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【PS4】Playstation®4 -- PS4 Pro 和Slim 公布 支持4K电影和HDR 功能

2017-9-8 06:42 PM
希捷 PS4 游戏硬盘上市 可储存 50 款以上游戏、快速启动以及带来便利可移植性
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/152288.html

  希捷科技宣布,新推出 PlayStation 4 专用升级版 2TB 外接游戏硬盘,配合 PlayStation 4 主机打造且通过游戏测试。 此次 PlayStation 4 软件更新首度增加对外接硬盘的支持,希捷 PlayStation 4 游戏硬盘亦同步升级。 希捷 PlayStation 4 游戏硬盘的主要特色,包括可轻松储存 50 款以上的游戏、快速启动以及超级便利的可移植性。


希捷 PlayStation 4 游戏硬盘 2TB 大容量新上市


希捷 PlayStation 4 游戏硬盘快速安装


  拥有 2TB 容量的希捷 PlayStation 4 游戏硬盘,可轻松储存 50 款以上的游戏,足够容纳经典款和最新最夯的游戏,玩家终于不必再为新旧游戏的取舍而伤脑筋。 PlayStation 4 游戏硬盘配备 USB3.0,玩家可体验如同使用游戏机内部硬盘般的顺畅速度感。 此外,此款硬盘与历代的 PlayStation 4 游戏机皆兼容(系统软件 4.50 版本或以上)。


  将希捷 PlayStation 4 游戏硬盘直接插入游戏机的 USB 端口,PlayStation 4 即会自动侦测硬盘,引导用户快速进行简单设定,过程只需三分钟。 此程序经过 PlayStation 认可,不会造成游戏机的保固和 PlayStation 网络账号失效问题(需登入 PSN 账号)。


  玩家只要下载游戏到硬盘里,就能随时随地带着走。 在朋友的 PlayStation 4 游戏机登入 PlayStation 网络账号,便可以开始玩游戏,回家后还能接续先前的游戏进度。 黑色及蓝色铝合金外壳造型时尚且坚固,采用 USB 供电,无须携带额外的电源变压器。


与好友分享希捷 PlayStation 4 游戏硬盘 超多游戏随时随地带着走


  希捷 PlayStation 4 游戏硬盘正式加入希捷广受游戏玩家欢迎的储存方案产品线,即日起在希捷特定的经销通路贩卖。
2017-10-3 06:50 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-3 10:44 PM 编辑

PS4系统更新5.00上线 加入家庭机能并加强好友管理
PS4 System Software Update 5.00 'Nobunaga' Released

PS4 System Software Update 5.00 Out Now

Our next system software update for PlayStation 4, version 5.00 (codenamed Nobunaga), is available now! This update introduces features like the new “Family on PlayStation Network” system, an enhanced Twitch broadcast option on PlayStation 4 Pro, and a variety of new features for Notifications, Messages, and much more.

We’ve already outlined a number of key features before our beta program started, but we wanted to share some additional features that are coming to PS4 with this update.

Team Tournaments

Prepare to recruit the best players you know, because Team Tournaments on PS4 are almost here. With this new functionality, you’ll be able to compete against other teams for prizes and status.

Team Tournament functionality will kick off on October 5, shortly after the release of the 5.00 update. The initial batch of titles supporting Team Tournaments will be Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, World of Tanks and Mantis Burn Racing, with more on the way. Head over to the Events section on your PS4 to check out details for different Events and Tournaments, and to start creating your team.

You can join or own up to a maximum of 60 different teams, and each team will have an owner and captain(s) who can manage the team. Only teams will be able to register for official Team Tournaments. Your team will have its own customizable team page where you can see team member information, and view upcoming and ongoing events that your team is currently registered for and competing in. In addition, you can easily check out your team’s results in past tournaments with a new bracket viewer that shows full tournament standings for Single and Double Elimination tournaments directly on PS4. Communicating and coordinating with your teammates is also simple via the integrated team chat feature.

