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【PS4/XO】Kingdom Hearts III - PS4 创作者访谈之《王国之心III》

2017-6-11 01:45 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-12 06:56 AM 编辑

Kingdom Hearts III ‘Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour’ trailer



The Disney World of Hercules Returns in Kingdom Hearts III

Earlier at the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra –World Tour– concert in Los Angeles, Square Enix and Disney Interactive dazzled fans with a new Kingdom Hearts III gameplay trailer featuring never before seen footage based on Disney’s animated hit, “Hercules,” which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.

In this action-packed trailer, Sora, Donald Duck and Goofy help Hercules battle various forms of Heartless on Mount Olympus through gorgeous visuals and gameplay. Fans will see Sora in a new form, which allows him to perform special powerful solo and joint attacks on his enemies. A new glimpse into the game’s storyline reveals a reunion with Disney villains Hades, Maleficent and Pete as they discuss the location of a mysterious item while Sora is faced with a dilemma in an effort to bring back an old friend.

Fans can look forward to the unveiling of a new world and new trailer during the D23 Expo on July 15, 2017.

Kingdom Hearts III will be available for the Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft and the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system.
2017-7-16 07:27 AM
Kingdom Hearts III Launches in 2018, Toy Story World Unveil Trailer
《王国之心 III》正式公布于 2018 年发售 新世界“Toys Story”公布(日版宣传片)

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  在今天凌晨的 D23 的 Level Up 环节上《王国之心 III》作为最后展示的游戏公布了一系列新情报,《王国之心 III》正式公布将在 2018 年内发售,并且公布了将在本作中登场的新世界“玩具总动员”(Toys Story)。

  本作的制作人野村哲也在现场介绍时称,早在制作《王国之心 II》的时候他就打算将《玩具总动员》作为一个新的世界带到游戏中,而本次终于实现了这个目标。索拉一行人来到了玩具总动员的世界中时发现自己变成了玩具,并和几个无心打了个照面。解决了他们之后和这个世界中的玩具胡迪与巴斯光年交谈,得知无心出现之后就有玩具开始消失。索拉与胡迪决定联手解决这个问题,并为了寻找新的线索前往一家新开的玩具店。


  游戏终于确定将在 2018 年内发售,平台为 PS4 和 Xbox One。在今后也会不断公布与游戏有关的新信息。



Kingdom Hearts III Goes Infinity and Beyond

Today Square Enix and Disney unveiled a new Kingdom Hearts III trailer that shines a spotlight on the first world in the Kingdom Hearts series to be based on a Disney•ixar film, “Toy Story.” Director of the Kingdom Hearts series, Tetsuya Nomura, premiered the trailer during The Walt Disney Company’s Video Game Showcase at the D23 Expo in Anaheim, California.

The new trailer follows Sora, Donald Duck and Goofy to Andy’s room as they join Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Hamm, Rex and Sarge’s investigation into the disappearance of their fellow toys and Andy, and the emergence of the Heartless enemies in their world. Featuring an original storyline, fans will get a first look at the dynamic trio’s “Toy Story”-themed looks, all-new toys, such as the Gigas, and special Keyblades that transform and give Sora unique attacks to unleash on Heartless enemies.

“At long last, we are excited to open up the Kingdom Hearts universe to include the world of Disney•ixar's ‘Toy Story,’” said Tetsuya Nomura, Director of the Kingdom Hearts series. “I'm sure fans have been anticipating the inclusion of this world for many years. The narrative will be an original story exclusive to Kingdom Hearts III, and the gameplay will feel characteristic of the ‘Toy Story’ style and aesthetic. Please stay tuned for more details to be revealed soon.”

“Featuring a brand new storyline that brings together beloved ‘Toy Story’ friends with the heroes of Kingdom Hearts, the ‘Toy Story’ world in Kingdom Hearts III successfully mirrors the level of quality that we strive to achieve with every Pixar film,” said Jason Katz, Story Supervisor, Pixar Animation Studios. “Kingdom Hearts III will undoubtedly be an experience that fans will not want to miss.”



