年5月24日发售,售价78人民币。本作是由中国本土游戏公司互联星梦(ISVR)开发制作的作品,同时也是索尼互动娱乐发起的“中国之星计划”的入选作品之一。


  游戏讲述一帮各具特点的        动物英雄们抵抗外星人,保卫人类的故事。玩法结合了塔防,射击,贪吃蛇的特点,充分利用了 VR 空间的特性。同时,游戏也支持本地多人模式,让你既能独乐乐,也能众乐乐。



  这个塔防游戏使用直观的“体感控制”,玩家可以使用 PS Move 来放置动物英雄,以攻击入侵的敌人。


  没有佩戴 PS VR 设备的玩家进行合作,移动地图上的雕像并试图将其偷走;而佩戴了 PS VR 头盔的玩家,则需要在4个“安全摄像机”之间切换,以抓住偷走雕像的玩家。


  在一个充斥 NPC 角色的地图上,没有佩戴 PS VR 设备的玩家在潜入地图时,必须与 NPC 角色的姿势相同,而佩戴 PS VR 设备的玩家则必须找到其他玩家并用胶囊捕捉他们。


  没有佩戴 PS VR 设备的玩家必须搜集10个人类,并引导他们从地图上逃离至火箭;而佩戴 PS VR 设备的玩家则需要尝试将三个相同的人类放在一排使其消失。

  值得一提的是《人类拯救计划》不仅会登陆国服,同时还将在近期由索尼互动娱乐欧洲(SIEE)于欧洲发售。这意味着“中国之星计划”在协助中国本土主机游戏作品和 IP 走向海外的目标又迈进了一大步。

官方网站 - http://www.playstation.com.cn/pl ... /X_animal_demo.htm#
2018-5-18 06:41 PM
2018-5-23 06:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-23 07:09 PM 编辑

《星际争霸战:舰桥》数据片《银河飞龙》正式推出 带来全新职责与模式
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/162987.html

  Ubisoft 今(23)日宣布《星际争霸战:舰桥》全新数据片《银河飞龙》即日起率先推出支持 PlayStation VR 的版本,玩家无论有无虚拟现实装置皆可游玩这款游戏。 后续将于 7 月 24 日推出支持 HTC Vive、Oculus Rift 以及 Windows Mixed Reality 的 PC 版本,同样地,玩家无论有无虚拟现实装置皆可游玩,且不论使用何种装置都能跨平台与好友一起玩,售价新台币 44 9 元。

  由 Ubisoft 旗下工作室 Red Storm Entertainment 开发的 CBS Consumer Products 授权游戏《星际争霸战:舰桥》的全新数据片《银河飞龙》,将让玩家在《星际争霸战》的浩瀚宇宙里继续航 行,并且驾驶出自银河飞龙电视影集的银河级联邦星舰企业号 NCC-1701D。 玩家将面对隐形的罗慕伦舰队以及可怕的博格人、考验自身的作战本事。

  此外,企业号-D 还带来着重「人员管理」的全新指挥职责:作业官(Operations)。 作业官必须事先进行规划,并指派适当的 NPC 舰员到船舰上的各个位置,而每个位置对各种任务的成败以及舰员安全都至关重要。 在配置舰员的过程中,作业官将有机会调控船舰的各种能耐,以及启用「护盾调节」、「精确瞄准」和其他能力,以对抗敌方隐形船舰。

  《银河飞龙》数据片还提供了「巡航(Patrol)」及「反抗(Resistance)」这两种额外任务类型。 「巡航」模式让玩家有机会在太空中自由翱翔,并遭遇随机的敌人与目标,享受无数小时的冒险时光。 在「反抗」模式中,就连身经百战的玩家也将面临严酷考验,他们得完成一系列任务,准备与致命博格方块进行最后的对决。

2018-5-23 10:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-24 04:31 PM 编辑

SIE Japan Studio announces Astro Bot: Rescue Mission for PlayStation VR

  今日(2018.5.24),SIEH发表了PSVR游戏《ASTRO BOT:RESCUE MISSION》的详细情报。《ASTRO BOT:RESCUE MISSION》是一款新的PSVR专用游戏,操作ASTRO机器人队长进行VR救援任务,目的是救出散布在宇宙空间多达250以上的机器人伙伴。价格以及发售日等相关资讯将另行择日公布,敬请期待。














  COLLECTION ROOM裡可使用游戏裡收集到的金币以公仔机製作互动式模型,也可确认已救出的伙伴数量。


Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Studio has announced Astro Bot: Rescue Mission, a new platformer coming to PlayStation VR via the PlayStation Store.

Astro Bot: Rescue Mission puts players in the role of Astro the captain Bot, who will go on a virtual reality rescue mission to save your fellow Bots who are dispersed all over space.

Here is an overview of the game, via the PlayStation Blog:

The game is being developed by the team who brought you The Playroom and The Playroom VRas. This time we took a new direction to challenge a genre that is close to the heart of many gamers out there (including us!): platform action games!

Astro Bot: Rescue Mission lets you take control of Astro, the Bot captain of a ship on a mission to rescue its lost crew, who are scattered over 5 planets. You will be running, jumping and punching throughout 26 stages across 5 worlds, each ending with an epic boss fight.

