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【新闻部】Electronic Arts -

2014-6-3 06:25 PM


  《UFC终极格斗冠军》是EA公司旗下的新作,游戏将于2014年6月17日登陆PS4和XBOX One平台。游戏的试玩Demo中包含Jon Jones和Alexander Gustafsson这两位UFC明星角色,玩家们可以借此机会先体验一下游戏中UFC的魅力。


2014-6-6 06:09 PM
《FIFA 15》预告片苏神成主角 完整版于E3公布

  EA SPORTS官方Tiwtter透露了首段《FIFA 15》的预告片,虽然只有短短的11秒,但是我们看到上赛季在英超大红大紫的苏神出镜,现在人气和状态都火热的他会成为新一代《FIFA》系列代言人吗?


  热心网友根据系列之前发售日的惯例猜测,《FIFA 15》可能将于2014年9月23日登陆北美,平台当然还是PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台。

2014-6-9 06:42 PM
《劲爆美式橄榄球15(Madden NFL 15)》E3预告片展示比赛片段

  《劲爆美式橄榄球15(Madden NFL 15)》是EA公司旗下《劲爆美式橄榄球》系列的最新作,游戏将于将于2014年8月26日登陆北美,8月29日登陆欧洲,而游戏对应平台则为PS3、PS4、XBOX 360和XBOX One。日前官方放出了本作的E3最新预告片,展示了本作的比赛片段,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。


2014-6-25 07:29 AM

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare is Now Available on PC

PopCap Games, a division of Electronic Arts, today launched Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare for PC on Origin and other retailers worldwide. Since its wildly successful launch earlier this year on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft and Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system, players have joined in the trenches to vanquish more than 400 million plants and zombies. Critics worldwide have praised Garden Warfare, with Gaming Trend calling the game, “entertaining, accessible, and oozing with charm.”

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare for PC will contain an all-new co-op and multiplayer map called Jewel Junction. In addition, players will get the chance to play all the latest free game content including the Garden Variety Pack and Zomboss Down, a Wild West themed update with eight new playable characters, more than 200 wild customizations, and the Cactus Canyon Map.

“Fan reaction to Garden Warfare has been nothing short of amazing. We are humbled to see how our fans have embraced the game, and we’re very excited that PC players can now join in on the fun,” said Brian Lindley, Producer on Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare.

In Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, players choose a side and square off in riotous, punishing combat against their plant or zombie opponents, utilizing an arsenal of outrageous weaponry. Beloved character favorites from the franchise including the Sunflower and Chomper reprise their roles, and the game tops it off with a new cast of zany characters such as Ice Cactus and All-Star Zombie.

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare features four distinct gameplay modes including 2 – 4 player co-op, 12 vs. 12 competitive multiplayer called “Gardens & Graveyards” and “Team Vanquish,” as well as 8v8 “Gnome Bomb”.

Exclusive to the PC launch, players can also purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition on Origin, which includes two Booster Packs, 150,000 in-game coins and an exclusive character customization pack.

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare will also be available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 on August 19 worldwide.
2014-7-1 06:53 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-1 06:55 PM 编辑

《植物大战僵尸:花园战争(Garden Warfare)》新DLC宣传片放出

  《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》是在2013年E3上公开的一款新作,游戏已经于2014年2月28日登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台,继此前推出了几个免费DLC后,现在EA和PopCap又放出了全新的免费DLC“Tactical Taco Party Pack”。该DLC于2014年7月1日登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台,7月8日则将登陆PC。

  本次的新DLC将追加新地图“Jewel Junction”和全新的游戏模式“确认征服”。在这个新模式下玩家们仅有在击杀敌人并拾取敌人掉落的疯狂球(本质上可说是狗牌)后才能获得荣誉,这种模式下风险和报酬是成正比的,玩家不仅仅要考虑个人的收益,还需要考虑整个团队可能遇到的风险。此外本次DLC还将增加全新的8对8混合模式,这一强调竞争的游戏模式可以为玩家们带来全新的乐趣。DLC中还将包含两个新的定制角色,它们分别是Berry Shooter和Citrus Cactus。



2014-7-2 10:27 PM
2014-7-29 11:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-30 01:55 PM 编辑

《植物大战僵尸:花园战争(Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare)》PS4版开发日志

  《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》早于2014年2月份在XBOX ONE平台上发售,当初公布的时候是微软和EA通过基友关系换来的限时独占,而EA也于早些时候公布该作将登陆PS4平台。日前官方放出了游戏PS4版开发日志,游戏开发人员深度介绍了在PS4平台上开发该作的故事。