2017-7-17 10:34 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-17 08:08 PM 编辑

Tetsuya Nomura on Kingdom Hearts III second playable character, bigger parties, Toy Story world, more

Following the announcement of a 2018 release window and Toy Story world, IGN and Game Informer sat down with Kingdom Hearts III director Tetsuya Nomura at D23 Expo 2017, who discussed various new details about the game.

Get the excerpts below.

Nomura on a Second Playable Character

“So it would be tough to introduce many, multiple playable characters, but there is an intention of adding a playable character aside from Sora,” Nomura teased. “Unfortunately we’re not able to disclose who it is yet, but there will be [another playable character].”

Nomura on Bigger Parties

Kingdom Hearts III will feature a party system that allows for more than two additional members to fight alongside Sora. This, in part, comes from the decision to get rid of the “Dimension Link” feature from the PSP game Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.

“D-Link, that has been done away with,” Nomura said. “It was actually a compromise in a previous iteration because we were not able to display multiple characters on that platform in that game,” Nomura said. “We’re able to depict multiple characters. Up to five people can join, even more, multiple characters can join your party.”

Nomura on the Gummi Ship

“In terms of the Gummi Ship making its return, I can confirm on that, but how it is or what has become of it, we’re not able to reveal it at this point,” Nomura said. “We ask you to stay tuned for more information.”

Nomura also hinted at the Gummi Ship offering new or improved elements.

“The staff members on our development team always want to try something new, so even with previously introduced mechanics, they always try to make it their own or tweak it. Even if it is small or minor, we customize it so that it’s for Kingdom Hearts III.”

Nomura on the Toy Story World

Nomura has longed for Toy Story to appear in the Kingdom Hearts series since the release of Kingdom Hearts II.

“Just looking at the trailer, I feel Sora really fit in and matched well with that world, and it’s something I always personally wanted to see – that image of Buzz and Woody coming face to face with Sora in his toy form,” Nomura said. “I had been imaging that in my head, and to be able to execute that into the game is something I’m really excited for and I’m hoping fans feel the same way I do.”

Rather than follow the story of the original film, Pixar made a special request for the Toy Story in Kingdom Hearts III.

“[Pixar] preferred for us to not follow the film directly. They said, ‘Please create something original to Kingdom Hearts,’ so we did not draw any inspiration from the films. It is completely original and exclusive to Kingdom Hearts, so you can almost say it’s a sequel of some sort.”

Nomura his team considered all of the films in the series and made a decision about where to place it. “We placed the narrative in Kingdom Hearts some place after Toy Story 2.” He said he worked very closely with Pixar to get its approval on the new story for the game. “So many rounds of review! I couldn’t believe how many back and forths I had,” he laughed.

The trailer shows Sora, Donald, and Goofy team up with Woody and Buzz to search a new area called Galaxy Toys.

“Galaxy Toys is going to be your primary stage where a lot of the action is going to be happening in this world,” Nomura said. “Because Sora, Donald, and Goofy are toys and very small, the playing field is going to feel very large. We also have multiple floors and each section has its own personality, so to speak.”

The story of the Toy Story world involves searching for Andy, who has gone missing, as well as figuring out why Organization XIII has appeared in that world.

“Rather than having multiple different little worlds, we wanted to make sure we’re providing rich gameplay in an individual world, so we put in a lot of effort and allocated a lot of resources to create these worlds, and it would be sad for players not to enjoy the world and breeze right through it,” Nomura said. “Therefore, we made sure that each of the worlds is designed so players can take their time and enjoy the gameplay that’s available.”

The trailer shows Sora ride a mech, called Gigas, to fight enemies in the area. According to Nomura, this is “to showcase that with the specs of the current generation hardware, it is possible. We’re hoping there’s a surprise element with each new mechanic that is introduced with Kingdom Hearts III, and we’re going to be revealing more information as they become available.”

Nomura on a Switch Version

“The Nintendo Switch is definitely a very interesting piece of hardware, but if we lightly say, ‘Oh yeah, we’ll be on the Nintendo Switch,’ I’m sure people will come back and say, ‘But what about the PS4 and Xbox One? We want them out first. Don’t focus on other platforms,’” Nomura said. “So for now, we want to focus on what platforms we’ve already announced we’re going to be releasing Kingdom Hearts III on. And so after, perhaps, maybe we can start thinking about other possibilities.”

