• Real Name: ░░░░░░
• Age: 30
• Occupation: Hacker
• Base of Operations: Dorado, Mexico
• Affilation: Talon, Los Muertos
One of the world’s most notorious hackers, Sombra uses information to manipulate those in power.
Long before she took up the alias “Sombra,” ░░░░░░ was among the thousands of children who were left orphaned in the aftermath of the Omnic Crisis. With much of her country’s infrastructure destroyed, she survived by utilizing her natural gifts with hacking and computers.
After ░░░░░░ was taken in by Mexico’s Los Muertos gang, she aided it in its self-styled revolution against the government. Los Muertos believed that the rebuilding of Mexico had primarily benefited the rich and the influential, leaving behind those who were most in need of assistance.
Following her many conquests, ░░░░░░ was supremely confident in her skills, but she was caught unprepared when she stumbled into the web of a global conspiracy—one that had also noticed her. With her security irreparably compromised, ░░░░░░ was forced to delete all traces of her identity and went into hiding.
She later reemerged as Sombra, upgraded and determined to find out the truth behind the conspiracy she had uncovered. Sombra launched an even more audacious string of hacks, and her exploits earned her no shortage of admirers, including Talon. She joined the organization’s ranks and is believed to have contributed to its massive cyberattacks against corporations with strong ties to their governments. These efforts incited a popular revolution in Mexico against LumériCo and breached the security of Volskaya Industries, the manufacturing arm of Russia’s anti-omnic defense.
Role: Offense
Difficulty: Three Stars
Stealth and debilitating attacks make Sombra a powerful infiltrator. Her hacking can disrupt her enemies, ensuring they’re easier to take out, while her EMP provides the upper hand against multiple foes at once. Sombra’s ability to Translocate and camouflage herself makes her a hard target to pin down.
• Machine Pistol – Sombra’s fully-automatic machine pistol fires in a short-range spread.
• Hack – Sombra hacks enemies to temporarily stop them from using their abilities, or hacks first aid kits to make them useless to her opponents.
• Thermotic Camo – Sombra becomes invisible for a short period of time, during which her speed is boosted considerably. Attacking, using offensive abilities, or taking damage disables her camouflage.
• Translocator – Sombra tosses out a translocator beacon. She can instantly return to the beacon’s location while it is active (including when it’s in mid-flight).
• EMP – Sombra discharges electromagnetic energy in a wide radius, destroying enemy barriers and shields and hacking all opponents caught in the blast.
2016-11-5 03:37 PM
【BZ 16】《斗阵特攻》职业电竞联赛明年登场 新英雄骇影特色曝光
Blizzard Entertainment 执行长暨共同创办人 Mike Morhaime 今日在 2016 BlizzCon 开幕式中宣布,旗下射击游戏《斗阵特攻》成立「《斗阵特攻》职业电竞联赛」,锁定专业《斗阵特攻》电竞选手的世界级竞技舞台,预定 2017 年展开首届赛季。 另外,他同时介绍《斗阵特攻》新英雄骇影,预定下周就会在 PTR 服务器中展开测试。
Mike Morhaime 表示,《斗阵特攻》职业电竞联赛将着重于让每个队伍能长久发展,让选手能获得机会进入和传统运动一样的职业领域,成为专职选手。 他指出,成立《斗阵特攻》职业电竞联赛不只代表这款游戏的电竞赛事已进入巅峰阶段,也是《斗阵特攻》顶尖玩家成为职业选手的最好机会。 他们正打造一个能让选手与支持者共同参与的联赛,且将持续稳定的成长,让所有人都能尽情参与。
Blizzard 表示,《斗阵特攻》「免费周末」活动提供所有 Windows PC 玩家、拥有 PlayStation Plus 会员及 XBOX Live 金会员的玩家免费体验游戏;活动期间,玩家能在多种游戏模式畅玩游戏内所有英雄及地图,包含快速对战、A.I. 对战、自定义游戏及训练中心,同时玩家也可升级获取战利品,并在英雄展示厅解锁不同物品。
现场以 PS4 Pro 搭配 65 吋高阶 Sony 4K HDR 液晶电视提供试玩,以 4K 分辨率极致呈现。 虽然游戏保留了当年 PS1 上的玩法与设计,但画面则是彻底的翻新重制,建模、贴图与特效都是 PS4 规格的表现,非常细致。 操作部分与当年的原作完全相同,玩家将操纵嘴大吃四方的疯狂袋狼库拉许,以奔跑、跳跃与招牌的高速旋转攻击来闯荡形形色色的关卡,突破陷阱与机关重重险阻,对抗邪恶的科学家新‧柯提斯教授。 完整收录前三作的内容,提供平面与横向卷轴等多样玩法。
根据现场负责解说的开发团队代表表示,这次 Activision 特别将当年在 PS1 上最受大家喜爱与怀念的前三部曲完全重制为合辑推出。 因为这几部作品当初是由现在 SIE WWS 旗下的 Naughty Dog 团队开发,所以 Activision 并未沿用当年的原始码,而是直接依照原作的内容重新制作,所有关卡的配置都跟当年一模一样,不过系统有做出一些调整,让玩家更容易收集齐全关卡内的道具。 画面则是精心打造的高画质版,让玩家能以最新的 4K 画质来体验当年令人怀念的精典内容。
