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【新闻部】Activision Blizzard / Respawn Entertainment

2017-6-29 04:14 PM
2017-6-30 01:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-30 04:11 PM 编辑

StarCraft: Remastered launches August 14
Blizzard 宣布《星海争霸》高画质重制版 8 月 15 日上市

  Blizzard 今日宣布,《星海争霸》高画质重制版将于台湾时间 8 月 15 日(美国时间为 8 月 14 日)全球同步上市。 玩家将可在高画质世界中体验原汁原味的人类、神族与虫族战役,Blizzard 强调游戏经过现代化改造,而游戏建议售价为 450 元。 以下为官方今日公开的新宣传影片:

  Blizzard 指出,在原版《星海争霸》游戏经验的基础上,《星海争霸》高画质重制版加入现代的便利机能,忠实保留近二十年来凝聚玩家社群的游戏魅力。 《星海争霸》高画质版游戏与《星海争霸》现有版本完全兼容,购买高画质版的玩家可与拥有《星海争霸》和《星海争霸:怒火燎原》的玩家同乐。 更新内容与新功能包括:

· 《星海争霸》及《星海争霸:怒火燎原》数据片画质升级
· 宽屏幕 UHD 支持最高 4K 分辨率
· 全新对战配对功能及排行榜
· 可追踪个人战绩统计的玩家个人档案
· 云端储存战役进度、热键及对战回播
· 更高的音乐及音效保真度
· 能轻松在《星海争霸》高画质重制版及原版《星海争霸》之间切换的快捷键

  Blizzard Entertainment 执行长暨共同创办人 Mike Morhaime 表示:「近 20 年前,《星海争霸》迎接数百万玩家踏入有如史诗般壮阔的科幻宇宙世界,并协助奠定现今大众所熟知的电竞基础。 《星海争霸:怒火燎原》至今仍然受到全球各地热情玩家喜爱,无论是与三五好友同乐或刺激竞技。 因此,我们运用现代化科技更新《星海争霸》的基础技术,让玩家能够在未来持续享受《星海争霸》带来的乐趣。 」

  《星海争霸》高画质重制版将推出 Windows 及 Mac PC 版本,定价新台币 450 元,并提供英文、巴西葡萄牙文、欧洲及拉丁美洲西班牙文、法文、德文、意大利文、波兰文、俄文、韩文、日文、简体中文与繁体中文等在地化字幕版本。 即日起开放在 Blizzard 商店展开预购。 Blizzard 表示,8 月 15 日前预购的玩家,将获得三款可于《星海争霸》高画质重制版游戏中使用的专属建筑物造型:查尔虫巢、克哈指挥中心及艾尔星核。 购买《星海争霸》高画质重制版的玩家,皆可获得《星海争霸 2》游戏内虚拟物品,包括合作模式斯杜科夫指挥官及三款独家头像。


StarCraft: Remastered will launch for PC worldwide on August 14 for $14.99, Blizzard Entertainment announced. It will be fully localized into English, Brazilian Portuguese, European and Latin American Spanish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Korean, Japanese, and simplified and traditional Chinese.

All players who pre-purchase the game will receive three unique building skins for use in the game—the “Char Hive,” the “Korhal Command Center,” and the “Aiur Nexus.” Additionally, users who purchase StarCraft: Remastered will receive digital bonuses in StarCraft II, including the “Alexei Stukov” co-op commander and three unique portraits themed after StarCraft: Remastered.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Blizzard:

StarCraft: Remastered adds modern conveniences to the original StarCraft experience while maintaining the same gameplay that has captivated a passionate community of gamers for almost two decades. It’s also fully compatible with the existing version of StarCraft, meaning that those who purchase the upgrade can play with those who already have StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood War. Updates and new features include:

  • Full graphical upgrade of the original StarCraft and the StarCraft: Brood War expansion
  • Widescreen UHD support for up to 4K resolution
  • New matchmaking and leaderboards
  • Player profiles that track individual statistics
  • Cloud saving for campaign progress, hotkeys, and replays
  • Higher fidelity music and sound

Switch between Remastered and the original StarCraft with the click of a button!
2017-7-4 03:24 PM
2017-7-7 06:59 PM
Overwatch Reveals New Hero Doomfist
《斗阵特攻》新英雄曝光 利爪组织领导人之一「毁灭拳王」即将回归

  Blizzard 今(7)日曝光《斗阵特攻》新英雄「毁灭拳王」背景故事影片,见证利爪组织领导人之一的回归。



  先前《斗阵特攻》中的努巴尼遭受到攻击,首支动画影片中的「拳套」也被夺走,引此更多关于剧情的猜测。 而日前,官方释出进一步新线索,指出此事件可以断定为利爪组织所策划的攻击行动,目的是要救出阿坎德 ‧ 欧冈帝姆,他因毁灭拳王的名号为人所知。 而今日,官方正式曝光毁灭拳王的故事影片,并确定他将以新英雄角色即将在游戏中现身。