Nomura on Kingdom Hearts Collections for Xbox One

“Just like with the previous answer, if we were to announce yet another non-Kingdom Hearts III [project]…people are going to be like, ‘Hey, what’s going on?’ So we will want to focus on releasing on the platforms that we have already announced,” Nomura said. “Do the Western audiences want Kingdom Hearts titles on the Microsoft or Xbox platforms? Japan might say ‘well, we don’t want any more on Xbox.’”

Nomura also noted Microsoft’s recent announcement of its more powerful Xbox One X, adding, “It also makes you think, ‘Well, do we want to have [the collections] on the Xbox platforms? Isn’t it a bit late in the game?’”

野村哲也访谈同时开发《王国之心 III》与《Final Fantasy VII Remake》

  在接受国外媒体 Dualshockers 的采访时,野村哲也谈论了同时担任《王国之心 III》以及《Final Fantasy VII Remake》总监的挑战。他表示紧张的时间表让他非常忙碌,不过由于两款游戏非常不同,并不会出现混乱的情况,甚至反倒能够帮助他的发挥。

  野村说同时担当两个企划令他面对的最大的挑战就是紧张的时间表。比如,在急于准备前往美国参加 D23《王国之心 III》活动时,他还不得不强制安排参加一个《Final Fantasy VII Remake》的会议。他表示处理这种事情是一个不小的挑战,不过野村应如此,他对此有所准备。

  在游戏方面,他认为《王国之心 III》与《Final Fantasy VII Remake》实际上是非常不同的两款作品,所以在这方面并没有碰到太多的困难,反倒是能够成为他的优势、帮助他发挥最好的潜力。假如这两款作品很像,那么它们可能就会同质化。然而由于它们实际上非常不同。如果野村在一款作品中想做的内容没能做出来,那么他有可能就可以在另一款作品中令其实现。


  在今天D23的Level Up!游戏展示环节上,《王国之心3》公布最新游戏演示与新世界“玩具总动员”,并确定将在2018年内发售。在事后IGN的采访中,本作监督野村哲也表示并不会排除在Nintendo Switch上推出本作的可能性。

  在采访中,野村哲也认为Switch是一个非常有趣的硬件,不会排除在Switch上推出《王国之心3》的可能性。但目前最重要的事是先完成PS4版与Xbox One版的《王国之心3》,只有等到游戏发售以后才会开始评估是否将本作带到Switch平台上。

  此外,野村哲也并没有否定在Xbox One上推出《王国之心HD 1.5 & 2.5 ReMix》的可能性,只是还不确定西方的玩家们是否有这样的需求。




2017-7-17 06:32 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-17 08:08 PM 编辑

Tetsuya Nomura on Kingdom Hearts III development length, keyblade transformations, DLC, more



  《王国之心3》将在2018年正式上市,届时将登陆PS4、Xbox One两个平台。


  昨天SQAURE ENIX公布了《王国之心3》全新的宣传片,确定玩具总动员世界向首次登场,对于游戏中加入的驾驶机器人、主视角射击以及后续DLC计划,该游戏的导演野村哲也在采访中公开了最新情报。




More new information about Kingdom Hearts III has come out via Game Informer and GameSpot with director Tetsuya Nomura following Square Enix’s announcement of a 2018 release window and Toy Story world.

If you missed it yesterday, Nomura discussed a second playable character, bigger parties, the inclusion of a Toy Story world, and more.

Today, Nomura discusses details about why development has taken so long, keyblade transformations, downloadable content, and more. He also hints at the game having a lesser amount of worlds than previous entries, but with greater depth.

Get the tidbits below.

Nomura on Keyblade Transformations

“First and foremost, each keyblade will have its own form that it can transform into, and it’s different per keyblade,” Nomura said. “There are at least two different forms it can take. For example, in Toy Story, you saw the giant hammer and then the drill. Another one was at the beginning of the trailer where you saw Sora shoot arrows and it [then] turned into a bazooka, so there are two different forms. It also has multiple layers in terms of transforming; you start out with your first phase of transformation, and if you successfully connect your combos, the [next] transformation will happen.”

