本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-17 08:08 PM 编辑
Tetsuya Nomura on Kingdom Hearts III second playable character, bigger parties, Toy Story world, more
Following the announcement of a 2018 release window and Toy Story world, IGN and Game Informer sat down with Kingdom Hearts III director Tetsuya Nomura at D23 Expo 2017, who discussed various new details about the game.
Get the excerpts below.
Nomura on a Second Playable Character
“So it would be tough to introduce many, multiple playable characters, but there is an intention of adding a playable character aside from Sora,” Nomura teased. “Unfortunately we’re not able to disclose who it is yet, but there will be [another playable character].”
Nomura on Bigger Parties
Kingdom Hearts III will feature a party system that allows for more than two additional members to fight alongside Sora. This, in part, comes from the decision to get rid of the “Dimension Link” feature from the PSP game Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.
“D-Link, that has been done away with,” Nomura said. “It was actually a compromise in a previous iteration because we were not able to display multiple characters on that platform in that game,” Nomura said. “We’re able to depict multiple characters. Up to five people can join, even more, multiple characters can join your party.”
Nomura on the Gummi Ship
“In terms of the Gummi Ship making its return, I can confirm on that, but how it is or what has become of it, we’re not able to reveal it at this point,” Nomura said. “We ask you to stay tuned for more information.”
Nomura also hinted at the Gummi Ship offering new or improved elements.
“The staff members on our development team always want to try something new, so even with previously introduced mechanics, they always try to make it their own or tweak it. Even if it is small or minor, we customize it so that it’s for Kingdom Hearts III.”
Nomura on the Toy Story World
Nomura has longed for Toy Story to appear in the Kingdom Hearts series since the release of Kingdom Hearts II.
“Just looking at the trailer, I feel Sora really fit in and matched well with that world, and it’s something I always personally wanted to see – that image of Buzz and Woody coming face to face with Sora in his toy form,” Nomura said. “I had been imaging that in my head, and to be able to execute that into the game is something I’m really excited for and I’m hoping fans feel the same way I do.”
Rather than follow the story of the original film, Pixar made a special request for the Toy Story in Kingdom Hearts III.
“[Pixar] preferred for us to not follow the film directly. They said, ‘Please create something original to Kingdom Hearts,’ so we did not draw any inspiration from the films. It is completely original and exclusive to Kingdom Hearts, so you can almost say it’s a sequel of some sort.”
Nomura his team considered all of the films in the series and made a decision about where to place it. “We placed the narrative in Kingdom Hearts some place after Toy Story 2.” He said he worked very closely with Pixar to get its approval on the new story for the game. “So many rounds of review! I couldn’t believe how many back and forths I had,” he laughed.
The trailer shows Sora, Donald, and Goofy team up with Woody and Buzz to search a new area called Galaxy Toys.
“Galaxy Toys is going to be your primary stage where a lot of the action is going to be happening in this world,” Nomura said. “Because Sora, Donald, and Goofy are toys and very small, the playing field is going to feel very large. We also have multiple floors and each section has its own personality, so to speak.”
The story of the Toy Story world involves searching for Andy, who has gone missing, as well as figuring out why Organization XIII has appeared in that world.
“Rather than having multiple different little worlds, we wanted to make sure we’re providing rich gameplay in an individual world, so we put in a lot of effort and allocated a lot of resources to create these worlds, and it would be sad for players not to enjoy the world and breeze right through it,” Nomura said. “Therefore, we made sure that each of the worlds is designed so players can take their time and enjoy the gameplay that’s available.”
The trailer shows Sora ride a mech, called Gigas, to fight enemies in the area. According to Nomura, this is “to showcase that with the specs of the current generation hardware, it is possible. We’re hoping there’s a surprise element with each new mechanic that is introduced with Kingdom Hearts III, and we’re going to be revealing more information as they become available.”
Nomura on a Switch Version
“The Nintendo Switch is definitely a very interesting piece of hardware, but if we lightly say, ‘Oh yeah, we’ll be on the Nintendo Switch,’ I’m sure people will come back and say, ‘But what about the PS4 and Xbox One? We want them out first. Don’t focus on other platforms,’” Nomura said. “So for now, we want to focus on what platforms we’ve already announced we’re going to be releasing Kingdom Hearts III on. And so after, perhaps, maybe we can start thinking about other possibilities.”
Nomura on Kingdom Hearts Collections for Xbox One
“Just like with the previous answer, if we were to announce yet another non-Kingdom Hearts III [project]…people are going to be like, ‘Hey, what’s going on?’ So we will want to focus on releasing on the platforms that we have already announced,” Nomura said. “Do the Western audiences want Kingdom Hearts titles on the Microsoft or Xbox platforms? Japan might say ‘well, we don’t want any more on Xbox.’”
Nomura also noted Microsoft’s recent announcement of its more powerful Xbox One X, adding, “It also makes you think, ‘Well, do we want to have [the collections] on the Xbox platforms? Isn’t it a bit late in the game?’”
野村哲也访谈同时开发《王国之心 III》与《Final Fantasy VII Remake》
在接受国外媒体 Dualshockers 的采访时,野村哲也谈论了同时担任《王国之心 III》以及《Final Fantasy VII Remake》总监的挑战。他表示紧张的时间表让他非常忙碌,不过由于两款游戏非常不同,并不会出现混乱的情况,甚至反倒能够帮助他的发挥。
野村说同时担当两个企划令他面对的最大的挑战就是紧张的时间表。比如,在急于准备前往美国参加 D23《王国之心 III》活动时,他还不得不强制安排参加一个《Final Fantasy VII Remake》的会议。他表示处理这种事情是一个不小的挑战,不过野村应如此,他对此有所准备。
在游戏方面,他认为《王国之心 III》与《Final Fantasy VII Remake》实际上是非常不同的两款作品,所以在这方面并没有碰到太多的困难,反倒是能够成为他的优势、帮助他发挥最好的潜力。假如这两款作品很像,那么它们可能就会同质化。然而由于它们实际上非常不同。如果野村在一款作品中想做的内容没能做出来,那么他有可能就可以在另一款作品中令其实现。
在今天D23的Level Up!游戏展示环节上,《王国之心3》公布最新游戏演示与新世界“玩具总动员”,并确定将在2018年内发售。在事后IGN的采访中,本作监督野村哲也表示并不会排除在Nintendo Switch上推出本作的可能性。
在采访中,野村哲也认为Switch是一个非常有趣的硬件,不会排除在Switch上推出《王国之心3》的可能性。但目前最重要的事是先完成PS4版与Xbox One版的《王国之心3》,只有等到游戏发售以后才会开始评估是否将本作带到Switch平台上。
此外,野村哲也并没有否定在Xbox One上推出《王国之心HD 1.5 & 2.5 ReMix》的可能性,只是还不确定西方的玩家们是否有这样的需求。