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【新闻贴】《虚拟现实》Virtual reality(Oculus Rift)

2017-10-2 05:11 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-2 06:03 PM 编辑

Updated PlayStation VR model announced, launches October 14 in Japan
新版 PlayStation VR 预定 10 月 14 日推出 内建耳机、简化配线与支持 HDR 讯号跳线
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/153326.html

  索尼互动娱乐日本亚洲(SIEJA)宣布,将于 10 月 14 日在日本推出 PlayStation VR 新型号「CUH-ZVR2」,承袭既有规格加以改良,新增内建耳机、简化配线与支持 HDR 讯号跳线。


  新版 PlayStation VR 以使用更便利舒适为目标进行改良,后部新增耳塞式耳机(可插拔),并将音量控制钮直接整合到本体上。 原本连接处理单元与本体的两段式连接线整合成 1 条,连接线总数从 5 条减为 4 条。 处理单元新增支持 PS4 / PS4 Pro 的 HDR 高动态范围影像讯号跳线 ※。

※ 前一版本不支持 HDR 讯号跳线,连接处理单元后 PS4 / PS4 Pro 无法输出 HDR 影像





配线简化,从 5 条(左)减少为 4 条(右)

  PlayStation VR(CUH-ZVR2)预定 10 月 14 日推出摄影机同捆版,价格 44980 日圆。









  此外,SIEJA 同时宣布,将陆续推出部分功能经过改良的新版 PlayStation Move 动态控制器(CECH-ZCM2J),充电与配对用 USB 端子从原本的 Mini B 改为当下主流的 Micro B 规格。



改良版 PlayStation Move 动态控制器将陆续推出

  目前 SIEJA 尚未发表日本以外地区的上市计划。

Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia will release a new version of PlayStation VR, model number CUH-ZVR2, in Japan on October 14, the company announced. A western is also being prepared, but launch timing has yet to be announced.

In Japan, the new version of PlayStation VR will be released in a “PlayStation VR with PlayStation Camera Bundle” for 44,980 yen.

The new version of PlayStation VR features revised mechanisms to increase user comfort, including:

  • A stereo headphone port has been added to the back of the VR headset. The cable wiring of the stereo headphones included with the unit can be integrated with the VR headset.
  • The cable that connects the Processor Unit of the VR headset has been consolidated into a single, slimmer cable.
  • The Processor Unit now supports HDR pass through.

Here’s a brief FAQ regarding the new version, via the PlayStation Blog:

Is there a new PlayStation VR model? How is it different?

A hardware update to PlayStation VR is being prepared. The new version, model number CUH-ZVR2, features an updated design that enables the stereo headphone cables to be integrated with the VR headset and a slimmer, streamlined connection cable. There’s also an updated Processor Unit that supports HDR pass through, enabling users to enjoy HDR-compatible PS4 content on a TV without having to disconnect the Processor Unit in between the TV and the PS4 system. This function can be used only when the VR headset is turned off.

When will the new PS VR model become available in North America? How much will it be?

We will share details on the launch timing in North America at a later date. The pricing of the PS VR bundles will remain the same.

How can I distinguish between the old PS VR headset and the new one when I’m purchasing?

The packaging for PlayStation VR will change slightly when the new model hits stores. To differentiate, look for the model number printed on the box. The previous PS VR’s model number is CUH-ZVR1, and the new PS VR’s model number is CUH-ZVR2. Also, the product image on the packaging will be updated to show changes on the new model, like the integrated headphones on the VR headset.

If I already own a PS VR, can I swap out my old Processor Unit with the updated one?

Because the cables of CUH-ZVR1 and CUH-ZVR2 are different, you cannot swap the Processor Units.

Are the PS VR games I already own compatible with the new model?

Yes, all PS VR games are compatible with both PS VR models.