Nomura couldn’t share further information about how transformations are activated, adding that, “We’re still trying to finalize the specifications, but that being said, it is subject to change, so it might evolve into something even more impressive.”

Nomura on Summons

Nomura couldn’t share much information about how summons will work, but said that, “If I could provide a glimpse, I’ve made it more pretty. Not just the literal modeling, but it’s more about how we’re expressing it that has become more pretty.”

Nomura on Interactive Environments

“It’s a new mechanic that we’re implementing in Kingdom Hearts III,” Nomura said in regards to interacting with the environment, such as Sora running up cliffs and jumping on floating rubble in the Hercules world. “The Japanese name is Athletic Flow. I don’t know what the English final name is just yet. It’s based on the Flow Motion mechanic, and it’s basically revamped and introduced as a new mechanic in Kingdom Hearts III. You’ll be utilizing the environment to propel yourself to an area that you’re not normally able to go to, or again, running up the cliff during battle. Those can be expected in each of the different worlds you’ll be traversing through.”

Nomura on How Long Development is Taking

“A lot of people have been mentioning and making it sound like ‘Oh, Nomura’s taking too much time,’ and it hurts,“ Nomura said. He continued that the decision to switch development to Unreal Engine 4 was made by those higher up than himself after about a year of development, which caused extensive delays. Certain timing and resource-related challenges within Square Enix also played a role.

“There was a decision made to change to an external [engine]…Unreal Engine 4,” he said. “So we switched over to that. Unfortunately there was a bit of time that needed to be rewinded and started over. So there was a bit of a setback there, but it was a decision that the company had to make, so it was inevitable.”

He continued, “We had a plan of the period that it’s going to take for us to create the content at the start of the project, and we laid out, after such and such years, we would need to add more personnel resources. We had submitted it to our headquarters and had it approved, but internal personnel is very limited, and there are various different projects that happen within our company, so unfortunately timing did not work out. So we had to make due with the timing that was appropriate for the company…the company makes the decisions, so unfortunately sometimes it is out of my control.”

Nomura emphasized that the long development period was not a result of development problems or decisions made by him or his team. “I wanted to emphasize that it wasn’t a problem on our development teams,” he said. “It just happened that way, and there were some decisions that the company had to make, and it just didn’t work out for certain timings that we were hoping to hit.

“It’s kind of out of my hands. I mean, yes, time has passed. But it’s out of my hands.”

Nomura on Revealing Worlds Before Release

“I don’t think we’ll be keeping any worlds secret until the game is released,” Nomura said. “I think we will be introducing them leading up to launch. Nowadays games can add content on after the fact through DLC content, so there’s no need to hide any worlds.”

Nomura on Downloadable Content

“Nothing is set in stone, and I’m afraid we can’t go into details, but I have told the team: Just be prepared to be able to accommodate for something like that,” Nomura said. “We can’t suddenly develop a system where we’re accommodating for downloadable content. So it’s not confirming or denying either way, but just so that the development team will be prepared, I have informed them of making the preparations.”

Nomura on Creating the First Full HD Kingdom Hearts

“I feel like I’ve packed in much more fun than I had in my previous Kingdom Hearts titles,” Nomura said. “Kingdom Hearts III is going to be our first full HD game in our current console generation. It does involve a lot of bandwidth and resources in order to create in full HD, so our directive was to have as many elements [as possible] of gameplay included in one single world, rather than having multiple different little worlds with few elements. We wanted to pack in as many gameplay elements and fun into a single world.”

