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【PS4】Infamous: Second Son - Limited and Collector’s Editions

2014-4-2 07:58 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-2 06:31 PM 编辑

《声名狼藉:次子》第二次更新 新增HUD开关

  《声名狼藉:次子》发售将近半个月了,日前[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch官方便公布了游戏的第二次更新,本次更新增加了三个比较核心的功能,同时[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch也表示在未来的两个星期内,游戏还会迎来更新。





Second Son Update Incoming: Change Time of Day, HUD Off, 30 FPS Option

Ten days.

That’s how long it’s been since I went to the midnight launch of Second Son here in Bellevue, Washington (just outside Seattle). I must have talked to over 100 people there, and so many more on social media and forums, Twitter, NeoGAF, etc. since then. It’s been amazing to see the excitement and passion of inFAMOUS fans, new and old. I want to let you all know how much your enthusiasm and support means to us, how it renews us, and readies us to go try to make even better games in the future.

We also want you to know that we listen to your complaints. Some big, some small, but we take them all to heart. We never want to lose sight of how important it is that we listen to all of you. We can always be better.

So to say thanks, not just for all the support but also for your passionate requests to make the game better, we’ve started work on a few small features which we’ll be delivering in the weeks to come.

Change Time-of-Day

Once you beat the game, a new entry will appear on the options menu to allow you to select the time of day! A very popular request indeed, and one we’re excited to enable for you all.

HUD On/Off

Especially for those amazingly talented screenshot taking folks, we’re including an option to let you turn the HUD on and off.

Cap at 30 FPS

Internally we prefer the unlocked frame rate, but we recognize that some players find it distressing. So we’ll provide a way to ensure the game is not bumping up over 30 FPS, if that’s how you prefer to play.

Of course, our coders and QA team are working to try to identify and resolve key bugs, and we’ll look at incorporating important fixes in the patch too. And who knows… if we’re inspired enough, we may sneak a few other little things in too. Time will tell!

We’re all working hard to release these updates as soon as we can. Time-wise, the earliest we could have the patch and new features ready is about two weeks from now, so stay tuned for another update — we’ll let you know as soon as they’re ready to go live. Until then, keep fighting the D.U.P., keep sharing your awesome screenshots (#PS4share on Twitter), and enjoy your powers!

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... d-off-30fps-option/
2014-4-9 07:16 AM
2014-4-17 06:57 AM
Infamous: Second Son Patch Out Tomorrow + New Photo Mode


Infamous: Second Son Patch Out Tomorrow

I have some good news for you. We’ve made great progress on the inFAMOUS Second Son patch on PS4 I promised you a couple weeks back. In fact, we expect to publish it on PSN tomorrow, April 17th.

Now first, let me update you on the specifics I promised, and then toss in a few extra goodies that we managed to squeeze in when nobody was looking. First — addressing one of the top two requests we’ve gotten — you’ll be able to disable the HUD, and once you’ve finished the game you’ll be able to adjust the time of day as you like.

We also promised, and have included, an option to cap the game frame rate at 30 FPS if you prefer playing this way. To set expectations for you all: this is a frame rate cap — not a lock. It won’t eliminate the rare instance of a dropped frame during gameplay.

But that’s all stuff you expected. Let’s talk about a few surprises, saving the best for last:

• A handful of localization text changes, and a couple of fixes for rare crashes in the game (Thanks to all of you who uploaded reports on those, they were extremely helpful!).
• If your controller runs out of batteries in the middle of gameplay, your game will pause. Our art director pulled a hamstring scrambling to get his second controller mid-boss-battle, so we needed to fix this.
• If you’re choosing expert difficulty, we let you know within the options dialog if you’re qualified for the “Unstoppable” trophy the moment you opt in.
• Photo Mode.

Wait, what’s that last one? We were totally amazed at the quality of the screenshots you all shared. Amazed. So we thought we’d try to help you all out. With this patch, you can enable photo mode within the options. Once you do that, clicking L3 will pause the game, and allow you to use a suite of our internal tools (like setting depth of field) to take even more amazing shots.

To hold you over until the patch goes live tomorrow, check out the brief video tutorial above showing how the Photo Mode works!