Upcoming PlayStation VR titles include Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV (Square Enix), Summer Lesson: Chisato Shinjo (Bandai Namco), The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR (Bethesda Softworks), Gran Turismo Sport (SIE), No Heroes Allowed! VR (SIE), Bravo Team (SIE), and more, as well as video services and content such as NewsVR and Japan Studio VR Music Festival.
2017-10-3 10:50 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-4 04:47 PM 编辑

Kowloon’s Gate VR: Suzaku launches October 26 in Japan
《九龙风水传VR:朱雀》发售日期公布 将登陆PSVR




Kowloon’s Gate VR: Suzaku will launch for PlayStation VR via the PlayStation Store on October 26 for 4,298 yen in Japan, developer Jetman announced.

The upcoming virtual reality experience will allow players to walk through the world of Kowloon Walled City with a feeling of increased immersion thanks to stereoscopic sound and the PlayStation VR headset.

A demo for Kowloon’s Gate VR: Suzaku is available now on the Japanese PlayStation Store.
2017-10-4 07:23 AM



2017-10-4 03:04 PM
《V!勇者实在太嚣张R》中文版 10 月 14 日推出 潜入虚拟世界一圆征服世界野心
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/153425.html

  台湾索尼互动娱乐(SIET)与香港索尼互动娱乐(SIEH)宣布,PlayStation VR 专用游戏《V!勇者实在太嚣张R》中英文合版将于 10 月 14 日推出,价格新台币 990 元 / 港币 238 元。


  《V!勇者实在太嚣张R》是以 PS VR 游玩的独特实时战略游戏。 游戏中玩家将扮演破坏神,在实景模型般的世界中繁殖魔物攻陷人类领土,与魔王和其爱女一同以征服世界为目标迈进。




  游戏承袭《勇者实在太嚣张》设定,玩家需要培育魔物来侵攻人类领土,一边征服不断逼近的勇者一边压制人类的主要据点。 玩家必须以破坏神的身份让弱小魔物成为强力魔物饵食,巧妙利用食物链以构筑生态系统。 在征服世界的过程中繁殖魔物的方式,将会对魔物生死造成极大影响。



初回首批特典(光盘版):「魔界父女个人造型」组合 ※ 数量有限,送完为止
早期购入特典(下载版):「魔物个人造型」组合 ※ 期限:10 月 14 日至 29 日


游戏原名:V! 勇者のくせになまいきだ R
对应平台:PlayStation VR 专用
发售日期:2017 年 10 月 14 日
建议售价:新台币 990 元 / 港币 238 元
语言版本:语音:中文 / 英文,字幕:繁体中文 / 英文
游玩人数:1 人
开发厂商:Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia JAPAN Studio / ACQUIRE
发行厂商:Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia
代理经销:台湾索尼互动娱乐 / 香港索尼互动娱乐
2017-10-4 11:14 PM
Surreal adventure game Anamorphine coming to PS4, PC with VR support this winter

Independent developer Artifact 5 has announced Anamorphine, an introspective, virtual reality-compatible adventure told through environmental storytelling, with no dialogue or action button. It will launch this winter for PlayStation 4 and PC, with support for PlayStation VR, HTC Vive, and Oculus Rift.

Here’s an overview of the game, via its Steam page:


Explore the past as you resolve the present in Anamorphine, a surreal adventure of rendered emotions.

Tyler, a young man in post-traumatic denial, revisits a succession of milestones that define his relationship with his wife Elena, who falls victim to an accident that robs her of her livelihood and emotional outlet. Tyler’s mental turmoil warps his past as he struggles to come to terms with his guilt and inability to help Elena when she quietly slips into depression.

Told with no dialogue or action button, Anamorphine’s narrative comes together through Tyler’s dream-like memories, contorting and bleeding into each other with his mental state. Will you confront the past and try to find a way to move on, or will you let it consume you?

Content Advisory: Although the game features no combat or violence it does explore themes of mental health, depression, and loss.

Key Features

  • A story-rich setting exploring an evolving relationship.
  • A surreal environment without text or language that changes in fantastic ways to represent the protagonist’s inner feelings.
  • Combat-free gameplay! Take your time to uncover secrets and focus on the experience.
  • Anamorphine will be playable at IndieCade 2017 in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles from October 6 to 8.