Nomura concluded, “If we are able to accomplish everything that we did plan out for, I’m pretty confident that people will enjoy and be fully satisfied with the end product.”
2017-7-17 07:10 PM
《玩具总动员 4》导演异动 新角色「纸娃娃露露」将于作中登场

  在 迪斯尼 D23 博览会中,传出《玩具总动员 4》导演有所异动的消息,原本联合导演之一的 John Lasseter 因行程满档而退出,另一位联合导演 Josh Cooley 将接替他全权执导,这个变动或许会影响《玩具总动员 4》的剧情走向,因为先前报导指出《玩具总动员 4》的灵感主要来自 Lasseter 和他妻子 Nancy 的生活点滴, 是讲述牛仔胡迪和牧羊女的一段爱情故事,但是 Lasseter 的离去代表《玩具总动员 4》可能会和当初构想的不大相同。 而参与《天外奇迹》和《脑筋急转弯》的 Jonas Rivera 将担任制片。

  《玩具总动员 4》的片花也揭露了一名新角色:一个叫露露(Lulu)的纸娃娃,另外在播放介绍导演的影片时,透过幕后的物品摆设,有外媒推测《玩具总动员 4》或许会是一趟玩具搭乘休旅车的公路行。

  《玩具总动员 4》预定 2019 年 6 月 21 日于北美上映。


迪斯尼 D23 博览会发布 2019 年太空动画电影计划与皮克斯奇幻新作
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  两年一度的 D23 迪斯尼博览会(D23: The Official Disney Fan Club)于周末热闹登场,在活动上,迪斯尼及其旗下品牌也公开了许多令人瞩目的动画新作消息。

  在全新作品部分,迪斯尼公开了一部全新未命名的动画电影将在 2019 年 4 月 12 日于北美上映。 据悉这是部外传动画,和《Cars》、《飞机总动员》处在同一个世界观,而且就像他们发布的首张剧照一样,故事的背景是在太空,Klay Hall 和 Bobs Gannaway 将共同导演,Ferrell Barron 出任制片,动画由迪斯尼动画工作室制作。

  而皮克斯公布了一部由《怪兽大学》Dan Scanlon 执导的奇幻动画片,这部片尚未命名,据介绍,故事发生在一个奇幻世界的郊区,那里没有人类,有的是仙子、巨魔、飞龙和妖精之类的传说生物,主角是两个精灵兄弟,想要去寻找未曾谋面的父亲,幸好在魔法的帮助下,他们有机会认识父亲,并且和他欢度一天的短暂时光。 此外在皮克斯发布这部电影的片花中,能见到一间名为「往返」的汉堡店,以及一只喜欢从垃圾桶里找厨余的独角兽。

  这部奇幻动画片还未公布上映日期,但猜测会接续在《玩具总动员 4》之后,在 2020 年上映。


《超人特攻队 2》释出故事细节与剧情花絮 2018 年 6 月北美上映
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  动画电影《超人特攻队 2》于今年度的迪斯尼 D23 博览会中释出了更多细节,根据官方所发布的消息,作品续集将接续第一集结尾之后的一分钟,由于旧家毁坏,超能先生他们搬了家,新家也同时是他们的秘密行动总部,而这回《超人特攻队 2》将以超能先生的妻子「弹力女超人」为展开,故事换成了女主外男主内,超能先生负责在家里带孩子,妻子「 弹力女超人」则外出打击犯罪,不过这集的重点依然是以家庭为中心,首集回归的导演 Brad Bird 表示,他们一家虽然都有超能力,但是普通家庭的问题,他们一样会遇到。

  同时《超人特攻队 2》也公开了一段花絮,内容是超能先生陪着最小的儿子小杰(Jack Jack)在观赏电视,结果超能先生睡着了,电视播放的是一部警匪剧,接着小杰透过玻璃门注意到有动静,是一只浣熊在他们家门外翻垃圾桶,小杰把浣熊面部的条纹联想成电视上窃贼所戴的眼罩,之后小杰出声斥退浣熊,还到外面与浣熊打斗, 过程中展现了他天生拥有的多重超能力:心灵传动、穿透物体、雷射眼和超弹力,最后超能先生被吵醒,他设法抱住小杰,浣熊就在这时溜走了。

  《超人特攻队 2》预定 2018 年 6 月 15 日在北美上映。

2017-7-18 10:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-18 10:41 PM 编辑

Kingdom Hearts III has less Disney worlds than Kingdom Hearts II; Final Fantasy VII Remake further along in some areas
野村哲也最新访谈要点关于《王国之心 III》以及《Final Fantasy VII Remake》