  阿坎德 ‧ 欧冈帝姆出身于一个地位崇高的奈及利亚家庭,并继承家族的义肢科技公司。 欧冈帝姆非常聪明而且充满个人魅力,他协助扩展家族事业,为企业的发展定位,并同时醉心于热爱的嗜好:格斗武术。 在智械危机期间,他失去右臂,他的武术生涯看似尚未达到巅峰便已结束。 虽然家族企业生产的生化机械义肢让他从重创中康复,甚至变得更加强大,可是他也从此无缘参加竞赛。 之后他遇上利爪组织的得力助手阿迪耶米,并在利爪组织中获得崇高的地位。 他协助策画一场武装冲突,组织希望有朝一日能在全世界掀起动乱。

  但是就在计划即将实现之际,捍卫者特遣队击败欧冈帝姆,并且捉住了他,当时成员包含闪光、温斯顿与源氏。 好几年来,他被监禁在戒备森严的机密设施里,在里头耐心等待机会逃亡。 最近,他逃出监狱,与努巴尼新亮相的 OR15 型机器人展开战斗,取得压倒性的胜利,夺走毁灭拳王的装甲拳套。 现在,他在利爪组织高层重获一席之地,准备推动下一波袭卷世界的战争。
2017-7-13 06:28 PM
2017-7-19 04:57 PM
《斗阵特攻》宣布新英雄「毁灭拳王」上线时间 释出新预览影片探索角色制作花絮

  Blizzard 释出《斗阵特攻》新英雄「毁灭拳王」预览影片,介绍该角色的开发想法,同时宣布「毁灭拳王」将在 7 月 28 日登场。

  从《斗阵特攻》首次公开时,「毁灭拳王」就已经是游戏故事中的一部分,而如今他逃出监狱、夺回装甲拳套,即将于游戏中现身,并将推动一波袭卷世界的战争。 今日官方释出《斗阵特攻》新英雄「毁灭拳王」预览影片,带领玩家探索该角色的制作花絮。


  《斗阵特攻》新英雄「毁灭拳王」预定 7 月 28 日登场。
2017-7-21 12:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-21 06:59 PM 编辑

Unreleased Level Added to Crash N Sane Trilogy ~ 'Stormy Ascent'
《袋狼大进击 疯狂三部曲》将加入从未发售过的超难关卡

  动视官方宣布,将在 2017 年 8 月 19 日以前在美服免费开放《袋狼大进击 疯狂三部曲》中“Stormy Ascent”关卡的下载,在免费期过后,该关卡将以2.99美元的售价继续售卖。

  值得一提的是,“Stormy Ascent” 是一个此前没有正式发售过的关卡,顽皮狗工作室甚至并没有完成这个关卡的制作。“Stormy Ascent”的长度是其他关卡的四倍,难度也同样远超正常的关卡,即使是轻松通关本篇的玩家也会在这个关卡中受到挑战。“Stormy Ascent”之所以被顽皮狗工作室砍掉,正是因为它实在是太难了。在重制的过程中,开发团队第一次通过这个关卡,使用了超过 60 条命,难度之高令人发指。但是在通关之后,他们却迷上了这个关卡,于是就把它重新制作,令其重获新生。有趣的是,这个关卡被官方描述为“疯狂关卡Vol.1”,这或许意味着之后我们还会迎来更多的高难度关卡。

  《袋狼大进击 疯狂三部曲》是 PS 时代《袋狼》的完全重制作品,在本作上市之后,就获得了玩家们的一致追捧。除了游戏本身重制之后的高质量以外,其难度也激起了很多玩家的挑战欲。如果你对这类复古的动作游戏有兴趣的话,本作绝对值得一试。


Previously Unreleased Stormy Ascent Level Out Today for Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy

Taylor Kurosaki, formerly one of the original members of the Crash Bandicoot team at Naughty Dog, joins the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Game Director, Dan Tanguay, from Vicarious Visions to talk about the notorious Stormy Ascent level. The previously unreleased Crash Bandicoot level, Stormy Ascent, is now coming to life in the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy.

• How did this level come to be?

Taylor Kurosaki: Early in production of the original Crash Bandicoot game, everyone at Naughty Dog often wore multiple hats. However, by year two we were somewhat specialized and I went from artist to game designer. I ended up designing and laying out ¾ of the levels in the original Crash Bandicoot. And Stormy Ascent was one of mine.

Dan Tanguay: The team here at Vicarious Visions knew the fans really wanted Stormy Ascent, and so did we! One of the best players on the design team had beat the first game and wanted a new challenge. So, we told him to try the original Stormy Ascent. It took him 60 lives to get through it – needless to say it was much more challenging than he had expected. However, he still fell in love with it and we decided to bring it life.