Follow Anyone

Before 5.00, you were only able to follow Verified Accounts, but now you can follow any user without having to be friends with them (subject to privacy settings). This allows you to follow content creators, game broadcasters, and other gamers in a community without having to dip into your friends list. And at the same time, this will allow these users to expand their reach and build more interest in what they’re doing. Your What’s New feed will be updated with the activities of the users you’re following, so you can easily keep up on what they’re up to. And under Friends, you’ll see a new Who to Follow section that will give you customized recommendations of who you can follow. The recommendations will be displayed in separate categories, such as Featured Verified Accounts, trending users, and suggestions based on games you’ve recently played.

Messages Update

We have one more feature to add to the list of updates coming to Messages on PS4. If you send a message that contains a link to a website, messages will now display a preview of the website, like headlines and thumbnails.

App Updates

Outside of PS4, some of our apps are getting updates today too:

PlayStation Communities

Following this update, you can switch the app into landscape mode when you flip your phone sideways, so you get a wider view of the app and it makes it easier to scroll through. In addition, you’re now able to view and post animated GIFs on community walls. We’re also adding the following languages to the app: Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Romanian, Thai and Vietnamese.

PlayStation Messages

Stickers for Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and Horizon Zero Dawn are being added. And similar to the PS4’s Messages update, the PlayStation Messages app will also be updated to display previews of a website if you’ve received a link. Support for Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Romanian, Thai and Vietnamese are being added to the app.

Mary Yee - Vice President, PlayStation Marketing, SIEA




  今天我们希望为大家重点介绍下一次PlayStation 4主机系统软件更新版本5.00(代号NOBUNAGA)所包含的机能。我们新增了系统语言;在PSN中加入家庭机能;让您可以更方便地管理好友;并且在播送丶最新资讯和讯息新增了各式各样新机能。


我们重新整顿了目前的主帐户/副帐户系统,并在PlayStation Network导入全新的家庭机制。这项新机制透过更简单的方式为小孩建立PSN帐户,以及自订家长监控设定,为家庭成员提供在PS4上更加灵活的体验。以下是PSN的新家庭机能:





若您拥有群组,您可以将群组绑定至您的播送。当播送与群组连结,Live from PlayStation的观众画面将会显示社群的按钮。当观众按下社群按钮,他们将可以直接前往您的社群页面阅览更多资讯。

PlayStation VR
我们新增了一项PlayStation VR的相关设定:显示给观众的讯息及来自观众的留言。若启用此设定,不仅在剧院模式时,於VR模式中进行播送时亦会显示观众的留言。这让VR播送者可以更轻松地随时确认留言并与观众们互动。

PlayStation 4 Pro
给Twitch用户的好消息!这次的更新,PS4 Pro将支援以1080p/60fps在Twitch串流。

目前可以透过PlayStation Music将您喜爱的音乐分享到Twitter或Facebook,但现在您将可以使用PS4的讯息机能进行分享。若您的好友在PS4上,他们可以启动快捷选单来聆听讯息中所包含的音轨;若好友们正在使用行动装置,他们可以直接从PS Messages切换到Spotify应用程式来查看乐曲。







PS VR的虚拟环绕声
当您使用PlayStation VR的剧院模式观赏Blu-ray与DVD,现在支援透过耳机输出5.1ch及7.1ch虚拟环绕声,让您拥有更加身历其境的观赏体验。

2017-10-4 03:07 PM
SIEJA 在日本推出 PlayStation 4 Pro 改版新型号 规格维持不变仅替换内部部分零件
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/153407.html

  索尼互动娱乐日本亚洲(SIEJA)在日本 PlayStation 官方网站确认,将自 10 月 2 日起在日本出货 PlayStation 4 Pro 主机的新型号「CUH-7100BB01」,基本规格、功能与价格维持不变。


自 10 月 2 日起在日本出货的 PlayStation 4 Pro 主机新型号「CUH-7100BB01」

  这次推出新型号的 PS4 Pro 主机为极致黑配色、搭载 1TB 硬盘机的标准款式,其产品编号将从原本的「CUH-7000BB1」变更为「 CUH-7100BB1」,基本规格与功能维持不变,仅部分内部零件有所变更,但官方并未透露具体细节。 价格维持相同的 44980 日圆(未税)。

