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楼主: kirassss
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【PS4-XO】Metal Gear Solid V :The Phantom Pain -

2014-8-13 06:45 PM

索尼电脑娱乐(SCE)于今(13)日凌晨举办的德国gamescom 展前发表会中邀请到来自KONAMI 的知名游戏制作人小岛秀夫登台,揭露了一段谍报动作游戏《合金装备V:幻痛( Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain)》的两分半钟游玩影片。
内容以《合金装备》系列中最为知名的象征性道具「纸箱」为主题,来展示本作中运用纸箱的多样玩法。另外,影片最后也可以看到Snake 拿出了某个趣味的道具来替展示作上结尾。

2014-8-14 07:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-14 07:07 PM 编辑

2014-8-19 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-19 06:15 PM 编辑

2014-9-12 07:01 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-12 05:58 PM 编辑

沉默狙击手「Quiet」的强行突破《合金装备5:幻痛》曝光TGS 宣传影片片段

  预定登陆PS4 / PS3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360 及PC 平台的畅销战术谍报动作游戏《合金装备》系列最新作《合金装备5:幻痛(Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain)》,于11 日晚间由系列总监小岛秀夫所主持的「KOJIMA STATION」节目内,抢先曝光了为下周到来的「东京电玩展2014」特别准备的宣传影片的片段。


  在这短短约40 秒的片段中,可以见到先前曾因性感穿着引发话题的新登场角色「Quiet」,透过宛如烟雾般的隐匿能力,大胆地由直升机上临空跳下降落在「Diamond Dogs 」的基地上,并随即引发了骚动......

  PS4 / PS3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360 / PC《合金装备5:幻痛》目前发售日未定,更多情报有望可在18 日开幕的东京电玩展期间公开。


2014-9-20 05:13 PM
《合金装备5:幻痛》公开PS4 / XBOX ONE 版最新特报! 2015年内发售

       KONAMI 旗下预定登陆PS4 / PS3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360 及PC 平台的畅销战术谍报动作游戏《合金装备》系列最新作《合金装备5:幻痛(Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain)》,本日在TGS 14 上公开最新特报!

        在12 日时官方就曾经先行释出一段狙击手「Quiet」突破人群的预告片,今天终于公开正式版本。

游戏中玩家所扮演的传奇佣兵裸蛇= Big Boss,为了拯救遭俘虏的伙伴米勒,将深入广大荒凉的阿富汗荒野,运用划时代的资讯终端「iDROID」与双筒望远镜取得情报,施展全新的匿踪动作潜入苏联军队据点进行侦查,以麻醉枪与近身搏击打倒敌军。途中还可以透过在《合金装备:和平先驱》中曾经登场过的「气球回收系统」将掳获的人员与物资运回母基地,以壮大我军势力。


2014-9-20 05:47 PM


2014-9-21 08:05 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-21 08:07 AM 编辑


2014-9-21 08:06 AM

2014-9-26 07:18 AM


2014-10-2 07:31 AM
MGSV: The Phantom Pain at Igromir 2014, showing updated content & a new location

PES2015 and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain at Igromir 2014

We’re delighted to announce that both Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and PES 2015 will be making their Moscow debuts this month as we’ll be using Igromir – Russia’s largest consumer computer and video gaming event – to showcase the titles.

You can read more about this in the full press release below:

Since its inception in 2006, Igromir has become the key date in the Russian gaming calendar. The Moscow-based event runs from October 2nd-5th and will be attended by over 150,000 guests. It is held across four halls and will play host to all major global publishers and the October event will also play host to the world-renowned Comicon event for the first time. As such, it is fitting that Konami and its local partner, SoftClub, will use a dedicated area to showcase both titles.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will be represented by a themed display that recreates a military installation as seen in the game. Within this is a 50-seater cinema area where visitors will be greeted by a specially-filmed presentation that features stunning footage from the game, showing updated content and a new location. Konami is also planning a series of Igromir-specific announcements regarding the series, which are certain to delight local fans of the series.

Konami will also be showing the most recent build of its highly-anticipated PES 2015 at the show. PES 2015 hails a stunning return to form for the football series and was awarded ‘Sports Game of the Show’ at Europe’s gamescom event in August.

PES 2015 marks a concerted return to core PES values of total control, utterly responsive controls and unrestricted gameplay, where the user has complete control over how they play. Every pass, shot or run is finely balanced to give maximum player satisfaction within PES 2015’s on-field action. Visitors will also be able to experience how close control has stepped up a gear as the game’s November 13th launch gets nearer, with the player governing both the positioning of a player, but with greater options of how to dribble into space or beat a marker.

Igromir will represent a fantastic opportunity for visitors to get up to date with the huge advances in both Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and PES 2015. Konami can be found on Booth G2, Hall 3, and will be running a number of fun activities and competitions throughout the four-day show.

Are you heading to the event? Make sure you drop by and see us!

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