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【新闻部】Tecmo Koei - Gust ガスト20周年記念発表会

2015-5-11 06:47 PM
台湾光荣特库摩宣布 PS4《讨鬼传 极》中文版即将于 5 月 14 日登场

  台湾光荣特库摩宣布,广受玩家好评的共斗动作游戏《讨鬼传》系列最新作品:PS4《讨鬼传 极》日文版现正好评热卖中,紧接着PS4《讨鬼传 极》中文版即将于5月14日登场。


  PS4《讨鬼传 极》中文版除了收录全部《讨鬼传》之外,更一举追加了近乎同量的后续发展,在既有的伙伴们之外,更有新的武士们参战。 本作充分活用PlayStation®4的性能,使得游戏画质大幅进化,无论是 “鬼” 还是人物肌肤、服装,攻略关卡实境表现、战斗时的临场感、彷佛置身实境的讨 “鬼” 意境,重现压倒性的存在感。 使用PS4专属的SHARE机能,能简单将游戏时的截图及影片发布,共享;无论是新手武士奋斗之姿或是老鸟武士的卓越表现,都可展示予世界中的武士们鉴赏及共享。


PS4《讨鬼传 极》中文版 首批特典 ― 御魂「杉文」下载序号


首批赠品 ― 『讨鬼传 极』特制手机保护套(For 台湾、香港地区玩家限定)

PS4《讨鬼传 极》中文版产品数据

建议售价:NT$ 1,780
版权所有:©2014-2015 KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
2015-5-19 06:58 AM
Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence coming west in September

Japan's Most Intrincate Streategy Game is Coming to North America and Europe This September

Koei Tecmo is proud to announce inaugural release of famed strategy/ historical simulation IP Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence. The game will be available on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system in North America on September 1 and across Europe on September 4, 2015. It will also be simultaneously available digitally on the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and on PC via Steam.

Having recently celebrated its 30th year anniversary, ‘Nobunaga’s Ambition’ is one of the longest running franchises for Koei Tecmo Games in Japan, and during its lifetime it has received high praise by an ever-growing fan base across an array of platforms. Now, its latest chapter, ‘Sphere of Influence’, is finally ready to cross the waters and reach Europe for the first time.

Ogasawara-san, the long- serving producer of the series, notes: “It is my distinct pleasure to be able to present the newest installment of “Nobunaga’s Ambition” to our western audience. I hope gamers will enjoy this one-of-a-kind strategy game that has been refined through 30 years of experience. Don’t miss it!”

Hailed as one of the best instalments in the franchise’s history, this extremely intricate, deep, and meticulous strategy game is set against a backdrop of a fragmented nation and asks the player to take up the mantle of a Daimyo, a feudal lord of the Sengoku era (15th- 16th century Japan), who will fight for the great ideal of uniting the war-ridden country under one rule, thus becoming the first Shogun.

This title, centring around creating a realistic, dynamic, and dramatic playing experience, requires a high level of concentration and skill as players will need to master three key verticals in order to become a well-rounded ruler and successfully beat the game: Creation, Diplomacy and War.

In ‘Creation’ they are called to build up their clan’s standing, deal with everyday issues like building farms & roads, growing the economy, entering trade agreements with neighbouring fiefs etc.

‘Diplomacy’ is a playground for cultivating diplomatic relationships, employing spies, creating alliances, gaining the loyalty of subordinate officers and growing in strength via marriage, oaths of fealty and treaties.

Finally to succeed in ‘War’ players must train troops, level up officers according to the clan’s needs, fortify defences, strategically position armies and attack (or defend) to further their goals and grow their dominion.

Choosing to play either as a historical personality or a uniquely edited character, Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of influence is both a full scale historical simulation and a bona fide strategy title and it offers an extremely wide pallet of choice for the player to shape the world as they please.