Thanks to PS VR, we were able to take platforming to new heights and develop rich gameplay around the player, taking advantage of the increased perspective, proximity and the added depth that PS VR offers. As a result, the game feels incredibly smooth, and jumps are ultra-precise – even in situations where the action ramps up. This opens up many doors for innovative play such as playing an entire sequence from multiple angles – below, from above, across 180 degrees or by leaning round corners to discover ledges and progress through levels.

You, the player, also exist in the world as a big robot following Astro around. Occasionally, you will have to smash parts of the environment and dodge enemy attacks. If you are compromised, chances are that Astro would perish as well, so both of you staying alive is paramount.

Another cool feature of the game is the many gadgets that emerge from your DualShock 4. In Astro Bot: Rescue Mission, your controller is visible in VR and becomes host to a range of cool weapons. Depending on the situation, it may become a hook shot, a water gun, or even a deadly ninja star – very useful for chopping spider webs, creating platforms or slicing enemies in your way. These gadgets will be found on your path so keep an eye out for them.

The goal of each stage is to rescue your lost crew. Every time you find one of them hiding somewhere, a good old nudge will send it flying back inside your controller. There are 8 lost bots in every stage so if you do the math… errr it’s… a lot! Chances are you will not find them all easily but, if you listen, you will be able to hear their SOS calls, thanks to the 3D audio inside PS VR.

Each level has a totally unique visual vibe so every location feels fresh. Our unique settings come together to make the most of PS VR’s 360 degree field of vision. Locations range from city rooftops to sandy beaches, dark caves, volcanoes, and even inside the belly of a gigantic whale!

Every world you traverse ends with a huge boss battle, creating exciting, memorable gameplay moments. Imagine turning to find a 100-foot tall Gorilla towering to find it’s taking a bite out of the building you are standing on!

The sense of the scale in PS VR really is amazing. The hardware is a perfect match for AAstro Bot: Rescue Mission. It definitely needs to be seen to be believed!

Aside from the main campaign, each level opens to a secret challenge stage that can be unlocked by finding a hidden character. These challenges re-use specific mechanics and are a true test of skill. If you can clear those, maybe special additional members of the crew can be rescued…

And if you feel like chilling out after all that action, the collection room lets you spend your hard-earned coins in the crane game to build interactive dioramas and check on how much of your crew has been rescued.

2018-5-23 10:17 PM
Sci-fi shooter Evasion coming to PlayStation VR in 2018


Archiact has announced Evasion, a “virtual reality bullet hell game designed to immerse players in high intensity co-op multiplayer combat,” is coming to PlayStation VR in 2018.

Here is an overview of the game, via the PlayStation Blog:

The Evasion team is focused on one big goal: to offer a shooter designed for VR that delivers on everything we love about FPSes. We want to evoke that fast, frantic feeling that you get from games like Doom and Borderlands where you’re ducking behind cover to avoid a barrage of attacks, laying down suppression fire as your teammate hacks a gate, or racing down a corridor with enemies around every corner. After almost two years building our dream game for VR, we are delighted to announce that Evasion is being released on PlayStation VR, with custom support for the Aim Controller.

Evasion was built from the ground up for full locomotion – getting around is so core to the game, it’s even in the name! When designing movement options, usability testing and really listening to player feedback has been key. No single movement scheme works for everyone, so we’ve made sure that the game has all kinds of options for different players and is totally balanced, no matter your preferences. We’ve tested with so many players that we’re confident you’ll find a locomotion option that works for you. We’ve also designed custom rifles for the Aim controller, so holding it in your hands and feeling the intense haptics brings a whole new level of immersion to the experience.

Evasion evokes the feeling of a ‘bullet hell’ shooter, so it’s packed with intense battles. Victories in our game are hard fought. Major engagements in Evasion aren’t one-on-one affair where you sit back and slowly pick apart an enemy’s defenses; they’re tense and chaotic, requiring you to run and dodge and take on multiple enemies simultaneously. It definitely nods to some of the old school arcade shooters like Space Invaders and Galaga, but designed for full VR immersion and AAA-quality graphics powered by the Unreal Engine.

Evasion was designed to be played either solo or co-op, and features both a full Campaign as well as a Survival Mode, where you face escalating swarms of enemies. You play as a member of the Vanguard, an elite special operations team who are charged with saving an embattled human colony from swarms of invading Optera. The Vanguard have four playable hero classes, each with their own unique full-bodied avatar, weapons and special abilities.

The Warden: Our tank. The Warden is ideal for players who like to charge into battle. He can take more damage than any other class and has unique abilities that allow him to get up close and personal with enemies before blasting them into dust.
The Surgeon: Our combat medic. The Surgeon heals himself and other players faster, giving everyone that extra edge in combat. The surgeon can also turn his abilities against the enemy by siphoning their health.
The Striker: Our damage class. The Striker is agile and deadly. Her weapons and shield have precision targeting, and she has a unique tether that allows her to bolster her teammates’ dps.
The Engineer: Our most versatile class. The Engineer can use her tether to grab enemies and whip them around. She can also clear the field with incredible chain lightning and energize teammates’ weapons.
Evasion is a passion project and we’re incredibly thrilled to bring it to PlayStation VR fans. We truly believe there is nothing like it on the platform and hope that gamers will love it, especially when elevated to the next level on the Aim controller. It’s been an incredible ride so far. We’re so happy with the feedback we’ve received, and we can’t wait to deliver this game to all VR fans later this year.

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