  既有的「CUH-7000BB1」目前已不再供货,将全面以「CUH-7100BB1」替代。 9 月 6 日限量推出的冰河白配色款式并未同步更新,仍维持「CUH-7000BB2」不变。 此外,预定 12 月 7 日在日本推出的《魔物猎人 世界》特别版 PS4 Pro 主机亦将采用「CUH-7100」系列新型号主机。


既有的 PlayStation 4 Pro 主机旧型号「CUH-7000BB01」目前已经停止供货


预定 12 月 7 日推出的《魔物猎人 世界》特别版 PS4 Pro 主机亦将采用「CUH-7100」系列新型号主机

  目前还不清楚其余地区 PS4 Pro 主机的版本更新计划。
2017-10-20 06:15 PM
索尼公布新PS4手柄色“日落橘” 11月14日登陆欧洲和澳大利亚

  索尼今日公开了一个新的PS4手柄配色,名为“日落橘”(Sunset Orange )。这个颜色意在复制美好的日落。手柄主体色顾名思义采用了橘色的设定,按键则为深紫色,整体展现了非常独特的外观印象。

  这款手柄将在 11 月 14 日在欧洲和澳大利亚地区上市,北美地区并未提及,但官方表示该颜色手柄不会在英国、冰岛、法国、波兰、俄罗斯、中东和非洲等地区发售。

  除了这款橘色手柄外,索尼官方还授权 Hori 推出一款小巧型PS4手柄来供孩子和小手玩家使用,售价为30美金,它比正常的手柄小40%。



https://blog.eu.playstation.com/ ... vember/#sf123350495

https://blog.eu.playstation.com/ ... ni-gamepad-for-ps4/

2017-11-20 03:30 PM
PSV遥控游玩 PS4 游戏真人宣传片



2017-12-8 07:44 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-8 08:13 PM 编辑

PS4 worldwide sales top 70.6 million, PlayStation VR tops two million
PS4 全球销量突破 7060 万台 PS VR 全球总装置量达 200 万台

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/156335.html

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)本日宣布,PlayStation 4(PS4)主机、PlayStation VR(PS VR)虚拟现实装置以及 PS4 及 PS VR 游戏软件的销量达到新里程碑。

截至 2017 年 12 月 3 日为止,PS4 售至消费者的全球累计实际销量超过 7,060 万台。
截至 2017 年 12 月 3 日为止,透过全球零售商及 PlayStation Store 下载售出的 PS4 游戏销量超过 6 亿 1 千 780 万张。
截至 2017 年 12 月 3 日为止,因 PS4 的强劲势头, PS VR 售至消费者的实际销量亦超过 200 万台。
截至 2017 年 12 月 3 日为止,有超过 150 款 PS VR 游戏推出,透过全球零售商及 PlayStation Store 下载量超过 1,220 万张。

  SIE 会长 Andrew House 表示:「我们很高兴看到有那么多人喜欢 PlayStation 4 独特的娱乐体验提案,且像 PlayStation VR 那样的新兴科技亦持续获得关注。 真的很感谢支持我们的玩家和合作伙伴,从 PlayStation 第一次在 1994 年推出,他们的支持一直帮助 PlayStation 成为全球其中一个最大的主机游戏网络。 我们会继续与各个合作伙伴紧密合作,维持这个强势并致力于将 PS4 打造为最好的游戏娱乐平台。 」

  在游戏软件方面,PS4 的游戏作品将加入一系列的新游戏,包括《DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY NT》 (SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.)、《MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD》(CAPCOM CO., LTD.)、《人中之龙 极 2》 (SEGA Games Co., Ltd.)、《God of War》及《Shadow of the Colossus 汪达与巨像》 (SIE)。 PS VR 目前则预计有超过 130 款游戏及影像内容正在开发中并将于 2018 年内推出,包括《Homestar VR for PlayStation VR》 (The Pocket Company)、《The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR》(Bethesda Softworks)及《Bravo Team》 (SIE),带来独特的 VR 体验。