  视频中还展示了游戏通过Remote Play在PSV上游玩的画面,当然演示中我们似乎看不到操作演示,希望真正游玩的时候也能有流畅的体验。PS4版《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》将于2014年8月19日发售。

2014-7-30 07:37 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-30 02:00 PM 编辑

EA Announces Subscription Service for Xbox One
EA Access新服务登陆XBOX ONE

  微软和EA哥俩好,基情活动再次展开,日前EA宣布将为XBOX ONE提供一个独占服务——EA Access。订阅该服务不但可以买游戏优惠,还有很多钱买不到的服务。

  服务的费用每月4.99美元,包年29.99美元。目前正在进行限定玩家数量的公测,正式版很快推出。在公测期间,订阅服务的玩家可以无限次的玩EA的特定游戏,现在支持的游戏包括《FIFA 14》、《麦登NFL25》、《幻幻球2》、《Battlefield 4》。

  随后,订阅的玩家可以享受9折购买XBOX ONE版EA游戏的权利,在EA游戏发售前五天还可以提前试玩,存档继承到正式版中。目前支持提前试玩的游戏包括《麦登NFL 15》、《NHL 15》、《FIFA 15》、《NBA Live 15》和《龙腾世界:审判所》。喜欢EA的玩家,请认准XBOX ONE……

Announcing EA Access for Xbox One: The Best Way to Play EA’s Games

Today we’re revealing a new way for gamers to play more EA games. This is something we’ve never done before and we’re excited to share it with you.

We have partnered with Microsoft to deliver EA Access, an all-new monthly (or annual) membership for gamers exclusively on Xbox One that starts at just $4.99 a month. The service is being rolled out in beta to a limited number of players today, but it will launch for everyone on Xbox One soon. At EA, we are always looking for new ways to make it easier for gamers to play more EA games across all platforms, and we are excited about what EA Access will offer to players on Xbox One.

EA Access membership unlocks The Vault, a collection of EA’s biggest games on Xbox One ready for you to download and play. During the beta, gamers will have unlimited access to four great EA games: FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25, Peggle 2 and Battlefield 4, with more titles being added soon. That’s over $100 worth of games for $4.99 a month. You can play these EA favorites as much as you want with the click of a button.

EA Access is a totally new way for you to play more of the games you love, for less. Here’s a rundown of the additional benefits EA Access members will get:

• Awesome Value – Besides the great games in The Vault, EA Access members will save 10% on purchases of EA digital content for Xbox One offered through the Xbox Games Store. From full digital-download titles like the upcoming Dragon Age™ Inquisition or NHL®15, to additional membership services such as Battlefield 4 Premium or even FIFA Ultimate Team points, it’s all 10% off for members.*

• Play First – Membership in EA Access lets you experience trials of new EA games up to five days before the release date.* It starts with Madden NFL 15, NHL 15, FIFA 15, NBA LIVE 15, and Dragon Age: Inquisition, but more are on the way. If you decide to buy the game, your progress will carry over so you can pick up right where you left off.

ou can join EA Access for just $4.99 per month, or you can purchase an annual membership for $29.99 per year on Xbox Live.

Soon, fans of GameStop will be able to purchase their EA Access membership in local retail stores. GameStop and Amazon will also carry EA Access memberships for Xbox One gamers across Europe, as well as EB Games in Canada.

Excited to check it out? EA Access will launch on Xbox One soon. You will find more information on the program at the EA Access website. Be sure to follow EA Access on Facebook and Twitter as well.

Stay tuned!

2014-8-4 06:04 PM
《FIFA 15》最新宣传片放出 细节取胜无可比拟

  日前,EA公布了一段《FIFA 15》的一段最新宣传片,宣传片的名字为“灵活与掌控”,向玩家们展示了一些《FIFA 15》的最新特性。



  此外,《FIFA 15》中经过对人与人对抗的精密模拟,身体接触、铲断、肩部碰撞、推拉机制已经做得丝丝入扣,全新进化的球衣技术让球员对拉扯球衣的反应更加明显。一起来看下视频吧。

2014-8-16 03:53 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-27 06:48 PM 编辑


  《NHL冰球15》是EA公司推出的系列最新作,游戏将于2014年秋季登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。日前官方放出了本作的最新游戏演示影像,继续为大家讲解本作的系统,下面就请玩家们来看一看。


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