本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-30 09:03 PM 编辑
The Forest for PS4 launches November 6
《森林》PS4 版发售日公布
开发商Endnight Games宣布开放世界生存恐怖游戏《森林》PS4 版将于 11 月 6 日发售。《森林》曾在 Steam 上抢先体验测试了多年,今年 5 月 1 日才脱离抢先体验正式发售,支持简体中文,获得了特别好评评价,好评率高达90%。
PS4版《森林》将在西雅图的PAX West游戏展上提供试玩,PAX West游戏展8月31日开始,9月3日结束。
《森林》先前是一款PC平台开放世界生存恐怖游戏,游戏中玩家必须建造设施,探索世界,生存下去。 《森林》讲述的是在飞机失事后一名父亲在森林中寻找自己失踪的儿子。《森林》将打造一个活生生的,气候多变,植被动态生长凋零,地下洞穴错综复杂的森林,等待玩家探索。
玩家必须砍树建造营地,生火取暖,收集食物,甚至还可以种植农作物。 玩家可以藏匿行踪躲避敌人,也可以用石块和木棒制做武器,与敌人正面交战。 而玩家的敌人是一群异变人,他们和正常人类一样,有着自己的家庭和道德观。
The PlayStation 4 version of The Forest will launch on November 6, developer Endnight Games announced.
The Forest for PlayStation 4 will be playable at the PlayStation booth at at PAX West in Seattle from August 31 to September 3.
Here is an overview of the game, via PlayStation Blog:
The Forest casts you as a father looking for his missing son after you both survive a passenger plane crash. You’ll have to find food and water, and as night approaches build a fire and shelter to keep warm. Although tranquil at first, you soon find there is something sinister lurking in the trees.
Complete Freedom
Our game encourages creativity. The game doesn’t tell you what to do, so everyone will experience their own version of the story. We try to give players as many options as possible and it’s been surprising for us how different individual playthroughs can be. Some players will focus on combat and exploration, whilst others will focus on building the most insane base possible.
We wanted to make a game that was almost fully interactable, where you would be able to chop down every tree or bush, pick berries and mushrooms for food or hunt animals and use their skin as armor. Our crafting system allows players to use items from the world to create new resources for survival. For example, make a spear out of sticks and then use it to catch fish, or smash open some suitcases, find some cloth and booze and combine them to make a Molotov cocktail.
The game also has an in-depth building system, where you can either choose pre-constructed buildings for your base, or be let loose with custom building options allowing you to make almost anything you can think of. Want to build a tree house connected by ziplines? Or a raft to try and survive at sea? Both are possible. Feel like an ocean side fortress surrounded by traps will be the best way to survive? You can also do that. We wanted to build a world that was scary and dangerous, then give players the choices for how to best survive.
Survival and Combat
As you’re not alone in The Forest, you’ll need to craft basic weapons to try and survive. Passive players can use stealth to evade most enemies by hiding in bushes, or even play the game in peaceful mode if you just want to focus on building and survival.
The game’s enemies initially appear relatively human-like, but over time more distorted and disturbing creatures will begin to appear from within the depths of the cave system hidden beneath the surface.
Our building system also allows dead enemies to be used in construction. Mount a head on a wall as a trophy, build a fence of out bones, or get creative and build a sculpture out of cut off limbs and then set it all on fire.
We wanted to create a real sense of fear and claustrophobia in our cave systems. As you explore the world underneath The Forest, you’ll find some of the game’s most terrifying creatures, along with some of the games best modern weapons and tools. Want a chainsaw to make chopping trees faster? You’re going to have to delve deep below to find it.
Multiplayer Co-op
We originally focused on the game as a single-player-only experience, but fans of the game encouraged us to implement a multiplayer mode. Set out as up to four dads on a horror adventure to find your missing kid. Join together with friends to build, swim, or mess around with turtle-shell sledding in the snow. We now feel multiplayer is the best way to experience The Forest, playing with up to three other friends for the ultimate survival horror experience.