※ 实际销售数字由 SIE 根据调查所推算。 日本的销售数字为 2014 年 2 月 22 日至 2017 年 12 月 3 日的数字,北美洲为 2013 年 11 月 15 日至 2017 年 12 月 2 日,拉丁美洲为 2013 年 11 月 29 日至 2017 年 12 月 2 日,欧洲为 2013 年 11 月 29 日至 2017 年 12 月 3 日,亚洲则为 2013 年 12 月 17 日至 2017 年 12 月 3 日。 不包括追加内容的销量。

PlayStation 4 has cumulatively sold through more than 70.6 million units to consumers as of December 3, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced.

In addition to hardware, more than 617.8 million copies of PlayStation 4 games have been sold at retailers across the world and through digital downloads on the PlayStation Store as of the same date.

As for PlayStation VR, the virtual reality headset has sold more than two million units. And 12.2 million copies of the 150 titles released for PlayStation VR have been sold at retailers across the world and through digital downloads on the PlayStation Store.

“We are delighted that so many people are enjoying the unique entertainment proposition of PlayStation 4 and that an emerging technology like PlayStation VR continues to gain traction,” said Andrew House, Chairman of Sony Interactive Entertainment. “I cannot thank our fans and partners enough. Their support, since the launch of very first PlayStation in 1994, has helped to make PlayStation one of the biggest console gaming network in the world. We will continue to work closely with partners to maintain this momentum and remain steadfast in making PS4 the best place to play.”
2018-1-9 04:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-11 06:42 PM 编辑

PS4 sold 5.9 million units during the 2017 holiday season, worldwide sales top 73.6 million
PlayStation 4 耶诞新年商战全球销量逾 590 万台 全球累计销售台数已达 7360 万台
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/157572.html

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)9 日宣布,旗下电视游乐器主机「PlayStation 4(PS4)」于 2017 年底的耶诞新年期间销售强劲,全球销售超过 590 万台,累计销售台数已于年底突破 7360 万台。

  PS4 主机在 2017 年耶诞新年期间(11 月 19 日至 12 月 31 日)的全球销量超过 590 万台
截至 2017 年年底,PS4 的全球累积销量超过 7360 万台
2017 年耶诞新年期间透过全球零售通路以及在 PlayStation Store 在线下载售出的 PS4 游戏销量达到 5590 万套,PS4 游戏全球累积销量于 2017 年年底突破 6 亿 4500 万套

索尼互动娱乐总裁兼 CEO 小寺刚表示:「全靠全球玩家持续的支持,我们很荣幸地于耶诞及新年期间,创下骄人的销售佳绩。 」「PlayStation Network 继续展现出惊人的成长,其中 PlayStation Plus 会员人数经已突破 3150 万人,而 PlayStation Store 亦于 2017 年 12 月录得史上最高的当月销量。 我在此感谢 PlayStation 社群的大家以及我们的合作伙伴,协助我们达到如此非凡的里程碑。 我们将以坚定的信念为我们的支持者带来更多精彩的体验,包括独家游戏及创新的网络服务,让 PS4 作为最佳的娱乐平台,继续繁荣发展。 」

  目前 PS4 主机已在全球 127 个国家及地区贩卖。

PlayStation 4 sold 5.9 million units worldwide during the 2017 holiday season, which Sony Interactive Entertainment defined as from November 20 to December 31, the company announced.

Here are the key points, via Sony:

PS4 has sold through to consumers more than 5.9 million units during the 2017 holiday season.
PS4 has now cumulatively sold through more than 73.6 million units globally as of December 31, 2017.
More than 55.9 million PS4 games were sold during the 2017 holiday season in retail stores worldwide and through digital downloads on PlayStation®Store. This totals up to 645.0 million copies cumulatively sold as of December 31, 2017.
“Thanks to the continued support from our fans across the globe, we are honored to announce remarkable sales during the holiday season,” said John Kodera, President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment in a press release. “PlayStation Network continues to demonstrate spectacular growth, with the number of PlayStation Plus subscribers surpassing 31.5 million, and PS Store recording its largest-ever monthly sales of content in December 2017.”

