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【新闻贴】《虚拟现实》Virtual reality(Oculus Rift)

2017-7-29 03:53 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-29 04:27 PM 编辑

Fate/Grand Order VR feat. Mashu Kyrielight launches winter 2017 in Japan, second trailer
《Fate/Grand Order VR feat 玛修》公开新PV 观看学妹换装

  《FATE》系列的官方手游《Fate/Grand Order》此前宣布推出以第一人称视角与女主角“玛修·姬莉叶莱特”互动的PSVR游戏《Fate/Grand Order VR feat.玛修》,在今日举办的手游两周年纪念活动上官方又公开了本作的第二弹PV影像,与之前只有概念图的第一弹PV不同,本次公开了大量游戏画面,下面就快来看看吧。

  如本作标题一致,游戏内登场角色只有学妹玛修一个人,熟悉手游《Fate/Grand Order(FGO)》的玩家一定了解,PSVR内与玛修互动的场景就是《FGO》中master的卧室,玩家还可以通过PSVR从各个角度立体环顾房间四周。


Fate/Grand Order VR feat. Mashu Kyrielight will launch for PlayStation VR via the PlayStation Store in winter 2017 in Japan, Type-Moon announced.

Further details will be announced via the game’s official website at a later date.

2017-8-1 06:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-1 08:23 PM 编辑

No Heroes Allowed! VR launches October 14 in Japan

  PS VR专用游戏《V!勇者别嚣张R》宣布将于2017年10月14日发售,实体版售价4900日元(不含税),下载版售价5292日元(已含税)。本作在上周举办的索尼Chinajoy和香港动漫节的发布会上宣布还将推出简繁体中文版(港版译名:《勇者实在太嚣张VR!》;国行译名《勇者就爱耍心机VR!》)。


  而且, 以前一直在地下活动的魔王,在本作中居然向地面进军,玩家使用“神控(手柄)”来指挥魔物侵略地上。本作为清关型RTS(实时战略)游戏,各关卡大体流程如下:




No Heroes Allowed! VR will launch for PlayStation VR in Japan on October 14, Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia announced. It will cost 4,900 yen (without tax) for the physical version, and 5,292 yen (with tax) for the digital version.

In North America and Europe, No Heroes Allowed! VR is due out in 2017.

Sony is preparing several retailer-exclusive PlayStation Network avatar set bonuses:

Physical Version Early Buyer Bonus – “Peace Will Not Visit the World! Hell’s Father and Daughter Avatar” Set (15 avatars)

PlayStation Store Early Buyer Bonus – “Yesterday’s Companion is Today’s Bait! Monster Avatar” Set (15 avatars)

Amazon Japan – “Hold Our Ground! Hero Avatar” Set (15 avatars)

Here’s an overview of the game, via Sony Interactive Entertainment America:


Become the God of Destruction in a unique real time strategy game utilizing PlayStation VR. Breed monsters to invade human territories, seen in a diorama-like view through the eyes of the God of Destruction. Together with Badman and Badmella, work towards total world domination.

Begin your quest by raising monsters and using them to invade human territories, vanquish the defending heroes and bring the human bases under your control. As a God, the player must maintain an ecosystem through a food chain of breeding weaker monsters to feed invading monsters. The player can interfere with this chain of life and death to raise monsters however they like in their attempts to conquer the world.

Key Features

Enjoy a new take on real time strategy from the expansive view of a god, in a unique VR experience that opens up before your eyes in a diorama-like view.

Subjugate Monsters and Achieve World Domination! – Breed monsters and employ them to invade the human territories.

The Tides of Battle – Use your divine powers to take care of the monsters under your dominion. A careless God of Destruction will leave the world vulnerable to heroes that will defeat your monsters and take their lands back.
2017-8-2 06:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-2 07:08 PM 编辑


《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3 幸运》PS VR 专用模式「VR 天堂」8 月 3 日开放下载

  台湾光荣特库摩宣布,PlayStation 4 专用度假游戏《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3 幸运(DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune)》,支持更新 PlayStation VR 专用模式「VR 天堂」,并将于 2017 年 8 月 3 日开始提供下载服务。 且拥有正式版(实体版 / 下载版)的玩家,将可在活动期间内从游戏内免费下载。

  拥有《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3 幸运》正式版(实体版 / 下载版)的玩家,至 2017 年 8 月 31 日为止,将能从游戏内免费下载 VR 通行证游玩「VR 天堂」。 活动期间结束后,从 PlayStation Store 里购买使用权「VR 通行证」后,即可游玩「VR 天堂」。


