本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-15 09:02 PM 编辑
Need for Speed: Rivals personalization screenshots, details
游戏的首席设计师James Mouat透露说自定义才是游戏“AllDrive”模式的灵魂,其会帮助你在茫茫人海中认出自己的朋友。
如果你预购了这款游戏,你就可以获得一个终极警察包,在各种各样的零售商那,预购的玩家还可以获得终极赛车手包。这个包会提供一些额外的竞速点数,一个特殊车辆皮肤和道奇SRT Viper计时赛。
《极品飞车18》将于11月登陆PS3,Xbox 360和PC平台,次世代主机版将在稍后放出。
A new blog post went live on the Need for Speed site today, covering personalization in the game. Read on below for details and new screenshots.
- Personalization is important when it comes to AllDrive
- This is a new feature where you routinely encounter your friends on the open roads and will want to show off your vehicles and driving skills
- Players who are working through the ranks of the RCPD will be offered a different take on what personalization means to an officer
- Cops unlock different versions of each car depending on how they choose to play
- Patrol, Enforcer and a third class are included
- Third class will be revealed at Gamescom next week
- Each will have a unique visual style to reflect the changes in performance the vehicle has to offer
- Patrol cars are standard issue and will be the easiest to unlock, giving general performance in all areas and will come with the standard RCPD livery
- Enforcer vehicles will offer reinforced construction, allowing them to deal the most damage in car-to-car combat situations
- Also will have a more elite styled RCPD livery
- Pre-orders come with the Ultimate Cop Pack and the Ultimate Racer Pack
- Latter item puts you in the driver’s seat of the SRT Viper Time Attack
- Also comes with the custom Colorful Dream livery and a bonus allotment of banked Speed Points
Official News:
http://www.needforspeed.com/news ... ion-back-need-speed