Kodera continued, “I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our community and our partners for helping us achieve such phenomenal milestones. We promise our unwavering commitment to bring more amazing experiences to our fans, including exclusive games and innovative network services, as PS4 continues to flourish as the best place to play.”

PlayStation 4 is currently available in 127 countries and regions worldwide.

2018-2-7 04:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-7 07:51 PM 编辑

PS4 5.50 Beta Officially Begins Today
PS4 系统正式公布 5.50 新内容一览

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201802/2463017369.html

  SIE官方公布了PS4 5.50版系统(代号 KEIJI 庆次)的主要功能,目前该测试系统已于今日提供给了参加测试计划的用户。以下是5.50系统的主要更新内容。






  在新系统中可以通过U盘导入你自己的图像来做为PS4壁纸了。当导入之后你还可以缩放、裁剪和预览。U盘上的图片需要放置在命名为“IMAGES”的文件夹中,然后在 设置-主题-选择主题-自定义-选择图像-USB存储设备 里找到它们。

  在5.50系统中你还可以使用自己U盘中的图像来做为锦标赛团队的logo或背景图案。在 活动-队伍-选择你的队伍-编辑团队资料 中进行修改。


· “本机”和名字/头像标签

  内容资料库中新增了两个标签,以便你更方便的查看已购买和已安装的应用程序。“此PS4”标签列出了PS4系统上安装的所有应用程序,带有你的名字和头像的选项卡列出了你的PSN ID所购买的所有应用程序。此功能还可以搜索和查找已购买但未安装的游戏。

· PS Plus标签

  这个资料库的新标签可以展示出你从PS Plus会员福利中得到的免费游戏,如果你的会员已过期,则会在这些游戏旁显示带锁的PS Plus图标,以便让你了解哪些游戏需要重新订阅会员才能游玩。

· 隐藏应用




  如果您在PlayStation Music上使用Spotify,则“方块”按钮将作为音量控制的快捷方式。当你在媒体播放器或USB音乐播放器上时,“三角”按钮将作为播放或暂停的快捷方式,“方块”按钮则作为音量控制。



PlayStation Now支持背景音乐

  你可以在PS Now中听自己喜欢的音乐了。请注意,如果是游玩光盘版或下载版游戏时,背景音乐并不总是可用的。

PS4 Pro的超采样模式

  PS4 Pro用户可以在设置中看到新的“超采样模式”,这允许那些使用1080p或分辨率更低电视的用户在玩某些PS4游戏时有更好的视觉体验。

  在超采样模式中,一些游戏会以更高分辨率进行渲染,然后通过缩放以匹配HDTV。所以即使你没有4K电视,PS4 Pro也能为你带来更清晰的画面。


PS4 System Software 5.50 beta out today, key features revealed

The beta for the PlayStation 4 systems next major system software update 5.50 (codenamed KEIJI) starts today. If you signed up and were selected for the beta program, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to download and get started.

Whether you’re taking part in the beta programme or not, we wanted to give you a first look at some of the features you can expect in this update. In 5.50, we’re introducing Play Time Management, Library plus Quick Menu updates and much more.

Play Time Management

In system software update 5.00 we introduced a range of parental control enhancements. These allowed assigned Family Managers to easily control what each individual child plays, watches and views online.

Play Time Management builds on this, giving Family Managers (and adult family members who are set as guardian), the ability to set limits on when and for how long each individual child can play for. Managing Playtime is easy; go to Settings > Family Management on your PS4, or sign in to PlayStation Network account as a family manager or guardian on your web browser from your PC or smartphone, to check and manage your child’s playtime each day.

