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【PS4】Playstation®4 -- PS4 Pro 和Slim 公布 支持4K电影和HDR 功能

2016-12-15 07:37 PM
Sony 白金 PS 耳机公布 售价160美元!

  今天索尼Sony 正式宣布,采用游戏奖杯名称打造的白金PS耳机售价160美元,预定 1 月 12 日北美发售。该耳机相较之前版本的PS耳机加入3D音频技术,该技术可模拟游戏场景不同方位与距离的音频特效,护航游戏为《密境探险 4:盜賊末路》,陆续加入其他支持游戏,比如《密境探险 4:盜賊末路(Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End)》资料片,索尼Bend打造的PS4独占游戏。


2016-12-23 06:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-23 06:30 PM 编辑




2017-1-5 07:02 PM
2016 圣诞假期 PS4 销量620万台 总销量达到 5340 万台!


  SIE(索尼互动娱乐)今天在新闻发布会上宣布在 2016 年的圣诞假期,索尼的PS4系主机一共卖出了620万台!

  这里所指的圣诞假期指的是 2016 年 11 月 21 日至 2017 年 1 月 1 日(日本和亚洲地区),2016 年 11 月 20 日至 12 月 31 日(北美和拉丁美洲地区),以及 2016 年 11 月 21 日至 12 月 31 日(欧洲地区)。截止到 2017 年 1 月 1 日,索尼在全球总共售出了5340 万台PS4 系主机,当之无愧地成为了主机界的王者!

  同样在圣诞假期,PS4系主机的游戏软件一共卖出了5004 万份(此数据包含实体版和PlayStation Store 的数字下载版),此外,我们还得知了索尼的独占3A大作《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》截止到 2016 年 12 月 21 日为止,全球一共卖出了870 万份,取得了辉煌的战绩。

SIE的主席和全球CEO Andrew House 在发布会上作了以下发言:

  “我们对粉丝以及合作者的大力支持表示衷心的感谢,这是索尼游戏历史上最好的圣诞假期之一,这都是得益于你们的帮助。今年我们将会延续这个势头,再接再厉,我们将会拓展PS4这个品牌的内容,进一步丰富PlayStation VR上的革命性游戏体验,以及PS4 Pro 上的高画质游戏体验,同样也会扩展网络服务内容。我们将会一如既往地努力让PS4 成为最佳的游戏平台。”
2017-1-10 06:39 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-10 06:42 PM 编辑


  Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)今日宣布,将会为去年推出的轻薄机型 PS4(CUH-2000系列)推出首个新色「冰河白」Glacier White。 新色将由 1 月下旬开始,在亚洲、日本及欧洲地区陆续发售。 PS4 冰河白将于 1 月 19 日发售,并备有 500GB(建议零售价 RM 1349 马币)及 1TB(建议零售价 RM1499 马币)可供选择,玩家可按照个人喜好,选购设计简清而优雅的「极致黑」或「冰河白」PS4 主机,享受 PS4 独有的娱乐体验。











  另外,无线控制器(DualShock 4)(CUH-ZCT2系列)的新色「冰河白」及「迷彩绿」亦将于同日推出,建议零售价马币 RM 249。









  在游戏软件方面,PS4 的游戏阵容亦持续增强。 万众期待的新作,如《Resident Evil 7 biohazard》(Capcom Co., Ltd.)、《仁王》(Koei Tecmo Games Co., Ltd.)、《Gravity Rush 2》、《Horizon Zero Dawn》及《PaRappa The Rapper Remastered》(SIE WWS)等亦将陆续发售,在未来,SIE 会为玩家提供更多硬件的选择、精彩的新游戏以及更丰富的网络服务,进一步提升 PlayStation 系统的魅力。

2017-1-30 08:04 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-30 06:26 PM 编辑

PS4 白金无线耳机上市预告片公布

  索尼本月早些时候发布了 PS4 白金无线耳机,售价150.99美元。今天索尼公布了一段上市宣传视频提醒有需要的玩家前去购买。




• 可充电电池超长续航时间
• 先进降噪隐藏麦克
• 与PS4无线适配,支持少数PC
• 3.6mm接口支持PSVR和移动设备
• 折叠设计轻松便携,附赠收纳包

2017-2-3 10:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-4 05:48 PM 编辑

PS4 System Software Update 4.50 Features Detailed

Starting today, those of you selected for our beta program will get an early peek at some of the new features coming to PS4 with our next major system software update, version 4.50 (codenamed Sasuke). If you signed up for the beta and were chosen, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to download and get started.

