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【新闻部】Activision Blizzard / Respawn Entertainment

2017-3-30 07:17 AM
Blizzard announces 'Blizzard Collectibles' merchandizing line, starts with Widowmaker


Blizzard Entertainment Establishes High-End Collectibles Line

With internationally acclaimed franchises such as World of Warcraft and Overwatch, Blizzard Entertainment is known for creating larger-than-life fantasy and sci-fi settings and characters that have been enjoyed by millions. The company is pleased to announce today the creation of Blizzard Collectibles, a new line of premium statues, replicas, and artwork designed and produced directly by Blizzard.

The Blizzard Collectibles line launches with multiple existing pieces, including the Hearthstone® Collectible Keepsake Box, Grommash Hellscream and Illidan Stormrage from the Warcraft universe, and statues of Overwatch’s Tracer and Reaper. The next exciting addition to this line also comes from the cast of Overwatch—starting today, players can preorder the imposing Widowmaker statue for $150 USD at gear.blizzard.com/blizzard-collectibles. Standing 13.5 inches tall, this cold-hearted assassin is designed and sculpted by artists on Blizzard’s Overwatch team, and will make a fearsome addition to any collection.

“We tend to go all-in when it comes to representing the things we’re passionate about in our work, and that’s exactly what we’re doing with this new line of high-end statues, replicas, and artwork,” said Matthew Beecher, vice president of global consumer products at Blizzard Entertainment. “Our goal with Blizzard Collectibles is to produce pieces of art that capture the personality of our games, and we’re excited to share these premium items with gamers and collectors worldwide.”

More Blizzard Collectibles releases are planned for 2017; additional details on these will be revealed at a later date. Browse the collection at [url=Blizzard announces 'Blizzard Collectibles' merchandizing line, starts with Widowmaker       Blizzard Entertainment Establishes High-End Collectibles Line   With internationally acclaimed franchises such as World of Warcraft and Overwatch, Blizzard Entertainment is known for creating larger-than-life fantasy and sci-fi settings and characters that have been enjoyed by millions. The company is pleased to announce today the creation of Blizzard Collectibles, a new line of premium statues, replicas, and artwork designed and produced directly by Blizzard.   The Blizzard Collectibles line launches with multiple existing pieces, including the Hearthstone® Collectible Keepsake Box, Grommash Hellscream and Illidan Stormrage from the Warcraft universe, and statues of Overwatch’s Tracer and Reaper. The next exciting addition to this line also comes from the cast of Overwatch—starting today, players can preorder the imposing Widowmaker statue for $150 USD at gear.blizzard.com/blizzard-collectibles. Standing 13.5 inches tall, this cold-hearted assassin is designed and sculpted by artists on Blizzard’s Overwatch team, and will make a fearsome addition to any collection.  “We tend to go all-in when it comes to representing the things we’re passionate about in our work, and that’s exactly what we’re doing with this new line of high-end statues, replicas, and artwork,” said Matthew Beecher, vice president of global consumer products at Blizzard Entertainment. “Our goal with Blizzard Collectibles is to produce pieces of art that capture the personality of our games, and we’re excited to share these premium items with gamers and collectors worldwide.”  More Blizzard Collectibles releases are planned for 2017; additional details on these will be revealed at a later date. Browse the collection at gear.blizzard.com/blizzard-collectibles.]gear.blizzard.com/blizzard-collectibles[/url].
2017-4-2 11:54 AM
Blizzard Stadium opened in Taiwan, will start hosting esports tournaments in April 8


2017-4-11 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-11 06:33 PM 编辑

Overwatch : Insurrection Trailer, New Skins Revealed


《斗阵特攻》新 PvE 模式「武装暴动」抢先泄露? 描述七年前智械叛乱事件

  Blizzard 制作,PC / PS4 / Xbox One 第一人称射击游戏《斗阵特攻》,先前预告将在 4 月 12 日释出最新游戏内容,但因 PlayStation France 的错误设定, YouTube 影片提前一天在今(11)日提前曝光。

  新泄露的影片透露了名为「武装暴动(暂译,Insurrection)」的新事件,并带来《斗阵特攻》 的新 PvE 玩法。 此模式中将会在 4 月 11 日至 5 月 1 日举办,将描述七年前在国王大道发生的叛乱事件,并可以看到多名角色在七年前身着捍卫者制服的样貌和新造型。

  而在前日释出的《斗阵特攻》数字漫画新篇章「零度叛乱」,正是描述本次活动的背景故事。 「零度叛乱」描述在迎接具有历史意义的和平前夕,激进武装机器人组织「零度象限」突然占领国王大道,英国政府坚决不愿让捍卫者介入,这代表莫里森指挥官必须做出决定:是要违反命令出击,还是眼睁睁看着数千条人命危在旦夕。
2017-4-12 07:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-12 06:27 PM 编辑

Overwatch Uprising Event Available Now





Overwatch Uprising - Revisit Overwatch’s Glorious Past

Experience a pivotal moment in history from before the fall of Overwatch. Join a strike team of Overwatch agents—including the newest recruit, Tracer—as they undertake a vital mission to stop an omnic uprising in King’s Row. Drop into the action and play as one of the four charged with completing this critical objective.

As always, your efforts will be rewarded. You’ll earn Uprising Loot Boxes as you play, unlocking new cosmetic skins, highlights, emotes, and sprays themed after key moments from throughout the history of Overwatch. Uprising Loot boxes are also available for purchase—but hurry, they get re-encrypted and filed away in the archives come May 1.

