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【PS4/XO】Kingdom Hearts III - PS4 创作者访谈之《王国之心III》

2018-6-12 06:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-12 09:12 PM 编辑

Kingdom Hearts III special editions announced, E3 2018 Square Enix showcase trailer
《王国之心 3》释出第 2 波 E3 宣传影片 在誓言中汇集希望

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/163909.html

  今日 SQUARE ENIX 于 E3 展前举行的影音发表会上,公开了一段以昨日在微软发表的宣传影片为基础、搭配部分全新影像的宣传影片。

  继昨日于微软发表会公开以《冰雪奇缘》等作品为主题的宣传影片,今日在 SQUARE ENIX 活动中,公开了一部以昨日宣传影片搭配部分新画面的第 2 波宣传影片,对于本作有兴趣的人,不妨可比较看看 2 部影片不同之处。 此外,在主题曲的部分,也可以听见日语版与英语版的 2 种版本。

  《王国之心 3》目前日本发售日确定为 2019 年 1 月 25 日,国际版的发售日则为 2019 年 1 月 29 日。

Square Enix announced special editions and debuted a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III during its E3 2018 showcase.

Here is an overview of the special editions, via Square Enix:

Deluxe Edition ($79.99)

• Exclusive steelbook packaging
• Mini art book with concept artwork by Tetsuya Nomura
• Collectible Kingdom Hearts III pin

Deluxe Edition + Bring Arts Figures ($229.99)

The Kingdom Hearts III Deluxe Edition and Bring Arts Sora, Donald, and Goofy Set bundled separately will be available in limited quantities for $229.99. Fans can now pre-order the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions exclusively from the Square Enix Online Store.

Kingdom Hearts III is due out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One January 25, 2019 in Japan and Asia, and January 29 in North America and Europe. Pre-orders are available now via the PlayStation Store and Microsoft Store.



2018-6-12 08:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-12 11:04 PM 编辑

Kingdom Hearts III E3 2018 Pirates of the Caribbean trailer, PS4 Pro limited edition announced
《王国之心 3》公开《神鬼奇航》世界与战斗场面 曝光限量版主机模样

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/163930.html

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)今日在 E3 展前记者会中,公开由 SQUARE ENIX 研发《王国之心 3(Kingdom Hearts III)》以电影《神鬼奇航》系列为背景的游戏世界。

  宣传影片中可以看出《王国之心 3》这个《神鬼奇航》世界基本上是以电影《神鬼奇航 3:世界的尽头》为背景,包括杰克·斯派罗船长、威尔·特纳、伊丽莎白·斯旺等影迷熟悉的角色都一一出现,同时也展示了索拉、唐老鸭、高飞最新的海盗装扮。

  现场同时公开了《王国之心 3》限量版 PS4。 PS4/XboxOne《王国之心 3》预定 2019 年 1 月 29 日问世。


Square Enix debuted a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III during Sony Interactive Entertainment’s E3 2018 press conference confirming a world based on Pirates of the Caribbean.

Sony and Square Enix also announced a Kingdom Hearts III PlayStation 4 Pro Limited Edition. The Japanese edition will include the following:

• Kingdom Hearts III-themed PlayStation 4 Pro (HDD 1TB)
• Kingdom Hearts III-themed DualShock 4 wireless controller
• A copy of Kingdom Hearts III-themed on Blu-ray Disc
• Limited edition Kingdom Hearts III-themed PlayStation 4 theme
• Custom PlayStation 4 Keyblade for use in the game
• PlayStation Plus one-month free trial product code
• Monoaural headset
• Power cord
• HDMI cable
• USB cable
• Printed matter (manual, etc.)

Pre-orders are available now via Sony Store Japan for 53,780 yen. While the Kingdom Hearts III PlayStation 4 Pro Limited Edition was also announced for the west, Sony or Square Enix have yet to share further information.

A Kingdom Hearts All-In-One Package was announced, which includes Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue, Kingdom Hearts III, the Kingdom Hearts III Impossible Odds PlayStation 4 theme, and a Custom PlayStation 4 Keyblade for Kingdom Hearts III. It is avaiable now for $99.99 on the PlayStation Store. In Japan, Square Enix also announced a Square Enix e-Store-exclusive physical edition of the Kingdom Hearts All-In-One Package for 18,333 yen, which includes the three games packaged in a custom-designed box alongside an art book.

Kingdom Hearts III is due out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One January 25, 2019 in Japan and Asia, and January 29 in North America and Europe.

2018-6-13 07:13 PM
Tetsuya Nomura on Kingdom Hearts III delay, Final Fantasy characters, Remy from Ratatouille, more

IGN and Game Informer have published new interviews with Kingdom Hearts III director Testuya Nomura, who discusses various topics ranging from the game’s delay to 2019, Final Fantasy characters, Remy from Ratatouille, and more.