Even if you’re not participating in the beta, we still wanted to give you a quick glance of the key features that will be rolling out with this update. We’re refining the user interface of PS4 even further, and adding highly requested features like external HDD support and custom wallpapers.

External HDD Support

It’s easy to upgrade the HDD that came with your PS4, but if you’re still looking for more storage space on the console, we’ve got you covered. With this update, you have the option to store content to an external HDD. Just plug a USB 3.0 HDD into your PS4, and voilà, you now have more space on the console.

This is compatible with HDDs up to 8TB in size. You can download and install applications directly to your extra storage, and the saved contents are easily manageable through the settings menu.

Also, all the applications saved in the external HDD will appear in the Content Launcher of the Home Screen so it’s easy to keep track of what apps you launched recently.

Custom Wallpapers

This update adds the ability to set your favorite in-game screenshot as the background image for PS4’s home screen. Drop-shadows on text, and the option to dim the Function Area, will help keep the system icons and texts on the home screen clearly visible even if the background image you selected is super bright.

You can also edit screenshots using Photo Mode in Sharefactory to make your one-and-only custom wallpaper.

Quick Menu Refresh

As you may know, in the last system update we overhauled the PS4 Quick Menu feature (the menu that appears after a long press of the PS button on DualShock 4).

This update brings additional improvements to make it even more accessible. Now the Quick Menu will cover even less of your gameplay screen, and you’ll be able to access handy Party features via Online Friends, like creating new parties, inviting friends, and joining parties, without transitioning to the separate Party app. The goal is to keep you in the game — and not stuck in menus.

Simplified Notification List

Before this update, the Notifications app had a variety of tabs on the left-hand side, like Game Alerts, Downloads, Uploads, and more. We’ve condensed all of the tabs to a single simplified list, making it easier to see all of your notifications all at-a-glance.

You can also quickly access the Notification settings from the Options Menu to turn off or customize which pop-up notifications appear on your screen, so you’re only being notified about your top priorities.

Post on PlayStation Network Activity Feeds

We’re adding the ability to post directly into the Activity Feed, which appears in a variety of places across the console, including What’s New. Under What’s New, you’ll see a new option to post things like text, screenshots, and gifs directly into your Activity Feed. You can also tag games or other users to make sure they don’t miss your post. It’s a great way to show off your greatest triumphs.

Tying into this new feature, Live from PlayStation will show screenshots that users uploaded to PSN as a Public Activity, so you can show off your best gameplay moments not only to your friends, but to users around the globe.

3D Blu-rays on PlayStation VR

If you’re a fan of 3D movies, and you own PlayStation VR, we’ve got good news — this update adds the ability to view 3D movies in stereoscopic 3D directly on the PS VR headset. Grab some popcorn and enjoy!

There are more features included in 4.50, so make sure to keep an eye out for additional info, including launch timing, in the weeks to come.

(Not mentioned in the release note)

Boost Mode for PS4 Pro

"When playing games launched before the release of PS4 Pro (CUH-7000 Series), you may be able to enjoy high-quality gameplay via higher frame rate, etc. In situations where unexpected behavior occurs during gameplay, please turn this feature off."