关于《王国之心 III》


·《玩具总动员》的世界从《王国之心 II》的时候就想加进去了,到了《王国之心 III》绝对要加入而不断进行了交涉。

·《王国之心 III》中讲述的是《玩具总动员 2》之后的故事,并非平行世界。在《玩具总动员》的时间轴中包含了《王国之心 III》所发生的事情。





·迪士尼世界数量会比《王国之心 II》少,但是每个世界本身更加精细耐玩。

关于《Final Fantasy VII Remake》

·过场动画等部分上其实比《王国之心 III》的开发进度更快。虽然这么说,目前正处于开发阶段转移为完全内部制作(发表当初为要与CC2等其他公司协力开发)阶段中。


·若我(野村哲也)是属于 Square Enix 的 BD 部门,我将会全职集中开发这款完整的作品。






The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has an interview with Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy VII Remake director Tetsuya Nomura, who shares new information on the former while briefly discussing the latter.

Get the tidbits below.

Kingdom Hearts III

  • (In response to the question of around when in 2018 Kingdom Hearts III will be released) “Please wait for the proper followup report. (Smiles.)”
  • Nomura wanted a Toy Story world in Kingdom Hearts since around Kingdom Hearts II. For Kingdom Hearts III, there have been repeated negotiations as its inclusion was of absolute necessity.
  • The Toy Story world is set after Toy Story 2. It isn’t a parallel world. Rather, the events of Kindgom Hearts III are part of the Toy Story time axis. (In other words, it is canon.)
  • While it is not shown in the trailer, at the start Sora is mistaken for a character in the latest game to be released in this world.
  • The Toy Story staff were considerably surprised at the reproduction quality of the Toy Story characters in-game.
  • Nomura told the development team he wanted riding and fighting in a mech early in development. A different mechanism is being prepared for when you go to another floor in Galaxy Toys.
  • The Big Hero Six world is progressing well, but news on that is still down the line.
  • While the number of Disney worlds are less than the amount included in Kingdom Hearts II, the density of each world is greater, including gameplay.

Final Fantasy VII Remake and Misc.

  • “We’re switching over to internal production on Final Fantasy VII Remake.” (Further reading.)
  • “Although there are parts [of Final Fantasy VII Remake] further along than Kingdom Hearts III, such as cutscenes, it is unlikely we’ll share information for a while as we switch from mainly external to mainly internal development.”
  • “[Project lead] Naoki Hamaguchi has been a part of this from the beginning and is a member of Business Division 1.”
  • “I, on the other hand, am not a member [of Business Division 1], so the person who is putting Business Division 1 in order concerning Final Fantasy VII Remake is Hamaguchi.”
  • “Similarly, there is Tai Yasue of Business Division 3. In that sense. I am sort of like a cross-sectional mercenary not tied to a Business Division.”
  • “If I belonged to a Business Division, I would basically be working full-time at that Business Divison, so it’s a system that lets me take on various jobs, including requests from other companies.”
  • (Regarding titles that are not Kingdom Hearts III or Final Fantasy VII Remake) “Right now, there isn’t anything that I’m directing, but there are a few things that I’m involved with. I’m not sure when which will be announced. (Laughs.)”
  • (Regarding Nomura doing character designs for Xenoblade Chronicles 2) “Tetsuya Takahashi of Monolith Soft is both my senior and mentor, who looked after me considerably when I was a newcomer. I have no reason to refuse a request from such a senior. (Laughs.) The work itself was finished quite long ago.”

The game will launch for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2018.
2017-7-20 11:34 AM
Kingdom Hearts III development team still debating whether to include Sephiroth secret boss battle

The Kingdom Hearts III development team is still debating whether or not it will include Final Fantasy VII villain Sephiroth as a secret boss, director Tetsuya Nomura told Mirror.co.uk.

“I can’t say for certain [if there will be secret bosses],” Nomura said. “I hope, hint hint hint. I can’t say for certain. In terms of Sephiroth, do you feel like you want to battle Sephiroth again? (Laughs.)”