Get the tidbits below.

Nomura on the Delay

“The timing of release that we were actually looking at, we were told by many people, including hardware manufacturers, marketing teams, sales teams that it just wasn’t a good timing in the year,” Nomura said regarding their previously planned 2018 release date, explaining that the differences in holiday lengths and how stores operate in different regions were a concern.

“…For Kingdom Hearts III, the [Square Enix] western offices had requested to release the game as simultaneously as much as possible between Japan and America, so we were no longer able to just think about Japanese issues and retail situations,” Nomura said.

“We of course considered maybe speeding up development to release earlier than when we were told wasn’t good, but the development team said that ‘No, we just couldn’t do that. We could delay it, but we couldn’t make it any sooner.'”

The positive of the delay is that the team can now spend more time to polish the game before its release, Nomura said.

Nomura on the Big Hero 6 World

“…We pretty much have finished creating all the gameplay within that world, but we’re just not finished with the cutscenes yet,” Nomura said.

Nomura on Whether Final Fantasy Characters Will Appear

“I can’t really talk about any of the characters that have not been announced or shown yet, but just looking at Kingdom Hearts 1 compared to when that was released, there’s so many different titles with Final Fantasy characters or where all of these characters come together,” Nomura said. “I don’t feel that much of necessity of bringing these characters together like I did before. However, if you could look forward to information in the future, that would be great.”

Nomura on Remy from Ratatouille

According to Nomura, the scene in one of the recent trailers where Remy from Ratatouille appears is a cooking minigame. Nomura said that there will be a lot of these in the game and in this one you collect ingredients throughout the game and take them to Remy to cook a meal. If you succeed, your stats will increase for a limited period of time.

Nomura on the Aqua Reveal

“We had that scene with Aqua in that announcement of Frozen, and I was actually just surprised that there was the same or more buzz surrounding Aqua because Frozen was supposed to be the big reveal,” Nomura said of Aqua’s appearance in one of the recent trailers. “I was just surprised when people were surprised she had fallen to the darkness. I, of course, know the entirety of the storyline, so in fact, there are more surprises and some even bigger than that. I just wonder if everyone will be okay.”

Nomura on the Gummi Ship

“We will have new features with the Gummi Ship, we just haven’t disclosed [them] yet,” Nomura said. “What you saw yesterday [in one of the recent trailers], we just wanted to confirmed it exists.”

Nomura on Other Playable Characters

“There will be some times in the game where you’re able to control characters other than Sora, but I just won’t say which character at this moment,” Nomura teased.

Kingdom Hearts III is due out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 25, 2019 in Japan and Asia, and January 29 in North America and Europe.
2018-6-14 09:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-16 08:06 AM 编辑

《王国之心 3》总监野村哲也访谈 透露正积极研讨中文化可能性
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/164128.html

  SQUARE ENIX 在美国 E3 电玩展期间,一口气公布了与迪斯尼合作开发中的游戏《王国之心 3》(PS4 / XB One)发售日以及三支新宣传影片,并于会场开放试玩体验。 今年《王国之心》系列总监野村哲也也在 E3 现场接受巴哈姆特 GNN 等媒体访问,针对玩家们所关心的《王国之心 3》相关疑问提出解答。

  《王国之心 3》为动作角色扮演游戏《王国之心》系列最新作,SQUARE ENIX 于今年 E3 中释出多部影片,同时也正式确定游戏将在 2019 年 1 月上市。



问:《王国之心 3》这款作品的开发似乎花费了相当长的一段时间,请问理由为何呢?

野村:主要有两个原因。 本作开发开始后约一年,公司方面提出了更换引擎的请求,等于是前面一年份的工作都要重新开始,这是原因之一。 还有就是公司内部有一些人事异动,因此无法赶上原订的发售日。

问:在最新预告影片的最后,出现了「亚克雅(Aqua)」的身影。 那么请问出自《王国之心:梦中降生》的另外两位主角也会出现吗?

野村:基本上在《王国之心 3》中,在这15年间出现过的主要角色几乎全都会登场。


野村:为什么会变成这样的理由,目前当然是还不能泄露。 不过,并不是没有拯救她的机会,这部分就要看玩家的努力而定了。


野村:《王国之心 3》当中,主角索拉可以使用许多特殊的攻击方式,所谓的载具是其中一种。 在像是游乐园等场景中,就常常会出现这样的东西。 比起「移动手段」来说,反而比较像是「攻击手段」,出现什么样的载具要看各个世界的特色来决定。 像《玩具总动员》的世界里面也有机器人可以搭乘。 不过,《神鬼奇航》的船就是真的当作交通工具来使用了。

问:至今为止新登场的几乎都是迪斯尼的角色,之后还会新的《Final Fantasy》系列角色登场吗?