PS VR 专用模式「VR 天堂」对应 PlayStation 4 Pro ,玩家在「VR 天堂」里能体验到比 PlayStation 4 更为鲜艳且具高分辨率的 VR 体验。

  此外,作为「VR 天堂」的下载纪念,自 8 月 3 日起将展开《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3 幸运》正式下载版的折扣特卖。 玩家们不只能以优惠价格买到《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3 幸运》,还能免费玩到「VR 天堂」,可趁此机会购入。

  还有,在基本无料版中,玩家也能以优惠价格购入「VR 通行证组合(附带玛莉&穗香使用权)」。 玛莉的小恶魔泳衣、穗香的天使泳衣、众女角的极致性感 V 泳衣、极致性感 F 泳衣、极致性感服装 F 套组、极致性感服装 V 套组,以及与《闪乱神乐》合作的第一弹及第二弹泳衣也都有优惠价格,玩家赶快帮女孩们换上最极致性感的泳衣。 尚未拥有正式版的玩家,可藉此机会一并购入,享受「VR 天堂」的乐趣吧。

※「VR 通行证」在免费下载期间结束后,即使是正式版也与基本免费版同样需要付费购买。
※ 本版本在更新下载完毕后,才会开始提供「VR 通行证」的下载服务。 所以在 PlayStation Store 里找不到「VR 通行证」的话,麻烦玩家稍等一段时间后再进行确认。
2017-8-3 06:30 PM
VR 专用游戏《ARK Park》公布最新宣传影片

  Snail Games 预定于 2017 年内推出的 PC/PS4 版 VR 仿真生存动作游戏《ARK Park》,日前公布最新宣传影片,收录了凶猛恐龙失控暴走,以及最多 4 名玩家以突击步枪及机关枪等武器击退来袭的暴龙及迅猛龙的生存模式等内容。


  本作以在巨大恐龙及古代哺乳类肆虐的世界中求生的动作游戏《ARK: Survival Evolved》为基础开发而成,以未来的恐龙主题乐园为舞台,让玩家了解全像化的恐龙样貌。 另外,还可移动到湿地、森林、沙漠及雪山等不同主题的区域,让玩家利用载具或步行轻松散步,乘坐特定的恐龙并抚摸牠们,或是解谜及制作武器等进行互动,同时收集名为「Gene Cubes」的基因情报带回游客中心以增加图像数量。
2017-8-3 06:39 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-4 06:59 PM 编辑

在 VR 世界驾驶机甲作战! 《总领天使 Archangel》正式在 Steam 平台上市

  由游戏厂商 Skydance Interactive 研发、支持 HTC Vive 与 Oculus Rift 头戴式虚拟现实装置射击游戏《总领天使(暂译,Archangel)》正式在 Steam 平台上架。

  游戏故事描述在 2089 年的美国,秘密研究机构正在开发尖端机甲,就在这尖端机甲尚未研发完成前,叛徒却揭露了这项秘密,迫使敌人对此机构展开攻击,玩家被迫链接神经系统、启动了名为「总领天使」的机甲,正面与敌人进行冲突.......


  玩家在游戏中将可体验操控机甲战斗的虚拟现实游戏乐趣。 研发团队强调,机甲可以在敌人近身时使用手臂或拳头来与敌人格斗攻击,或使用枪枝对抗等,而玩家所面对的敌人将有不同的弱点等着玩家去挑战。

  另外,玩家也可以透过升级来解锁新型武器,使个人的机甲更加进化。《总领天使》正式在 Steam 平台上架。


2017-8-8 03:39 PM
Puzzle platformer Light Tracer for PlayStation VR launches in September

Oasis Games has announced that it will launch Light Tracers, a puzzle platformer for PlayStation VR developed by Void Dimensions in which players will lead a princess to the top of a Babel-like tower to save her people, in September.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Oasis Games:


In Light Tracer, players will lead a princess to the top of an enigmatic, Babel-like tower to save her ailing people, using godlike powers and a Light Staff to guide the princess while manipulating objects to create a safe path for her.

Light Tracers combines platform-style movement and clever puzzles with unique play mechanics and delightful artwork. In the game, the player controls a mysterious godlike entity who can wield a magical Light Staff in one hand while using its other hand to interact with the game world, helping the Princess reach the safety of the tower’s pinnacle. The Light Staff guides the Princess forward while the player manipulates the world to get a better view, interacts with object triggers and moves items to turn barriers into bridges. As the player progresses, the entity’s hidden relationship with the princess is gradually revealed.