PS4系统将进行4.50大更新 支持外接硬盘储存游戏!
转载 - https://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=60596&snA=28551

  PS4 系统更新4.50内容部分释出,另外也公布此次更新的代号为「佐助」。详细的更新日期官方表示会在日后发表。


-外接硬盘支持:玩家可以连接USB 3.0外接式硬盘来下载、储存和安装应用程序,并且可以藉由设定选单来简单地管理外接储存装置与储存内容,外接硬盘最高支持8TB。

此外,所有储存在外接式硬盘的应用程序都会出现在主画面(Home Screem)的内容启动器(Centent Launcher),以便于更快速地持续追踪您近日所启动的应用程序。


-强化快捷选单:快捷选单启动后所占用的画面比例将更少,且还新增直接在快捷选单创建、加入、管理派对... 等的功能。


-PSVR 支持 3D蓝光:如果你是PSVR拥有者,将可以使用PS4播放3D蓝光影片,并且使用实境3D(stereoscopic 3D)方式观看,之后将公布更多消息。

-将动态分享至PSN:如同在Facebook发布动态贴文,玩家现在可以直接将动态分享至PSN上,使用纯文本分享、标注朋友、附加截图... 等在 What's Next 动态上与好友分享。

Live from PlayStation 中也会显示您上传至 PSN 动态消息的截图,让好友与全球玩家都能关切您的动态。

  此外索尼官方确认4.50 更新后,在 PS4 Pro 主机上新增了「强化模式(Boost Mode)」的选项,藉由解锁CPU/GPU运行频率能让未有Pro更新的游戏能透过该模式来提高/稳定游戏帧数。

本文为个人根据美国与欧洲PS BLOG内容做简略翻译,美国、欧洲、日本BLOG所公开的内容有些许出入,若想看更完整内容可以至三个地区的BLOG完整观看,有错或需补充地方可在留言提醒,会再补上,也感谢各位指教。之前注册4.50版系统更新测试员的玩家,也会在今日起陆续收到更新测试通知。

「强化模式(Boost Mode)」测试心得

-《血源诅咒》(Bloodborne) 因软件问题导致 frame pacing 仍未解决,但玩起来绝对有比较流畅,读取速度似乎也较快

-《赛车计划》(Project Cars) 非常明显地变得更好,虽说在湿地赛道仍有些掉帧问题,但比起以前体验上明显好很多

-《生化奇兵:无限》(Bioshock Infnite) 我游玩的部分看起来真的全程稳60fps

-《末世骑士2》 (Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition)稳在30fps,画面撕裂问题已经消失

-《堕落之王》(Lord of the Fallen) 几乎稳30fps,画面撕裂问题也几乎消失

-《新古墓奇兵》(Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition) 感觉起来真的稳 60fps

-《睡犬》 (Sleeping Dogs)驾驶时仍然有些不流畅,但行走时比起以前还要更好更顺畅

-《邪灵入侵》 (The Evil Within)比以前好太多...

-《决胜时刻:魅影》(Call of Duty:Ghost) 测试时玩到以前会掉帧的在线地图区域,现在感觉几乎稳60fps,前10分钟的战役也感觉很稳

-《死亡之岛》 (Dead Island Definitive Edition)和以前差不多

-《Everybodys Gone To The Rapture》 更流畅,但仍然不完美,但现在感觉几乎达到30fps上限。

-《生化危机 5》 (Resident Evil 5)掉帧问题不再...

-《人中之龙 0》感觉上没什么变化

-《蝙蝠侠:阿卡汉骑士》(Batman: Arkham Knight) 像奶油一样滑顺... (意旨非常流畅)
2017-2-14 06:23 PM
2017-3-8 11:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-9 06:13 PM 编辑

PS4 update 4.50 launches March 9
PS4 4.50 版系统软件「佐助」今日释出 支持外接式硬盘与 PS4 Pro 强化模式

转载 - 巴哈姆特

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)今(9)日宣布释出开发代号「佐助(SASUKE)」的 PS4 4.50 版系统软件,新增外接式硬盘支持、快捷选单翻新、PS4 Pro 强化模式、PS VR 播放 3D BD 等新功能。


  更新后 PS4 可透过 USB 3.0 外接式硬盘来扩充系统储存空间,用以安装应用程序,或将安装在内部空间的应用程序搬移到外部空间存放。 用来扩充的硬盘必须格式化为 PS4 专用格式,容量最小 250GB 最大 8TB。 用户存盘依旧只能储存在内部空间。