野村:关于现在没有出现在宣传影片内的角色,目前是无法回答的⋯⋯不过除了《Final Fantasy》角色们个别需要处理的问题之外,因为这次角色们在人际关系的部分比较复杂,因此要怎么跟《Final Fantasy》 的角色之间产生的关联,是比较困难的部分。 之后《Final Fantasy》的角色会以什么样的形式登场,还请大家期待续报。




野村:有许多玩家都热烈希望《冰雪奇缘》角色登场,相信让这些角色出现大家会很开心,然而也是因为这部作品人气太高,因此有许多必须留意的部分,大致上会遵循原作的设定,要加入原创要素会比较困难。 就是采用原作的世界观,加上一些《王国之心》风格的内容。 虽然不能提及游戏本身的游玩流程,不过基本上原创的部分会是一些迷你游戏的部分,像是踩在高飞的盾上滑雪等等。


野村:原创世界的部分,基本上分为「玩家可以去」的地方跟「玩家不能去的地方」两种。 像是这次的预告影片中,亚克赛尔(Axel)跟凯莉(Kairi)说话的场景,就是玩家不能去的场所。 如果说是原创的新舞台嘛⋯⋯也是有只出现一下的地方⋯⋯总之也算是不少。 果然现在还是不能太早爆料呢。



问:在之前的作品中,代表光明的 7 位公主占了故事的重要关键,这次的预告又提到新的7个纯净之心(New Seven Hearts),没有明确指明性别,是否有可能会有男性呢?

野村:⋯⋯没有呢。 因为有很多考虑因素,所以没有男性。


野村:事实上,我们为了没有玩过或是想温习前作剧情的玩家,准备了类似前情提要的大纲影片,让玩家能够藉此得知游玩本作所需的基础剧情知识。 日本语版已经录完音了,大概这个月就会释出。 不只会放在官方网站上,软件内也会收录。 因为系列作很多,虽然说是大纲,最后可能也会有数小时的份量。



  《王国之心 3》日本版 2019 年 1 月 25 日上市,国际版则于 2019 年 1 月 29 日发售。 更多关于《王国之心 3》游戏内容,可留意后续报导。

2018-6-15 06:23 PM


2018-6-17 07:14 AM
《王国之心 3》日版公开历代套装版、PS4 Pro 同捆版等信息
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/164219.html

  SQUARE ENIX 在 2018 E3 期间公开了旗下 RPG 新作《王国之心 3》发售日以及三部新宣传影片,随后也马上更新游戏官方网站,并同时宣布本作将推出实体一般版、下载一般版、历代套装版,以及 PS4 Pro 同捆版,价格方面,一 般版为 8800 日圆(未税);同捆版 53780 日圆(未税)。

  同捆版的 PS4 Pro,正面为黑色仿皮革质感,并以《王国之心》系列象征的心、王冠、钥刃为基底,用沉静心灵的灰银色,刻画复杂精美而细致的原创纹章。 手把底色则为亮黑色,并在触摸板和十字键部分做了特别设计。 商品目前正于 SQUARE ENIX e-STORE 开放登记预约抽选,忠实粉丝千万别错过了!

  其他商品项目还有,《王国之心 3》、《王国之心 HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX》和《王国之心 HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue》三作合一的「All in Ome 套装(暂称)」,或是同捆购买索拉、唐老鸭、高 飞三人《玩具总动员》世界玩具姿态可动模型。 详情请参见下文。

《王国之心》系列正统续作《王国之心 3》公开发售日及各项商品

  《王国之心》系列最新作《王国之心 3》公开各项商品发售日及售价。 官方网站也应时更新,供玩家能随时确认商品详细内容和 2018 E3 展公开的三部宣传影片。

※XBox One 只提供一般下载版

• 一般实体版/一般下载版
售价:8800 日圆(未税)



PS4 版早期购入特典

Xbox One 版早期购入特典
武器「钥刃」Xbox One

※早期购入特典发送期限为《王国之心 3》上市后一个月内

• All in Ome 套装(暂称)/实体版<限量>
售价:18333 日圆(未税)(SQUARE ENIX e-STORE 限定预约商品)



• 《王国之心 3》
• 《王国之心 HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX》
• 《王国之心 HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue》
• 美术书
• 原创 PS4 主题(SQUARE ENIX e-STORE 版)
• 原创收藏盒

All in Ome 套装(暂称)/下载版
售价:15600 日圆(未税)PS4 限定


• 《王国之心 3》
• 《王国之心 HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX》
• 《王国之心 HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue》
• 原创 PS4 主题(PS Store 版)
• 《王国之心 3》武器「钥刃」PS4(早期购入特典)

※下载版《王国之心 HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX》《王国之心 HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue》预约完即可游玩

发售日:2019 年 1 月 25 日预定
售价:53780 日圆(未税)