The Princess’s journey comprises eight varied chapters ranging from ice to gravity puzzles to mechanical contraptions, and each level ends with a challenging boss fight requiring strategy as well as quick reflexes. Players will guide the Princess through action-platform stages with jumping, timing and enemies—but they must also engage with mind-bending puzzles in each level. Often the solution depends not only on your intellect, but also in the way you look at things!

Key Features

A New Kind of VR Puzzle Platformer: Guide the Princess through platform-style challenges with jumps, enemies and precise timing requirements while manipulating the world and solving clever puzzles that depend on your point of view—literally!

The Powers of a God: Wield your powerful Light Staff in one hand while interacting with the world with the other to open a path upward.

Enchanting Graphics: A compelling, almost toy-like world comes to life as you ascend the giant tower and interact with the Princess.

Eight Unique Worlds: From Gravity World to Ice World to Mechanica World, each chapter offers new puzzles and challenges.

A View to a Thrill: Grab and spin the tower for fresh perspectives that may unveil the answer to the riddles in front of you.

Battle with Bosses: Each chapter ends with a unique boss fight where you must use both strategy and quick reflexes to overcome opponents like a rock giant or a sinister snowman.

2017-8-10 08:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-10 08:16 PM 编辑

Gal*Gun VR Now Available for PC via Steam
想被可爱的女生包围着! 《少女射击 GALGUN VR》在 Steam 上架

  Inti Creates 旗下 VR 专用射击游戏《少女射击 GALGUN VR(ぎゃる☆がん VR)》在今(8 月 10 日)于 Steam 上架了。 本作从 2016 年 11 月的 Inti Creates 创立 20 周年记念活动展示后就都没有消息,却在今天忽然推出了。


  本作支持 HTC Vive,Oculus Rift。 使用 “追踪控制器” 来进行操作,价格为 688 台币。 不过从即日起至 8 月 16 日的期间内可用优惠价格 585 台币购入。


  本作是《少女射击 GALGUN》系列最新作,游戏中主角因为某件事情而变成了超受异性喜爱的男生,要将陆续逼近而来的女生们以眼力(通称:费洛蒙射击)让她们升天,也可让喜欢的女主角对你着迷。 本作最大的特征当然就是 VR 化了,可以在更高的临场感中,与女生们体验这个那个的乐趣。

  除了 VR 化之外,本作也充满了许多新要素。 例如有可以将附身在女生身上的恶魔一边扯下来一边不小心掀裙子的新装备「恶魔吸引器」;注视附近女生的眼睛,让其他女生一起升天的「眼冒爱心」;也可以用游戏中的智能型手机拍摄女生内裤来解开专用成就,还有请来自己房间的「邀请」等,许多令人困扰的要素。 VR 化后,成为了一款更有《少女射击 GALGUN》风格的作品,有兴趣的玩家就一起来看看吧。

游戏舞台终于延伸到 VR 了!
《少女射击 GALGUN VR》正式推出!

《少女射击 GALGUN VR》上架啰

《少女射击 GALGUN》系列最新作,VR 专用游戏《少女射击 GALGUN VR》正式推出!

游戏中的男主角因为某件事情变得超受女生欢迎,玩家必须操作男主角将陆续逼近而来的女生们以眼力(通称:费洛蒙射击)来让她们升天,并且让自己喜欢的女主角对自己着迷,是一款非常愚... 非常有特色的射击游戏。 系列第 2 款作品也有在国外发售,系列累计销售超过 20 万套。 已经变成了一款受到全世界粉丝喜爱的游戏了!

而这次,终于以 VR 专用游戏的方式登场了! 想被可爱的女生围着! 这种愿望相信男生都有在心里偷偷想过,这么梦幻的状况现在就可透过 VR 来体验!

就算成为 VR 专用游戏,本作依然有《少女射击 GALGUN》的风格! 透过新装备「恶魔吸引器」不小心刮起风,或者以游戏中的智能型手机不小心拍摄到各种风景等,游戏中充满许多有点白痴的状况,大家可以看看这次的影片介绍喔!

另外,即日起为了纪念本作上市,玩家可用更优惠的价格购入! 推荐给已经对普通 VR 游戏厌倦的你!