Final full disclosures and fine print: these options and settings, including frame rate, will reset to defaults each time you restart the game. We chose to not disturb our game save file format with this patch in order get these features to you as quickly as we could. Additionally, Photo Mode will only work in situations where the camera is freely movable by players. In scripted sequences/cutscenes you can still take screenshots of course, just not with the Photo Mode tools.

We hope you enjoy the new tools and the Photo Mode, and we can’t wait to see what you come up with! Enjoy, and talk again soon.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... patch-out-tomorrow/
2014-5-1 07:49 AM


2014-6-10 09:52 PM
【E3 2014】《恶名昭彰:第二之子》DLC《首道曙光》今年夏季问世

索尼电脑娱乐(SCE)旗下[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch Productions 制作的PS4 动作游戏《恶名昭彰:第二之子(inFamous Second Son)》,刚刚在PlayStation E3 媒体发表会上,宣布将于今年夏季推出下载包(DLC)《首道曙光(暂译,First Light)》。
在这个DLC 中,将会讲述关于Fetch 的故事,从宣传影片中可以看到Fetch Walker 被关在监狱中,她被迫面对她过去所遭遇的悲剧历程。在尝试逃脱的战斗过程中,她将解开她不为人知的秘密,同时要向那些使她蒙受冤屈的人来复仇。


2014-6-12 09:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-14 05:16 PM 编辑

Infamous: First Light standalone DLC coming to Second Son in August
《声名狼藉次子》全新DLC FirstLight宣布


Infamous First Light Coming to PS4 this August

My name is Jason Connell, and I’m one of the Creative Leads on Infamous First Light, the new standalone Infamous title for PS4 that we just announced at the PlayStation press conference tonight. As someone who worked on the original cutscenes that we used to announce this character before, I’m pretty excited that my first PlayStation.Blog post revolves around the return of my favorite conduit from Infamous Second Son: Abigail “Fetch” Walker.

Played once again by the brilliantly talented Laura Bailey, Fetch is back — and her story is not an easy one to tell. There is heartache, drug abuse and abandonment. Playing as Fetch, you’ll experience the events that transform her into the conduit you met in Second Son. You’ll see her cope with life in Curdun Cay (the high alpine prison) after being captured by the DUP, and experience what happens when her brother Brent goes missing – and how far she will go to find him.

In First Light, you will be able to explore new environments, such as Curdun Cay itself and the beautiful snowy mountain passes around it. You’ll also revisit the city of Seattle, this time through the lens of Fetch’s neon-tinted glasses. Of course, it wouldn’t be an Infamous game without awesome powers. This time around, you’ll see firsthand that Fetch has her own flavor of neon that is unique to her character and tone.

In Second Son, we made great progress on our lighting engine, particle effects, and our ability to give characters richer personalities using facial motion capture techniques. We’ve continued to use these tools to not only develop Fetch more as a character, but also to bring you to new environments as well. And for those with a photographer’s eye, I’m pleased to confirm that Photo Mode is included in First Light. I’ve been super impressed by the quality level of screenshots shared with #PS4share on Twitter. The details that fans captured are impressive, so I’m excited to see what gets shared when people start playing!

First Light will be releasing this August, and will be available digitally through PlayStation Store as a standalone game. We also have some fun exclusive content in the game for those who own Second Son; we are excited to announce that exclusive bonus content will be available for customers who own both Infamous First Light and Infamous Second Son.

PSBlog - http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... to-ps4-this-august/

  PS4独占大作《声名狼藉:次子》已经于2014年3月21日发售,而在北京时间今天举行的索尼E3 2014展前发布会上,初次公开了本作即将推出的全新DLC“声名狼藉:First Light”的宣传影像,预定于2014年8月发售。无需购买原作也可购入下载游玩,如果有原作本体的话则可体验到部分特别内容。

2014-8-13 07:46 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-18 07:34 AM 编辑

Infamous: First Light Introduces Replayable Battle Arenas, New Trailer

  “声名狼藉:First Light”是PS4独占游戏《声名狼藉:次子》的新DLC,在科隆游戏展中索尼公司公开了该DLC的全新宣传片并带来了相关的新情报,在此就为大家介绍一下。