强化模式(PlayStation 4 Pro 专用)

  更新后针对 PlayStation 4 Pro 主机新增「强化模式」机能,用来改善没有提供 PS4 Pro 修补程序的旧游戏性能,让这些游戏可以利用 PS4 Pro 更快速的 CPU 及更快速且规模加倍的 GPU。 这可以让部分可变画面更新率的游戏显著地提升流畅度,且可以为固定 30Hz 或 60Hz 更新率设计的游戏提供更加稳定的画面更新率。 因为 CPU 速度提升,部分游戏可能可以缩短加载时间。

  用户可以前往「设定」→「系统」来启用强化模式。 要注意的是强化模式并不适用于所有的 PS4 游戏,可能有部分游戏会发生预期外的问题。 关闭这项机能的话,游戏将以标准模式启动。


  现在快捷选单占游戏画面的面积更小,且可经由在在线的好友轻松存取派对机能,不需要另外切换到派对的页面,就能举办新派对、访问好友或参加派对。 让用户能留在游戏画面进行操作,不需特地打开选单。

简化 “最新信息” 一览

  更新前,最新信息页面的左侧有游戏通知、下载内容以及上传内容等卷标。 更新后将所有卷标集中到一个简易的列表,让用户轻松地一目了然。 也可以从选项选单快速地前往最新信息设定,进行关闭或自定义哪些最新信息会弹出显示在画面上,如此便可以主要接收自己最关心的信息。


  可使用用户自行撷取的游戏画面作为系统主页画面的背景图。 即使选择的背景图亮度很高,文字底下的阴影效果以及可将机能区调暗的选项,能让系统图标和文字仍清晰可见。

在 PlayStation Network 的行动快讯上发表内容

  新增可以直接在行动快讯上发表内容的机能。 包含 What’s New 在内,许多地方都能看到这项机能的标示。 例如在 What’s New 中,用户将看到一个新选项,可以直接发表文字、屏幕截图或 GIF 图片到自己的行动快讯。 还可以标注游戏或其他玩家,以确保大家不会错过自己发表的内容,像是惊人的奖杯成绩之类的。

  经由这项新机能,Live from PlayStation 会将用户上传至 PSN 的屏幕截图显示为公开行动。 因此不只是好友,用户现在更可向全世界玩家分享精彩的游戏瞬间。

支持 PS VR 播放 3D BD 影片

  可使用 PS VR 观看 Blu-ray 3D 影片。

改善 PS VR 显示 2D 画面的画质

  以往在使用 PS VR 途中呼叫出系统主页画面时,会明显感受到电视上显示的交流屏幕分辨率比一般来得低。 本次更新后将大幅改善使用 PS VR 时交流屏幕系统主页画面的画质。

  此外本次更新中还同时改善了 PS VR 剧院模式的分辨率。 而且当 PS VR 剧院模式的屏幕大小设定为「小」或「中」时,画面更新率会从以往的 90Hz 提升至 120Hz。


  更新后,玩家在 PC、Mac 或 Xperia 装置上遥控游玩 PS4 时,将可以使用语音聊天功能。


  目前 SIE 提供多项 PS4 主机不在身边时可以使用的应用程序,像是 PlayStation App 和 PS Messages 都可以让用户轻松地与其他玩家交流。 本次更新因应此一趋势增加了手机图标,用来表示玩家并非使用 PS4 主机,而是使用其他装置登入 PSN。

PS Messages 及社群应用程序更新

  Android / iOS 系统上的 PS Messages 及 PS Communities 应用程序亦将进行几项便捷机能的更新。

  当用户在 PS Messages 上收到来自好友的派对邀请,可以使用「我等下参加」或「我无法参加」等常用讯息来立即回复。

  在社群应用程序中,用户可以前往「设定」→「查看 PSN 的服务状态」,即可可轻松确认 PSN 的服务状态。

  iOS 用户只要确认社群应用程序图标(图标右上角所显示的红圈数字),便能知道社群中是否有新的发表内容。




PlayStation 4 system software update version 4.50 will launch worldwide tomorrow, March 9, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced.