Notifications will be sent to children during gameplay so that they know when they should save and quit. The family managers/guardians can also set the PS4 to log out once the playtime session is over, and increase or decrease game time on the go, via the web portal.

Import custom wallpapers via USB

By popular demand, you can now import your own images via USB stick to use as custom wallpapers on PS4. Once imported, you can even zoom, crop and preview them in-situ to help get the perfect look on your dashboard. Note that the picture files on a USB stick need to be located in a folder named “IMAGES” for the PS4 to recognize them. Just go to Settings > Themes > Select Theme > Custom > Select Image > USB Storage Device.

Following the 5.50 update, you’ll also be able to customize your Tournaments team page with your own team logo or background that you can import from a USB stick. To set your logo and background, head over to Events > Teams > select your team > Edit Team Profile.

Library UI improvements

• 'This PS4' and Name/Avatar tab

Two new tabs are being added to Library to make it easier for you to see which apps you’ve installed and purchased. The ‘This PS4’ tab lists all the applications that are installed on the PS4 system, and the tab with your name/avatar lists all the apps that you purchased with your PSN ID. This feature also makes it easy to search and find games you’ve already purchased but have not yet installed.

• PS Plus tab

This update also adds a new PS Plus tab to the Library, which clarifies what games you own from PS Plus’ Monthly Free Games. If your PS Plus membership is expired, a PS Plus icon with a lock will appear next to your game so you know which games you can play if you re-subscribe.

• Hide apps

As requested, we’re adding a function that will allow you to hide certain applications under the ‘Purchased’ tab in the Library. In ‘Options,’ you can hide content including betas, trials or demos of games that you may not be going back to.

Quick Menu enhancements

With the launch of 5.50, you’ll be able to access custom friends’ lists directly from the Quick Menu. This will make it easier to see who’s online, and then send them messages or invitations – especially when you’re in the middle of game.

Whenever you’re listening to music on PS4, you’ll be able to access certain shortcuts from the Quick Menu. If you’re using Spotify on PlayStation Music, the ‘square’ button will serve as the shortcut for volume control. And when you’re on the Media Player or the USB Music Player, ‘triangle’ will work as the shortcut for play or pause, and the ‘square’ button as the volume control.

Notifications update

Users will be able to permanently remove old notifications from their PS4 – for better organisation and management. Just go to Notifications and press the ‘triangle’ or “OPTIONS” button to open up a menu that will allow you to select a single or multiple notifications you’d like to delete.

Background music on PlayStation Now

With Background Music on PS Now, you’ll be able to listen to your favorite tracks while streaming a game on PS Now. Just be aware, similar to when playing a game on disc or via digital download on PS4, background music may not always be available.

Supersampling mode on PS4 Pro

PS4 Pro users taking part in the beta will see a new ‘supersampling mode’ under Settings, which enables those with HDTVs (i.e., 1080p or less) to enjoy an enhanced visual experience when playing some PS4 games.

With supersampling mode, some games will render at a higher resolution and then be downscaled to match the HDTV – allowing PS4 Pro owners to leverage the benefits of an image clarity boost even if their PS4 Pro is not connected to a 4K TV. Please note performance will vary, as games are optimised differently to take advantage of the power of PS4 Pro.

Let us know which features you’re most excited about, and remember it’s not too late to join the beta. You can still sign up here for a chance to participate.

Stay tuned for further details about more features and improvements are coming with system software update 5.50.

Andrew Mason - Brand Marketing, SIEE

2018-4-12 10:58 PM
Sony 宣布将推出「手掌大」行动微型投影机 MP-CD1 享受随行的便利与乐趣
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/161262.html

  Sony 今(12)日在台发表最新行动微型投影机 MP-CD1,仅 280g、手掌大的轻巧机身设计,具备更升级的 ANSI 105 流明亮度,可于约 3.5m 近距离投影最大达 120 吋的影像,能轻松在不同平面上投放宽广屏幕,让商务简报、 游戏娱乐或是户外影院等活动需求,更不受空间限制,享受随行的便利与乐趣。