  官方表示该DLC是他们最喜欢的项目之一,并透露“声名狼藉:First Light”将讲述一段关于Abigail “Fetch” Walker的新故事。打造原创故事是一项挑战,但他们觉得Fetch是一个非常吸引人的角色,所以他们想更多的探索她的过去。在被D.U.P抓获后,Fetch被送往雪山上的监狱Curdun Cay,在那里D.U.P的领袖Augustine打算将她培养成无情的杀手。

  而在科隆游戏展中,官方还展示了全新的战斗竞技场。本作的战斗竞技场将支持全球排行榜功能,这也是[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch为广大《声名狼藉》系列粉丝所带来的新游戏模式。而且作为单人模式剧情的一部分,玩家们将会发现Augustine利用这些竞技场来训练杀手。Fetch就是在这些竞技场中通过了一波又一波的挑战,逐步强化自己的力量。而在实际进行游戏的时候,玩家们能够返回并重复体验这些挑战,获得更高的分数来冲击全球排行榜。这可以说是玩家们与好友们的互动关卡,也是该系列过去未曾探索过的游戏形式。此外如果玩家们仍然拥有《声名狼藉:次子》原作的话,就能够在战斗竞技场中使用Delsin。


  “声名狼藉:First Light”将于2014年8月26日登陆PS Store,其售价为14.99美元。


New Infamous First Light trailer debuts, new features detailed

It feels like I was just on the blog announcing Infamous First Light at E3, a brand new standalone DLC to Infamous Second Son, and I’m happy to be back to talk about all the progress we’ve made. We are officially in the final days of the project and it’s really exciting to debut our latest trailer at gamescom.

Creatively, this was one of my favorite projects to date. First Light features the origin story of my favorite conduit from Second Son, Abigail “Fetch” Walker. It’s always a challenge to create an origin story, but we found Fetch to be a really engaging character and wanted to explore her past a little more. After being captured by the D.U.P, Fetch is taken to Curdun Cay, a conduit prison up in the snowy mountains, where D.U.P leader Augustine sets out to train her to become a ruthless killer.

The biggest feature we are unveiling at the show is re-playable Battle Arenas with worldwide leader board support. This is an exciting new game type for [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch and the Infamous franchise, and you’ll catch a glimpse of it in the trailer. As part of the single player narrative, you’ll find that Augustine uses these arenas within Curdun Cay to train conduits into killers. Fetch is put through the paces in these arenas, taking on wave after wave of challenges to sharpen and upgrade her powers. As you play through the game, you can then go back and choose to re-play the challenges to compete with scores on worldwide leaderboards. This is a level of interaction with your friends that we haven’t explored before and it’s SUPER exciting. As an added bonus, if you still have your copy of Second Son, you will be able to play as Delsin in these Battle Arenas.

In addition to the new Arenas, you’ll meet new key characters, Brent and a street-smart dirt bag, Shane. Players will also get to explore the open world of Seattle while unleashing Fetch’s new and highly personalized neon powers. Fetch’s melee is extremely fast and Dash now has an interactive component that will require you to navigate through neon gas clouds to maintain the higher speeds. You’ll also be able to gather skill points to increase her powers sets, and we’ve included lots of new upgrades. In the trailer, you’ll also get to see the fx spectacle of Fetch’s neon power bomb. Finally, while speaking of FX, First Light explores a snowstorm environment that is key in experiencing Fetch’s story.

I must say that its’ been a pleasure working on the project and we we’re excited for you to play First Light in just two short weeks! First Light will be available for download through PlayStation Store on August 26th for $14.99. Also, if you pre-order First Light, you will receive this D.U.P. inspired costume for Fetch to wear in the game!


2014-8-22 11:40 AM
2014-8-22 12:06 PM
HenRyXb 发表于 2014-8-22 11:40 AM
楼主,请问你玩了这游戏吗?是否有问题?我的连开启游戏都有问题。真xx的。就是放了光碟进去之后然后开启游 ...

是怎么样类似的问题?比如全Black Screen?碟进不到?才是有Error?
2014-8-22 12:10 PM
kirassss 发表于 2014-8-22 12:06 PM
是怎么样类似的问题?比如全Black Screen?碟进不到?才是有Error?

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