For more Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence news please visit facebook.com/koeigames and nobunagasambition.eu and follow us on twitter @koeitecmoeurope
2015-5-19 06:16 PM
《三国志 13》30 周年纪念最新作 12 月登场 体验英杰羁绊所交织而成的三国史诗

  KOEI TECMO Games 今(19)日在经典策略仿真游戏《三国志》系列 30 周年纪念发表会上宣布,将于 2015 年 12 月 10 日在 PS4、PS3 与 PC 推出《三国志》系列最新作《三国志 13》。


  作为系列 30 周年纪念作的《三国志 13》由铃木亮浩担任制作人,将以「人类戏剧(Human Drama)」、「壮观(Spectacle)」与「活力(Dynamism)」3 大概念为主题。 游戏中玩家可以扮演所有登场的三国武将,体验英杰彼此羁绊的人类戏剧,具备野战、水战、攻城战、武将单挑等运筹帷幄决胜千里的壮大战斗场面,以及透过无接缝单一 3D 地图呈现的广大中国大陆与城池。


  《三国志 13》预定推出一般版、宝箱版与 GAMECITY 限定组合,其中 GAMECITY 限定组合除了宝箱版的内容之外,还会提供由人偶美术家川本喜八郎原型制作的原创诸葛亮人偶 1/3 尺寸。



游戏名称:三国志 13
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / Windows
发售日期:2015 年 12 月 10 日
建议售价:PS4 / PS3 版 8800 日圆,Windows 版 9800 日圆
PS4 / PS3 宝箱版 13800 日圆,Windows 宝箱版 14800 日圆
PS4 / PS3 GAMECITY 限定组合 68800 日圆,Windows 限定组合 69800 日圆
开发厂商:KOEI TECMO Games
发行厂商:KOEI TECMO Games
2015-5-22 07:33 AM
2015-5-28 07:02 PM
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 三国志 13

2015-6-13 07:06 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-13 07:10 AM 编辑

Toukiden: Kiwami Coming to PC via Steam on June 26



Demon Hunting Action RPG Toukiden: Kiwami Comes to Steam This Summer!

Koei Tecmo today announced that the demon-slaying epic, Toukiden: Kiwami, will make its debut appearance on PC via Steam® on 26th June 2015. The critically acclaimed action rpg is set in a beautiful, yet tormented world inspired by various historical periods of Japan, and tells the tale of humanity’s last stand for survival against powerful demons (Oni).

With a story mode estimated to take over 100 hours to complete, Toukiden: Kiwami also features over 50 Oni types, an extensive character creation mode, 300 fallen heroes (Mitama) whose rescued souls help strengthen the player’s team, more than 1500 weapon variations, and an extensive multiplayer mode. Players can battle Oni with a squad of up to four Slayers comprised of various NPCs or other players via online cooperative play.

Koei Tecmo also announced a special bonus offer for fans that purchase early. By pre-ordering the game, gamers will receive a 10% discount off the full price, as well as a bonus DLC costume set fashioned after the Armours of two of the new characters introduced with Toukiden Kiwami: Soma, the heroic Captain of the Hundred Demon Corps. and Reki, the young Naginata wielding Slayer.

More information about Toukiden: Kiwami, please visit the official site: toukiden.eu/kiwami

About Toukiden: Kiwami

In the deeply rich world of Toukiden: Kiwami, Oni have hidden in the shadows aiming to torment mankind. Throughout history, a secret cast of warriors known as Slayers have been trained to dispose of the demonic threat before it could consume the world. However, an event known as the ‘Awakening’ generated rifts in space and time, causing places that had long disappeared from the world to resurface, and unleashing hordes of demons that now relentlessly hunt humans.