In addition to the key features detailed last month, Sony today highlighted a few additional features on the U.S. and European PlayStation Blogs.

Get the information below.

External HDD

As we previously mentioned, 4.50 allows to download and store PS4 games and apps to an external HDD. Insert your USB 3.0 HDD into your console, and select it from ‘USB Storage Devices’ from ‘Devices’ in Settings to format it so it’s ready to use (note, any previously stored content will be wiped from the HDD).

Note: compatible HDDs need to be USB 3.0 or later, between 250GB (min) – 8TB (max).

The HDD will now be the default download location as long as it’s plugged in; you can select the PS4’s internal storage instead on the ‘Storage’ section in Settings. You can easily move your internally-stored games and apps across to the HDD by selecting ‘Applications’ in ‘Storage’, press the ‘Options’ button and select ‘Move to Extended Storage’. You’ll be able to choose which games and apps you want to move.

To safely remove the HDD, hold down the PS button on your controller and select ‘Sound/Devices’ and then ‘Stop Using Extended Storage’ from the Quick Menu.

There is no guarantee that all USB storage devices are compatible with your system.

Improved 2D Images on PS VR

If you’re playing a game in PS VR and you return to the PS4 home screen, you may notice that the resolution looks lower than normal on the TV Social Screen. Following this update, you’ll find that the resolution of the system screen displayed on your TV is significantly better when you’re out of VR mode.

Also, the resolution of Cinematic Mode on PS VR will improve — if your PS VR screen size is set to Small or Medium, the frame rate of content viewed in Cinematic Mode goes up from 90Hz to 120Hz with this update.

Voice Chat for Remote Play

We’re adding voice chat when using Remote Play on Windows PC, Mac or an Xperia device. This is especially useful if you’ve got a gaming session planned with your friends, but you’re away from your system. You can switch your mic on and off via the microphone icon on the Tool Bar of the Remote Play app.

Off Console Availability

We have a variety of off-console apps and features that make communication with other gamers easier, like the PlayStation App and PS Messages. We’re adding an icon, shaped like a smartphone, which indicates a player is logged into PSN but away from their system.

Custom Wallpaper and Profile Color

Ready for a much more personal PS4 home screen? Head to Settings, then select Theme. From here, choose ‘Custom’ and select any screenshot and set it as your new PS4 home screen wallpaper.

Also there’s a new option to better personalize your Profile page. If you’ve selected a custom cover image, your PS4 will generate a choice of supporting colors based on that image to change the page’s background color to.

Share Your Activity

You’ll now have more choice on what you want to include on your Activity Feed, letting you create custom stories with text, screenshots, player and game tags. Find the post tool on What’s New, your Profile or Content Info Screen.

Activity Feed Privacy

In addition, you can now change the privacy settings for individual posts. You can alter who sees your Activities via the same-named tab in the Sharing Your Experience section of Settings, while you can decide the level of privacy for videos, screenshots, broadcasts, PS Store and PS Music when you go to upload them. But worry not, you can also alter who gets to see that content after the post has been shared.

Save Data Shortcut

Hover over a game title icon and press the Options button. You’ll be given the choice to ‘Upload/Download Saved Data’ from the the PS4’s home screen that let you upload the saved data on your PS4 to PS Plus online storage and download the saved data from PS Plus online storage to your PS4 with ease.

From Capture Gallery to SHAREfactory

Select your chosen screenshot or video in Capture Gallery, and by pressing the Options button you’ll have the choice to go straight into SHAREfactory and start editing.

GIF Support

Get the GIF love in 4.50, as you can now share GIFs from SHAREfactory to your Activity Feeds.

Boost Mode (for PlayStation 4 Pro only)

PS4 Pro gets a new feature in this update called Boost Mode. This feature has been designed to provide better performance for select legacy titles that have not been patched to take advantage of the PS4 Pro’s faster CPU and its faster and double-sized GPU.