2017 年 8 月 10 日~8 月 16 日


游戏舞台终于来到了 VR

想被可爱的女生围着! 这个男生们的梦幻情境透过 VR 化,玩家可以体验更加真实的情境!



瞄准女生的弱点,让他们「ECSTASY 升天」吧

要防止女生们的告白,就必须透过射击让她们升天才行。 只要确实命中各女生不同的弱点,就可以形成「ECSTASY 升天」来获得更多分数!




在前作登场的「恶魔女」在本作也会登场! 用射击把附身在女生身上的恶魔打下来,再用「恶魔吸引器」把恶魔吸进来吧!




只要对靠近的女生注视眼睛的话(只要注视附近女生的眼睛一边接近),就会累积计量表,女生就会成为「眼冒爱心」状态。 在这个状态下,女生全身都会变成弱点部位,而且还可以让周围的女生一起升天!




游戏中可以用智能型手机拍照! 只要拍到女生的内裤,就可以解除该女生的内裤专用成就。 请玩家活用相机,收集女生们的成就吧!




在射击关卡遇见的女生都可以透过「邀请」指令招待女生来自己房间! 在只有两人的空间中,要做什么都是玩家的自由。




使用服装变更功能,就可以改变女生们的印象。 除了系列熟悉的制服、体操服、学校泳装之外,还有老师的衣服以及竞泳专用泳装等老行家的服装。






游戏名称:《少女射击 GALGUN VR》
游戏种类:VR ・眼力射击游戏
对应平台:Steam(PC)VR 专用
VR 支持装置:HTC Vive、Oculus Rift
游戏人数:1 人
上市日期:2017 年 8 月 10 日


Gal Gun VR is now available for PC via Steam for $29.99, developer Inti Creates announced. It requires either HTC Vive or Oculus Rift to play.

Here’s an overview of the game, via its Steam page:

Live the dream of being surrounded by hordes of cute girls who are madly in love you in virtual reality! In Gal Gun VR, you play as a young man who suddenly became the most popular guy around, and you must fend off a rush of girls with your trusty Pheromone Shot by giving them euphoria!

The Gal Gun series comes to VR!

This is exactly the kind of game that VR was designed for! In Gal Gun, virtual reality truly *is* better than reality! Experience the joy of being surrounded by beautiful girls, only this time, you can enjoy this world from every angle!

Aim for girls’ weak spots to give them euphoria!

You have goals to achieve, so you can’t just end up with the first girl who leaps into your arms, right? This is where your trusty Pheromone Shot comes into play! Use this shot to give incoming girls euphoria, and protect yourself from their confessions of love as you make your way through the stages.Different girls have different weak spots– shoot these spots and you’ll get an “Ecstasy Shot,” instantly giving the girl euphoria and increasing your score.

Use the new “Demon Sweeper” to bust some demons!

The demons from Gal Gun: Double Peace are back in full force, and causing trouble wherever they go! Fortunately, you now have a new tool to help you defeat them: the Demon Sweeper! Shoot demons that are possessing girls to knock them off, then [粗俗词语过滤-#0003] ’em up with your Demon Sweeper!

Look deep into girls’ eyes to make them “Lovestruck”!

If you get up close and personal with the girls and look deep into their eyes, a special gauge on your sight will start to fill up.As the gauge fills up, the girls become “Lovestruck.”

While they are “Lovestruck”, shooting them anywhere will count as an “Ecstacy Shot”, and any other girls standing near the Lovestruck girl will get caught up in the effect and receive euphoria.

Invite girls over to your house!

After a long day of fending off totally lovestruck girls and demon busting at the academy, it’s time for some one-on-one time with a girl you like! Invite them over to your pad to interact with them and learn more about them, such as what kind of panties they wear!

Capture your finest moments on film!

Press and hold the grip button to equip your camera, then press the trigger button while your camera is equipped to take a picture. If you manage to snap a photo of a girl’s panties, you’ll unlock a special achievement! Every single girl’s panties has its own achievement, so get those cameras ready and see if you can collect them all!
2017-8-15 04:50 PM
100ft Robot Golf adds free PlayStation VR mode ‘Kaiju Driving Range’ on September 12
《100英尺机器人高尔夫》新模式 大战怪兽

  No Goblin工作室宣布,由他们开发的《100英尺机器人高尔夫》这款作品,将会在今年9月12日正式推出“怪兽高球练习场”这个补充内容,当然是免费的,而且和游戏本体一样支持PS VR。

  这次新推出的模式,允许玩家在同个环境下进行1v1的对抗。扮演机器人的玩家使用电视屏幕来来打高尔夫,而佩戴PS VR的玩家则要扮演怪兽来挡住飞来的高尔夫球……


The PlayStation 4 version of 100ft Robot Golf will add a free PlayStation VR mode called “Kaiju Driving Range” on September 12, developer No Goblin announced.