Relive Tracer’s First Mission

Journey seven years into the past and join a group of Overwatch agents fighting through the streets of King’s Row to quell an uprising led by Null Sector, a rogue group of omnics. Team up with your friends and play as Tracer, Torbjörn, Reinhardt, or Mercy to defeat the robots and liberate the city. There are no reinforcements. Failure is not an option. The future depends on you.

Celebrate the Overwatch Legacy

Browse the archives with this time capsule of goodies from the earliest eras of Overwatch. Open an Uprising Loot Box today and unlock a piece of the past, such as Genji’s Blackwatch skin, Talon Widowmaker, Blackwatch McCree, Combat Medic Ziegler, Tracer’s Cadet Oxton skin, and more. Over 100 cosmetic items are available, but don’t wait too long—these Loot Boxes will be history (again) before you know it.

《斗阵特攻》PvE 斗阵争霸「零度叛乱」任务正式揭密 重现捍卫者闪光的首次任务

  捍卫者任务数据库解密完毕! Blizzard 正式公开《斗阵特攻》PvE 斗阵争霸「零度叛乱」任务,引领玩家回到捍卫者过去的重大事件。 玩家将可以探索几位英雄的背景故事、获得超过 100 个新增的特殊物品。




  未来,就靠你们了! 《斗阵特攻》于即日起展开至 5 月 2 日止释出新限时玩法「零度叛乱」,玩家将与三位好友能重回七年前,加入闪光、托比昂、莱因哈特与慈悲的行动,阻止国王大道街头爆发的叛乱。 一支智械分离主义者组织「零度象限」占领了国王大道,而你们必须击败他们才能解救城市。


未来,就靠你们了! 《斗阵特攻》全新活动「零度叛乱」即日起展开至 5 月 2 日止




  活动期间,所有游戏内战利品都将换成零度叛乱战利品。 这些特别的时间胶囊记载了捍卫者的辉煌年代,内含慈悲的「战地医官齐格勒」、闪光的「新人奥斯顿」、夺命女的「利爪组织」、源氏的「黑卫部队」、麦卡利的「黑卫部队」等造型及其他物品。 官方指出,玩家获得或购买的所有战利品中,内容物皆为随机,且至少包含一个《斗阵特攻》零度叛乱主题的造型、特写镜头、表情、喷漆或玩家头像;活动期间,玩家亦可在英雄展示厅用斗阵币解锁这些客制化物品。


数据库解密完毕! 《斗阵特攻》PvE 斗阵争霸「零度叛乱」任务启动


期间限定! 《斗阵特攻》零度叛乱主题的造型、特写镜头、表情、喷漆或玩家头像


  《斗阵特攻》PvE 斗阵争霸「零度叛乱」任务已在 Windows PC、PlayStation 4 及 Xbox One 平台解密,预计于 5 月 2 日重新加密。 此外,官方为欢庆复活节,同步祭出限时优惠,详细信息可至官网查询。
2017-4-12 06:56 PM
《使命召唤14:二战》疑似海报泄露 宣称11月3日发售

  动视年度枪战 COD 新作已经由IGN,Eurogamer等权威媒体确认为“二战”,不过除了几张原画图外尚未发布其他情报,比如发售日。不过日前Youtube,Reddit等社交媒体流传出了该作的海报,其中赫然宣称游戏11月3日发售。

  根据这张海报显示,《使命召唤14》预定11月3日发售,而且右上角还包括索尼独占标志,即PS4主机独占COD游戏DLC一个月,然后才登陆Xbox One,PC平台。



2017-4-18 07:21 AM
2017-4-19 06:40 PM
Blizzard 宣布《星海争霸》与《星海争霸:怒火燎原》开放免费下载

  Blizzard 继宣布今年夏季推出《星海争霸》高画质重制版后,刚刚在《星海争霸》系列官网宣布,原本的《星海争霸》与《星海争霸:怒火燎原》游戏现在开放玩家免费下载。

  Blizzard 日前在韩国首尔举办「I <3 StarCraft」活动中宣布将于今年夏季推出《星海争霸》高画质重制,游戏画面及音乐将以现代化方式改造,为这款经典游戏呈现现代风貌,并支持最高 4K 分辨率的 UHD 宽屏幕显示等(可参考此篇新闻)。

  Blizzard 刚刚公开《星海争霸:怒火燎原》更新档版本 1.18 时宣布,《星海争霸》与《星海争霸:怒火燎原》现在免费,玩家可至官网下载。

  另外,Blizzard 也透过 Spotify 释出《星海争霸》原声带免费供玩家聆听,有兴趣者可参考此链接。

2017-5-3 07:10 AM
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy ‘Sewer or Later’ gameplay

Activision and Vicarious Visions have released a four-minute gameplay walkthrough of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy showing “Sewer or Later,” the twelfth level from Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back.

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is due out for PlayStation 4 on June 30.

2017-5-4 07:17 AM
2017-5-5 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-5 07:26 AM 编辑

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy idle move contest winner announced

Activision and Vicarious Visions have announced the winner of the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy idle move contest held back in March.

Simon Davidian and Kirsty Capes from the United Kingdom won with their “Crash Wumpa Volley” submission, which Vicarious Visions recreated in the game.

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is due out for PlayStation 4 on June 30.

See the winning idle move in action below.

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