• Tell us about making Stormy Ascent

Taylor: I was new to games and game design back then; I didn’t have a great understanding of a difficulty curve. This level was so close to the end of the game and, you guessed it, it ended up being insanely difficult. As in, so difficult that it was hard for me, and I’m the guy who knew exactly how far Crash could jump, how late a player could take-off, and so on.

Dan: This is the “sister level” to Slippery Climb in the original Crash Bandicoot. It features the same assets but new challenges. It’s also roughly four times longer than any other level in the original game. Getting through it is a feat of both skill and endurance! Taylor’s right, it’s considered to be not only one of the most difficult levels in the original Crash Bandicoot, but probably in the entire N. Sane Trilogy.

It was challenging to first master the level so that we could accurately remaster it. In particular, the timing of the level was challenging to get right. The hazards and platforms steadily increase in speed as you go along!

• It never actually shipped, right?

Taylor: Yes. It was one of the last levels I finished during production, and as we prepared to deliver our Gold Master to Sony for manufacturing, the decision was made to cut it. It was playable, but just too damn difficult, and we ran out of time to make it easier. It remained on the disc as it was less risky just leaving it rather than trying to remove it. It was basically hidden, but it was there.

Dan: Fans found it though, using Gameshark.

Taylor: I think it’s cool when fans find hidden things in games, this was no exception. I was glad it somewhat found the light of day, and I think it’s an awesome level.

In 2017, games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne are all the rage. People like games that are difficult! We were so ahead of the curve! Now Stormy Ascent is alive as part of the Vicarious Visions-developed Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. Go forth and enjoy!

Click here to download Stormy Ascent for the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy for free through August 19, 2017.

Dan - Tanguay Game Director, Vicarious Visions

2017-7-21 06:30 PM
创作《魔兽世界》等游戏音乐的资深音效总监暨首席作曲家 Russell Brower 离开 Blizzard

  于上个月来台出席金曲奖论坛并接受巴哈姆特 GNN 访问的 Blizzard 资深音效总监暨首席作曲家 Russell Brower 今(21)日发文表示,今日将是他在 Blizzard 的最后一天,他衷心感谢在 Blizzard 任职期间,来自各地的玩家、音乐爱好者给予他难以忘怀的体验,同时也谢谢所有 Blizzard 的同事,在过去 12 年里给他的指教。


前 Blizzard 资深音效总监暨首席作曲家 Russell Brower

  Russell Brower 是拥有超过 30 年经验的资深作曲家、音效及音乐总监与后制总监,他曾经获得三次艾美奖,也曾在设计、建造迪斯尼乐园的华特迪斯尼幻想工程担任媒体设计负责人与音乐总监,还曾以独立作曲家身份参与《狂欢三宝》 与《蝙蝠侠:动画系列》等制作,而他加入 Blizzard 以来为《魔兽世界》、《炉石战记》、《斗阵特攻》、 《魔兽争霸 》、《星海争霸》与《暗黑破坏神》 以及跨系列作品 《暴雪英霸》等游戏制作配乐。 今年 6 月,他来台出席金曲奖论坛,并接受巴哈姆特 GNN 等媒体访问,详细信息可参考此篇 GNN 新闻。

  Russell Brower 在 Blizzard 的资深音效总监暨首席作曲家职位自今日起不再存在,Russell Brower 表示:「今日是我在 Blizzard 工作的最后一天,虽然之后仍有机会以自由作曲家的身分为 Blizzard 作品继续创作音乐;现在我没有任何关于我下一步要做什么的消息可以分享。 我由衷的感谢所有的玩家、音乐爱好者以及来自世界各地的无数新朋友,让我在 Blizzard 任职期间能拥有难以置信、难以抹灭的生活经验;尤其是玩家,每位玩家透过玩游戏、在 BlizzCon 和 Nerdtacular 与我们相见,或是参加音乐会、聆听原声带等方式丰富我们的生活。 我为此感到骄傲,同时我非常感激我所有的 Blizzard 同事,在我 12 年任职期间互相指教。 」

2017-7-28 07:07 PM
利爪组织领导回归 《斗阵特攻》新英雄「毁灭拳王」今日正式加入战场

  《斗阵特攻》第 25 位英雄「毁灭拳王」今(28)日现身,他的生化机械使他成为行动敏捷、威力强大的前线斗士,Blizzard 也特别释出新宣传影片。


利爪组织领导回归! 新英雄「毁灭拳王」登场

  毁灭拳王的生化机械使他成为行动敏捷、威力强大的前线斗士。 毁灭拳王除可以使用散弹手炮造成远程伤害,他也能猛击地面、将敌人弹向空中失去平衡,或使出火箭拳冲入战场。 深陷重围时,毁灭拳王还能使出流星坠跳出视野,然后冲向地面击杀敌人。

2017-7-30 07:21 AM
UI artist of Crash Bandicoot Trilogy posts video with Xbox prompts

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