  同捆版也会附赠下载序号,可同时获得特典武器「钥刃」PS4,以及同捆版专属的 PS4 主题。

※下载序号有效期限到 2020 年 1 月 25 日为止

• 【套装商品】《王国之心 3》+「王国之心 3 可动模型<索拉、唐老鸭、高飞>玩具总动员 Ver.」<限量>
发售日:2019 年 1 月 25 日预定
售价:23600 日圆(未税)(游戏与模型的合计价格)


※此商品只有《王国之心 3》游戏软件和模型
※此为 SQUARE ENIX e-STORE 和 7-11网络商店限定商品


• 《王国之心 3》索拉橡胶钥匙圈
• 武器「钥刃」(7-11)



• 原创 PS4 主题(Amazon)


• 原创金属收藏盒
※实体版 All in Ome 套装不会附赠
2018-6-19 10:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-19 10:37 AM 编辑

《王国之心3》公开至今的故事情节回顾视频 包含5个篇章
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/video/201806/7500419427.html

  SQUARE ENIX为了纪念《王国之心3》公布发售日期,特公开了一个纪念专题。《王国之心3》作为从系列第一作开始的“DARK SEEKER”篇的完结,将会于2019年1月25日登陆PS4与Xbox One平台。







2018-6-20 03:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-20 04:01 PM 编辑

Kingdom Hearts III volume being too great is a concern; DLC planned, but no Season Pass

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201806/7286719454.html

  本周Fami通刊载了《王国之心3》制作人野村哲也的采访内容,除了大家更关心的《Final Fantasy VII Remake》的消息外,关于《王国之心3》也透露了不少内容,以下为根据速报消息整理的访谈要点:

·游戏稍微比 2018 年晚发售一点(2019 年 1 月 25 日)是跟各方调节后的结果。开发的进度其实也并不是很有余地。

·《冰雪奇缘》世界与电影是相同时间轴,原作中的情节会直接展开,“Let it go”也能在游戏中听到。







·这次不准备推出新增各种要素的“最终混合版”(Final ReMiX)。升级附加内容预定会以DLC的形式推出,但不会推出季票,DLC 内容都是独立形式发卖。

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has a new interview with Kingdom Hearts III director Tetsuya Nomura, who discusses the game’s volume, downloadable content, and more.

Here are the tidbits:

• The release date being a little later than 2018 was a result of favorable circumstances for various related parties. It was not a matter of making more time for development.
• The Frozen world follows the same timeline as the movie, and the scene depicted in the game will develop without change. “Let It Go” will also play out.
• Anna and Elsa will not join your party, but Marshmallow will lend you his power.
• The Pirates of the Caribbean world is set during the third movie. Details about the second movie are touched upon in the synopsis.
• Ratatouille is a mini-game that you can play in Twilight Town. If you succeed, you will make cooking that raises your status. You can collect ingredients throughout the game’s various worlds.
• There is a music mini-game in the Tangled world. Most of the mini-games were proposed by the staff. They’re basically putting in mini-games without stopping.
• The Classic Kingdom was a project of Tetsuya Nomura, and he would like to add more mini-games if possible.
• A secret movie is already being made, but it does not yet have a final form.
• They are considering implementing the “Stories Connected to III” summary movies onto the Kingdom Hearts III disc.
• While it is hard to represent the state of development as a percentage, Nomura is worried that the volume is too great and they won’t have enough space. While the staff is turning some cutscenes into movies in order to reduce load times in those instances, their capacity is greater than expected.
• Regarding voice-overs, since there is data for both voices and lip syncing, switching between English and Japanese voices is proving difficult to support.
• They are not currently considering a Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts III. There are plans for updates via downloadable content, so additional elements will likely arrive in that form instead of via a Final Mix.
• Regarding downloadable content, while details have yet to be decided, Nomura wants to expand gameplay rather than do things like sell in-game items. He thinks they will release downloadable content]standalone rather than a Season Pass, but after they finish the main story first.

Kingdom Hearts III is due out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 25, 2019 in Japan and Asia, and January 29 in North America and Europe.
2018-6-21 07:06 PM

2018-6-25 02:49 PM
野村哲也访谈《王国之心 3》和《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》太早公开发表
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201806/9572219531.html
原文(https://multiplayer.it/articoli/ ... -nomura-201291.html

  近日野村哲也在接受了意大利媒体 Multiplayer 采访时承认《王国之心3》和《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》都发表得太早了。


  “而《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》也存在类似的问题,当工作一开始业界就已经开始出现传闻,因此最终我们决定不再藏着而是对外正式公开。”

  “但公开之后的问题就是粉丝们会不断要求更多的新情报。现在《王国之心3》发售日已定(日版和亚洲版 2019 年 1 月 25 日),在未来的几个月内我们会为大家带来数个令人惊讶的新情报。”

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