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2013-12-11 08:30 PM
T^T为啥不能split screen multiplayer
2013-12-14 04:12 PM

  今天,《极品飞车18:宿敌》推出了免费的2015版野马GT DLC。这款可下载的DLC于今天放出,已经有关于车辆测试的视频出现。有新闻报道称:“游戏的物理引擎太过有限,让这款车不能同游戏中其他野马有明显的区别。同时,没有驾驶室视角意味着福特在车内饰做出的努力在游戏中都不可见。”

2013-12-16 07:00 PM
我玩到lvl 7 还是用着第一辆 porsche 最初的那辆!
2014-2-19 07:02 PM
《极品飞车:宿敌》新DLC宣传片 新跑车登场

  《极品飞车:宿敌》是由EA公司所推出的系列最新作,其PS3、XBOX 360和PC版将于2013年11月19日登陆北美,11月22日登陆欧洲,而本作的PS4版和XBOX One版则将作为首发游戏登场。近日官方将更新两个全新的DLC包,并放出了两段宣传片分别进行展示,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。

  本作的两个新DLC包分别是法拉利包和捷豹包,其中法拉利包将收录Ferrari F40和the Ferrari F50两辆跑车,而捷豹包收录的则是Jaguar C-X75 Prototype和Jaguar XJ220。此外官方还表示在未来的几周内将继续推出新的DLC。


2014-3-3 03:38 PM
2014-3-5 07:17 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-6 06:51 PM 编辑

《极品飞车:宿敌》免费DLC公开 宣传片欣赏

  《极品飞车:宿敌》是由EA公司所推出的系列最新作,其PS3、XBOX 360和PC版将于2013年11月19日登陆北美,11月22日登陆欧洲,而本作的PS4版和XBOX One版则将作为首发游戏登场。日前官方再度公开了新的DLC,为大家带来了全新的跑车。

  本次所更新的是免费DLC“Koenigsegg Agera One:1”,玩家们可以通过PSN和XBOX Live进行下载,并享受新跑车所带来的竞速乐趣。日前官方也公开了该DLC的新宣传片,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。

2014-3-12 07:36 AM
2014-3-12 06:10 PM
kirassss 发表于 2014-3-12 07:36 AM

2014-9-18 09:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-20 04:41 PM 编辑

Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition Announced
《极品飞车:宿敌 完全版》公布 10月21日发售

  EA公司所推出的竞速游戏《极品飞车:宿敌》已经于2013年末发售,而日前官方确认将推出《极品飞车:宿敌 完全版(Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition)》,并确定这款新作将于2014年10月21日登陆北美、10月24日登陆欧洲,其对应平台为PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC。

  《极品飞车:宿敌 完全版》除了包含原版游戏外,还将收录Ferrari Edition Special Complete Pack、Simply Jaguar Complete Pack、Concept Lamborghini Complete Pack、Complete Movie Pack、The Koenigsegg Agera One和Loaded Garage Pack这6个DLC包。这些DLC中将收录各种各样的全新超级跑车,让玩家们能够用这些跑车来体验竞速游戏的乐趣。



Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition Races to the Streets Starting October 21

Ghost Games, an Electronic Arts studio, announced today that the critically acclaimed Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition will be in-store on October 21 in North America and October 24 in Europe. Players will get the chance to take the rivalry between cops and racers to Redview County with even more cars. Play as either a cop or racer, where each side of the law has its own set of high stakes challenges, rewards and consequences. Risk everything in the ultimate high stakes rivalry.

Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition will include all six of the previously released downloadable content:

• Ferrari Edition Special Complete Pack - Includes both Cop and Racer versions of these extreme machines - The Ferrari F40 and the Ferrari F50.

• Simply Jaguar Complete Pack - Includes both Cop and Racer versions of the Jaguar C-X75, the most advanced Jaguar ever created, and the Jaguar XJ220 - the world's first Hypercar.

• Concept Lamborghini Complete Pack - Includes both Cop and Racer versions of the astonishing Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Super Trofeo and the stunning Lamborghini Miura Concept.

• The Koenigsegg Agera One - The Koenigsegg One:1 is in a category of its own. It′s not a Supercar, not a Hypercar…It′s a One:1. The name refers to the almost impossible and highly sought-after ratio of one horsepower per kilogram.

• Complete Movie Pack - Includes Cop and Racer versions of the GTA Spano; and Lamborghini Sesto Elemento. Plus, the Mercedes-Benz McLaren SLR 722 Edition as a Cop and the Mercedes-Benz McLaren SLR Roadster 722 S as a Racer.

• Loaded Garage Pack - Complete your vehicle collection with the Loaded Garage Pack which includes the Ultimate Cop Pack, Ultimate Racer Pack, Premium Livery Pack, Classic Muscle Livery, Track Day Livery, VIP Matte Kit Livery and Digital Revolution Livery.

Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition will be in-stores October 21 in North America and October 24 in Europe for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC via Origin.
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