This can provide a noticeable frame rate boost to some games with variable frame rates, and can provide frame rate stability for games that are programmed to run at 30 Hz or 60 Hz. Depending on the game, the increased CPU speed may also result in shorter load times. You can turn on Boost Mode by going to Settings > System.

Keep in mind that Boost Mode is not guaranteed to work with all titles. Turning the setting off will allow the game to be played in a mode that replicates the standard PS4.

PS Messages and Communities app Updates

We’re also updating the PS Messages (Android/iOS) and PS Communities (Android/iOS) apps tomorrow with a few handy features.

  • When you receive a Party invitation from your friends on PS Messages, now you can respond with a quick reply, “I’ll join later” or “Sorry, I can’t join,” when you want to get back to them ASAP.
  • On the Communities app, you can now easily check the PSN service status under Settings > View Status of PSN Services.
  • Also on the Communities app, iOS users can tell at a glance if there are any new posts in their community by checking the badge app icon (the number in a red circle at the top-right corner of the app’s icon).

2017-3-14 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-14 04:30 PM 编辑

PS4 Games Coming to PlayStation Now in 2017
终于可以在PC上玩PS4游戏了!PS4游戏将加入PS Now阵容

  SIE日前宣布,PS4游戏将在2017年内加入PlayStation Now云端游戏服务阵容,这意味着玩家可以通过购买PlayStation Now服务在PS4和Windows PC端体验到众多PS3和PS4游戏。

  支持PlayStation Now的PS4游戏将会在接下来的数周之内进行私人测试,如果你已经购买了PlayStation Now服务,那么去看看邮箱吧,说不定索法已经给你发送了邀请邮件。

  目前PlayStation Now服务已经支持483款PS3游戏,其中不乏《荒野大镖客》、《美国末日》、《NBA 2K14》等人气游戏。玩家可以在PS4、PC上使用PS Now服务,但是对于国内玩家来说,网速是个问题,官方推荐的上行和下行网速要求为5MB/s,如果你达到了这个要求,可以试试PS美服商店推出的7日免费体验。

PlayStation Now: Stream PS4 Games in 2017

As many of you know, PlayStation Now lets you stream hundreds of PS3 games — currently 483 to be exact — to your PS4 and Windows PC.

We’re excited to announce that PS Now’s catalog is set to grow even further, as we’ll be expanding to include a new platform: PlayStation 4 games. All of the games in the service, including PS4 games, will be included with a single PS Now subscription. We’ll share more information as we get closer to launch, so stay tuned.

In the next few weeks we’ll kick off a private test with PS4 games on PS Now. If you’re an active PS Now subscriber, keep an eye on your email in case you get an invitation.

If you’re new to PS Now, the subscription service offers access to a large and ever-expanding library of games. Since PS Now utilizes our cloud streaming technology, you can access the entire catalog of games, select one, and start playing quickly without needing to wait for downloads.

Also, PS Now uses cloud saves, letting you start a game on PS4 and continue playing on another PS4 or even a Windows PC (or vice versa).

If you haven’t given the service a try yet, now’s the perfect time to give it a spin with the seven-day free trial.

Brian Dunn - Senior Marketing Manager, PlayStation Now

2017-3-16 07:02 PM
世嘉 SEGA 推出两款初音PS4替换盖 预定4月开始发售
转载 - 电玩巴士

  世嘉公布将推出“SEGA feat. HATSUNE MIKU Project”与PS4的联动替换盖『SNOW MIKU×初音ミク Project DIVA Future Tone』和「初音ミク VRフューチャーライブ」,预定于2017 年 4 月 1 日起开始在索尼商店发售,此外与《人中之龙 6 生命诗篇》的联动款也决定再贩。

  替换盖全两种类,每款单品售价3000日元,与PS4本体同捆套装售价 500GB 31980日元、1TB 36980 日元。其中图二是为纪念索尼商店札幌店开业的替换盖,只能在札幌店购买,索尼线上商城无法买到。

  ※替换盖为PS4 CUH-2000用,CUH-7000无法使用需要注意。

http://www.sony.jp/playstation/s ... _20170316_topcover/
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