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【新闻部】Electronic Arts -

2014-1-22 07:33 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-23 07:24 PM 编辑

《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》宣传片 趣味十足


  《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》是在2013年E3上发布的一款新作,游戏将于2014年2月28日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。本作以《植物大战僵尸》为背景的第三人称射击游戏,游戏充分利用了植物大战僵尸的游戏特性,《花园战争》的游戏中所有的角色都是原版游戏中的植物和僵尸,他们在游戏中拥有不同的能力,然后互相对抗。

2014-1-28 07:02 PM
2014-1-29 06:44 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-2 09:09 AM 编辑

《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》Xbox One独占分屏模式

  出于某种原因,《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》的本地分屏合作模式将不会面向Xbox 360版本。只有Xbox One玩家能和基友肩并肩战斗。也就是说这将是Xbox One独占内容。另外这款游戏的Boss模式也是独占内容。

  在合作模式下,两名玩家将孤军奋战面对大波僵尸跟《使命召唤》的僵尸模式有点类似,每隔一段时间就会出现一名boss虐人。听上去很棒——是不是足以让大家都去买Xbox One了呢?

2014-2-4 04:53 PM

   Polygon近日报道,EA英国地区的Ghost Games工作室惨遭裁员,将有部分员工加入Visceral工作室协助开发代号为“哈瓦那('Havana)”的新BF作品,而且据闻BF5将是以警察部队为主题,会在2014年上市。

Polygon:http://www.polygon.com/2014/2/1/ ... fs-title-mothballed
2014-2-5 07:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-16 08:35 AM 编辑

《花园战争》新手讲解视频 向日葵变身奶妈!

  EA旗下TPS新作《植物大战僵尸:花园战争(Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare)》将在2月25日的时候于北美发售,2月27日登陆欧洲。


2014-2-11 07:09 PM
《UFC终极格斗冠军》新宣传片 次世代新系列

  EA Sports支持次世代而推出的四大体育游戏之一,《UFC终极格斗冠军》算是相对小众化,但是最热血的一款游戏。日前EA方面也放出了该作最新的宣传片,展现了次世代新系列的UFC。

  游戏收录众多UFC明星并且采用真人动作捕捉极力为玩家们带来超真实的打击体验,本作将于2014年春季发售,登陆PS4和XBOX ONE平台。


EA Sports UFC Gameplay Series: Next-Gen Fighters

Get ready to experience the world of MMA like never before! EA Sports UFC ushers in a new era of the virtual athlete, brought to life from the ground up exclusively for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

The first installment in our EA Sports UFC Gameplay Series gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the technology used to create the most realistic looking fighters imaginable.

Beyond Fighter Likeness

Reality is in the details. In the past, games could only recreate certain aspects of an athlete’s likeness. In EA Sports UFC, the true essence of each fighter’s appearance has been designed down to the very last detail.

After scanning fighters using the most advanced capture technology available, our developers have integrated high-res textures and dynamic lighting to bring an unparalleled level of realism to each and every character model in the game.

Emotion in Action

EA Sports UFC’s advanced capture process goes far beyond the surface to capture unique expressions and reactions, specific to the fighters themselves.

Instead of generic expressions, UFC stars will react just as they would in real life, providing a true range of emotion and credibility to fighters on the EA Sports UFC roster.

Octagon Awareness

Not only will athletes in EA Sports UFC each feature believable looks and personality, expect them to display a sense of awareness and intelligence throughout their fights.

From eyes that track opponents to facial expressions that change as each fight unfolds, every character in EA Sports UFC will act the way they would in a real fight.

Reach Advantage

Faces don’t win fights, and for that reason just as much attention has been put into each fighter’s unique physical attributes as we did their features.

Arms, legs and torsos have all been recreated to scale in-game, providing fighters the same advantages in EA Sports UFC that they would have in the real Octagon. Whether you’re powering through takedowns with Benson Henderson’s massive legs, or picking opponents apart with Jon Jones’ reach, every action in the Octagon will feel accurate and authentic.

Signature Moves

The UFC’s biggest personalities all do things a little differently. EA Sports UFC has captured hundreds of distinctive fighter animations ranging from walkout rituals to knockout celebrations that make the fighters feel more like themselves than ever before.

Be sure to check back in the coming weeks and months as we reveal more including Dynamic Striking, Submission Battles, Living Worlds, and much more.

Click here to get your first look at the fighters making their way into the Octagon of EA Sports UFC this spring. Check back regularly as more fighters are revealed. EA Sports UFC releases this spring.
2014-2-14 08:26 PM

  在手游领域极度火热的《植物大战僵尸》来到家用机会擦出什么火花呢?一起在《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》中寻找答案吧。日前EA方面放出了该作最新的真人电视广告,广告的开始还以为走错片场看得是战争大片呢,谁知到后面的剧情让你啼笑皆非。《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》会于2014年2月28日率先在XBOX ONE及XBOX360平台上推出。

2014-2-21 07:43 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-21 07:11 PM 编辑


  《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》最新的上手视频再次被EA放出,本次展示的是僵尸方的战斗演示,这回玩家们终于可以扮演可爱的僵尸拿着武器摧残植物了。感兴趣的玩家一起来看一下吧!《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》会于2014年2月28日率先在XBOX ONE及XBOX360平台上推出。

2014-2-26 07:49 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-26 07:23 PM 编辑


   EA发布了旗下人气游戏续作《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》欢快刺激的发售预告片,该作已经在2月25日登陆了Xbox 360和Xbox One,之后还将登陆PC平台。


2014-3-6 07:14 AM
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