  为了提供更具质量的投放影像,Sony MP-CD1 搭载自动梯形校正功能,只要平放于桌面即可轻松确保全屏幕投放的质量,即使自斜角投影或投放在凹凸不平的表面上仍不失真,搭配动态图像模式(dynamic picture mode)更可优化照片与影片的亮度与饱和度;而为了提升使用灵活度,机身底部配置有标准三脚架孔,即使默认朝天花板投放也能轻松达成。

  全新 MP-CD1 采用德州仪器 DLP® IntelliBright™ 技术,拥有更先进的图像处理运算,搭配独特的设计更让只有口袋大小的机身,可维持低发热量同时保持高明亮度;内建 5000mAh 锂电池不仅可支持投影清晰明亮的影像达  2 小时,搭配 USB 端口还可支持外接设备充电,充当紧急行动电源使用,一机多任务、行动效能加倍。



  Sony MP-CD1 行动微型投影机仅需 5 秒即可快速开机,使用 USB Type-C 端口,可透过 AC 插座或行动电源快速充电。 支持标准 HDMI 及 MHL 链接,方便联机多媒体串流设备、智能型手机、笔电或是游戏主机,满足多元的娱乐影音使用需求及顺畅不延迟的高画质投放效果。 搭配可与 HDMI 连接的无线显示转接器,更可无线连接智能型行动装置,无须繁复操作即可轻松观看在线影音或 Netflix 等串流平台,配备标准音频插孔,搭配耳机或外部扬声器,可扩充更多使用方式与娱乐体验。



  机身外壳采用铝制金属打造简约的质感外型,一发布即获得了 2018 iF 产品设计奖项的肯定,轻巧方便携带的尺寸容纳了便利的规格,提供消费者更具效率的商务使用与娱乐体验。



  全新 Sony MP-CD1 行动微型投影机将于 2018 年 4 月 25 日在台上市,建议售价 NT11,900。 即日起至 4 月 22 日,凡于 Sony 官方购物网站或 Sony Store 全台直营店预购 MP-CD1 行动微型投影机,即可免费获赠无线显示转接器一个(价值 $1,990) 。
2018-4-27 06:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-27 07:07 PM 编辑

PS4 worldwide shipments top 79 million
索尼2017财年报告公布 PS4全球出货量超7900万

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/947171.jhtml

  索尼在今天公布了2017财年第四季度以及全年财报,其中 PS4 主机在第四季度出货量为250万,因此截止到2018年3月31日 PS4 全球累积出货量已超过7900万。而 PS3 主机大概用了7年才达到这个数字。

  具体到2017财年(2017年4月1日~2018年3月31日),PS4 出货量为1900万台,略低于上财年的2000万。考虑到 PS4 主机已经发售近5年,现在能有这个表现已经很不错了,而索尼预计下财年 PS4 主机出货量约为1600万。若完成该目标的话,PS4 在明年这个时候总出货量将会达到9500万。

  与此同时,PS4 的软件销量在本财年约为2.46亿套,其中数字版占比32%,两个数字在上财年分别是2.17亿和27%。同时,PS+ 服务用户数也在本财年大幅增长了780万,总订阅数达到了3420万。




Worldwide total shipments for PlayStation 4 have reached 79 million, Sony announced in its financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018.

A total of 2.5 million PlayStation 4s were shipped during the fourth quarter, which is down 0.4 million from the same period the previous fiscal year.

For the fiscal year in its entirety, a total of 19 million PlayStation 4s were shipped, which is down one million from the previous fiscal year.

For fiscal year 2018, which runs from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019, Sony expects to ship 16 million PlayStation 4s to reach a total of 95 million units. While this is a decrease from previous years, the company expects it to be offset by an increase in PlayStation 4 software sales.

Here are a couple of additional statistics:

PlayStation Plus subscribers topped 34.2 million as of March 31, 2018, which is up 7.8 million from the previous fiscal year.
PlayStation 4 software sold 246.9 million units in fiscal year 2017, which is up 29 million from the previous fiscal year.
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