The player’s role in Toukiden: Kiwami is to complete various missions, strengthen his or her relationships with the other warriors in the village, and eventually do battle with the largest of the Oni to banish them back to their dimension and free the souls of the heroes they’ve trapped. In turn, when these souls are free, they stay with the player and provide him or her with a variety of equippable abilities.
2015-6-29 06:41 PM
PC / PS Vita《信长之野望 创造 with 威力加强版》中文版预定 7 月 22 日上市

  台湾光荣特库摩宣布,继PS3 / PS4版后,《信长之野望》30 周年纪念作品:PC / PS Vita《信长之野望 创造 with 威力加强版》中文版预定于 7 月 22 日上市。 而持有《信长之野望 创造》之玩家将可透过对应平台之网络商店购买《信长之野望 创造 威力加强版》数字下载版进行升级。


  持有 PS Vita 版《信长之野望 创造》中文版的玩家可于 PS Store 平台购入《信长之野望 创造 威力加强版》中文版。 而持有 PC 版《信长之野望 创造》中文版的玩家除了可于 Steam 平台购入外,亦可于电玩社群网站「巴哈姆特」购买《信长之野望 创造 威力加强版》中文版数字下载版,让玩家可以选择最方便的方式进行升级。

※《信长之野望 创造 威力加强版》中文版在未持有对应平台之《信长之野望 创造》中文版本体游戏时,无法单独进行游戏。

《信长之野望 创造 with 威力加强版》游戏特征

  《信长之野望 创造 with 威力加强版》新增各项系统、指令,实现玩家心中愿景的全国规模大决战。 超绝进化的创造、威猛的合战绘卷。 历史动向终于步入、一统天下的大决战。 无论质与量都进化,达成全系列最大规模的「威力加强」。

大幅强化的军团制与外交 升华的 “多方面作战策略” 所实现的强烈逼真感

  导入担任盟主与全国大名共战的「联合」指令及指挥多个具丰富个性军团长的「麾下军团制」等新系统。 与各地势力携手合作,如手足般掌控麾下军团,实现如关原之战般的全国规模大决战现场。

自由自在地指挥部队 会战加强战术性,栩栩如生的临场表现

  自由自在地操控部队。 自在地奔驰于敌我部队众多的战场上。 除导入全新的战场地图外,还有要所战与据点战等新战场机能。 配合战场地形与部队配置,适时指挥,体验富高战略性彷佛如置身实境的逼真战斗。


  新增超越 500 名的武将。 阐述情感表现更为丰富多变的戏剧化战国时代。 导入「信长诞生」(1534 年)与「关原之战」(1600 年)等 4 项新剧情故事与多个新「战国传」故事。 且新增超过 500 人的武将,使登场武将达全系列作最多,为 1800 人以上。 本次推出的庞大游戏内容,生动地充份展现出战国乱世富戏剧化的内涵所在。


  以各种基本的编辑机能为首,新增众多如修改据点、活用「资源」的新设施、朝廷外交机制等拓宽游戏视野的要素。 同时改善操作接口,使游戏进行上更为舒适。
2015-7-2 07:25 AM
2015-7-16 06:49 AM

2015-8-2 07:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-2 07:33 PM 编辑

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 in development
日媒爆料《死或生:沙滩排球3(DEAD OR ALIVE XTREME 3)》开发中确认 泳装盛宴汹涌来战

  在今日举办的《死或生》感谢祭上,早矢仕洋介正式宣布,《死或生:沙滩排球3》正在开发之中,具体的情报还没有公开,包括游戏的开发进度、发售日以及发售平台都仍是一个迷。或许在TGS 2015上,《死或生:沙滩排球3》会进行详细发表。



DOA producer Hayashi confirms they are making latest entry of DOAX

During today's Dead or Alive Festival, producer Hayashi has confirmed that they are indeed making the latest entry of the DOAX series.

Rough translation of what Hayashi said:

"There is a game where female DOA characters are having a vacation at south island. Fans having been asking for that game. It is actually the number 1 request from the fans. I have been acting as if I was ignoring these requests. But we have actually begun developing that game, the latest installment. It's still very early in development so we can't give more details, but I want to announce today that we are making the game."

raven777 - NeoGAF

New DOAX Game will supposedly only be made exclusively for Japan and Asia

Thanks for attending and for watching DOA Festival today. MC Kwiggle (USA - Christie) won the exhibition match and Teru Rock (Japan - Leifang) fought intensely with him.

We announced DOAX3 (Working Title) today, but it will be made exclusively for Japan and Asian market.

We announced many things today about new stage, patch update, Halloween costumes etc... We will keep you posted

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