此外,游戏总监 Dan Tanguay 在美国 PlayStation 官方部落格的贴文中透露,游戏的制作概念是介于重制(Remake)与翻新(Remaster)之间,他个人将之定义为强化翻新(Remaster Plus),所有关卡以原本的多边形数据为基础重新制作,角色以原始设计重新制作,过场动画影片一样以原作内容为灵感来重新制作。 将追加跨作品统一的检查点、存盘系统与选单系统,所有关卡都提供竞时玩法(Time Trial)。
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy debut trailer, gameplay
Activision unveiled the first trailer and gameplay for Crash Bandicoot: Insane Trilogy during the PlayStation Experience 2016 keynote.
The 2017-due PlayStation 4 collection includes remakes of Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, and Crash Bandicoot: Warped.
Here’s Activision’s description of the game:
Your favorite marsupial, Crash Bandicoot, is back! He’s enhanced, entranced & ready-to-dance with the N. Sane Trilogy game collection. Now you can experience Crash Bandicoot like never-before in Fur-K. Spin, jump, wump and repeat as you take on the epic challenges and adventures through the three games that started it all, Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back and Crash Bandicoot: Warped. Relive all your favorite Crash moments in their fully-remastered HD graphical glory and get ready to put some UMPH in your WUMP!
And here’s the PlayStation Blog post detailing the game:
It’s practically impossible to make a traditional remaster of the original Naughty Dog games. They’re roughly 20 years old, and technology has advanced significantly in that time. The original code and assets are nearly unusable. Nearly.
But we don’t consider this a remake. We know how much you all love the original games, so we didn’t want to fully remake them. The N. Sane Trilogy is a remaster plus.
The first step in our remaster plus was to truly understand what made the Naughty Dog games special and why fans still love them to this day. The best way to understand a game is to play it, and boy, did we play the Crash games. We played them to the point that we broke controllers from mashing the jump button too much. We studied original concept art and commercials for inspiration. And we went even further back to understand the material that originally inspired Naughty Dog, including Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and Looney Tunes.
With all of that in mind, we started our work. Using the original level geometry from Naughty Dog as a guide, we rebuilt the Crash gameplay from scratch, capturing its simplicity and precision. As the levels began to take shape, we layered in our own lush and zany art, animation, and audio.
Let’s see the results! Here are some work-in-progress examples of what to expect:
Rebuilt levels, based on the original geometry
Another beautiful day at N. Sanity Beach!
Rebuilt characters, following the original designs
Rebuilt cinematics, inspired by the originals
Adding New Features
Because this is a remaster plus, we have an opportunity to add features.
Choosing new features is a difficult process. We consider numerous things, including the team’s ideas and fan requests, but perhaps our most important consideration is the evolution of the franchise itself. Naughty Dog learned a lot of lessons on how to refine the Crash formula over the course of making three games. So, the first new features we’ve worked on take the best of each of the games and apply them to all three.
Here are some work-in-progress examples:
Unified checkpointing & save game system. This includes manual and auto-saving. (Yes, the first game now has a proper save game system!)
Unified menu system. Here an example of the Pause menu for Crash Bandicoot:
Eagle-eyed readers will notice something special about this Pause Menu.
Time Trials in all three games!
These aren’t the only new features for the N. Sane Trilogy. However, that’s all we’re going to share for today.