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【新闻部】Electronic Arts -

2015-9-30 07:17 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-30 06:50 PM 编辑

Mass Effect-themed '4D' theme park attraction coming in 2016

  EA目前正与美国加州Great America主题公园打造基于知名系列——《质量效应》的游乐项目,系列中的角色和设定都将出现于其中,届时玩家将体验到“4D全息”的惊险旅程。


  这一项目将于2016年正式亮相,值得一提的是,这一设施的合作方Great America主题公园专长正是4D模拟项目,相信这趟旅程会为系列玩家带来难以忘怀的回忆。


Great America Announces New Attraction Featuring Mass Effect Videogame Series For 2016

California's Great America and Electronic Arts (EA), a global leader in interactive entertainment, are teaming up to create a first-of-its-kind guest experience at Great America. The dynamic new attraction will feature settings and characters from EA's critically acclaimed Mass Effect videogame series developed by BioWare and will open next season in a newly renovated Action Theater.

Riders will climb aboard motion-based seating and wear 3D glasses as they are taken on a thrilling adventure. A live performer will curate the journey and appear to interact seamlessly with the next generation 3D visuals. These elements will be integrated with motion seating, high tech sound and other 4D effects to create a truly compelling and immersive attraction. Guests will travel through space to a distant planet, face off against bigger than life adversaries and ultimately help save the day.

"Partnering with a world-wide gaming leader like EA will enable us to build an incredible user experience for our guests," said California's Great America Vice President and General Manager Raul Rehnborg. "This combination of technology and creative videogame content is sure to usher in a new wave of entertainment innovation in amusement parks."

"EA and BioWare are thrilled to partner with Great America and see one of our most iconic games turned into an exciting high-tech attraction," said Patrick O'Brien, Vice President of Entertainment and Licensing, EA. "Having a partner who shares our commitment to thrilling our fans is extremely important to us and we look forward to building an attraction that will appeal to the Mass Effect fan-base and introduce it to many more."
2015-9-30 07:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-1 06:38 PM 编辑


  美商艺电(EA)旗下知名竞速游戏《极速快感》系列手机新作《极速快感:零极限(暂译,Need for Speed:No Limits)》已于今(1)日正式登陆 iOS/Android 双平台,采免费下载、内购收费制。


  《极速快感:零极限》由手机竞速游戏《Real Racing》系列幕后团队 Firemonkeys 工作室打造,玩家可驶上黑脊街头,恣意飞驰、享受横冲直撞的快感。 除了加速凌空飞跃、穿梭车阵之间、直闯高速硝酸区,玩家还可自定义规则、设计专属的车身,在数百场让肾上腺素破表的赛事中,为自己名留青史。




  《极速快感:零极限》实现所有人对赛车的梦想! 世界名车一字排开,任君挑选。 玩家还可客制化打造梦想中的跑车,Rocket Bunny、6666 Customs、RTR、RWB 等数百种零件可供替换,让您打造最吸睛的赛车。 游戏建构出的广阔世界将随时间不断更新演进,目前已累积超过 900 场赛事、100 多种玩家等级、10 多种游戏模式、38 条精彩赛道及 30 多种名车,玩家还可以透过巡回赛与对手相互较劲,赢取奖励与独家宝物。



  挑选您渴望已久的真实车辆,包括 Subaru BRZ、BMW M4、McLaren 650s、Porsche 911 等等。 然后到「改装商店」和「黑市」等地点用行动装置上最呛辣的自定义系统来调校她们,总计有超过 250 万种自定义组合让您把玩。 您的座驾等待着 – 带她们上场或上街与对手较量来证明您的实力。




  驶上黑脊街头,恣意飞驰,享受横冲直撞的快感。 加速驶过跳台,绕过破瓦残砾,杀入车阵之中,贴墙疾驶,然后穿过高速氮氧区。 启用氮氧增压,把自己推向更刺激的驾驶与甩尾层级。 您会与当地车队和警察起冲突,致使新鲜赛事随处可见。 这个世界充斥着半调子车手,您能保持领先并获得敬重吗?




  面对任何疯狂到足以击败您的对手时,绝对不要退缩,把他们抛在后头,并提高您的声望。 冲撞、甩尾、直线加速,就算警察穷追不舍也要驾车赢得比赛,并在您抵达终点时把地图摸个透彻。 在超过 1,000 场具挑战性的赛事中尽情烧胎,而且这只不过是刚开始。 打响名声,称霸街头,获取全球顶尖跑车。 因为只有一辆车远远不够!

2015-10-2 06:55 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-2 06:57 AM 编辑



2015-10-22 07:36 AM
2015-11-6 07:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-6 07:28 PM 编辑

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Launches February 23, Grass Effect Trailer

  EA正式宣布《植物大战僵尸:花园战争2》将会在2016年2月23日登陆XBOX ONE、PS4以及PC平台,这个发售日期比原定的2016年春季要稍微早一些。

  和此前宣传的一样,每个预定了本作的玩家都能够得到“Grass Effect Z7机甲”皮肤,这个皮肤是宝开与Bioware的名作《质量效应》的联动内容。除此以外,每一个预定的玩家还能够得到一个拥有14个不同表情的表情包供玩家在游戏内使用。


Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Reaches Crazy New Heights This February

Spring comes early when zombies take over! PopCap Vancouver, creator of some of the world’s most beloved video game franchises and a studio of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA), today announced that Plants vs. ZombiesTM Garden Warfare 2 will be in stores February 23, 2016, arriving ahead of the expected spring launch. Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 drops you into an all-out battle where for the first time in franchise history, zombies have conquered Suburbia and plants are on the attack. Players who pre-order will get immediate access to the new Grass Effect Z7-Mech when they start the game. Inspired by one of the development team’s favorite videogame franchises, PopCap Vancouver worked in close partnership with BioWare™ to create this one-of-a-kind mech that comes loaded with the melee Zomni-tool, kinetic padding, and a biotic ability ‘Pull’ to quickly close the gap between you and the plant menace.