The one-versus-one game mode puts one player in the role of a robot golfer using the TV screen, and the other in the role of a crab kaiju using the PlayStation VR headset. The mode also supports the PlayStation Move controller for movement of the kaiju’s arms. The robot is tasked with taking “killer golf shots,” while the kaiju’s goal is to “be a huge jerk and stop killer golf shots from happening.”

2017-8-15 07:29 PM
2017-8-15 10:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-16 07:01 PM 编辑

EVE: Valkyrie free expansion 'Warzone' announced, adds non-VR and cross-platform
《EVE:瓦尔基里》免费扩展公布 增加非VR和跨平台

  昨天CCP Games 宣布,2017年9月26日,虚拟现实游戏《EVE:Valkyrie(瓦尔基里)》将成为《EVE:Valkyrie - Warzone》,代表了著名的多人第一人称的宇宙飞船射击游戏的重大扩张。从VR开始,将领地扩充到电视和显示器上,《EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone》可以使 PC 和 PlayStation4 游戏玩家在虚拟现实中进出全面平衡的在线太空作战。

  在推出时,新玩家可以以29.99美元(约200元人民币)购买《EVE:Valkyrie - Warzone》,而所有当前的《EVE:Valkyrie》玩家将免费下载扩展,取代基本游戏。


CCP Games to Launch EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone, Giving Non-VR Players Access to the EVE: Valkyrie Universe

Today, CCP Games announced that on September 26, 2017, the fan-favorite virtual reality game, EVE: Valkyrie, will become EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone , representing a major expansion for the renowned multiplayer first-person spaceship shooter. Bursting out of VR and onto TVs and monitors, EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone enables PC and PlayStation®4 gamers to fly and fight alongside each other, both in and out of VR, in fully balanced online space combat.

Since its debut on Oculus Rift in March 2016, EVE: Valkyrie launched on PlayStation®VR and HTC Vive®, introduced cross-platform play, and received five extensive game updates packed with new maps, modes, enhancements, and improvements. Now, the Warzone expansion will dramatically upgrade the EVE: Valkyrie experience for both new and current players, introducing a huge range of exciting new features and gameplay systems.

At launch, incoming players can purchase EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone for $29.99, while all current EVE: Valkyrie owners will receive the expansion as a free download, replacing the base game.

“If you can play first-person shooters, you can pilot one of EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone’s amazing ships,” said Andrew Willans, Lead Game Designer at CCP’s Newcastle Studio. “Not having access to VR hardware will no longer hold gamers back from diving weapons-first into intense and highly competitive space combat with friends. We look forward to seeing the already intense competition between Valkyrie pilots going up a notch, as more players from around the world can join existing pilots for space-dogfighting battles.”

“Releasing EVE: Valkyrie for high-end VR headsets embodied the culmination of a decades-long dream for CCP,” said Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, CEO of CCP Games. “We’ve had great success in establishing the title as one of the most popular multiplayer games in virtual reality and grown it over the last two years with genre-leading post-launch support, which has resulted in a thriving community. Now we’re starting the next step in EVE: Valkyrie’s journey by bringing this great game to an even wider audience - those who haven’t made the leap into VR yet - all while we continue to experiment with additional unannounced VR projects in development.”

EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone introduces a next-generation fleet of iconic ships – including the new Covert class ship, “Shadow” – each one with their own distinctive role to play in battle. With new weapons – including powerful Ultra abilities – and a fully redesigned progression system for each ship, players will have more control over how they evolve their arsenal to suit their playstyle.

New to EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone will be the ‘Extraction’ game mode that puts capture-the-flag in outer space for an exhilarating gameplay experience. The Warzone expansion also features two new maps, “Fleet” and “Outpost,” as well as new Wormholes that introduce a fresh challenge each week. Players will also be able to fight for Spoils of War to earn Loot Capsules, enabling them to unlock a hangar-full of personalization options for their ships and pilot.

More info about the game can be found by visiting evevalkyrie.com and fans can follow EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Players can find out how the Warzone expansion will affect them by visiting evevalkyrie.com/changes.
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