After some back and forth with Mirror’s Ryan Brown about how Brown’s mother plays the Kingdom Hearts series and was able to defeat Sephiroth, Nomura said, ” I don’t think I can beat him!(Laughs.) In terms of the secret boss, we can’t say anything at this time, but in terms of Sephiroth specifically, my development team are worried that we’ve had him come back so many times, so they’re maybe worried it might be redundant at this point. We’re still deliberating on it.”

Mirror also asked when Kingdom Hearts III will show up at an event, such as E3 or Gamescom, in a publicly playable state. Nomura responded, “Perhaps when we’re finally able to reveal the month and date of the release.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Mirror asked Nomura why zippers and belts are so prevalent in his character design.

“That was my preference back when I first designed the characters, so 15 years ago,” Nomura said. “At that time, people teased me about zippers and belts and whatnot and I’m the type of person if somebody eggs me on I’m gonna do it more! Nowadays, I’m not as conscious about adding them in.”

Nomura continued, “I’m not the type of person that would shrink down when people tease me about it. I’m gonna fight back! I’m gonna go back at it and do it more. So, if people egg me on saying ‘oh, Kingdom Hearts III is delayed’ well, I might even delay it further! (Laiughs.)”

Kingdom Hearts III will launch for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2018.
2017-7-20 07:10 PM



2017-12-24 07:31 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-24 07:40 AM 编辑

Rumor: Leaked Kingdom Hearts III screenshots reveal Monsters, Inc. world
《王国之心 III》截图泄露 《怪兽电力公司》乱入

转载 - 游明星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201712/994544_2.shtml

  根据《王国之心》粉丝官方论坛玩家的爆料,一批疑似开发中的《王国之心 III》的截图泄露,我们可以在其中看到《怪兽电力公司》的场景以及两位主角萨利文和麦克。

  这些截图上还可以看到帧数 GPU 占用等开发界面,应该是开发中的早期截图。《王国之心III》将于 2018 年登陆 PS4 和 Xbox One 平台。

Thirteen screenshots of what is purported to be a development build of a Monsters, Inc. world in Kingdom Hearts III have surfaced on the Kingdom Hearts Insider forums.

Two of the 13 screenshots first surfaced earlier this month on the ResetEra forums.

Kingdom Hearts III is due out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2018.

2018-2-10 05:45 PM
Kingdom Hearts III D23 Expo Japan 2018 and Hikaru Utada theme song trailers
《王国之心 III》D23 Expo Japan 2018 宣传片以及双语主题曲公布

  SQUARE ENIX 在刚刚结束的 D23 王国之心粉丝活动上(D23 Expo Japan 2018),官方正式宣布《怪兽电力公司》世界将在《王国之心 III》中出现,同时官方还公布了一个全新的预告片,其中出现了《玩具总动员》、《怪兽电力公司》和《长发公主》三个世界。

  除了全新预告片之外,Square Enix 确认宇多田光将为《王国之心 III》演唱主题曲《誓い》日版和主题曲《Don’t Think Twice》英语版,同时公布了主题曲的相关视频。

  其实在去年12月末《王国之心》的粉丝论坛中就泄露了一些疑似是《怪兽电力公司》世界的实机截图,现在看来这些都是准确的内容了。据微博用户“SHiRO-王国之心中文驿站-”的消息,《王国之心 III》的发售日将在今年 E3 期间公布,预计秋季或冬季 2019 发售。

Square Enix has released the D23 Expo Japan 2018 trailer and announced the official theme song for Kingdom Hearts III.

The D23 Expo Japan 2018 trailer confirms the rumored Monsters, Inc. world featuring Mike, Sully, and Boo, as well as the appearances of Vanitas and Marluxi. It also shows more glimpses of the Toy Story and Tangled worlds, with Sora and company fighting alongside Woody and Buzz, and Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, as well as what appears to be an Ariel summon.

The theme song for Kingdom Hearts III is called “Don’t Think Twice” in English and “Chikai” (Oath) in Japanese, and is sung by Hikaru Utada.

Finally, Square Enix said it will announce a release date for Kingdom Hearts III at E3 2018. It is currently due out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2018.



Hikaru Utada Theme Song Trailer

English: “Don’t Think Twice”


Japanese: “Chikai” (Oath)

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