Artifact 5 shared more information about Anamorphine‘s design over at the PlayStation Blog. A set of GIFs are also available on Imgur.
2017-10-5 11:19 AM
《夏日课堂 新城千里》后续DLC公开 前所未有的体验


  即将在10月12日推出的PS VR专用游戏《夏日课堂 新城千里 七曜练习曲》在本周杂志中公开了后续的DLC情报。在10月19日和11月2日分别会推出两个合计4个DLC内容。




2017-10-6 07:27 AM
2017-10-10 06:26 PM
日本新型号PSVR即将发售索尼官方公开近期 VR 游戏介绍影片

  索尼为了配合即将在 10 月 14 日发售的新型号PS VR(CUH-ZVR2)公开了一段新的近期VR游戏介绍视频。

  新型号PS VR改良了配线并在头盔上集成了耳机插口,目前仅在日本地区发表,价格为44980日元+税。而接下来也会有多款支持VR的新游戏推出,其中不乏像是《上古卷轴5 VR》、《GT SPORT》、《最终幻想15 深渊魔兽》、《阿努比斯 终极地带 火星》这样的知名大作。

2017-10-12 07:04 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-12 04:51 PM 编辑


Respawn Entertainment Working On Oculus Rift VR Game
《泰坦降临》系列开发团队宣布开发 VR 游戏 内容将与战争题材有关?

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/153672.html

  《泰坦降临》系列开发商 Respawn Entertainment 今日释出跨足 VR 领域影片,宣布与 Oculus 合作,预定于 2019 年推出新款虚拟现实(VR)作品。

  推出《泰坦降临》系列的开发团队 Respawn Entertainment 是一间由《决胜时刻:现代战争 2》研发工作室 Infinity Ward 共同创办人 Jason West 与 Vince Zampella 在离开 Infinity Ward 后成立的工作室。

  根据今日释出的影片内容,该团队宣布与 Oculus 合作,内容可能是与战争题材相关的新款 VR 游戏,玩家可以在游戏中更能体会到士兵于战场上的心情,包含恐惧、愤怒等各种激发肾上腺素的情绪。

  Respawn 开发 VR 新作预计 2019 年推出。


Start of Something New - Partnership with Oculus VR

While the game remains secret (spoiler: it’s not Titanfall or Star Wars), our relationship with Oculus is now out in the open. We couldn’t be happier to have such a great partner, and to be building our game on such an amazing platform as the Rift.

There are so many cool parts to making a game in VR, but perhaps the most intense one is emotion. While you know you’re wearing a headset, your brain processes VR on an emotional level. Though you’re in a simulation, you feel like you’re there. It’s all kinds of awesome.

So as a developer, game assets you’ve seen a hundred times on a monitor suddenly become real when you put the headset on. The sense of scale, the sense of presence, there’s nothing else like it. It’s the difference between using your mouse to rotate an object in an editor and walking around it in real life. It is a true privilege to build a game in this kind of immersive world.

Want to see what we’re doing? Join Respawn’s early-access program by clicking here! We’re a growing studio, hiring across multiple disciplines and games. So if you like giant robots, the Force, secret projects, or just want to work at the world’s greatest studio, apply today.

We need to go dark again, but we can’t wait to tell you more about our game.

Peter Hirschmannv, Director

2017-10-12 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-12 11:13 AM 编辑

Oculus Go确认2018年初发售 售价199美元

  在Oculus Connect上,Facebook CEO扎克伯格正式公开了名为Oculus Go的无线新VR设备,这款设备售价低廉且为一款独立的VR设备,计划在2018年初发售,售价199美元。

  扎克伯格用“多合一”和“易体验到的”等词语来形容这款全新的VR设备,其目标也是希望能让10亿人用上VR,这款Oculus Go将不需要PC和手机设备来支持。官方表示Oculus Go是最简单的体验VR的方式,同时设备轻便、舒适且在清晰度上拥有新的飞跃。

  硬件方面,Oculus Go配有可以快速开关的LCD屏幕,支持2560x1440分辨率,另外新设备还搭载了新的镜头来减少眩光,同时Oculus Go拥有集成音频。





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