Watch the Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Grass Effect Z7-Mech Gameplay Reveal Trailer to see the mech come to life in game.

In addition to the Grass Effect Z7-Mech, fans who pre-order Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 will receive an emoji pack filled with 14 all-new emoji-style accessories to customize each character class with.

“At PopCap, we love to excite our fans, and couldn’t be more ready and thrilled to bring Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 into their hands earlier than expected,” said Justin Wiebe, Creative Director, Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2. “From the immersive worlds and the crazy characters, to the new ways to play such as Backyard Battleground, we’re incredibly proud of the game we’re building. This is a crazy shooter filled with fan-requested features as well as all-new experiences that will make this unlike any other game in the genre.”

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 goes above and beyond to deliver the funniest, craziest most over-the-top shooter yet. Players can go on the offensive as the plants in all-new modes including the 24-player Herbal Assault mode, or rally the zombies together and defend against the plants in the 4-player co-op mode, Graveyard Ops. From the Great White North to Moon Base Z, all the hilarious action takes place across 12 fresh maps that are bursting with life and humor. Join the fight for Suburbia with six new character classes and over one hundred unique characters to collect. Experience even more ways to play, including the Backyard Battleground; players will have the freedom to explore this interactive environment by themselves or with friends. The Backyard Battleground is a wild playground with dynamic events and tons to discover, and is unlike anything that has been in a Plants vs. Zombies game before.
2015-11-11 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-11 06:19 PM 编辑


  EA正式公开了将会在2016年春季发售《UFC终极格斗冠军2》,并将登陆XBOX ONE、PS4平台。EA的官方推特在昨天放出了一段消息写着“等待终于结束,请期待明天。”,而在今天凌晨官方也是正式放出了系列续作的首部宣传片,并以大量的真实比赛画面为我们展示了新作将会有的一些特性和改进。

  目前除了官方宣传视频之外没有任何的详细情报放出,我们会在官方放出新消息后第一时间与大家分享。 本作的上代作品在退出后获得了褒贬不一的评价,但是从游戏的基础素质来看非常值得期待新作的表现。

2015-11-13 07:45 AM
2015-12-8 07:36 AM
2015-12-11 07:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-11 07:08 PM 编辑

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Solo Play Trailer


  在单人模式中 共可选择四名角色,玩家可以在这些角色中自由切换,同前作一样,不同角色的能力各不相同,如何有效的搭配角色来顶过一波又一波的僵尸进攻需要各位玩家仔细考虑。系列前作并没有单人模式存在,这一模式加入终于让喜欢单人作战或是网络状况不佳的玩家有了入手本作的理由。


  《植物大战僵尸:花园战争2》将于2016年2月23日发售,届时将登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。


New Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Walkthrough Trailer: Solo Play

Today, PopCap Vancouver released the Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Solo Play Walkthrough Trailer, a video that showcases some of the game’s all-new Solo Play features, including the Solo Ops game mode, hot-swapping between characters on the fly, and the fun new customization options in Crazy Settings.

Experience the game on your own terms in Solo Ops with the ability to select a full squad of four characters and swap between them at any point during a match. Use their individual abilities and unique strengths designed to conquer an objective, deal extra damage, or support the team to win the battle! As an added bonus, players can earn experience for each individual character for as long as they control them.

Crazy Settings lets players turn their game into a richer and crazier experience in either Solo Play, or private and local matches with the power to modify the game with fun, over-the-top options including:

• Infini-Ammo - Characters have infinite ammo without overheat.
• Speed Boost Craziness - Characters move crazy fast.
• Low Gravity - It isn’t just for the moon. The entire match will be played in low gravity.
• Simply Explode Mode - Characters explode when vanquished “simply.”
• Ridiculously Low Health - All characters have a max of one health – instant vanquishes.
• Super Crazy Knock-back Mode - Damaged characters get knocked back... really far.

Whether you strategically pick four characters to tackle a specific map, or customize your favorites before heading into battle, Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 lets you call the shots in this unique Solo Play experience.

Enjoy this sneak peek and stay tuned for more reveals on Solo Ops and other new ways to play soon! Dive in yourself when Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 drops February 23.
2015-12-11 07:43 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-11 06:27 PM 编辑


Battlefield 4 Legacy Operations includes Dragon Valley 2015, a classic map reimagined both visually and with new gameplay features. This large map opens up for vehicular mayhem on land, air, and sea. Destroy or repair bridges for a tactical advantage. For infantry players, the dockyards offer intense close-quarter combat in Team Death Match.

Battlefield 4 Legacy Operations will be releasing in December 2015 to all Battlefield 4 players on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Until then, marvel at this stunning trailer produced with The Two Scotsmen.

The Battlefield 4 Holiday Update will be automatically released to your platform on the same day, but the free Legacy Operations DLC will be a separate, manual download available from the Origin My Games tab, the PlayStation PS Store, and Xbox Marketplace.

Learn more about Battlefield 4 Legacy Operations at http://www.battlefield.com/battl ... mp;ts=1449829612686
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